29 research outputs found

    An approach for linguistic multi-attribute decision making based on linguistic many-valued logic

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    There are various types of multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) problems in our daily lives and decision-making problems under uncertain environments with vague and imprecise information involved. Therefore, linguistic multi-attribute decision-making problems are an important type studied extensively. Besides, it is easier for decision-makers to use linguistic terms to evaluate/choose among alternatives in real life. Based on the theoretical foundation of the Hedge algebra and linguistic many-valued logic, this study aims to address multi-attribute decision-making problems by linguistic valued qualitative aggregation and reasoning method. In this paper, we construct a finite monotonous Hedge algebra for modeling the linguistic information related to MADM problems and use linguistic many-valued logic for deducing the outcome of decision making. Our method computes directly on linguistic terms without numerical approximation. This method takes advantage of linguistic information processing and shows the benefit of Hedge algebra

    Fuzzy approach to construction activity estimation

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    Past experience has shown that variations in production rate value for the same work item is attributed to a wide range of factors. The relationships between these factors and the production rates are often very complex. It is impossible to describe an exact mathematical causal relationship between the qualitative factors(QF) and production rates. Various subjective approaches have been attempted to quantify the uncertainties contained in these causal relationships. This thesis presents one such approach by adopting a fuzzy set theory in conjunction with a fuzzy rule based system that could improve the quantification of the qualitative factors in estimating construction activity durations and costs. A method to generate a Standard Activity Unit Rate(SAUR) is presented. A construction activity can be defined by combining the Design Breakdown Structure, Trade Breakdown Structure and Work Section Breakdown Structure. By establishing the data structure of an activity, it is possible to synthesis the SAUR from published estimating sources in a systematic way. After the SAUR is defined, it is then used as a standard value from which an appropriate Activity Unit Rate(AUR) can be determined. A proto-type fuzzy rule based system called 'Fuzzy Activity Unit Rate Analyser(FAURA)' was developed to formalise a systematic framework for the QF quantification process in determining the most likely activity duration/cost. The compatibility measurement method proposed by Nafarieh and Keller has been applied as an inference strategy for FAURA. A computer program was developed to implement FAURA using Turbo Prolog. FAURA was tested and analysed by using a hypothetical bricklayer's activity in conjunction with five major QF as the input variables. The results produced by FAURA iii show that it can be applied usefully to overcome many of the problems encountered in the QF quantification process. In addition, the analysis shows that a fuzzy rule base approach provides the means to model and study the variability of AUR. Although the domain problem of this research was in estimation of activity duration/cost, the principles and system presented in this study are not limited to this specific area, and can be applied to a wide range of other disciplines involving uncertainty quantification problems. Further, this research highlights how the existing subjective methods in activity duration/cost estimation can be enhanced by utilising fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic

    Some views on information fusion and logic based approaches in decision making under uncertainty

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    Decision making under uncertainty is a key issue in information fusion and logic based reasoning approaches. The aim of this paper is to show noteworthy theoretical and applicational issues in the area of decision making under uncertainty that have been already done and raise new open research related to these topics pointing out promising and challenging research gaps that should be addressed in the coming future in order to improve the resolution of decision making problems under uncertainty

    Ordering based decision making: a survey

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    Decision making is the crucial step in many real applications such as organization management, financial planning, products evaluation and recommendation. Rational decision making is to select an alternative from a set of different ones which has the best utility (i.e., maximally satisfies given criteria, objectives, or preferences). In many cases, decision making is to order alternatives and select one or a few among the top of the ranking. Orderings provide a natural and effective way for representing indeterminate situations which are pervasive in commonsense reasoning. Ordering based decision making is then to find the suitable method for evaluating candidates or ranking alternatives based on provided ordinal information and criteria, and this in many cases is to rank alternatives based on qualitative ordering information. In this paper, we discuss the importance and research aspects of ordering based decision making, and review the existing ordering based decision making theories and methods along with some future research directions


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    The real-world-semantics interpretability concept of fuzzy systems introduced in [1] is new for the both methodology and application and is necessary to meet the demand of establishing a mathematical basis to construct computational semantics of linguistic words so that a method developed based on handling the computational semantics of linguistic terms to simulate a human method immediately handling words can produce outputs similar to the one produced by the human method. As the real world of each application problem having its own structure which is described by certain linguistic expressions, this requirement can be ensured by imposing constraints on the interpretation assigning computational objects in the appropriate computational structure to the words so that the relationships between the computational semantics in the computational structure is the image of relationships between the real-world objects described by the word-expressions. This study will discuss more clearly the concept of real-world-semantics interpretability and point out that such requirement is a challenge to the study of the interpretability of fuzzy systems, especially for approaches within the fuzzy set framework. A methodological challenge is that it requires both the computational expression representing a given linguistic fuzzy rule base and an approximate reasoning method working on this computation expression must also preserve the real-world semantics of the application problem. Fortunately, the hedge algebra (HA) based approach demonstrates the expectation that the graphical representation of the rule of fuzzy systems and the interpolation reasoning method on them are able to preserve the real-world semantics of the real-world counterpart of the given application problem

    Fuzzy logic:an introduction

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    Qualitative and fuzzy analogue circuit design.

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    Động cơ một chiều là một đối tượng điều khiển quan trọng do được ứng dụng rất rộng rãi cho nhiều lĩnh vực khác nhau. Vì vậy điều khiển động cơ một chiều được nhiều tác giả trên thế giới quan tâm, trong đó bộ điều khiển PI thường được sử dụng [17,19,20,21]. Bộ điều khiển mờ cũng được sử dụng  thay thế cho bộ điều khiển PI để đảm bảo tính mềm dẻo trong quá trình điều khiển. Tuy nhiên bộ điều khiển PI và bộ điều khiển mờ có nhược điểm thường tạo ra đáp ứng vượt qua điểm đặt quá cao và sai số xác lập lớn. Vì vậy mục tiêu đặt ra của bài báo là nghiên cứu khả năng thay thế bộ điều khiển PI và điều khiển mờ đối với động cơ một chiều bằng bộ điều khiển sử dụng đại số gia tử.  Qua đó thấy rõ hiệu quả của việc đưa đại số gia tử vào thiết kế các bộ điều khiển động cơ một chiều so với các bộ điều khiển truyền thống