24 research outputs found


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    It was noted that, over the time, in the field of economic informatics and economy, most people have become dependent on software applications. Do economic applications reach a high threshold of quality such as to satisfy the customers who are dependent on them? This study proposes to present a model that analyzes the quality of economic applications. By applying this model, we could tell if an economic application which is submitted to the analysis reach a certain quality threshold or not. Thus, by analyzing the factors and sub-factors that characterize any economic application, we can analyze the software quality

    Lemonade : a fair insurance for digital native

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    This case ultimate goal is providing an example of a digital insurance company targeting digital native generations, by punctually answering to all their purchasing preferences and needs. The paper is based on a theoretical frame about insurance industry mechanism, in the specific the traditional relationship between insurer and insured, and the consequential contrast within it, how traditional insurance companies are trying to innovate and reinvent their services and distribution channels in order to appeal the youngest generations of customers, which is by far one of the main incoming challenges both for small emerging insurance businesses and longlasted big incumbents, whose products and services have been shaped based on the needs and tasted of the previous generation. This scenario is compared with the clear and schematic characterization of youngest generations as customers, by defining purchasing needs and tastes of this segment and identifying the offer gap between these and the industry characteristics and practices. An example of how a company can address all the listed needs and preferences of Millennials and Gen Z is provided by Lemonade Insurance Case, whose strategy and initiatives are categorized based on the theoretical frame presented previously. The present Case is directed mainly to undergraduate students or teachers of undergraduate business courses, that aim to discuss the topic of the service digitalization and digital native targeting through an appealing and well-structured example, as the Lemonade Insurance one.O objetivo final deste caso é fornecer um exemplo de uma seguradora digital voltada para as gerações nativas digitais, respondendo pontualmente a todas as suas preferências e necessidades de compra. O artigo baseia-se em um quadro teórico sobre o mecanismo da indústria de seguros, na especificidade da relação tradicional entre seguradora e segurado, e o consequente contraste dentro dela, como as seguradoras tradicionais estão tentando inovar e reinventar seus serviços e canais de distribuição para atrair as gerações mais jovens de clientes, que é de longe um dos principais desafios de entrada tanto para as pequenas empresas de seguros emergentes como para as grandes empresas de longa data, cujos produtos e serviços foram moldados com base nas necessidades e gostos da geração anterior. Este cenário é confrontado com a caracterização clara e esquemática das gerações mais jovens como clientes, definindo as necessidades e gostos de compra deste segmento e identificando a lacuna de oferta entre estas e as características e práticas da indústria. Um exemplo de como uma empresa pode atender a todas as necessidades e preferências listadas dos Millennials e da Geração Z é fornecido pela Lemonade Insurance Case, cuja estratégia e iniciativas são categorizadas com base no referencial teórico apresentado anteriormente. O presente Caso é direcionado principalmente a alunos de graduação ou professores de cursos de graduação em administração, que visam discutir o tema da digitalização de serviços e direcionamento de nativos digitais por meio de um exemplo atraente e bem estruturado, como o Lemonade Insurance

    An analysis of corporate governance under the dual class structure: A case study of JD

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    E-commerce in China has grown rapidly in the past 20 years. Two technologies play a crucial role; One is mobile payments, and the other is logistics. With the rapid growth of the industry, several excellent e commerce enterprises emerge at the historic moment. JD is one of the best known companies in the e commerce industry. During the growth period, JD has established much infrastructure, developed logistics and used the low cost marketing strategy to attract customers. This has led to a large amount of external financing for JD. To secure control of JD, the founders adopted a dual class share structure when they first went public in 2014. This paper will focus on the corporate governance issues of JD's dual class share structure and put forward reasonable suggestions for improvement. This paper mainly adopts case analysis and financial analysis method This paper collects the public data of JD since its establishment and conducts business analysis, equity structure analysis, risk analysis and financial analysis on JD. Based on principal agent theory, stakeholder theory and information asymmetry theory, this pa per will further explain the reasons for JD to adopt dual share structure and the influence of adopting this structure.O comércio eletrônico na China tem crescido rapidamente nos últimos 20 anos. Tanto as tecnologias de pagamento móvel como as de transporte logístico têm desempenhado um papel crucial. Com o rápido desenvolvimento da indústria de comércio eletrônico chinesa, um grupo de excelentes empresas de comércio eletrônico é criado. A JD é um dos líderes das empresas de comércio electrónico. Na fase de crescimento da empresa, a JD preparou-se para construir muitas construções básicas para desenvolver a logística, anexando clientes com uma estratégia de marketing de baixo preço. Isto levou a um grande montante de financiamento externo para a JD. A fim de garantir o poder de controle da JD, seu fundador Liu Qiangdong e sua equipe adotaram estrutura dual share quando se tornou público em 2014. Este documento foca as questões de governança corporativa da estrutura dual share adotadas pela JD, e apresenta sugestões razoáveis de melhorias. Este trabalho adota principalmente métodos de revisão de literatura e análise de casos, e principalmente coleta dados públicos até a data da JD, conduz análises de negócios, estrutura acionária, risco e finanças na JD. Além disso, este documento interpreta melhor as razões e influências da estrutura dual share adoptada pela JD, de acordo com a teoria do agente principal, teoria das partes interessadas e teoria da assimetria de informação

