14 research outputs found

    Visual Speech Synthesis using Dynamic Visemes and Deep Learning Architectures

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    The aim of this work is to improve the naturalness of visual speech synthesis produced automatically from a linguistic input over existing methods. Firstly, the most important contribution is on the investigation of the most suitable speech units for the visual speech synthesis. We propose the use of dynamic visemes instead of phonemes or static visemes and found that dynamic visemes can generate better visual speech than either phone or static viseme units. Moreover, best performance is obtained by a combined phoneme-dynamic viseme system. Secondly, we examine the most appropriate model between hidden Markov model (HMM) and different deep learning models that include feedforward and recurrent structures consisting of one-to-one, many-to-one and many-to-many architectures. Results suggested that that frame-by-frame synthesis from deep learning approach outperforms state-based synthesis from HMM approaches and an encoder-decoder many-to-many architecture is better than the one-to-one and many-to-one architectures. Thirdly, we explore the importance of contextual features that include information at varying linguistic levels, from frame level up to the utterance level. Our findings found that frame level information is the most valuable feature, as it is able to avoid discontinuities in the visual feature sequence and produces a smooth and realistic animation output. Fourthly, we found that the two most common objective measures of correlation and root mean square error are not able to indicate realism and naturalness of human perceived quality. We introduce an alternative objective measure and show that the global variance is a better indicator of human perception of quality. Finally, we propose a novel method to convert a given text input and phoneme transcription into a dynamic viseme transcription in the case when a reference dynamic viseme sequence is not available. Subjective preference tests confirmed that our proposed method is able to produce animation, that are statistically indistinguishable from animation produced using reference data

    Multilingual Phoneme Models for Rapid Speech Processing System Development

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    Current speech recognition systems tend to be developed only for commercially viable languages. The resources needed for a typical speech recognition system include hundreds of hours of transcribed speech for acoustic models and 10 to 100 million words of text for language models; both of these requirements can be costly in time and money. The goal of this research is to facilitate rapid development of speech systems to new languages by using multilingual phoneme models to alleviate requirements for large amounts of transcribed speech. The Global Phone database, winch contains transcribed speech from 15 languages, is used as source data to derive multilingual phoneme models. Various bootstrapping processes arc used to develop an Arabic speech recognition system starting from monolingual English models, International Phonetic Association (IP based multilingual models, and data-driven multilingual models. The Kullback-Leibler distortion measure is used to derive data-driven phoneme clusters. It was found that multilingual bootstrapping methods outperform monolingual English bootstrapping methods on the Arabic evaluation data initially, and after three iterations of bootstrapping all systems show similar performance levels

    Speech Recognition

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    Chapters in the first part of the book cover all the essential speech processing techniques for building robust, automatic speech recognition systems: the representation for speech signals and the methods for speech-features extraction, acoustic and language modeling, efficient algorithms for searching the hypothesis space, and multimodal approaches to speech recognition. The last part of the book is devoted to other speech processing applications that can use the information from automatic speech recognition for speaker identification and tracking, for prosody modeling in emotion-detection systems and in other speech processing applications that are able to operate in real-world environments, like mobile communication services and smart homes

    Hidden Markov Model with Binned Duration and Its Application

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    Hidden Markov models (HMM) have been widely used in various applications such as speech processing and bioinformatics. However, the standard hidden Markov model requires state occupancy durations to be geometrically distributed, which can be inappropriate in some real-world applications where the distributions on state intervals deviate signi cantly from the geometric distribution, such as multi-modal distributions and heavy-tailed distributions. The hidden Markov model with duration (HMMD) avoids this limitation by explicitly incor- porating the appropriate state duration distribution, at the price of signi cant computational expense. As a result, the applications of HMMD are still quited limited. In this work, we present a new algorithm - Hidden Markov Model with Binned Duration (HMMBD), whose result shows no loss of accuracy compared to the HMMD decoding performance and a com- putational expense that only diers from the much simpler and faster HMM decoding by a constant factor. More precisely, we further improve the computational complexity of HMMD from (TNN +TND) to (TNN +TND ), where TNN stands for the computational com- plexity of the HMM, D is the max duration value allowed and can be very large and D generally could be a small constant value

    Using duration information in HMM-based automatic speech recognition.

