4 research outputs found

    Inventory Routing Problem in Perishable Supply Chains: A Literature Review

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    Context: This paper presents a literature review of the Inventories Routing Problem (IRP) applied to supply chains of perishable products. Different approaches to solve this problem are identified and described in terms of structures, models and solution methods.  Method: A systematic literature review is conducted searching in different bibliographic databases and selecting the most relevant studies within the period 2004 to 2017. The results are analyzed so as to propose a taxonomy to classify and compare the different approaches proposed to address this problem. Results: We identified that the majority of studies consider heuristic-based algorithms to solve the problem. Because of its computational complexity the methods resort to metaheuristics and mateheuristics combined with exact methods. Regarding the application to specific supply chains of perishable products, they refer mostly to processed foods, medicines, and human blood. The constraints that differentiate this problem from other types of IRP are useful life and deterioration. Conclusions: The conditions and particularities of the supply chain of perishables products imply the need to consider new variables, parameters, constraints and objective functions; in the reviewed studies it is not clearly defined the differences involved when considering the perishability of the products in the supply chain. Future research should take into account the multiple ways in which deterioration is carried out with factors such as temperature, light, oxygen, humidity and in some cases microorganisms. Also include in the models the cold chain, hygiene standards, air pollution, emissions of greenhouse gases, generation of waste, occupation of roads and other aspects related to City Logistics and Green Logistics

    El Problema de Ruteo e Inventarios en Cadenas de Suministro de Perecederos: Revisión de Literatura

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    Context: This paper presents a literature review of the Inventories Routing Problem (IRP) applied to supply chains of perishable products. Different approaches to solve this problem are identified and described in terms of structures, models and solution methods. Method: A systematic literature review is conducted searching in different bibliographic databases and selecting the most relevant studies within the period 2004 to 2017. The results are analyzed so as to propose a taxonomy to classify and compare the different approaches proposed to address this problem.Results: We identified that the majority of studies consider heuristic-based algorithms to solve the problem. Because of its computational complexity the methods resort to metaheuristics and mateheuristics combined with exact methods. Regarding the application to specific supply chains of perishable products, they refer mostly to processed foods, medicines, and human blood. The constraints that differentiate this problem from other types of IRP are useful life and deterioration.Conclusions: The conditions and particularities of the supply chain of perishables products imply the need to consider new variables, parameters, constraints and objective functions; in the reviewed studies it is not clearly defined the differences involved when considering the perishability of the products in the supply chain. Future research should take into account the multiple ways in which deterioration is carried out with factors such as temperature, light, oxygen, humidity and in some cases microorganisms. Also include in the models the cold chain, hygiene standards, air pollution, emissions of greenhouse gases, generation of waste, occupation of roads and other aspects related to City Logistics and Green Logistics. Contexto: Revisión de literatura del problema de ruteo e inventarios (IRP) aplicado a las cadenas de suministro de productos perecederos. Se identifican y describen los diferentes enfoques en cuanto a estructuras, modelos y métodos de solución.Método: Se realiza una revisión sistemática de la literatura en diferentes bases de datos bibliográficas y se plantea una taxonomía que clasifica las características de los estudios, lo anterior durante el período comprendido entre 2004 y 2017Resultados: Se encuentra que la mayoría de algoritmos propuestos son de carácter heurístico. Debido a complejidad computacional inherente al problema, se usan metaheurísticas y mateheurísticas combinadas con métodos exactos. Se aplican principalmente en alimentos, medicamentos y sangre humana. Las restricciones que diferencian de otros tipos de IRP son las de periodo de vida útil y deterioro.Conclusiones: Las condiciones y particularidades de la cadena de suministro de perecederos hace necesario que se planteen nuevas variables, parámetros, restricciones y funciones objetivo; por otro lado, en los estudios revisados no se establecen diferencias claras al involucrar la perecibilidad de los productos en los modelos. Las futuras investigaciones deberán tener en cuenta las múltiples maneras en las cuales se lleva a cabo el deterioro con factores como la temperatura, la luz, el oxígeno, la humedad y en algunos casos los microorganismos; asimismo, incluir en los modelos la cadena de frío, normas de higiene, contaminación del aire, emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, generación de residuos, ocupación de vías y demás aspectos relacionados con city logistics y green logistics.

    Dynamic Inventory Routing Problem with Profit Maximization

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    Developing sustainable supply chains in regional Australia considering demand uncertainty, government subsidies and carbon tax regulation

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    There is a tremendous opportunity to implement sustainable supply chain management practices in terms of logistics, operations, and transport network in regional Australia. Unfortunately, this opportunity has not been investigated and there is a lack of academic studies in this body of knowledge. This thesis is made up by three related, but independent models designed to efficiently distribute products from a regional hub to other part of the country. This research aims to develop efficient and sustainable supply chain practices to deliver regional Australian products across the country and overseas. As the airports of most Australian capital cities are over-crowded while many regional airports are under-utilised, the first model examines the ways to promote the use of regional airports. Australia is a significant food producer and the agricultural products are primarily produced in regional areas. In the other two models, we focus on the distribution of perishable products from regional Australia. The first model presented in Chapter 2 outlines how different government subsidy schemes can be used to influence airfreight distributions that favour the use of regional airports and promote regional economic development. The model simultaneously considers time-window and release-time constraints as well as the heterogeneous fleet for ground distribution where fuel consumption is subject to load, travel distance, speed and vehicle characteristics. A real-world case study in the state of Queensland, Australia is used to demonstrate the application of the model. The results suggest that the regional airport's advantages can be promoted with suitable subsidy programs and the logistics costs can be reduced by using the regional airport from the industry’s perspective. The second model presented in Chapter 3 examines the impacts of carbon emissions arising from the storage and transportation of perishable products on logistical decisions in the cold supply chain considering carbon tax regulation and uncertain demand. The problem is formulated as a two-stage stochastic programming model where Monte Carlo approach is used to generate scenarios. The aim of the model is to determine optimal replenishment policies and transportation schedules to minimise both operational and emissions costs. A matheuristic algorithm based on the Iterated Local Search (ILS) algorithm and a mixed integer programming is developed to solve the problem in realistic sizes. The proposed model was implemented in a real-world case study in the state of Queensland, Australia to demonstrate the application of the model. The results highlight that a higher emissions price does not always contribute to the efficiency of the cold supply chain system. The third model presented in Chapter 4 investigates the impacts of two different transport modes - road and rail - on the efficiency and sustainability of transport network to deliver meat and livestock from regional Queensland to large cities and seaports. The model is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming model that considers road traffic congestions, animal welfare, quality of meat products and environmental impacts from fuel consumption of different transport modes. The aim of the model is to determine an optimal network configuration where each leg of journey is conducted by the most reliable, sustainable and efficient transport mode. The results indicate that it would be possible to significantly decrease total cost if a road-rail intermodal network is used. Considering animal welfare, product quality and traffic congestion can have a significant effect on the decisions related to transport mode selection