20 research outputs found

    Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as a tool for business strategy

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    The growing concern about the development of sustainable production systems leads organizations to seek the support of management tools for decision-making. Considering the whole life cycle of the product, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) has an important role in this scenario. The objective of this paper is to present, through the theoretical discussion, the role of LCA in strategic planning of the organization. It showed the enormous potential for decision making on the environmental aspect, but also the critical factor in the development shares in the competitive context. The use of LCA can reduce the environmental impacts of the system under study (primary purpose) and guide the range of advantages in the fields of marketing, legislation and environmental labeling, competitive strategies, efficiency use of resources and others

    Implementation of stochastic multi attribute analysis (SMAA) in comparative environmental assessments

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    The selection of an alternative based on the results of a comparative environmental assessment such as life cycle assessment (LCA), environmental input-output analysis (EIOA) or integrated assessment modelling (IAM) is challenging because most of the times there is no single best option. Most comparative cases contain trade-offs between environmental criteria, uncertainty in the performances and multiple diverse values from decision makers. To circumvent these challenges, a method from decision analysis, namely stochastic multi attribute analysis (SMAA), has been proposed instead. SMAA performs aggregation that is partially compensatory (hence, closer to a strong sustainability perspective), incorporates performance uncertainty in the assessment, is free from external normalization references and allows for uncertainties in decision maker preferences. This paper presents a thorough introduction of SMAA for environmental decision-support, provides the mathematical fundamentals and offers an Excel platform for easy implementation and access

    Perspectives to Performance of Environment and Health Assessments and Models-From Outputs to Outcomes?

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    The calls for knowledge-based policy and policy-relevant research invoke a need to evaluate and manage environment and health assessments and models according to their societal outcomes. This review explores how well the existing approaches to assessment and model performance serve this need. The perspectives to assessment and model performance in the scientific literature can be called: (1) quality assurance/control, (2) uncertainty analysis, (3) technical assessment of models, (4) effectiveness and (5) other perspectives, according to what is primarily seen to constitute the goodness of assessments and models. The categorization is not strict and methods, tools and frameworks in different perspectives may overlap. However, altogether it seems that most approaches to assessment and model performance are relatively narrow in their scope. The focus in most approaches is on the outputs and making of assessments and models. Practical application of the outputs and the consequential outcomes are often left unaddressed. It appears that more comprehensive approaches that combine the essential characteristics of different perspectives are needed. This necessitates a better account of the mechanisms of collective knowledge creation and the relations between knowledge and practical action. Some new approaches to assessment, modeling and their evaluation and management span the chain from knowledge creation to societal outcomes, but the complexity of evaluating societal outcomes remains a challenge

    Evaluation of environmental impact upon human health with decimas framework

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    The article is dedicated to the problem of decision making in complex systems. Application of a novel interdisciplinary approach, which widely use intelligent agents is offered. The principal ideas of the novel approach are embodied into the DeciMaS framework, that offers a logical set of stages oriented to creation of decision support systems for complex problem management. The components of the DeciMaS framework and the way in which they are organized are introduced. Design and implementation of the system are discussed. The article demonstrates how the initial information is transformed into knowledge. Impact assessment upon human health evaluation is the case study, which is resolved by DeciMas framework. It includes creation of the meta-ontology. In addition, a multi-agent architecture for a decision support system is introduced. The sequence of the steps for the DeciMaS framework design with Prometheus Development Kit and its implementation with JACK Development Environment are presented as well. Finally, data and experiment results of data modeling, simulation, impact assessment, and decision generation are discussed

    An integrated approach for the consideration of uncertainty in decision making supported by Life Cycle Assessment