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    Zhu Yu.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 100-104).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Chapter CHAPTER 1 --- lNTRODUCTION --- p.1Chapter 1.1. --- Speech and its temporal structure --- p.1Chapter 1.2. --- Previous work on the modeling of temporal structure --- p.1Chapter 1.3. --- Integrating explicit duration modeling in HMM-based ASR system --- p.3Chapter 1.4. --- Thesis outline --- p.3Chapter CHAPTER 2 --- BACKGROUND --- p.5Chapter 2.1. --- Automatic speech recognition process --- p.5Chapter 2.2. --- HMM for ASR --- p.6Chapter 2.2.1. --- HMM for ASR --- p.6Chapter 2.2.2. --- HMM-based ASR system --- p.7Chapter 2.3. --- General approaches to explicit duration modeling --- p.12Chapter 2.3.1. --- Explicit duration modeling --- p.13Chapter 2.3.2. --- Training of duration model --- p.16Chapter 2.3.3. --- Incorporation of duration model in decoding --- p.18Chapter CHAPTER 3 --- CANTONESE CONNECTD-DlGlT RECOGNITION --- p.21Chapter 3.1. --- Cantonese connected digit recognition --- p.21Chapter 3.1.1. --- Phonetics of Cantonese and Cantonese digit --- p.21Chapter 3.2. --- The baseline system --- p.24Chapter 3.2.1. --- Speech corpus --- p.24Chapter 3.2.2. --- Feature extraction --- p.25Chapter 3.2.3. --- HMM models --- p.26Chapter 3.2.4. --- HMM decoding --- p.27Chapter 3.3. --- Baseline performance and error analysis --- p.27Chapter 3.3.1. --- Recognition performance --- p.27Chapter 3.3.2. --- Performance for different speaking rates --- p.28Chapter 3.3.3. --- Confusion matrix --- p.30Chapter CHAPTER 4 --- DURATION MODELING FOR CANTONESE DIGITS --- p.41Chapter 4.1. --- Duration features --- p.41Chapter 4.1.1. --- Absolute duration feature --- p.41Chapter 4.1.2. --- Relative duration feature --- p.44Chapter 4.2. --- Parametric distribution for duration modeling --- p.47Chapter 4.3. --- Estimation of the model parameters --- p.51Chapter 4.4. --- Speaking-rate-dependent duration model --- p.52Chapter CHAPTER 5 --- USING DURATION MODELING FOR CANTONSE DIGIT RECOGNITION --- p.57Chapter 5.1. --- Baseline decoder --- p.57Chapter 5.2. --- Incorporation of state-level duration model --- p.59Chapter 5.3. --- Incorporation word-level duration model --- p.62Chapter 5.4. --- Weighted use of duration model --- p.65Chapter CHAPTER 6 --- EXPERIMENT RESULT AND ANALYSIS --- p.66Chapter 6.1. --- Experiments with speaking-rate-independent duration models --- p.66Chapter 6.1.1. --- Discussion --- p.68Chapter 6.1.2. --- Analysis of the error patterns --- p.71Chapter 6.1.3. --- "Reduction of deletion, substitution and insertion" --- p.72Chapter 6.1.4. --- Recognition performance at different speaking rates --- p.75Chapter 6.2. --- Experiments with speaking-rate-dependent duration models --- p.77Chapter 6.2.1. --- Using true speaking rate --- p.77Chapter 6.2.2. --- Using estimated speaking rate --- p.79Chapter 6.3. --- Evaluation on another speech database --- p.80Chapter 6.3.1. --- Experimental setup --- p.80Chapter 6.3.2. --- Experiment results and analysis --- p.82Chapter CHAPTER 7 --- CONCLUSIONS AND FUTUR WORK --- p.87Chapter 7.1. --- Conclusion and understanding of current work --- p.87Chapter 7.2. --- Future work --- p.89Chapter A --- APPENDIX --- p.90BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.10