    E-commerce quality and evaluation framework based on technical and user perspectives

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    The study produces an e-commerce quality and evaluation (ECQE) framework based on consumer perspectives.It was conducted in four main phases that include: 1) theoretical study; 2) empirical study; 3) e-commerce quality and evaluation framework construction and development, and 4) confirmation study. The ECQE framework includes four components: quality factors that deal with user expectation and satisfaction; assessment entity, assessment specification, and quality level.The framework was tested on six e-commerce websites.Results show that the ECQE framework is applicable and realistic.The ECQE framework offers a guidance and standard procedure for e-commerce website quality evaluation that can be used to improve organization websites to meet the consumers need and to keep the organization competitive and sustainable

    Developing marketing strategies for tourism destinations in peripheral areas of Europe

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    This thesis concentrates on the subject of destination marketing with a specific focus on the process of developing strategiesthrough a Destination Marketing Organisation (DMO) for a peripheral area, illustrated by a case study from the Danish island of Bornholm. It investigates the theoretical foundations for destination marketing, concluding that there should be a shift in focus from general marketing theory to a broader application of organisational theories and associated fields, enabling the DMO to improve performance. The specific conditions for and structures of peripheral areas indicated that the process in these areas should be adapted to the circumstances generally experienced there. Specifically the predominant occurrence of life-style businesses in peripheral areas, either as micro- businessesor SMEs, which are planning on a short-term basis, need to be included in the strategic planning process by viewing them as `cooperative customers'. Thus, applying the principles of marketing to the development of the strategy itself and viewing the strategic plan as a `product' of the DMO. The theoretical analysis showed that DMOs cannot control all of the components of the marketing mix, but they can cooperate with the providers of the destination mix and incite `coopetition' for the benefit of the visitors. The case study portrayed the DMO at a mature cold-water resort in a European peripheral area; it also illustrated the general development of tourism to the island and the impact of this development on the organisational structure of the tourism industry. It is assumed that the findings are transferable to other destinations that operate under similar conditions

    Designing Sustainable Technologies, Products and Policies

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    This open access book provides insight into the implementation of Life Cycle approaches along the entire business value chain, supporting environmental, social and economic sustainability related to the development of industrial technologies, products, services and policies; and the development and management of smart agricultural systems, smart mobility systems, urban infrastructures and energy for the built environment. The book is based on papers presented at the 8th International Life Cycle Management Conference that took place from September 3-6, 2017 in Luxembourg, and which was organized by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) and the University of Luxembourg in the framework of the LCM Conference Series.

    The Dynamics of the Media and Contents Industries: A Synthesis

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    Chapters 1 and 2 of this report deal with the evolution of the media and contents sector towards a digital world, documenting the evolution of the strategy of the legacy players from a defensive behaviour to a more proactive one, striking deals with new entrants, creating new products online. They also explore the disruptions and underline the positive changes that took place recently and the weaving of new interactions between legacy players and new entrants. Chapter 3 focuses on core economic issues such as the costs structure and the mechanisms of value creation. Chapter 4 describes the business models, highlighting some of the innovative ones adapted to a digital world. Chapter 5 concentrates on other trends such as patterns of consumption and production and follows the evolution of the labour force. Chapter 6 deals with infrastructure as the enabler of the transformation has undergone and takes a closer look at the recent changes that have affected the telecom-IT ecosystem in order to identify the trends that are most likely to impact the content sector in the future. Chapters 7 and 8 introduce regulatory and policy issues. Chapter 7 relates to the funding of creation and the protection of creation (copyright as asset management) and innovation. Chapter 8 concentrates on the protection of consumers and competition.JRC.J.3-Information Societ