297 research outputs found

    GAMESPECT: A Composition Framework and Meta-Level Domain Specific Aspect Language for Unreal Engine 4

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    Game engine programming involves a great number of software components, many of which perform similar tasks; for example, memory allocation must take place in the renderer as well as in the creation routines while other tasks such as error logging must take place everywhere. One area of all games which is critical to the success of the game is that of game balance and tuning. These balancing initiatives cut across all areas of code from the player and AI to the mission manager. In computer science, we’ve come to call these types of concerns “cross cutting”. Aspect oriented programming was developed, in part, to solve the problems of cross cutting: employing “advice” which can be incorporated across different pieces of functionality. Yet, despite the prevalence of a solution, very little work has been done to bring cross cutting to game engine programming. Additionally, the discipline involves a heavy amount of code rewriting and reuse while simultaneously relying on many common design patterns that are copied from one project to another. In the case of game balance, the code may be wildly different across two different games despite the fact that similar tasks are being done. These two problems are exacerbated by the fact that almost every game engine has its own custom DSL (domain specific language) unique to that situation. If a DSL could showcase the areas of cross cutting concerns while highlighting the ability to capture design patterns that can be used across games, significant productivity savings could be achieved while simultaneously creating a common thread for discussion of shared problems within the domain. This dissertation sought to do exactly that- create a metalanguage called GAMESPECT which supports multiple styles of DSLs while bringing aspect-oriented programming into the DSL’s to make them DSAL (domain specific aspect languages). The example cross cutting concern was game balance and tuning since it’s so pervasive and important to gaming. We have created GAMESPECT as a language and a composition framework which can assist engine developers and game designers in balancing their games, forming one central place for game balancing concerns even while these concerns may cross different languages and locations inside the source code. Generality was measured by showcasing the composition specifications in multiple contexts and languages. In addition to evaluating generality and performance metrics, effectiveness was be measured. Specifically, comparisons were made between a balancing initiative when performed with GAMESPECT vs a traditional methodology. In doing so, this work shows a clear advantage to using a Metalanguage such as GAMESPECT for this task. In general, a line of code reduction of 9-40% per task was achieved with negligible effects to performance. The use of a metalanguage in Unreal Engine 4 is a starting point to further discussions concerning other game engines. In addition, this work has implications beyond video game programming. The work described highlights benefits which might be achieved in other disciplines where design pattern implementations and cross-cutting concern usage is high; the real time simulation field and the field of Windows GUI programming are two examples of future domains

    Survey of Technologies for Web Application Development

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    Web-based application developers face a dizzying array of platforms, languages, frameworks and technical artifacts to choose from. We survey, classify, and compare technologies supporting Web application development. The classification is based on (1) foundational technologies; (2)integration with other information sources; and (3) dynamic content generation. We further survey and classify software engineering techniques and tools that have been adopted from traditional programming into Web programming. We conclude that, although the infrastructure problems of the Web have largely been solved, the cacophony of technologies for Web-based applications reflects the lack of a solid model tailored for this domain.Comment: 43 page

    FOAL 2004 Proceedings: Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages Workshop at AOSD 2004

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    Aspect-oriented programming is a paradigm in software engineering and FOAL logos courtesy of Luca Cardelli programming languages that promises better support for separation of concerns. The third Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages (FOAL) workshop was held at the Third International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development in Lancaster, UK, on March 23, 2004. This workshop was designed to be a forum for research in formal foundations of aspect-oriented programming languages. The call for papers announced the areas of interest for FOAL as including, but not limited to: semantics of aspect-oriented languages, specification and verification for such languages, type systems, static analysis, theory of testing, theory of aspect composition, and theory of aspect translation (compilation) and rewriting. The call for papers welcomed all theoretical and foundational studies of foundations of aspect-oriented languages. The goals of this FOAL workshop were to: � Make progress on the foundations of aspect-oriented programming languages. � Exchange ideas about semantics and formal methods for aspect-oriented programming languages. � Foster interest within the programming language theory and types communities in aspect-oriented programming languages. � Foster interest within the formal methods community in aspect-oriented programming and the problems of reasoning about aspect-oriented programs. The papers at the workshop, which are included in the proceedings, were selected frompapers submitted by researchers worldwide. Due to time limitations at the workshop, not all of the submitted papers were selected for presentation. FOAL also welcomed an invited talk by James Riely (DePaul University), the abstract of which is included below. The workshop was organized by Gary T. Leavens (Iowa State University), Ralf L?ammel (CWI and Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam), and Curtis Clifton (Iowa State University). The program committee was chaired by L?ammel and included L?ammel, Leavens, Clifton, Lodewijk Bergmans (University of Twente), John Tang Boyland (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee), William R. Cook (University of Texas at Austin), Tzilla Elrad (Illinois Institute of Technology), Kathleen Fisher (AT&T Labs�Research), Radha Jagadeesan (DePaul University), Shmuel Katz (Technion�Israel Institute of Technology), Shriram Krishnamurthi (Brown University), Mira Mezini (Darmstadt University of Technology), Todd Millstein (University of California, Los Angeles), Benjamin C. Pierce (University of Pennsylvania), Henny Sipma (Stanford University), Mario S?udholt ( ?Ecole des Mines de Nantes), and David Walker (Princeton University). We thank the organizers of AOSD 2004 for hosting the workshop

    Research Reports: 1984 NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program