    Decoding visemes: improving machine lip-reading

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    Abstract This thesis is about improving machine lip-reading, that is, the classi�cation of speech from only visual cues of a speaker. Machine lip-reading is a niche research problem in both areas of speech processing and computer vision. Current challenges for machine lip-reading fall into two groups: the content of the video, such as the rate at which a person is speaking or; the parameters of the video recording for example, the video resolution. We begin our work with a literature review to understand the restrictions current technology limits machine lip-reading recognition and conduct an experiment into resolution a�ects. We show that high de�nition video is not needed to successfully lip-read with a computer. The term \viseme" is used in machine lip-reading to represent a visual cue or gesture which corresponds to a subgroup of phonemes where the phonemes are indistinguishable in the visual speech signal. Whilst a viseme is yet to be formally de�ned, we use the common working de�nition `a viseme is a group of phonemes with identical appearance on the lips'. A phoneme is the smallest acoustic unit a human can utter. Because there are more phonemes per viseme, mapping between the units creates a many-to-one relationship. Many mappings have been presented, and we conduct an experiment to determine which mapping produces the most accurate classi�cation. Our results show Lee's [82] is best. Lee's classi�cation also outperforms machine lip-reading systems which use the popular Fisher [48] phonemeto- viseme map. Further to this, we propose three methods of deriving speaker-dependent phonemeto- viseme maps and compare our new approaches to Lee's. Our results show the ii iii sensitivity of phoneme clustering and we use our new knowledge for our �rst suggested augmentation to the conventional lip-reading system. Speaker independence in machine lip-reading classi�cation is another unsolved obstacle. It has been observed, in the visual domain, that classi�ers need training on the test subject to achieve the best classi�cation. Thus machine lip-reading is highly dependent upon the speaker. Speaker independence is the opposite of this, or in other words, is the classi�cation of a speaker not present in the classi�er's training data. We investigate the dependence of phoneme-to-viseme maps between speakers. Our results show there is not a high variability of visual cues, but there is high variability in trajectory between visual cues of an individual speaker with the same ground truth. This implies a dependency upon the number of visemes within each set for each individual. Finally, we investigate how many visemes is the optimum number within a set. We show the phoneme-to-viseme maps in literature rarely have enough visemes and the optimal number, which varies by speaker, ranges from 11 to 35. The last di�culty we address is decoding from visemes back to phonemes and into words. Traditionally this is completed using a language model. The language model unit is either: the same as the classi�er, e.g. visemes or phonemes; or the language model unit is words. In a novel approach we use these optimum range viseme sets within hierarchical training of phoneme labelled classi�ers. This new method of classi�er training demonstrates signi�cant increase in classi�cation with a word language network

    Conveying expressivity and vocal effort transformation in synthetic speech with Harmonic plus Noise Models

