2,986 research outputs found

    Mobile robot transportation in laboratory automation

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    In this dissertation a new mobile robot transportation system is developed for the modern laboratory automation to connect the distributed automated systems and workbenches. In the system, a series of scientific and technical robot indoor issues are presented and solved, including the multiple robot control strategy, the indoor transportation path planning, the hybrid robot indoor localization, the recharging optimization, the robot-automated door interface, the robot blind arm grasping & placing, etc. The experiments show the proposed system and methods are effective and efficient

    An intelligent multi-floor mobile robot transportation system in life science laboratories

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    In this dissertation, a new intelligent multi-floor transportation system based on mobile robot is presented to connect the distributed laboratories in multi-floor environment. In the system, new indoor mapping and localization are presented, hybrid path planning is proposed, and an automated doors management system is presented. In addition, a hybrid strategy with innovative floor estimation to handle the elevator operations is implemented. Finally the presented system controls the working processes of the related sub-system. The experiments prove the efficiency of the presented system

    Intelligent strategies for mobile robotics in laboratory automation

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    In this thesis a new intelligent framework is presented for the mobile robots in laboratory automation, which includes: a new multi-floor indoor navigation method is presented and an intelligent multi-floor path planning is proposed; a new signal filtering method is presented for the robots to forecast their indoor coordinates; a new human feature based strategy is proposed for the robot-human smart collision avoidance; a new robot power forecasting method is proposed to decide a distributed transportation task; a new blind approach is presented for the arm manipulations for the robots

    Secure indoor navigation and operation of mobile robots

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    In future work environments, robots will navigate and work side by side to humans. This raises big challenges related to the safety of these robots. In this Dissertation, three tasks have been realized: 1) implementing a localization and navigation system based on StarGazer sensor and Kalman filter; 2) realizing a human-robot interaction system using Kinect sensor and BPNN and SVM models to define the gestures and 3) a new collision avoidance system is realized. The system works on generating the collision-free paths based on the interaction between the human and the robot.In zukĂĽnftigen Arbeitsumgebungen werden Roboter navigieren nebeneinander an Menschen. Das wirft Herausforderungen im Zusammenhang mit der Sicherheit dieser Roboter auf. In dieser Dissertation drei Aufgaben realisiert: 1. Implementierung eines Lokalisierungs und Navigationssystem basierend auf Kalman Filter: 2. Realisierung eines Mensch-Roboter-Interaktionssystem mit Kinect und AI zur Definition der Gesten und 3. ein neues Kollisionsvermeidungssystem wird realisiert. Das System arbeitet an der Erzeugung der kollisionsfreien Pfade, die auf der Wechselwirkung zwischen dem Menschen und dem Roboter basieren

    Sensors-based Mobile Robot for Harsh Environments: Functionalities, Energy Consumption Analysis and Characterization

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    none8siMobile robots, especially, mini-robots and mini-rovers are playing an important role in different industrial applications. Under certain constraints, they are mostly suitable for harsh environments where hard conditions take place such as to be unfit for the protracted human activity, or even where this latter is not allowed. In many circumstances, the energy issues for autonomous and wheeled mobile robots need to be optimized taking into account the mechanical and electrical consumptions. The paper illustrates the design of a semi-custom wheeled mobile robot with integrated a photovoltaic (PV) system on the roof, namely a high-efficiency mono- or poly-crystalline PV panel, for supporting the Li-Ion batteries during particular tasks (rough terrain, obstacles or paths with steep slopes), in order to extend the robot autonomy. An electronic control has been designed and data acquisitions, related to power consumption, have been performed by means of a specific experimental setup. The robot was used for detecting different parameters such as temperature, humidity, concentrations of toxic gas species, and presence of flames, therefore particularly suitable for contaminated environments or industrial plants. For this aim, the mobile robot has been equipped with a wide range of commercial sensors and a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver for keeping track of the robotic vehicle position. In addition, the robot is equipped with a HC-06 Bluetooth transceiver for sending the acquired data to the developed IoTool smartphone application where they are displayed to be analyzed by the user, and for receiving commands and instructions.Article 29openR. De Fazio, D. M. Katamba, A. Lay Ekuakille, M. J. Ferreira, S. Kidiamboko, N.I. Giannoccaro, R. Velazquez, P. ViscontiDe Fazio, R.; Katamba, D. M.; Lay Ekuakille, A.; Ferreira, M. J.; Kidiamboko, S.; Giannoccaro, N. I.; Velazquez, R.; Visconti, P

    Design of Interactive Service Robots applying methods of Systems Engineering and Decision Making

