752 research outputs found

    Development of the EU Green Public Procurement (GPP) Criteria for Data Centres, Server Rooms and Cloud Services

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    The development of the Green Public Procurement (GPP) criteria for Data Centres, Server Rooms and Cloud Services is aimed at helping public authorities to ensure that data centres’ equipment and services are procured in such a way that they deliver environmental improvements that contribute to European policy objectives for energy, climate change and resource efficiency, as well as reducing life cycle costs. Three priority areas of focus are identified as the basis for criteria: 1) ICT System Performance, 2) Mechanical and electrical system performance, 3) Reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) Emissions. For each area of focus, one or more criteria are provided, accompanied by the background technical rationale and a summary of the stakeholder contributions that support the final version of each criterion. Procurers can apply the criteria and engage tenderers to reduce the life cycle environmental impacts of their activities, focusing on those areas presenting the most improvement opportunities from cost and market perspectives and for which performance can be verified. The identified procurement processes and final green criteria are also described in a separate document, published as a Staff Working Document of the Commission: SWD(2020) 55 final. Together these two documents aim to provide public authorities with orientation on how to effectively integrate these GPP criteria into their procurement processes.JRC.B.5-Circular Economy and Industrial Leadershi

    Стійка технологія переробки відходів електричного та електронного обладнання

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    Об’єкт досліджень: технологічні основи «переробки відходів електричного та електронного обладнання». Предмет досліджень: механізм піролізу, отримання рідкого палива, подрібнення друкованих плат після піролізу, вібраційний млин та його сили, які впливають на подрібнення. Вихідні дані для проведення роботи: характеристики друкованих плат та їх переробка у світі. Наукова новизна: відокремлення металевої фракції від наповнювачів, за рахунок ковкості металевої фракції при подрібнені та подальшому розділення при грохочені. Практична цінність: поліпшення екологічної складової за рахунок втілення нових технологій в сектор управління відходів та рециклінгу вже добутих мінералів. Дипломна робота написана англійською мовою та надалі буде захищена в ТУ "Фрайберзька гірнича академія"

    Exploring the potential for local end-processing of e-waste in South Africa

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    E-waste is one of the fastest-growing waste streams in the world, and South Africa (SA) is no exception. This is driven by increased consumer demand and access to electrical and electronic equipment, in addition to perceived equipment obsolescence, and rapid advancements in technology. E-waste recycling presents an opportunity in providing a source of secondary resources such as metals, plastics and glass, as well as employment and economic opportunities in both developed and developing countries. Furthermore, the diversion of this waste stream from landfills or dumps prevents additional land use and the potential negative impacts on human health and the environment. E-waste collection and upgrading is a relatively small-scale but growing industry in SA. Only 12% of e-waste generated was estimated to be recycled in 2015. Most of SA’s ewaste volumes are inaccessible due to lack of formal take-back schemes, lack of consumer awareness, as well as e-waste being kept in storage or disposed of in landfills. E-waste recyclers in SA generally carry out collection, dismantling and sorting, refurbishing, as well as pre-processing of value fractions. There is currently limited local end-processing capacity, therefore partially upgraded value fractions are prepared for export, while non-viable fractions are stockpiled or disposed of in local landfills. The business case for local end-processing of e-waste value fractions, particularly metals, does not seem feasible due to the inconsistent and insufficient volumes available. Furthermore, SA faces unique socio-economic challenges such as an unregulated yet well-established informal sector. Additionally, the legal framework presents many inhibitors for e-waste recyclers. This research study builds upon the knowledge that there is a limited understanding of the feasibility of existing e-waste end-processing technologies for implementation in the South African socio-economic and legislative context. Therefore, this research intends to find out what are the key barriers and enablers to implementing e-waste end-processing technologies in SA. Qualitative research methods were used to uncover the current challenges faced by local recyclers and other stakeholders in the value chain. The data collection thus took the form of interviews, site visits and desktop research. The findings show that the e-waste recycling industry in SA is undergoing many new developments in terms of research and investment interest, as well as the anticipated outcomes from the recent submissions of Industry Waste Management Plans (IndWMP). The industry shows potential as an emerging secondary resource economy, however, the extent to which it will mature is dependent on the organisation of its collection network as well as the development of local end-processing and manufacturing capacity. The collection network and infrastructure are currently supported by both informal and formal recyclers who provide a diversity of collection strategies and a wide network of ewaste sources. However, efforts to increase recycling rates by accessing volumes in storage and increasing consumer awareness and engagement is necessary. Besides the economies of scale required to support the development of local end-processing, alternative technologies to large-scale smelting should be considered for the SA context. While this is seen through initiatives by SA Precious Metals, end-processing technologies is still inaccessible to small and medium recyclers due to cash flow issues as well as cherry-picking of high-grade materials. Therefore, recyclers require further support in terms of dealing with non-viable fractions. This includes research and investments into technologies and business models for the recycling of low-value materials including plastics, as well as subsidies for the cost of safe disposal or treatment of these fractions. Additionally, acquisition of product markets and an increase in manufacturing capacity is necessary to accelerate industry development. The legislative framework also poses limitations on recyclers in the e-waste value chain, stemming from the legal definition of e-waste as a liability as opposed to a resource. While the legislation is unlikely to change, provisions to relieve any legal barriers should be implemented. This includes permissions for pilot projects to test new technologies, as well as legal support for smaller recyclers in the form of consultancy as well as guidelines for sustainable waste management practices should be provided. Finally, while there are many challenges present in the e-waste recycling industry today, the IndWMP offers an opportunity for collaboration between key stakeholders, including the relevant government bodies. Plans have been submitted and the outcomes of approved plans will be revealed at the beginning of 2019. The plans offer solutions for recycling subsidies, increasing the collection and recycling rates, as well as investment into technology, research and enterprise development. However, successful implementation of these plans will only occur if integration and collaboration of the local e-waste community prevail over greed and the struggle for power

