6 research outputs found

    Graph Grammars, Insertion Lie Algebras, and Quantum Field Theory

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    Graph grammars extend the theory of formal languages in order to model distributed parallelism in theoretical computer science. We show here that to certain classes of context-free and context-sensitive graph grammars one can associate a Lie algebra, whose structure is reminiscent of the insertion Lie algebras of quantum field theory. We also show that the Feynman graphs of quantum field theories are graph languages generated by a theory dependent graph grammar.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, 3 jpeg figure

    FEAT-REP : representing features in CAD/CAM

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    When CAD/CAM experts view a workpiece, they perceive it in terms of their own expertise. These terms, called features, which are build upon a syntax (geometry) and a semantic (e.g. skeletal plans in manufacturing or functional relations in design), provide an abstraction mechanism to facilitate the creation, manufacturing and analysis of workpieces. Our goal is to enable experts to represent their own feature-language via a feature-grammar in the computer to build feature-based systems e.g. CAPP systems. The application of formal language terminology to the feature definitions facilitates the use of well-known formal language methods in conjunction with our flexible knowledge representation formalism FEAT-REP which will be presented in this paper

    Symbol–Relation Grammars: A Formalism for Graphical Languages

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    AbstractA common approach to the formal description of pictorial and visual languages makes use of formal grammars and rewriting mechanisms. The present paper is concerned with the formalism of Symbol–Relation Grammars (SR grammars, for short). Each sentence in an SR language is composed of a set of symbol occurrences representing visual elementary objects, which are related through a set of binary relational items. The main feature of SR grammars is the uniform way they use context-free productions to rewrite symbol occurrences as well as relation items. The clearness and uniformity of the derivation process for SR grammars allow the extension of well-established techniques of syntactic and semantic analysis to the case of SR grammars. The paper provides an accurate analysis of the derivation mechanism and the expressive power of the SR formalism. This is necessary to fully exploit the capabilities of the model. The most meaningful features of SR grammars as well as their generative power are compared with those of well-known graph grammar families. In spite of their structural simplicity, variations of SR grammars have a generative power comparable with that of expressive classes of graph grammars, such as the edNCE and the N-edNCE classes

    FEAT-REP : representing features in CAD/CAM

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    When CAD/CAM experts view a workpiece, they perceive it in terms of their own expertise. These terms, called features, which are build upon a syntax (geometry) and a semantic (e.g. skeletal plans in manufacturing or functional relations in design), provide an abstraction mechanism to facilitate the creation, manufacturing and analysis of workpieces. Our goal is to enable experts to represent their own feature-language via a feature-grammar in the computer to build feature-based systems e.g. CAPP systems. The application of formal language terminology to the feature definitions facilitates the use of well-known formal language methods in conjunction with our flexible knowledge representation formalism FEAT-REP which will be presented in this paper

    Environnement d'assistance au développement de transformations de graphes correctes

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    Les travaux de cette thèse ont pour cadre la vérification formelle, et plus spécifiquement le projet ANR Blanc CLIMT (Categorical and Logical Methods in Model Transformation) dédié aux grammaires de graphes. Ce projet, qui a démarré en février 2012 pour une durée de 48 mois, a donné lieu à la définition du langage Small-tALC, bâti sur la logique de description ALCQI. Ce langage prend la forme d’un DSL (Domain Specific Language) impératif à base de règles, chacune dérivant structurellement un graphe. Le langage s’accompagne d’un composant de preuve basé sur la logique de Hoare chargé d’automatiser le processus de vérification d’une règle. Cependant, force est de constater que tous les praticiens ne sont pas nécessairement familiers avec les méthodes formelles du génie logiciel et que les transformations sont complexes à écrire. En particulier, ne disposant que du seul prouveur, il s’agit pour le développeur Small-tALC d’écrire un triplet de Hoare {P} S {Q} et d’attendre le verdict de sa correction sous la forme d’un graphe contre-exemple en cas d’échec. Ce contre-exemple est parfois difficile à décrypter, et ne permet pas de localiser aisément l’erreur au sein du triplet. De plus, le prouveur ne valide qu’une seule règle à la fois, sans considérer l’ensemble des règles de transformation et leur ordonnancement d’exécution. Ce constat nous a conduits à proposer un environnement d’assistance au développeur Small-tALC. Cette assistance vise à l’aider à rédiger ses triplets et à prouver ses transformations, en lui offrant plus de rétroaction que le prouveur. Pour ce faire, les instructions du langage ont été revisitées selon l’angle ABox et TBox de la logique ALCQI. Ainsi, conformément aux logiques de description, la mise à jour du graphe par la règle s’assimile à la mise à jour ABox des individus (les nœuds) et de leurs relations (les arcs) d’un domaine terminologique TBox (le type des nœuds et les étiquettes des arcs) susceptible d’évoluer. Les contributions de cette thèse concernent : (1) un extracteur de préconditions ABox à partir d’un code de transformation S et de sa postcondition Q pour l’écriture d’une règle {P} S {Q} correcte par construction, (2) un raisonneur TBox capable d’inférer des propriétés sur des ensembles de nœuds transformés par un enchaînement de règles {Pi} Si {Qi}, et (3) d’autres diagnostics ABox et TBox sous la forme de tests afin d’identifier et de localiser des problèmes dans les programmes. L’analyse statique du code de transformation d’une règle, combinée à un calcul d’alias des variables désignant les nœuds du graphe, permet d’extraire un ensemble de préconditions ABox validant la règle. Les inférences TBox pour un enchaînement de règles résultent d’une analyse statique par interprétation abstraite des règles ABox afin de vérifier formellement des états du graphe avant et après les appels des règles. A ces deux outils formels s’ajoutent des analyseurs dynamiques produisant une batterie de tests pour une règle ABox, ou un diagnostic TBox pour une séquence de règle

    Incorporating faults and fault-tolerance into real-time networks: a graph-transformational approach

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    PhD ThesisThe introduction of fault tolerance into real-time systems presents particular challenges because of the price of redundancy and the added complexity of verification and validation on these redundant structures. This thesis brings structural and formal design techniques to bear on this problem. Verification of fault tolerance properties in such systems has only received limited attention. in particular the design methodologies are in their infancy. We propose a transformational design methodology, specific to a real-time systems architecture. We then reason about the compositional addition of fault tolerant components and templates of the derived designs. This requires that we show the existing axiomatic semantics for our chosen architecture sound with respect to a more constructive semantic model. The issues of presenting an operational model for a real-time architecture are discussed and a model is proposed. The extension of the existing semantics, to allow for faulty behaviour, is shown to preserve the existing semantic properties and the application of our methodology shown to be usable by a sizeable study. The contribution of this thesis is to define a transformational design methodology in which components can be extracted from a design and replaced by another component preserving functionality while providing fault tolerance. This approach requires the precise modelling of the faults we consider. the transformational method and verification of the transformed design with respect to faults.BAE Systems: EPSRC