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    This paper presents an approach for the integrated consideration of both technical and valuation uncertainties during decision making supported by environmental performance information based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Key elements of this approach include “distinguishability analysis” to determine whether the uncertainty in the performance information is likely to make it impossible to distinguish between the activities under consideration, and the use of a multivariate statistical analysis approach, called principal components analysis (PCA), which facilitates the rapid analysis of large numbers of parallel sets of results, and enables the identification of choices that lead to similar and/or opposite evaluations of activities. The integrated approach for the management of uncertainty is demonstrated for a technology selection decision for the recommissioning of a coal-based power station. The results of the case study decision suggest that stakeholder involvement in preference modelling is important, and that the “encoding” of value judgements and preferences into LCA environmental performance information is to be avoided. The approach presented in this paper provides a foundation for the consideration of the implications of diversity in values and preferences as part of an overall approach to promote effective decision making based on LCA environmental performance information. However, the approach is more universally applicable – it can be used wherever multiple criteria decision analysis is used to assist in the resolution of complex decision situations

    Life Cycle Assessment of construction materials: Methodologies, applications and future directions for sustainable decision-making

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    This review paper presents a comprehensive analysis of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodologies applied to construction materials. It begins with an introduction highlighting the significance of LCA in the construction industry, followed by an overview of LCA principles, phases and key parameters specific to construction materials. The methodological approaches utilised in LCA, including inventory analysis, impact assessment, normalisation, allocation methods and uncertainty analysis, are discussed in detail. The paper then provides a thorough review of LCA studies on various construction materials, such as cement, concrete, steel and wood, examining their life cycle stages and environmental considerations. The review also explores recent advances in LCA for construction materials, including circular economy principles, renewable alternatives, technological innovations and policy implications. The challenges and future directions in LCA implementation for construction materials are discussed, emphasising the need for data quality, standardisation, social aspects integration and industry-research collaboration. The provides valuable insights for researchers, policymakers and industry professionals to enhance sustainability in the construction sector through informed decision-making based on LCA

    A Business Perspective on Reducing the Climate Impact from Tetra Paks Transportations of Goods

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    Title: A Business Perspective on Reducing the Climate Impact from Tetra Paks Transportations of Goods. Authors: Pär Berglund Sebastian Lyngström Supervisors: Lars J Nilsson, Environmental and Energy Systems, Lund University Nils Månsson, Department of Business Administration, Lund University Problem Analysis: Increased awareness concerning climate change will put pressure on companies to reduce their climate impact. Problems arise when trying to reduce the impact from transportations due to companies’ limited control on forwarding agents and difficulties measuring the emissions. Purpose: From a business perspective, this report will enable a reduction of the climate impact that arises from Tetra Paks transportation of goods. A tool called Climate Business Scoring will be created to evaluate prospective measures, which will be the foundation for a climate strategy. Method: The report is based mainly on data from different suppliers of transportation services. Furthermore, to get an insight into Tetra Pak and the climate field, interviews with several relevant employees at TLGT&T were conducted. In addition, theoretical studies have been carried out to obtain a broad, but at the same time deep understanding of the relevant areas. An analysis of the problem is conducted, using the theoretical and empirical findings. Finally, based on the analysis, conclusions and recommendations are formulated. Conclusions: Reduced emissions with reduced cost are possible. The list of alternatives, the CBS tool and the developed strategies are helpful for Tetra Pak to move forward. The next step for Tetra Pak is to measure CO2 emissions from transportations and set goals for reduction. Key words: Climate change, Environment, Transportation, Strategy, Decision making

    Klimatgasutsläpp från matpotatis

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    Analyse de la propagation des incertitudes et données agrégées en analyse du cycle de vie : évaluation et prise en compte de différents niveaux de corrélations