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    Aquesta tesi s'ha dut a terme dins del Grup en de Tecnologies Mèdia (GTM) de l'Escola d'Enginyeria i Arquitectura la Salle. El grup te una llarga trajectòria dins del cap de la síntesi de veu i fins i tot disposa d'un sistema propi de síntesi per concatenació d'unitats (US-TTS) que permet sintetitzar diferents estils expressius usant múltiples corpus. De forma que per a realitzar una síntesi agressiva, el sistema usa el corpus de l'estil agressiu, i per a realitzar una síntesi sensual, usa el corpus de l'estil corresponent. Aquesta tesi pretén proposar modificacions del esquema del US-TTS que permetin millorar la flexibilitat del sistema per sintetitzar múltiples expressivitats usant només un únic corpus d'estil neutre. L'enfoc seguit en aquesta tesi es basa en l'ús de tècniques de processament digital del senyal (DSP) per aplicar modificacions de senyal a la veu sintetitzada per tal que aquesta expressi l'estil de parla desitjat. Per tal de dur a terme aquestes modificacions de senyal s'han usat els models harmònic més soroll per la seva flexibilitat a l'hora de realitzar modificacions de senyal. La qualitat de la veu (VoQ) juga un paper important en els diferents estils expressius. És per això que es va estudiar la síntesi de diferents emocions mitjançant la modificació de paràmetres de VoQ de baix nivell. D'aquest estudi es van identificar un conjunt de limitacions que van donar lloc als objectius d'aquesta tesi, entre ells el trobar un paràmetre amb gran impacte sobre els estils expressius. Per aquest fet l'esforç vocal (VE) es va escollir per el seu paper important en la parla expressiva. Primer es va estudiar la possibilitat de transferir l'VE entre dues realitzacions amb diferent VE de la mateixa paraula basant-se en la tècnica de predicció lineal adaptativa del filtre de pre-èmfasi (APLP). La proposta va permetre transferir l'VE correctament però presentava limitacions per a poder generar nivells intermitjos d'VE. Amb la finalitat de millorar la flexibilitat i control de l'VE expressat a la veu sintetitzada, es va proposar un nou model d'VE basat en polinomis lineals. Aquesta proposta va permetre transferir l'VE entre dues paraules qualsevols i sintetitzar nous nivells d'VE diferents dels disponibles al corpus. Aquesta flexibilitat esta alineada amb l'objectiu general d'aquesta tesi, permetre als sistemes US-TTS sintetitzar diferents estils expressius a partir d'un únic corpus d'estil neutre. La proposta realitzada també inclou un paràmetre que permet controlar fàcilment el nivell d'VE sintetitzat. Això obre moltes possibilitats per controlar fàcilment el procés de síntesi tal i com es va fer al projecte CreaVeu usant interfícies gràfiques simples i intuïtives, també realitzat dins del grup GTM. Aquesta memòria conclou presentant el treball realitzat en aquesta tesi i amb una proposta de modificació de l'esquema d'un sistema US-TTS per incloure els blocs de DSP desenvolupats en aquesta tesi que permetin al sistema sintetitzar múltiple nivells d'VE a partir d'un corpus d'estil neutre. Això obre moltes possibilitats per generar interfícies d'usuari que permetin controlar fàcilment el procés de síntesi, tal i com es va fer al projecte CreaVeu, també realitzat dins del grup GTM. Aquesta memòria conclou presentant el treball realitzat en aquesta tesi i amb una proposta de modificació de l'esquema del sistema US-TTS per incloure els blocs de DSP desenvolupats en aquesta tesi que permetin al sistema sintetitzar múltiple nivells d'VE a partir d'un corpus d'estil neutre.Esta tesis se llevó a cabo en el Grup en Tecnologies Mèdia de la Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura la Salle. El grupo lleva una larga trayectoria dentro del campo de la síntesis de voz y cuenta con su propio sistema de síntesis por concatenación de unidades (US-TTS). El sistema permite sintetizar múltiples estilos expresivos mediante el uso de corpus específicos para cada estilo expresivo. De este modo, para realizar una síntesis agresiva, el sistema usa el corpus de este estilo, y para un estilo sensual, usa otro corpus específico para ese estilo. La presente tesis aborda el problema con un enfoque distinto proponiendo cambios en el esquema del sistema con el fin de mejorar la flexibilidad para sintetizar múltiples estilos expresivos a partir de un único corpus de estilo de habla neutro. El planteamiento seguido en esta tesis esta basado en el uso de técnicas de procesamiento de señales (DSP) para llevar a cabo modificaciones del señal de voz para que este exprese el estilo de habla deseado. Para llevar acabo las modificaciones de la señal de voz se han usado los modelos harmónico más ruido (HNM) por su flexibilidad para efectuar modificaciones de señales. La cualidad de la voz (VoQ) juega un papel importante en diferentes estilos expresivos. Por ello se exploró la síntesis expresiva basada en modificaciones de parámetros de bajo nivel de la VoQ. Durante este estudio se detectaron diferentes problemas que dieron pié a los objetivos planteados en esta tesis, entre ellos el encontrar un único parámetro con fuerte influencia en la expresividad. El parámetro seleccionado fue el esfuerzo vocal (VE) por su importante papel a la hora de expresar diferentes emociones. Las primeras pruebas se realizaron con el fin de transferir el VE entre