    Robotic disassembly of electronic components to support end‐of‐life recycling of electric vehicles

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    This thesis reports on the research undertaken to analyse the factors affecting End-of-Life (EoL) recycling of future Electric Vehicles (EVs). The principle objective of the research is to generate an understanding of challenges and opportunities for the development and implementation of an automated robotic disassembly approach to aid with EoL management of electrical and electronic components within EVs. The research contributions are considered in three main parts. The first part contains a review of advancement in the development of automotive technology, and in particular the alternative fuel vehicles. A review of existing industrial recycling technologies and processes has been conducted which highlighted a number of key challenges in the adoption of current recycling technologies for EVs. The review concludes that there is a need to develop novel recycling technologies and processes to deal with the increased part complexity and material mixture in such vehicles. In this context, the second part of the research details a framework for EoL management of EV components. This framework presents a comprehensive automated robotic disassembly approach in which three specific steps are defined, namely manual disassembly to develop an understanding of product design, initial automated disassembly to test process capability, and optimisation and validation to improve repeatability and efficiency of the robotic disassembly operations. The framework also includes the development of a multi-criteria decision-making tool that assesses the environmental, technological and economic benefits of such robotic disassembly approach. The applicability of the research concepts has been demonstrated via three case studies. The results have highlighted the applicability of the automated robotic disassembly approach in a variety of scenarios of different design complexity and recovery rate. The results indicate that the adoption of this robotic disassembly enhances the pre-concentration of Strategically Important Materials (SIMs) and leads to minimisation of environmental impacts and increased material recovery value

    Preparation for reuse activity of waste electrical and electronic equipment: Environmental performance, cost externality and job creation

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    The European Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment system introduced measures to encourage both the reduction of the amount of electronic waste and its separation to prepare for reuse. The aim of this study is compare the environmental performance, cost externality and job creation of the whole life cycle of new and reconditioned electrical and electronic equipment by adopting Life Cycle Assessment methodology. Five electrical and electronic equipment categories were investigated and the data collection was made on an Italian context. The refurbishing of breakdown electrical and electronic equipment was assessed by considering different sets of faulty components (Scenario A and B) and a total of 25 scenarios were studied. Moreover, both attributional and consequential life cycle inventory modelling framework were adopted to represent the investigated scenarios. The outcomes highlighted that the preparation for reuse process leads to obtaining a sustainable electronic device than the new one, depending on which set of components are replaced. Adopting Scenario B with the attributional model, the environmental damage of reconditioned electrical and electronic equipment decreases compared to the new one. Conversely, the consequential approach determines an environmental credit for all repaired electronic devices except for one category; in particular, Scenario A produced the largest environmental advantage. The analyses of external costs and social aspects confirm that the preparation for reuse activity allows to obtain a more sustainable product than a new one. For these two latter aspects, the results showed a turnaround passing from attributional model to consequential one. Noting the variability in results adopting both different life cycle inventory modelling framework and set of replaced components, the Life Cycle Assessment practitioner, that conducted the study, should help the decision-makers to determine which scenario is more sustainable accomplishing an adequate choice

    End-of-life management of solid oxide fuel cells

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    This thesis reports on research undertaken to investigate the end-of-life management of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), through the definition of a framework and the development of a multicriteria evaluation methodology which together support comparison of alternative end-of-life scenarios. The primary objective of this research is to develop an understanding of the challenges and opportunities arising during the end-of-life phase of the technology, such that any conflicts with end-of-life requirements might be addressed and opportunities for optimising the end-of-life phase fully exploited. The research contributions can be considered in four principal parts. The first part comprises a review of SOFC technology and its place in future sustainable energy scenarios, alongside a review of a growing body of legislation which embodies concepts such as Extended Producer Responsibility and Integrated Product Policy. When considered in the context of the life cycle assessment literature, which clearly points to a lack of knowledge regarding the end-of-life phase of the SOFC life cycle, this review concludes that the requirement for effective end-of life management of SOFC products is an essential consideration prior to the widespread adoption of commercial products. The second part of the research defines a framework for end-of-life management of SOFCs, which supports clarification of the challenges presented by the SOFC stack waste stream, as well as identifying a systematic approach for addressing these challenges through the development of alternative end-of-life management scenarios. The framework identifies a need to evaluate the effectiveness of these end-of-life scenarios according to three performance criteria: legislative compliance; environmental impact; and economic impact. The third part of the research is concerned with the development of a multi-criteria evaluation methodology, which combines conventional evaluation methods such as life cycle assessment and cost-benefit analysis, with a novel risk assessment tool for evaluating compliance with current and future legislation. A decision support tool builds on existing multi-criteria decision making methods to provide a comparative performance indicator for identification of an end of-life scenario demonstrating low risk of non-compliance with future legislation; low environmental impact; and a low cost-benefit ratio. Finally, the validity of the framework for end-of-life management is tested through the completion of two case studies. These case studies demonstrate the flexibility of the framework in supporting a reactive end-of-life management approach, whereby end-of-life management is constrained by characteristics of the product design, and a proactive approach, whereby the impact of design modification on the end-of-life phase is explored. In summary, the research clearly highlights the significance of the end-of-life stage of the SOFC life cycle. On the one hand, failure to manage end-of-life products effectively risks undermining the environmental credentials of the technology and is likely to lead to the loss of a high-value, resource-rich material stream. On the other hand, the early consideration of aspects identified in the research, especially while opportunities remain to influence final product design, represents a real opportunity for optimising the end-of-life management of SOFC products in such a way as to fully realise their potential as a clean and efficient power generation solution for the future

    Recycling plastics from WEEE:a review of the environmental and human health challenges associated with brominated flame retardants

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    Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) presents the dual characteristic of containing both hazardous substances and valuable recoverable materials. Mainly found in WEEE plastics, brominated flame retardants (BFRs) are a component of particular interest. Several actions have been taken worldwide to regulate their use and disposal, however, in countries where no regulation is in place, the recovery of highly valuable materials has promoted the development of informal treatment facilities, with serious consequences for the environment and the health of the workers and communities involved. Hence, in this review we examine a wide spectrum of aspects related to WEEE plastic management. A search of legislation and the literature was made to determine the current legal framework by region/country. Additionally, we focused on identifying the most relevant methods of existing industrial processes for determining BFRs and their challenges. BFR occurrence and substitution by novel BFRs (NBFRs) was reviewed. An emphasis was given to review the health and environmental impacts associated with BFR/NBFR presence in waste, consumer products, and WEEE recycling facilities. Knowledge and research gaps of this topic were highlighted. Finally, the discussion on current trends and proposals to attend to this relevant issue were outlined

    Products and circular economy: policy recommendations derived from research & innovation projects

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    This report presents the findings from a review of more than one hundred Research & Innovation (R&I) projects under EU Framework programmes FP6 and FP73, dealing with a range of circularity considerations related to product design, manufacturing, use and after-use. Nine independent experts analysed these projects, brought in their own expertise, and identified key messages and lessons for policy makers with regard to possible future research and policy action. These findings may prove useful in the implementation of the brand-new second Circular Economy Action Plan, which develops a vision for an innovative circular material policy embedded in the broader context of the ambitious objectives for climate change mitigation that the new Commission expressed in its European Green Deal. This report was compiled and edited by Hans-Christian Eberl together with an independent expert, Professor Martin Charter, Director of The Centre for Sustainable Design, University for the Creative Arts (UCA), and based on project analyses by the independent experts Geert Bergsma, Carl-Otto Gensch, Bernd Kopacek, Michal Miedzinski, David Peck, Frieder Rubik, Marzia Traverso and Ruslan Zhechkov

    HCI and environmental public policy:opportunities for engagement

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    This note discusses opportunities for the HCI community to engage with environmental public policy. It draws on insights and observations made during the primary author’s recent work for a policy unit at Global Affairs Canada, which is a federal ministry of the Government of Canada. During that work, the primary author identified several domains of environmental public policy that are of direct relevance to the HCI commu- nity. This note contributes a preliminary discussion of how, why, with whom, and in what capacity HCI researchers and practitioners might engage with three types of environmental public policy: climate change, waste electrical and electronic equipment, and green ICT procurement policies. This builds on existing public policy and environmental knowledge within the HCI community and responds directly to calls from some members to engage with environmental public policy