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    RÉSUMÉ : Les enjeux environnementaux placent le développement durable au coeur des problématiques des entreprises industrielles. C’est dans le cadre des normes ISO 14040 et ISO 14044 que l’Analyse de Cycle de Vie (ACV) s’inscrit comme un outil permettant d’aider ces industries en les éclairant sur leurs interactions avec l’environnement. L’étude s’inscrit dans l’utilisation des outils simplifiés ACV afin de compléter les résultats d’impact obtenus avec des informations sur leurs incertitudes, car elles représentent un élément clé pouvant altérer les conclusions. L’objectif général de l’étude est de donner des informations d’incertitudes sur les résultats d’impacts d’une Analyse de Cycle de Vie, tout en considérant différents niveaux de corrélations intervenant dans la propagation de ces incertitudes au sein du cycle de vie du produit ou du service. Afin d’arriver à satisfaire cet objectif général, l’étude se divise en quatre objectifs spécifiques : – L’évaluation de la sensibilité d’une hypothèse de corrélation intradonnées qui est généralement faite dans le calcul des incertitudes des impacts en ACV. Pour cela les informations d’incertitudes sont déterminées avec puis sans cette hypothèse, puis les différents résultats obtenus sont comparés. – La prise en compte de corrélation (intrasystème) entre les différents impacts agrégés des processus utilisés dans les logiciels ACV simplifiés lors de l’évaluation des incertitudes des impacts d’un système complet. La part des covariances dans la variance totale du système est déterminée afin de savoir son importance. – La prise en compte de la corrélation (intersystème) entre deux systèmes de produits agrégés lors de la comparaison de leurs impacts. Cela permet de nuancer la comparaison des impacts de deux systèmes de produits afin de savoir quelle est la probabilité que l’un soit meilleur que l’autre. – La réalisation d’une preuve de concept avec une étude de cas proposé par un partenaire industriel. L’outil réalisé doit répondre aux attentes des industriels en terme de simplicité d’utilisation, de clarté des résultats et de rapidité d’exécution des calculs. La méthodologie utilisée consiste à évaluer ces trois niveaux de corrélation lors de la propagation des incertitudes, puis de les considérer dans les résultats apportés par l’outil qui est réalisé. L’étude réalisée a permis de savoir que la propagation des impacts n’est relativement pas sensible à l’hypothèse de corrélation intradonnées. Cependant, la corrélation intrasystème change considérablement les résultats des incertitudes des impacts d’un système de produit. De plus, l’outil développé permet de vérifier que les attentes des industriels en terme de simplicité, rapidité et clarté sont atteintes. Il est donc possible d’intégrer des informations d’incertitudes aux logiciels ACV simplifiés tout en considérant les différents niveaux de corrélations présentés dans l’étude.----------ABSTRACT : The environmental stake chanllenges the requierments of the industrial buisnesses. Within the framework of ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 standard, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a tool helping industries to know how they interact with the environment. The research frames in the use of simplified tools, the LCA in order to obtain the impact results with the informations on the uncertainty, which is a key when drawing conclusions. The main purpose of the research is to set the uncertainties of the impact results of an LCA, considering the different correlation levels involved in the propagation of the uncertainties within the life cycle of a product or service. To satisfy this aim, the research is divided in four goals. – The estimation of the sensitivity of an intradata correlation assumption is computed with the uncertainties impacts in LCA. To do this, the information concerning the uncertainties are determined with and without this assumption. Then the different results are compared. – The inclusion of the correlation (intrasystem) between the differents aggregated impacts of the used processes in the LCA simplified software when evaluating the impacts uncertainties of the whole system. The importance of the covariance in the calculation of variance is quantified. – The inclusion of the correlation,(intersystem) comparing two system of the aggregated products in comparaison of the impacts of two systems of products to determine the propability that one will be better than the other. - Realizing a proof of concept applying the research to a case study with an industrial partener. The used tool has to meet the new manufacturers’ expectations with a new technology which requires less time, less energy, less space and less labour. The methodology constitutes to evaluate the three correlation levels regarding the propagation uncertainties, and to consider the results that the tool brings. The research evaluates the propagation impacts is not really sensitive to the hyposthisis of the intradata correlation. However, the intrasystem correlation changes considerably the results of the impacts uncertainties of an aggregated product system. In addition, the developed tool allows to meet the industrial expecations in terms of simplicity, time and clarity. It is possible to integrate the uncertainties information to simplified LCA softwares considering the different levels of the correlation see in the research