1,850 research outputs found

    Ground Robotic Hand Applications for the Space Program study (GRASP)

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    This document reports on a NASA-STDP effort to address research interests of the NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC) through a study entitled, Ground Robotic-Hand Applications for the Space Program (GRASP). The primary objective of the GRASP study was to identify beneficial applications of specialized end-effectors and robotic hand devices for automating any ground operations which are performed at the Kennedy Space Center. Thus, operations for expendable vehicles, the Space Shuttle and its components, and all payloads were included in the study. Typical benefits of automating operations, or augmenting human operators performing physical tasks, include: reduced costs; enhanced safety and reliability; and reduced processing turnaround time

    NASA space station automation: AI-based technology review

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    Research and Development projects in automation for the Space Station are discussed. Artificial Intelligence (AI) based automation technologies are planned to enhance crew safety through reduced need for EVA, increase crew productivity through the reduction of routine operations, increase space station autonomy, and augment space station capability through the use of teleoperation and robotics. AI technology will also be developed for the servicing of satellites at the Space Station, system monitoring and diagnosis, space manufacturing, and the assembly of large space structures

    A robot learning method with physiological interface for teleoperation systems

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    The human operator largely relies on the perception of remote environmental conditions to make timely and correct decisions in a prescribed task when the robot is teleoperated in a remote place. However, due to the unknown and dynamic working environments, the manipulator's performance and efficiency of the human-robot interaction in the tasks may degrade significantly. In this study, a novel method of human-centric interaction, through a physiological interface was presented to capture the information details of the remote operation environments. Simultaneously, in order to relieve workload of the human operator and to improve efficiency of the teleoperation system, an updated regression method was proposed to build up a nonlinear model of demonstration for the prescribed task. Considering that the demonstration data were of various lengths, dynamic time warping algorithm was employed first to synchronize the data over time before proceeding with other steps. The novelty of this method lies in the fact that both the task-specific information and the muscle parameters from the human operator have been taken into account in a single task; therefore, a more natural and safer interaction between the human and the robot could be achieved. The feasibility of the proposed method was demonstrated by experimental results

    Passivity-Based adaptive bilateral teleoperation control for uncertain manipulators without jerk measurements

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    In this work, we consider the bilateral teleoperation problem of cooperative robotic systems in a Single-Master Multi-Slave (SM/MS) configuration, which is able to perform load transportation tasks in the presence of parametric uncertainty in the robot kinematic and dynamic models. The teleoperation architecture is based on the two-layer approach placed in a hierarchical structure, whose top and bottom layers are responsible for ensuring the transparency and stability properties respectively. The load transportation problem is tackled by using the formation control approach wherein the desired translational velocity and interaction force are provided to the master robot by the user, while the object is manipulated with a bounded constant force by the slave robots. Firstly, we develop an adaptive kinematic-based control scheme based on a composite adaptation law to solve the cooperative control problem for robots with uncertain kinematics. Secondly, the dynamic adaptive control for cooperative robots is implemented by means of a cascade control strategy, which does not require the measurement of the time derivative of force (which requires jerk measurements). The combination of the Lyapunov stability theory and the passivity formalism are used to establish the stability and convergence property of the closed-loop control system. Simulations and experimental results illustrate the performance and feasibility of the proposed control scheme.No presente trabalho, considera-se o problema de teleoperação bilateral de um sistema robótico cooperativo do tipo single-master e multiple-slaves (SM/MS) capaz de realizar tarefas de transporte de carga na presença de incertezas paramétricas no modelo cinemático e dinâmico dos robôs. A arquitetura de teleoperação está baseada na abordagem de duas camadas em estrutura hierárquica, onde as camadas superior e inferior são responsáveis por assegurar as propriedades de transparência e estabilidade respectivamente. O problema de transporte de carga é formulado usando a abordagem de controle de formação onde a velocidade de translação desejada e a força de interação são fornecidas ao robô mestre pelo operador, enquanto o objeto é manipulado pelos robôs escravos com uma força constante limitada. Primeiramente, desenvolve-se um esquema de controle adaptativo cinemático baseado em uma lei de adaptação composta para solucionar o problema de controle cooperativo de robôs com cinemática incerta. Em seguida, o controle adaptativo dinâmico de robôs cooperativos é implementado por meio de uma estratégia de controle em cascata, que não requer a medição da derivada da força (o qual requer a derivada da aceleração ou jerk). A teoria de estabilidade de Lyapunov e o formalismo de passividade são usados para estabelecer as propriedades de estabilidade e a convergência do sistema de controle em malha-fechada. Resultados de simulações numéricas ilustram o desempenho e viabilidade da estratégia de controle proposta

    Synchronized computational architecture for generalized bilateral control of robot arms

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    A master six degree of freedom Force Reflecting Hand Controller (FRHC) is available at a master site where a received image displays, in essentially real time, a remote robotic manipulator which is being controlled in the corresponding six degree freedom by command signals which are transmitted to the remote site in accordance with the movement of the FRHC at the master site. Software is user-initiated at the master site in order to establish the basic system conditions, and then a physical movement of the FRHC in Cartesean space is reflected at the master site by six absolute numbers that are sensed, translated and computed as a difference signal relative to the earlier position. The change in position is then transmitted in that differential signal form over a high speed synchronized bilateral communication channel which simultaneously returns robot-sensed response information to the master site as forces applied to the FRHC so that the FRHC reflects the feel of what is taking place at the remote site. A system wide clock rate is selected at a sufficiently high rate that the operator at the master site experiences the Force Reflecting operation in real time

    Haptic Device Design and Teleoperation Control Algorithms for Mobile Manipulators

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    The increasing need of teleoperated robotic systems implies more and more often to use, as slave devices, mobile platforms (terrestrial, aerial or underwater) with integrated manipulation capabilities, provided e.g. by robotic arms with proper grasping/manipulation tools. Despite this, the research activity in teleoperation of robotic systems has mainly focused on the control of either fixed-base manipulators or mobile robots, non considering the integration of these two types of systems in a single device. Such a combined robotic devices are usually referred to as mobile manipulators: systems composed by both a robotic manipulator and a mobile platform (on which the arm is mounted) whose purpose is to enlarge the manipulator’s workspace. The combination of a mobile platform and a serial manipulator creates redundancy: a particular point in the space can be reached by moving the manipulator, by moving the mobile platform, or by a combined motion of both. A synchronized motion of both devices need then to be addressed. Although specific haptic devices explicitly oriented to the control of mobile manipulators need to be designed, there are no commercial solution yet. For this reason it is often necessary to control such as combined systems with traditional haptic devices not specifically oriented to the control of mobile manipulators. The research activity presented in this Ph.D. thesis focuses in the first place on the design of a teleoperation control scheme which allows the simultaneous control of both the manipulator and the mobile platform by means of a single haptic device characterized by fixed base and an open kinematic chain. Secondly the design of a novel cable-drive haptic devices has been faced. Investigating the use of twisted strings actuation in force rendering is the most interesting challenge of the latter activity

    Development of a twisted-string actuator for a cable-driven haptic interface

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    Il seguente lavoro di tesi ha avuto lo scopo di analizzare dal punto di vista della progettazione software le procedure ed i protocolli di scambio di informazioni tra i vari componenti di una nuova concezione di Interfaccia Aptica guidata da 4 tendini che muovono un braccialetto centrale collegato al braccio di un operatore così da fornirgli un feedback di forza. In particolare ci si è focalizzati sullo sviluppo di un firmware applicabile ai 4 motori che muovono la struttura centrale della interfaccia. Il firmware deve essere in grado di ricevere da una piattaforma Ros, usata da un operatore, pacchetti di dati contenenti i set point per i vari motori e il tipo di controllo , posizione o forza, che gli attuatori devono effettuare grazie ad uno schema PID. Inoltre l'invio di feedback all'operatore è stato previsto in modo da permettere una maggiore supervisione dell'intero funzionamento. La realizzazione di un Ros Bridge tra l'utente e il sistema da comandare è stato implementato con la formula della programmazione ad oggetti in cui varie classi sono dedicate a compiti differenti come l'impacchettamento di dati da mandare ai motori e la contemporanea ricezione dei feedback. Per completare tutta l'architettura si è anche sviluppato un sistema di trasformazione dei set point provenienti dall'operatore espressi nello spazio di lavoro Cartesiano in riferimenti per i singoli motori e ciò è stato possibile sfruttando la matrice Jacobiana. Una particolare attenzione è stata data all'aspetto di comunicazione dei dati e per fare ciò si è dovuta usare una architettura di codice a multithread e un protocollo UDP
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