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    Interaktive Service Roboter werden heute bereits in einigen Anwendungsszenarien eingesetzt, in denen sie beispielsweise Menschen durch Gebäude geleiten oder bei häuslichen Aufgaben unterstützen. Dennoch gibt es bislang kein System, das den erwarteten Marktdurchbruch geschafft hat. Die hohe Komplexität solcher Systeme und vielfältige Anforderungen durch Benutzer und Betreiber erschweren die Entwicklung von erfolgreichen Service Robotern. In dieser Arbeit wurden zwei interaktive Service Roboter entwickelt, die das Potential haben, die beschriebenen Hinderungsgründe für einen breiten Einsatz zu überwinden. Das erste Robotersystem wurde als Shopping Roboter für Baumärkte entwickelt, in denen es Kunden zu gesuchten Produkten führt. Das zweite System dient als interaktiver Pflegeroboter älteren Menschen in häuslicher Umgebung bei der Bewältigung täglicher Aufgaben. Diese Arbeit beschreibt die Realisierung der Embedded Systems beider Robotersysteme und umfasst insbesondere die Entwicklung der Low-Level System Architekturen, Energie Management Systeme, Kommunikationssysteme, Sensorsysteme, sowie ausgewählte Aspekte der mechanischen Umsetzung. Die Entwicklung einer Vielzahl von Steuerungsmodulen, notwendig für die Realisierung interaktiver Service Roboter, wird beschrieben. Die vorliegende Arbeit verwendet und erweitert Methoden des Systems Engineerings, um die hohe Systemkomplexität von interaktiven Service Robotern sowie die vielfältigen Anforderungen an deren späteren Einsatz beherrschen zu können. Der Entwicklungsprozess der beiden Roboter basiert auf dem V-Model, welches einen strukturierten Entwurfsablauf unter Berücksichtigung aller Systemanforderungen erlaubt. Es zwingt ferner zur frühzeitigen Spezifikation von Prüfabläufen, was die Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit der Entwicklungsergebnisse verbessert. Für die Unterstützung von Entscheidungen im Entwicklungsprozess schlägt diese Arbeit eine Kombination aus dem V-Model und dem Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) vor. Der AHP hilft bei der Auswahl verfügbarer technischer Alternativen unter Berücksichtigung von Prioritäten im Entwicklungsprozess. Diese Arbeit spezifiziert sieben Kriterien, die Service Roboter charakterisieren: Anpassbarkeit, Laufzeit, Benutzbarkeit, Robustheit, Sicherheit, Features und Kosten. Die Prioritäten dieser Kriterien im Entwicklungsprozess werden für jeden Roboter individuell bestimmt. Der AHP ermittelt die beste Lösung basierend auf diesen gewichteten Kriterien und den bewerteten technischen Alternativen. Die Einbindung des AHP in den V-Model Prozess wurde am Entwurf des Shopping Roboter entwickelt und geprüft. Die Allgemeingültigkeit dieser Methode wurde während der Entwicklung des Pflegeroboters verifiziert.Interactive service robots have already been developed and operate as example installations taking over guidance tasks or serving as home assistants. However, none of these systems have become an off-the-shelf product or have achieved the predicted breakthrough so far. The challenges of the design of such systems are, on the one hand, the combination of cutting edge technologies to a complex product; on the other hand, the consideration of requirements important for the later marketing during the design process. In the framework of this dissertation, two interactive service robot systems are developed that have the potential to overcome current market entry barriers. These robots are designed to operate in two different environments: one robot guides walked-in users in large home improvement stores to requested product locations and interacts with the customer to provide product information; the other robot assists elderly people to stay longer in their homes and takes over home-care tasks. This work describes the realization of the embedded systems of both robots. In particular, the design of low-level system architectures, energy management systems, communication systems, sensor systems, and selected aspects of mechanical implementations are carried out in this work. Multiple embedded system modules are developed for the control of the robots' functionalities; the development processes as well as the composition and evaluation of these modules are presented in this work. To cope with the complexity and the various factors that are important for the design of the robots, this thesis applies and further develops system engineering methods. The development process is based on the V-Model system design method. The V-Model helps to structure the design process under consideration of all system requirements. It involves evaluation procedures at all design levels, and thus increases the quality and reliability of the development outputs. To support design decisions, this thesis proposes to combine the V-Model with the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The AHP helps to evaluate technical alternatives for design decisions according to overall criteria, a system has to fulfill. This thesis defines seven criteria that characterize a service robot: Adaptability, Operation Time, Usability, Robustness, Safeness, Features, and Costs. These criteria are weighted for each individual robot application. The AHP evaluates technical design alternatives based on the weighted criteria to reveal the best technical solution. The integration of the AHP into the V-Model development is tested and improved during the design process of the shopping robot system. The generality of this combined systematic design approach is validated during the design of the home-care robot system

    Public entities driven robotic innovation in urban areas

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    Cities present new challenges and needs to satisfy and improve lifestyle for their citizens under the concept “Smart City”. In order to achieve this goal in a global manner, new technologies are required as the robotic one. But Public entities unknown the possibilities offered by this technology to get solutions to their needs. In this paper the development of the Innovative Public Procurement instruments is explained, specifically the process PDTI (Public end Users Driven Technological Innovation) as a driving force of robotic research and development and offering a list of robotic urban challenges proposed by European cities that have participated in such a process. In the next phases of the procedure, this fact will provide novel robotic solutions addressed to public demand that are an example to be followed by other Smart Cities.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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