1,525 research outputs found

    Learning and innovative elements of strategy adoption rules expand cooperative network topologies

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    Cooperation plays a key role in the evolution of complex systems. However, the level of cooperation extensively varies with the topology of agent networks in the widely used models of repeated games. Here we show that cooperation remains rather stable by applying the reinforcement learning strategy adoption rule, Q-learning on a variety of random, regular, small-word, scale-free and modular network models in repeated, multi-agent Prisoners Dilemma and Hawk-Dove games. Furthermore, we found that using the above model systems other long-term learning strategy adoption rules also promote cooperation, while introducing a low level of noise (as a model of innovation) to the strategy adoption rules makes the level of cooperation less dependent on the actual network topology. Our results demonstrate that long-term learning and random elements in the strategy adoption rules, when acting together, extend the range of network topologies enabling the development of cooperation at a wider range of costs and temptations. These results suggest that a balanced duo of learning and innovation may help to preserve cooperation during the re-organization of real-world networks, and may play a prominent role in the evolution of self-organizing, complex systems.Comment: 14 pages, 3 Figures + a Supplementary Material with 25 pages, 3 Tables, 12 Figures and 116 reference

    Evolution of constrained layer damping using a cellular automaton algorithm

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    Constrained layer damping (CLD) is a highly effective passive vibration control strategy if optimized adequately. Factors controlling CLD performance are well documented for the flexural modes of beams but not for more complicated mode shapes or structures. The current paper introduces an approach that is suitable for locating CLD on any type of structure. It follows the cellular automaton (CA) principle and relies on the use of finite element models to describe the vibration properties of the structure. The ability of the algorithm to reach the best solution is demonstrated by applying it to the bending and torsion modes of a plate. Configurations that give the most weight-efficient coverage for each type of mode are first obtained by adapting the existing 'optimum length' principle used for treated beams. Next, a CA algorithm is developed, which grows CLD patches one at a time on the surface of the plate according to a simple set of rules. The effectiveness of the algorithm is then assessed by comparing the generated configurations with the known optimum ones

    Epidemic modelling by ripple-spreading network and genetic algorithm

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    Mathematical analysis and modelling is central to infectious disease epidemiology. This paper, inspired by the natural ripple-spreading phenomenon, proposes a novel ripple-spreading network model for the study of infectious disease transmission. The new epidemic model naturally has good potential for capturing many spatial and temporal features observed in the outbreak of plagues. In particular, using a stochastic ripple-spreading process simulates the effect of random contacts and movements of individuals on the probability of infection well, which is usually a challenging issue in epidemic modeling. Some ripple-spreading related parameters such as threshold and amplifying factor of nodes are ideal to describe the importance of individuals’ physical fitness and immunity. The new model is rich in parameters to incorporate many real factors such as public health service and policies, and it is highly flexible to modifications. A genetic algorithm is used to tune the parameters of the model by referring to historic data of an epidemic. The well-tuned model can then be used for analyzing and forecasting purposes. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated by simulation results

    Evolving Cellular Automata Schemes for Protein Folding Modeling Using the Rosetta Atomic Representation

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG [Abstract] Protein folding is the dynamic process by which a protein folds into its final native structure. This is different to the traditional problem of the prediction of the final protein structure, since it requires a modeling of how protein components interact over time to obtain the final folded structure. In this study we test whether a model of the folding process can be obtained exclusively through machine learning. To this end, protein folding is considered as an emergent process and the cellular automata tool is used to model the folding process. A neural cellular automaton is defined, using a connectionist model that acts as a cellular automaton through the protein chain to define the dynamic folding. Differential evolution is used to automatically obtain the optimized neural cellular automata that provide protein folding. We tested the methods with the Rosetta coarse-grained atomic model of protein representation, using different proteins to analyze the modeling of folding and the structure refinement that the modeling can provide, showing the potential advantages that such methods offer, but also difficulties that arise.This study was funded by the Xunta de Galicia and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund - Galicia 2014-2020 Program), with grants CITIC (ED431G 2019/01), GPC ED431B 2019/03 and IN845D-02 (funded by the “Agencia Gallega de Innovación”, co-financed by Feder funds), and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (project PID2020-116201GB-I00). Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer NatureXunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431B 2019/03Xunta de Galicia; IN845D-0

    Artificial Neurogenesis: An Introduction and Selective Review

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    International audienceIn this introduction and review—like in the book which follows—we explore the hypothesis that adaptive growth is a means of producing brain-like machines. The emulation of neural development can incorporate desirable characteristics of natural neural systems into engineered designs. The introduction begins with a review of neural development and neural models. Next, artificial development— the use of a developmentally-inspired stage in engineering design—is introduced. Several strategies for performing this " meta-design " for artificial neural systems are reviewed. This work is divided into three main categories: bio-inspired representations ; developmental systems; and epigenetic simulations. Several specific network biases and their benefits to neural network design are identified in these contexts. In particular, several recent studies show a strong synergy, sometimes interchange-ability, between developmental and epigenetic processes—a topic that has remained largely under-explored in the literature

