47 research outputs found

    Deep CNN Model for Non-Screen Content and Screen Content Image Quality Assessment

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    In the current world, user experience in various platforms matters a lot for different organizations. But providing a better experience can be challenging if the multimedia content on online platforms is having different kinds of distortions which impact the overall experience of the user. There can be various reasons behind distortions such as compression or minimal lighting condition while taking photos. In this work, a deep CNN-based Non-Screen Content and Screen Content NR-IQA framework is proposed which solves this issue in a more effective way. The framework is known as DNSSCIQ. Two different architectures are proposed based upon the input image type whether the input is a screen content or non-screen content image. This work attempts to solve this by evaluating the quality of such image

    Cross Dynamic Range And Cross Resolution Objective Image Quality Assessment With Applications

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    In recent years, image and video signals have become an indispensable part of human life. There has been an increasing demand for high quality image and video products and services. To monitor, maintain and enhance image and video quality objective image and video quality assessment tools play crucial roles in a wide range of applications throughout the field of image and video processing, including image and video acquisition, communication, interpolation, retrieval, and displaying. A number of objective image and video quality measures have been introduced in the last decades such as mean square error (MSE), peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), and structural similarity index (SSIM). However, they are not applicable when the dynamic range or spatial resolution of images being compared is different from that of the corresponding reference images. In this thesis, we aim to tackle these two main problems in the field of image quality assessment. Tone mapping operators (TMOs) that convert high dynamic range (HDR) to low dynamic range (LDR) images provide practically useful tools for the visualization of HDR images on standard LDR displays. Most TMOs have been designed in the absence of a well-established and subject-validated image quality assessment (IQA) model, without which fair comparisons and further improvement are difficult. We propose an objective quality assessment algorithm for tone-mapped images using HDR images as references by combining 1) a multi-scale signal fidelity measure based on a modified structural similarity (SSIM) index; and 2) a naturalness measure based on intensity statistics of natural images. To evaluate the proposed Tone-Mapped image Quality Index (TMQI), its performance in several applications and optimization problems is provided. Specifically, the main component of TMQI known as structural fidelity is modified and adopted to enhance the visualization of HDR medical images on standard displays. Moreover, a substantially different approach to design TMOs is presented, where instead of using any pre-defined systematic computational structure (such as image transformation or contrast/edge enhancement) for tone-mapping, we navigate in the space of all LDR images, searching for the image that maximizes structural fidelity or TMQI. There has been an increasing number of image interpolation and image super-resolution (SR) algorithms proposed recently to create images with higher spatial resolution from low-resolution (LR) images. However, the evaluation of such SR and interpolation algorithms is cumbersome. Most existing image quality measures are not applicable because LR and resultant high resolution (HR) images have different spatial resolutions. We make one of the first attempts to develop objective quality assessment methods to compare LR and HR images. Our method adopts a framework based on natural scene statistics (NSS) where image quality degradation is gauged by the deviation of its statistical features from NSS models trained upon high quality natural images. In particular, we extract frequency energy falloff, dominant orientation and spatial continuity statistics from natural images and build statistical models to describe such statistics. These models are then used to measure statistical naturalness of interpolated images. We carried out subjective tests to validate our approach, which also demonstrates promising results. The performance of the proposed measure is further evaluated when applied to parameter tuning in image interpolation algorithms

    Investigating Potential Combinations of Visual Features towards Improvement of Full-Reference and No-Reference Image Quality Assessment

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    Objective assessment of image quality is the process of automatic assignment of a scalar score to an image such that the rating or score corresponds to the score provided by the Human Visual System (HVS). Despite extensive studies since the last two decades, it remains a challenging problem in image processing due to the presence of different types of distortions and limited knowledge of the HVS. Existing approaches for assessing the perceptual quality of images have relied on a number of methodologies that directly apply known properties of the HVS, construct hypotheses considering the HVS as a blackbox and use hybrid approaches that apply both of the techniques. All of these methodologies have relied on different types of visual features for Image Quality Assessment (IQA). In this dissertation, we have studied the problem of different types of IQA from the feature extraction point of view and showed that effective combinations of simple visual features can be used to develop IQA approaches having competitive performance with the state-of-the-art. Our work is divided into four parts each having the final goal to bring about performance improvement in the areas of Full-Reference (FR) and No-Reference (NR)-IQA. We have gradually moved from FR to NR-IQA in the works presented in this dissertation. First, we propose improvements in two existing FR-IQA techniques by introducing changes in the features used. Next, we propose a new FR-IQA technique by extracting image saliency as global features and combining them with the local features of gradient and variance to improve the performance. For NR-IQA, we propose a novel technique for sharpness detection in natural images using simple features. The performance of this method provides improvement over the existing methods. After working with the specific purpose NR-IQA, we propose a general purpose technique using suitable features such that no training with pristine or distorted images or subjective quality scores is required. This technique, despite having no reliance on training, provides competitive performance with the state-of-the-art techniques. The main contribution of the dissertation lies in identification and analysis of effective features and their combinations for improving three different sub-areas of IQA

    Effective Features for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment on Mobile Devices

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    The goal of this thesis is the analysis and development of a no-reference image quality assessment algorithm. Algorithms of this kind are increasingly employed in multimedia applications with the aim of delivering higher quality of service. In order to achieve the goal, a state-of-art no-reference algorithm was used as a groundwork to improve. The proposed model is intended to be deployed in low-resources mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet