14 research outputs found

    An Internet of Things approach for managing smart services provided by wearable devices.

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing at a fast pace with new devices getting connected all the time. A new emerging group of these devices are the wearable devices, and Wireless Sensor Networks are a good way to integrate them in the IoT concept and bring new experiences to the daily life activities. In this paper we present an everyday life application involving a WSN as the base of a novel context-awareness sports scenario where physiological parameters are measured and sent to the WSN by wearable devices. Applications with several hardware components introduce the problem of heterogeneity in the network. In order to integrate different hardware platforms and to introduce a service-oriented semantic middleware solution into a single application, we propose the use of an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) as a bridge for guaranteeing interoperability and integration of the different environments, thus introducing a semantic added value needed in the world of IoT-based systems. This approach places all the data acquired (e.g., via Internet data access) at application developers disposal, opening the system to new user applications. The user can then access the data through a wide variety of devices (smartphones, tablets, computers) and Operating Systems (Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, etc.)

    Industry 4.0: a challenge of competition

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    Introduction: The value creation in industry in developed countries is being driven by the fourth stage of industrialization, denominated by Industry 4.0. The new industrial revolution will be motivated by next-generation information technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, Big Data and data analysis, robotics, mobile computing, simulation and modelling, cyber-physical systems, among others. This opens new horizons for industry, but the challenges are countless creating difficulties for companies in the adoption of these technologies. Objectives: To make a powerful and deep literature revision pursuing a technical analysis of the Industry 4.0 requirements. Methods: We will address the main risks and challenges associated with IoT and define the regional attractiveness measures as growth drivers that leaders must put in place to appeal for companies chasing 4.0. Results: IoT joins the digital world and the physical world being considered the next generation network or the future Internet. It allows to give life and communication capacity either to living beiings or to inanimate objects. IoT's intervention in Industry 4.0 im extreme, with a continuous interconnection of the digital and physical domain. Conclusions: Portugal's growth prospects will increasingly depend on policies that enable the economy to compete successfully and create new income opportunities. At the moment, there are structural bottlenecks that continue to curb growth and exacerbate vulnerabilities. Solving some of these problems will now lay the foundation for solid growth in the coming years, but this calls for a renewal of the impetus for structural reforms. Industry 4.0, can contribute significantly to reducing regional asymmetries. But in the longer term, skills will need to be improved to foster development and reduce the high levels of such inequalities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Systematic Review on Recent Advances in mHealth Systems: Deployment Architecture for Emergency Response

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    A Indústria 4.0 e o seu Impacto no Tecido Económico Empresarial Português: O Caso da Região Dão-Lafões

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    A criação de valor na indústria em países desenvolvidos está a ser direcionada pela quarta etapa de industrialização, denominada Indústria 4.0. As oportunidades são ilimitadas, mas os desafios são inúmeros criando dificuldades para as empresas na adoção dessas tecnologias. Este artigo, para além de uma revisão da literatura sobre a evolução das recentes tecnologias e respetivas aplicabilidades, pretende definir as principais medidas de atratividade regional como fatores de crescimento, suportando os líderes nas suas decisões de atração de empresas que perseguem a indústria 4.0. Para este objetivo apresentamos o resultado de catorze entrevistas aos principais responsáveis de empresas da região Dão-Lafões (Portugal) que já aplicam e/ou têm capacidades ou apetências de utilização das novas tecnologias nas suas indústrias. Os resultados mostram que as empresas têm já efetuado algum investimento em tecnologias da indústria 4.0, essencialmente ao nível do processo produtivo, com tendência para abranger diferentes áreas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Um estudo empírico sobre a aceitação de dispositivos wearable pelo consumidor português

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    Mestrado em Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoA internet das coisas (em inglês, Internet of Things (IoT) é a mais recente evolução na web que incorpora milhares de milhões de dispositivos (como câmaras, sensores, RFID, smartphones, e wearables), que são controlados por diferentes organizações e pessoas que os empregam e utilizam com as mais variadas finalidades. Uma vez que a IoT é um desenvolvimento recente, ainda há uma carência de estudos sociais, comportamentais, económicos e de gestão da IoT. A Tecnologia wearable pode ser considerada como uma subcategoria da IoT e está a tornar-se cada vez mais utilizada em todo o mundo. Este estudo centra-se na análise da aceitação de dispositivos wearable pelos consumidores, bem como nos seus determinantes, propondo um modelo adaptado do UTAUT2. Foi escolhida uma abordagem quantitativa com base em questionários aplicados a uma amostra não probabilística por conveniência a 168 inquiridos. A análise dos dados foi realizada através do PLS (Partial Least Squares). Os resultados do trabalho confirmaram a validade do modelo conceptual e permitiram analisar a intenção dos consumidores portugueses relativamente ao uso de dispositivos wearable, onde se verificou que o hábito é a variável que mais influencia a intenção de uso desta tecnologia. Embora os dispositivos wearable sejam cada vez mais conhecidos, os estudos empíricos sobre as perceções dos utilizadores estão ainda numa fase inicial. Tanto quanto é do nosso conhecimento, este estudo é uma das primeiras iniciativas académicas em Portugal que estuda a utilização de wearables. As conclusões contribuem para a ampliação do conhecimento académico sobre o tema.The internet of things (IoT) is the latest web evolution that incorporates billions of devices (such as cameras, sensors, RFIDs, smart phones, and wearables), that are owned by different organizations and people who are deploying and using them for their own purposes. Because the IoT is such a recent development, there is still a lack of studies on the social, behavioral, economic, and managerial aspects of the IoT. Wearable Technology is a subarea of IoT and are becoming more commonly used among consumers around the world. This study focuses on customers' acceptance of wearable devices as well as its determinants, proposing an adapted model from UTAUT2. A quantitative research approach was chosen. The methodology used was based in a descriptive analysis where questionnaire was implemented in a convenience and non-probabilistic sample composed by 168 individuals. The data analysis was made using PLS (Partial Least Squares) program. The results confirmed the validity of the conceptual model and allowed to analyse behavioral intention in the portuguese context regarding wearable devices, where was observed that habit is the variable that most influences behavior intention and actual use. Though wearable devices are becoming increasingly popular, empirical studies on user perceptions remain preliminary. Therefore, this study is one of the first Portuguese scholarly attempts at a systematic prediction of wearables usage. The findings contribute to the expansion of academic knowledge on the subject.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modelo de aceitação de dispositivos Wearable como meio de pagamentos contactless

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    Mestrado em Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoNum mundo em que o mercado dos wearables tem verificado uma trajetória ascendente e onde os pagamentos contactless se tornam uma forma de efetuar pagamentos cada vez mais expressiva, configura-se pertinente estudar a intenção de adoção de dispositivos wearable como meio de pagamentos contactless pelos consumidores individuais. Assim, este estudo visa investigar os fatores que afetam e influenciam a intenção de adoção e o uso real deste tipo de dispositivos, tendo por base um modelo de aceitação de tecnologia.In a world where the wearables' market has shown an upward trend and where contactless payments have become an increasingly substantial method to make payments, it becomes opportune to study the susceptibility of adopting wearable devices as a means of contactless payments by individual consumers. Therefore, this study, based on a technology acceptance model, investigates the causes that alter and influence the willingness to adopt and actually use this type of devices.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gestionando datos heterogéneos provenientes de sensores para medir la calidad del aire de Bogotá

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    El avance tecnológico y científico actual, ha impulsado el desarrollo de sistemas que mejoren la calidad de vida de las personas, aportando bienestar a la comunidad mediante el suministro de información relevante y pertinente para la toma de decisiones. En el contexto tecnológico de Internet de las Cosas (IoT), estos sistemas suponen la medición y el monitoreo de diversas variables del entorno. (Karnouskos, 2012) La heterogeneidad propia de los datos capturados y los instrumentos de medición utilizados, dificulta la interoperabilidad entre los diversos componentes de IoT. Tales problemas han generado interés en el desarrollo de métodos y herramientas que soporten la heterogeneidad de los datos de sensores, de las mediciones y de los dispositivos de medición. Existen herramientas privadas que han resuelto algunos de estos problemas de interoperabilidad pero restringen a los desarrolladores de proyectos IoT a utilizar sensores de marcas específicas, limitando el uso generalizado en la comunidad. Adicionalmente, se requiere resolver el reto de integrar protocolos diversos en un mismo proyecto IoT. Con el propósito de subsanar esas dificultades, se plantea una arquitectura basada en redes de sensores y software inspirados en la cultura libre, que permita la comunicación mediante protocolos diversos en un escenario de aplicación donde se monitorea la calidad del aire para informar a los usuarios, y que mediante la generación de alertas favorezca la toma de decisiones en su vida cotidiana, teniendo en cuenta los datos provenientes de los sensores.Abstract: The current technological and scientific progress has promoted the development of systems that improve people's quality of life, providing well-being to the community by the supply of relevant information for decision-making. In the technological context of the Internet of Things (IoT), these systems involve the measurement and monitoring of various environmental variables. The inherent heterogeneity of the captured data and the measurement instruments used makes it difficult to interoperate between the various IoT components. Such problems have generated interest in the development of methods and tools that support the heterogeneity of sensor data, measurements and measurement devices. There are private tools that have solved some of these interoperability issues but restrict IoT project developers to use proprietary sensors, limiting widespread use in the community. In addition, it is necessary to solve the challenge of integrating diverse protocols in the same IoT project. In order to overcome these difficulties, an architecture based on networks of sensors and software inspired by the free culture is proposed, allowing communication through various protocols in an application scenario where air quality is monitored to inform users, and that through the generation of alerts favor the decision making in their daily lives, taking into account the data coming from sensors.Maestrí

    The integrity of digital technologies in the evolving characteristics of real-time enterprise architecture

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    Advancements in interactive and responsive enterprises involve real-time access to the information and capabilities of emerging technologies. Digital technologies (DTs) are emerging technologies that provide end-to-end business processes (BPs), engage a diversified set of real-time enterprise (RTE) participants, and institutes interactive DT services. This thesis offers a selection of the author’s work over the last decade that addresses the real-time access to changing characteristics of information and integration of DTs. They are critical for RTEs to run a competitive business and respond to a dynamic marketplace. The primary contributions of this work are listed below. • Performed an intense investigation to illustrate the challenges of the RTE during the advancement of DTs and corresponding business operations. • Constituted a practical approach to continuously evolve the RTEs and measure the impact of DTs by developing, instrumenting, and inferring the standardized RTE architecture and DTs. • Established the RTE operational governance framework and instituted it to provide structure, oversight responsibilities, features, and interdependencies of business operations. • Formulated the incremental risk (IR) modeling framework to identify and correlate the evolving risks of the RTEs during the deployment of DT services. • DT service classifications scheme is derived based on BPs, BP activities, DT’s paradigms, RTE processes, and RTE policies. • Identified and assessed the evaluation paradigms of the RTEs to measure the progress of the RTE architecture based on the DT service classifications. The starting point was the author’s experience with evolving aspects of DTs that are disrupting industries and consequently impacting the sustainability of the RTE. The initial publications emphasized innovative characteristics of DTs and lack of standardization, indicating the impact and adaptation of DTs are questionable for the RTEs. The publications are focused on developing different elements of RTE architecture. Each published work concerns the creation of an RTE architecture framework fit to the purpose of business operations in association with the DT services and associated capabilities. The RTE operational governance framework and incremental risk methodology presented in subsequent publications ensure the continuous evolution of RTE in advancements of DTs. Eventually, each publication presents the evaluation paradigms based on the identified scheme of DT service classification to measure the success of RTE architecture or corresponding elements of the RTE architecture