dos realizaciones con diferente grado de VE de la misma palabra usando una metodología basada en un proceso filtrado de pre-émfasis adaptativo con coeficientes de predicción lineales (APLP). Esta primera aproximación logró transferir el nivel de VE entre dos realizaciones de la misma palabra, sin embargo el proceso presentaba limitaciones para generar niveles de esfuerzo vocal intermedios. A fin de mejorar la flexibilidad y el control del sistema para expresar diferentes niveles de VE, se planteó un nuevo modelo de VE basado en polinomios lineales. Este modelo permitió transferir el VE entre dos palabras diferentes e incluso generar nuevos niveles no presentes en el corpus usado para la síntesis. Esta flexibilidad está alineada con el objetivo general de esta tesis de permitir a un sistema US-TTS expresar múltiples estilos de habla expresivos a partir de un único corpus de estilo neutro. Además, la metodología propuesta incorpora un parámetro que permite de forma sencilla controlar el nivel de VE expresado en la voz sintetizada. Esto abre la posibilidad de controlar fácilmente el proceso de síntesis tal y como se hizo en el proyecto CreaVeu usando interfaces simples e intuitivas, también realizado dentro del grupo GTM. Esta memoria concluye con una revisión del trabajo realizado en esta tesis y con una propuesta de modificación de un esquema de US-TTS para expresar diferentes niveles de VE a partir de un único corpus neutro.This thesis was conducted in the Grup en Tecnologies M`edia (GTM) from Escola d’Enginyeria i Arquitectura la Salle. The group has a long trajectory in the speech synthesis field and has developed their own Unit-Selection Text-To-Speech (US-TTS) which is able to convey multiple expressive styles using multiple expressive corpora, one for each expressive style. Thus, in order to convey aggressive speech, the US-TTS uses an aggressive corpus, whereas for a sensual speech style, the system uses a sensual corpus. Unlike that approach, this dissertation aims to present a new schema for enhancing the flexibility of the US-TTS system for performing multiple expressive styles using a single neutral corpus. The approach followed in this dissertation is based on applying Digital Signal Processing (DSP) techniques for carrying out speech modifications in order to synthesize the desired expressive style. For conducting the speech modifications the Harmonics plus Noise Model (HNM) was chosen for its flexibility in conducting signal modifications. Voice Quality (VoQ) has been proven to play an important role in different expressive styles. Thus, low-level VoQ acoustic parameters were explored for conveying multiple emotions. This raised several problems setting new objectives for the rest of the thesis, among them finding a single parameter with strong impact on the expressive style conveyed. Vocal Effort (VE) was selected for conducting expressive speech style modifications due to its salient role in expressive speech. The first approach working with VE was based on transferring VE between two parallel utterances based on the Adaptive Pre-emphasis Linear Prediction (APLP) technique. This approach allowed transferring VE but the model presented certain restrictions regarding its flexibility for generating new intermediate VE levels. Aiming to improve the flexibility and control of the conveyed VE, a new approach using polynomial model for modelling VE was presented. This model not only allowed transferring VE levels between two different utterances, but also allowed to generate other VE levels than those present in the speech corpus. This is aligned with the general goal of this thesis, allowing US-TTS systems to convey multiple expressive styles with a single neutral corpus. Moreover, the proposed methodology introduces a parameter for controlling the degree of VE in the synthesized speech signal. This opens new possibilities for controlling the synthesis process such as the one in the CreaVeu project using a simple and intuitive graphical interfaces, also conducted in the GTM group. The dissertation concludes with a review of the conducted work and a proposal for schema modifications within a US-TTS system for introducing the VE modification blocks designed in this dissertation

    Akustische Phonetik und ihre multidisziplinären Aspekte

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    The aim of this book is to honor the multidisciplinary work of Doz. Dr. Sylvia Moosmüller† in the field of acoustic phonetics. The essays in this volume range from sociophonetics, language diagnostics, dialectology, to language technology. They thus exemplify the breadth of acoustic phonetics, which has been shaped by influences from the humanities and technical sciences since its beginnings.Ziel dieses Buches ist es, die multidisziplinäre Arbeit von Doz. Dr. Sylvia Moosmüller (†) im Bereich der akustischen Phonetik zu würdigen. Die Aufsätze in diesem Band sind in der Soziophonetik, Sprachdiagnostik, Dialektologie und Sprachtechnologie angesiedelt. Sie stellen damit exemplarisch die Breite der akustischen Phonetik dar, die seit ihrer Entstehung durch Einflüsse aus den Geisteswissenschaften und den technischen Wissenschaften geprägt war

    Tagungsband der 12. Tagung Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum

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