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    A NASA/ASEE Summer Faulty Fellowship Program was conducted at the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC). The basic objectives of the programs are: (1) to further the professional knowledge of qualified engineering and science faculty members; (2) to stimulate an exchange of ideas between participants and NASA; (3) to enrich and refresh the research and teaching activities of the participants' institutions; and (4) to contribute to the research objectives of the NASA Centers. The Faculty Fellows spent ten weeks at MSFC engaged in a research project compatible with their interests and background and worked in collaboration with a NASA/MSFC colleague. This document is a compilation of Fellows' reports on their research during the summer of 1984. Topics covered include: (1) data base management; (2) computational fluid dynamics; (3) space debris; (4) X-ray gratings; (5) atomic oxygen exposure; (6) protective coatings for SSME; (7) cryogenics; (8) thermal analysis measurements; (9) solar wind modelling; and (10) binary systems

    Ideals : an introduction to the project and the book

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    The software system development for the TAMU real-time fan beam scatterometer data processors

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    A software package was designed and written to process in real-time any one quadrature channel pair of radar scatterometer signals form the NASA L- or C-Band radar scatterometer systems. The software was successfully tested in the C-Band processor breadboard hardware using recorded radar and NERDAS (NASA Earth Resources Data Annotation System) signals as the input data sources. The processor development program and the overall processor theory of operation and design are described. The real-time processor software system is documented and the results of the laboratory software tests, and recommendations for the efficient application of the data processing capabilities are presented

    Design of testbed and emulation tools

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    The research summarized was concerned with the design of testbed and emulation tools suitable to assist in projecting, with reasonable accuracy, the expected performance of highly concurrent computing systems on large, complete applications. Such testbed and emulation tools are intended for the eventual use of those exploring new concurrent system architectures and organizations, either as users or as designers of such systems. While a range of alternatives was considered, a software based set of hierarchical tools was chosen to provide maximum flexibility, to ease in moving to new computers as technology improves and to take advantage of the inherent reliability and availability of commercially available computing systems

    Self-Organizing Software Architectures

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    Looking at engineering productivity is a source for improving the state of software engineering. We present two approaches to improve productivity: bottom-up modeling and self-configuring software components. Productivity, as measured in the ability to produce correctly working software features using limited resources is improved by performing less wasteful activities and by concentrating on the required activities to build sustainable software development organizations. Bottom-up modeling is a way to combine improved productivity with agile software engineering. Instead of focusing on tools and up-front planning, the models used emerge, as the requirements to the product are unveiled during a project. The idea is to build the modeling formalisms strong enough to be employed in code generation and as runtime models. This brings the benefits of model-driven engineering to agile projects, where the benefits have been rare. Self-configuring components are a development of bottom-up modeling. The notion of a source model is extended to incorporate the software entities themselves. Using computational reflection and introspection, dependent components of the software can be automatically updated to reflect changes in the dependence. This improves maintainability, thus making software changes faster. The thesis contains a number of case studies explaining the ways of applying the presented techniques. In addition to constructing the case studies, an empirical validation with test subjects is presented to show the usefulness of the techniques.Itseorganisoituvat ohjelmistoarkkitehtuurit Ohjelmistokehityksen tuottavuus on monen ohjelmistokehitysorganisaation huolenaihe. Erityisesti ylläpitovaiheessa ohjelmistojen heikko muokattavuus tuottaa turhia kustannuksia ja pettymyksiä asiakassuhteissa, kun vaikeasti muokattavaan ohjelmistoon tulisi tehdä muutoksia. Tässä työssä esitetään kaksi menetelmää ohjelmistojen muokattavuuden parantamiseksi: kokoava mallinnuskielten käyttäminen sekä itseorganisoituvat ohjelmistokomponentit. Mallipohjaisessa ohjelmistotuotannossa ohjelmistoille kehitetään soveltuvat mallinnuskielet ja -työkalut, joiden pohjalta kehitettävä ohjelmisto voidaan automaattisesti tuottaa. Uuden mallinnuskielen kehittäminen ja sitä tukevan välineistön rakentaminen on kuitenkin aikaaviepää ja vaikeaa. Vaarana on, että kehitetty kieli on valmistuessaan vanhentunut. Niin kutsutuissa ketterissä ohjelmistomenetelmissä yritetään välttää perinteisten, suunittelupainotteisten kehitysmenetelmien tuottamia sudenkuoppia. Liiallinen ketteryys voi kuitenkin kostautua heikkona tuottavuutena, kun kehitysväen kaikki aika kuluu näppäryysharjoituksiin varsinaisen tuottavan työn sijaan. Kokoava mallipohjainen tuotanto keskittyy kehittämään vain riittävän hyviä malleja, joiden perusteella voidaan yhdistää mallipohjaisen ohjelmistotuotannon ja ketterien prosessimallien tuomat edut. Ulkoisten, erikseen kehiteltyjen mallikielten lisäksi työssä esitellään ajatus ohjelmakoodin itsensä käyttämisestä mallipohjaisen ohjelmistotuotannon työkaluna. Näin syntyy itseorganisoituva ohjelmistoarkkitehtuuri. Tällä tavoin kehitystyön tuottavuus paranee, sillä ohjelmakoodin sisäisten riippuvuuksien määrä laskee, ja näin ollen muokkausten tekeminen on helpompaa. Työssä esitellään tapaustutkimuksia ohjelmakoodiin perustuvasta mallipohjaisen ohjelmistotuotannon ohjelmistokehyksistä sekä empiirinen validointi itseorganisoituvuuden hyödyllisyydestä tuottavuusnäkökulmasta katsoen
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