374 research outputs found

    Deep CNN-Based Automated Optical Inspection for Aerospace Components

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    ABSTRACT The defect detection problem is of outmost importance in high-tech industries such as aerospace manufacturing and is widely employed using automated industrial quality control systems. In the aerospace manufacturing industry, composite materials are extensively applied as structural components in civilian and military aircraft. To ensure the quality of the product and high reliability, manual inspection and traditional automatic optical inspection have been employed to identify the defects throughout production and maintenance. These inspection techniques have several limitations such as tedious, time- consuming, inconsistent, subjective, labor intensive, expensive, etc. To make the operation effective and efficient, modern automated optical inspection needs to be preferred. In this dissertation work, automatic defect detection techniques are tested on three levels using a novel aerospace composite materials image dataset (ACMID). First, classical machine learning models, namely, Support Vector Machine and Random Forest, are employed for both datasets. Second, deep CNN-based models, such as improved ResNet50 and MobileNetV2 architectures are trained on ACMID datasets. Third, an efficient defect detection technique that combines the features of deep learning and classical machine learning model is proposed for ACMID dataset. To assess the aerospace composite components, all the models are trained and tested on ACMID datasets with distinct sizes. In addition, this work investigates the scenario when defective and non-defective samples are scarce and imbalanced. To overcome the problems of imbalanced and scarce datasets, oversampling techniques and data augmentation using improved deep convolutional generative adversarial networks (DCGAN) are considered. Furthermore, the proposed models are also validated using one of the benchmark steel surface defects (SSD) dataset

    An Extended Review on Fabric Defects and Its Detection Techniques

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    In Textile Industry, Quality of the Fabric is the main important factor. At the initial stage, it is very essential to identify and avoid the fabrics faults/defects and hence human perception consumes lot of time and cost to reveal the fabrics faults. Now-a-days Automated Inspection Systems are very useful to decrease the fault prediction time and gives best visualizing clarity- based on computer vision and image processing techniques. This paper made an extended review about the quality parameters in the fiber-to-fabric process, fabrics defects detection terminologies applied on major three clusters of fabric defects knitting, woven and sewing fabric defects. And this paper also explains about the statistical performance measures which are used to analyze the defect detection process. Also, comparison among the methods proposed in the field of fabric defect detection

    A Survey on Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Algorithms for Industrial Images

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    In line with the development of Industry 4.0, surface defect detection/anomaly detection becomes a topical subject in the industry field. Improving efficiency as well as saving labor costs has steadily become a matter of great concern in practice, where deep learning-based algorithms perform better than traditional vision inspection methods in recent years. While existing deep learning-based algorithms are biased towards supervised learning, which not only necessitates a huge amount of labeled data and human labor, but also brings about inefficiency and limitations. In contrast, recent research shows that unsupervised learning has great potential in tackling the above disadvantages for visual industrial anomaly detection. In this survey, we summarize current challenges and provide a thorough overview of recently proposed unsupervised algorithms for visual industrial anomaly detection covering five categories, whose innovation points and frameworks are described in detail. Meanwhile, publicly available datasets for industrial anomaly detection are introduced. By comparing different classes of methods, the advantages and disadvantages of anomaly detection algorithms are summarized. Based on the current research framework, we point out the core issue that remains to be resolved and provide further improvement directions. Meanwhile, based on the latest technological trends, we offer insights into future research directions. It is expected to assist both the research community and industry in developing a broader and cross-domain perspective

    Anomaly Detection in Automated Fibre Placement: Learning with Data Limitations

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    Conventional defect detection systems in Automated Fibre Placement (AFP) typically rely on end-to-end supervised learning, necessitating a substantial number of labelled defective samples for effective training. However, the scarcity of such labelled data poses a challenge. To overcome this limitation, we present a comprehensive framework for defect detection and localization in Automated Fibre Placement. Our approach combines unsupervised deep learning and classical computer vision algorithms, eliminating the need for labelled data or manufacturing defect samples. It efficiently detects various surface issues while requiring fewer images of composite parts for training. Our framework employs an innovative sample extraction method leveraging AFP's inherent symmetry to expand the dataset. By inputting a depth map of the fibre layup surface, we extract local samples aligned with each composite strip (tow). These samples are processed through an autoencoder, trained on normal samples for precise reconstructions, highlighting anomalies through reconstruction errors. Aggregated values form an anomaly map for insightful visualization. The framework employs blob detection on this map to locate manufacturing defects. The experimental findings reveal that despite training the autoencoder with a limited number of images, our proposed method exhibits satisfactory detection accuracy and accurately identifies defect locations. Our framework demonstrates comparable performance to existing methods, while also offering the advantage of detecting all types of anomalies without relying on an extensive labelled dataset of defects

    A Review of Recent Advances in Surface Defect Detection using Texture analysis Techniques

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    In this paper, we systematically review recent advances in surface inspection using computer vision andimage processing techniques, particularly those based on texture analysis methods. The aim is to reviewthe state-of-the-art techniques for the purposes of visual inspection and decision making schemes that areable to discriminate the features extracted from normal and defective regions. This field is so vast that itis impossible to cover all the aspects of visual inspection. This paper focuses on a particular but importantsubset which generally treats visual surface inspection as texture analysis problems. Other topics related tovisual inspection such as imaging system and data acquisition are out of the scope of this survey.The surface defects are loosely separated into two types. One is local textural irregularities which is themain concern for most visual surface inspection applications. The other is global deviation of colour and/ortexture, where local pattern or texture does not exhibit abnormalities. We refer this type of defects as shadeor tonality problem. The second type of defects have been largely neglected until recently, particularly whencolour imaging system has been widely used in visual inspection and where chromatic consistency plays animportant role in quality control. The emphasis of this survey though is still on detecting local abnormalities,given the fact that majority of the reported works are dealing with the first type of defects.The techniques used to inspect textural abnormalities are discussed in four categories, statistical approaches,structural approaches, filter based methods, and model based approaches, with a comprehensivelist of references to some recent works. Due to rising demand and practice of colour texture analysis inapplication to visual inspection, those works that are dealing with colour texture analysis are discussedseparately. It is also worth noting that processing vector-valued data has its unique challenges, which conventionalsurface inspection methods have often ignored or do not encounter.We also compare classification approaches with novelty detection approaches at the decision makingstage. Classification approaches often require supervised training and usually provide better performancethan novelty detection based approaches where training is only carried out on defect-free samples. However,novelty detection is relatively easier to adapt and is particularly desirable when training samples areincomplet