1,084 research outputs found

    An empirical learning-based validation procedure for simulation workflow

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    Simulation workflow is a top-level model for the design and control of simulation process. It connects multiple simulation components with time and interaction restrictions to form a complete simulation system. Before the construction and evaluation of the component models, the validation of upper-layer simulation workflow is of the most importance in a simulation system. However, the methods especially for validating simulation workflow is very limit. Many of the existing validation techniques are domain-dependent with cumbersome questionnaire design and expert scoring. Therefore, this paper present an empirical learning-based validation procedure to implement a semi-automated evaluation for simulation workflow. First, representative features of general simulation workflow and their relations with validation indices are proposed. The calculation process of workflow credibility based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is then introduced. In order to make full use of the historical data and implement more efficient validation, four learning algorithms, including back propagation neural network (BPNN), extreme learning machine (ELM), evolving new-neuron (eNFN) and fast incremental gaussian mixture model (FIGMN), are introduced for constructing the empirical relation between the workflow credibility and its features. A case study on a landing-process simulation workflow is established to test the feasibility of the proposed procedure. The experimental results also provide some useful overview of the state-of-the-art learning algorithms on the credibility evaluation of simulation models

    Flexible wavelet-neuro-fuzzy neuron in dynamic data mining tasks

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    Запропоновано нову гнучку модифікацію нео-фаззі нейрону та алгоритм навчання усіх параметрів. Запропонований алгоритм навчання дає змогу налаштувати не тільки синаптичні ваги, але й параметри функцій активації-приналежності та її форми, що дає змогу уникнути виникнення «дірок» у вхідному просторі. Запропонований алгоритм навчання має як фільтруючі, так і властивості слідкування, таким чином гнучкий нео-фаззі нейрон може використовуватися для вирішення задач прогнозування, фільтрації та згладжування нестаціонарних стохастичних и хаотичних послідовностей. Перевагами запропонованого підходу є простота обчислення у порівняні з відомими алгоритмами навчання гібридних вейвлет-нейро-фаззі-систем обчислювального інтелекту.Предлагается новая гибкая модификация нео-фаззи нейрона и алгоритм обучения всех его параметров. Предложенный алгоритм обучения позволяет настраивать не только синаптические веса, но и параметры функций активации-принадлежности и ее формы, что позволяет избежать возникновения «дырок» во входном пространстве. Предложенный алгоритм обучения обладает как фильтрующими, так и следящими свойствами, таким образом гибкий нео-фаззи нейрон может использоваться для решения задач прогнозирования, фильтрации и сглаживания нестационарных и хаотических последовательностей. Преимуществом предложенного подхода являются вычислительная простота в сравнении с известными алгоритмами обучения гибридных вэйвлет-нейро-фззи систем вычислительного интеллекта.A new flexible modification of neo-fuzzy neuron (FNFN) and adaptive learning algorithms for the tuning of its all parameters are proposed in the paper. The algorithms are interesting in that they provide on-line tuning of not only the synaptic weights and membership functions parameters, but also forms of these functions, that provide improving approximation properties and allow to avoid the occurrence of ”gaps” in space of inputs. The proposed algorithms have both the tracking and filtering properties, so the FNFN can be effectively used for prediction, filtering and smoothing of non-stationary stochastic and chaotic sequences. A special feature of the proposed approach is its computational simplicity in comparison with known learning procedures for hybrid wavelet-neuro-fuzzy systems of computational intelligence

    The Cascade Neo-Fuzzy Architecture and its Online Learning Algorithm

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    In the paper learning algorithm for adjusting weight coefficients of the Cascade Neo-Fuzzy Neural Network (CNFNN) in sequential mode is introduced. Concerned architecture has the similar structure with the Cascade-Correlation Learning Architecture proposed by S.E. Fahlman and C. Lebiere, but differs from it in type of artificial neurons. CNFNN consists of neo-fuzzy neurons, which can be adjusted using high-speed linear learning procedures. Proposed CNFNN is characterized by high learning rate, low size of learning sample and its operations can be described by fuzzy linguistic “if-then” rules providing “transparency” of received results, as compared with conventional neural networks. Using of online learning algorithm allows to process input data sequentially in real time mode

    Industrial time series modelling by means of the neo-fuzzy neuron

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    Abstract—Industrial process monitoring and modelling represents a critical step in order to achieve the paradigm of Zero Defect Manufacturing. The aim of this paper is to introduce the Neo-Fuzzy Neuron method to be applied in industrial time series modelling. Its open structure and input independency provides fast learning and convergence capabilities, while assuring a proper accuracy and generalization in the modelled output. First, the auxiliary signals in the database are analyzed in order to find correlations with the target signal. Second, the Neo-Fuzzy Neuron is configured and trained according by means of the auxiliary signal, past instants and dynamics information of the target signal. The proposed method is validated by means of real data from a Spanish copper rod industrial plant, in which a critical signal regarding copper refrigeration process is modelled. The obtained results indicate the suitability of the Neo-Fuzzy Neuron method for industrial process modelling.Postprint (published version

    Online Medical Data Stream Mining Based on Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Approaches

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    The purpose of the paper is to develop approach, based on adaptive neuro-fuzzy systems to solve the tasks of medical data stream mining in online-mode. Results. As a result, approbation of the developed approach in supervised learning mode using multidimensional neo-fuzzy neuron on medical data of patients with urological disease was investigated.Метою статті є розроблення підходу, основаного на адаптивних нейро-фаззі системах, для розв’язання завдань оброблення потоків медичних даних в онлайн-режимі. Результати. Проведено апробацію розробленого підходу в режимі контрольованого навчання за допомоги багатовимірного нео-фаззі нейрона з використанням медичних даних пацієнтів з урологічними захворюваннями.Цель статьи — разработка подхода, основанного на адаптивных нейро-фаззи системах, для решения задач обработки потоков медицинских данных в онлайн-режиме. Результаты. Проведена апробация разработанного подхода в режиме контролируемого обучения с применением многомерного нео-фаззи нейрона при использовании медицинских данных пациентов с урологическими заболеваниями

    Adaptive input selection and evolving neural fuzzy networks modeling

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    This paper suggests an evolving approach to develop neural fuzzy networks for system modeling. The approach uses an incremental learning procedure to simultaneously select the model inputs, to choose the neural network structure, and to update the network weights. Candidate models with larger and smaller number of input variables than the current model are constructed and tested concurrently. The procedure employs a statistical test in each learning step to choose the best model amongst the current and candidate models. Membership functions can be added or deleted to adjust input space granulation and the neural network structure. Granulation and structure adaptation depend of the modeling error. The weights of the neural networks are updated using a gradient-descent algorithm with optimal learning rate. Prediction and nonlinear system identification examples illustrate the usefulness of the approach. Comparisons with state of the art evolving fuzzy modeling alternatives are performed to evaluate performance from the point of view of modeling error. Simulation results show that the evolving adaptive input selection modeling neural network approach achieves as high as, or higher performance than the remaining evolving modeling methods81314CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE MINAS GERAIS - FAPEMIG305906/2014-3não temnão te

    The Cascade Orthogonal Neural Network

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    In the paper new non-conventional growing neural network is proposed. It coincides with the Cascade- Correlation Learning Architecture structurally, but uses ortho-neurons as basic structure units, which can be adjusted using linear tuning procedures. As compared with conventional approximating neural networks proposed approach allows significantly to reduce time required for weight coefficients adjustment and the training dataset size