    Problem Decomposition and Adaptation in Cooperative Neuro-Evolution

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    One way to train neural networks is to use evolutionary algorithms such as cooperative coevolution - a method that decomposes the network's learnable parameters into subsets, called subcomponents. Cooperative coevolution gains advantage over other methods by evolving particular subcomponents independently from the rest of the network. Its success depends strongly on how the problem decomposition is carried out. This thesis suggests new forms of problem decomposition, based on a novel and intuitive choice of modularity, and examines in detail at what stage and to what extent the different decomposition methods should be used. The new methods are evaluated by training feedforward networks to solve pattern classification tasks, and by training recurrent networks to solve grammatical inference problems. Efficient problem decomposition methods group interacting variables into the same subcomponents. We examine the methods from the literature and provide an analysis of the nature of the neural network optimization problem in terms of interacting variables. We then present a novel problem decomposition method that groups interacting variables and that can be generalized to neural networks with more than a single hidden layer. We then incorporate local search into cooperative neuro-evolution. We present a memetic cooperative coevolution method that takes into account the cost of employing local search across several sub-populations. The optimisation process changes during evolution in terms of diversity and interacting variables. To address this, we examine the adaptation of the problem decomposition method during the evolutionary process. The results in this thesis show that the proposed methods improve performance in terms of optimization time, scalability and robustness. As a further test, we apply the problem decomposition and adaptive cooperative coevolution methods for training recurrent neural networks on chaotic time series problems. The proposed methods show better performance in terms of accuracy and robustness

    Learning automata and sigma imperialist competitive algorithm for optimization of single and multi-objective functions

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    Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) consist of several heuristics which are able to solve optimisation tasks by imitating some aspects of natural evolution. Two widely-used EAs, namely Harmony Search (HS) and Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA), are considered for improving single objective EA and Multi Objective EA (MOEA), respectively. HS is popular because of its speed and ICA has the ability for escaping local optima, which is an important criterion for a MOEA. In contrast, both algorithms have suffered some shortages. The HS algorithm could be trapped in local optima if its parameters are not tuned properly. This shortage causes low convergence rate and high computational time. In ICA, there is big obstacle that impedes ICA from becoming MOEA. ICA cannot be matched with crowded distance method which produces qualitative value for MOEAs, while ICA needs quantitative value to determine power of each solution. This research proposes a learnable EA, named learning automata harmony search (LAHS). The EA employs a learning automata (LA) based approach to ensure that HS parameters are learnable. This research also proposes a new MOEA based on ICA and Sigma method, named Sigma Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (SICA). Sigma method provides a mechanism to measure the solutions power based on their quantity value. The proposed LAHS and SICA algorithms are tested on wellknown single objective and multi objective benchmark, respectively. Both LAHS and MOICA show improvements in convergence rate and computational time in comparison to the well-known single EAs and MOEAs

    Categorical Ontology of Complex Systems, Meta-Systems and Theory of Levels: The Emergence of Life, Human Consciousness and Society

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    Single cell interactomics in simpler organisms, as well as somatic cell interactomics in multicellular organisms, involve biomolecular interactions in complex signalling pathways that were recently represented in modular terms by quantum automata with ‘reversible behavior’ representing normal cell cycling and division. Other implications of such quantum automata, modular modeling of signaling pathways and cell differentiation during development are in the fields of neural plasticity and brain development leading to quantum-weave dynamic patterns and specific molecular processes underlying extensive memory, learning, anticipation mechanisms and the emergence of human consciousness during the early brain development in children. Cell interactomics is here represented for the first time as a mixture of ‘classical’ states that determine molecular dynamics subject to Boltzmann statistics and ‘steady-state’, metabolic (multi-stable) manifolds, together with ‘configuration’ spaces of metastable quantum states emerging from complex quantum dynamics of interacting networks of biomolecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids that are now collectively defined as quantum interactomics. On the other hand, the time dependent evolution over several generations of cancer cells --that are generally known to undergo frequent and extensive genetic mutations and, indeed, suffer genomic transformations at the chromosome level (such as extensive chromosomal aberrations found in many colon cancers)-- cannot be correctly represented in the ‘standard’ terms of quantum automaton modules, as the normal somatic cells can. This significant difference at the cancer cell genomic level is therefore reflected in major changes in cancer cell interactomics often from one cancer cell ‘cycle’ to the next, and thus it requires substantial changes in the modeling strategies, mathematical tools and experimental designs aimed at understanding cancer mechanisms. Novel solutions to this important problem in carcinogenesis are proposed and experimental validation procedures are suggested. From a medical research and clinical standpoint, this approach has important consequences for addressing and preventing the development of cancer resistance to medical therapy in ongoing clinical trials involving stage III cancer patients, as well as improving the designs of future clinical trials for cancer treatments.\ud \ud \ud KEYWORDS: Emergence of Life and Human Consciousness;\ud Proteomics; Artificial Intelligence; Complex Systems Dynamics; Quantum Automata models and Quantum Interactomics; quantum-weave dynamic patterns underlying human consciousness; specific molecular processes underlying extensive memory, learning, anticipation mechanisms and human consciousness; emergence of human consciousness during the early brain development in children; Cancer cell ‘cycling’; interacting networks of proteins and nucleic acids; genetic mutations and chromosomal aberrations in cancers, such as colon cancer; development of cancer resistance to therapy; ongoing clinical trials involving stage III cancer patients’ possible improvements of the designs for future clinical trials and cancer treatments. \ud \u