207 research outputs found

    On path ranking in time-dependent graphs

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    In this paper we study a property of time-dependent graphs, dubbed path ranking invariance. Broadly speaking, a time-dependent graph is path ranking invariant if the ordering of its paths (w.r.t. travel time) is independent of the start time. In this paper we show that, if a graph is path ranking invariant, the solution of a large class of time-dependent vehicle routing problems can be obtained by solving suitably defined (and simpler) time-independent routing problems. We also show how this property can be checked by solving a linear program. If the check fails, the solution of the linear program can be used to determine a tight lower bound. In order to assess the value of these insights, the lower bounds have been embedded into an enumerative scheme. Computational results on the time-dependent versions of the \textit{Travelling Salesman Problem} and the \textit{Rural Postman Problem} show that the new findings allow to outperform state-of-the-art algorithms.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figure

    Arc routing problems: A review of the past, present, and future

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    [EN] Arc routing problems (ARPs) are defined and introduced. Following a brief history of developments in this area of research, different types of ARPs are described that are currently relevant for study. In addition, particular features of ARPs that are important from a theoretical or practical point of view are discussed. A section on applications describes some of the changes that have occurred from early applications of ARP models to the present day and points the way to emerging topics for study. A final section provides information on libraries and instance repositories for ARPs. The review concludes with some perspectives on future research developments and opportunities for emerging applicationsThis research was supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, Grant/Award Number: PGC2018-099428-B-I00. The Research Council of Norway, Grant/Award Numbers: 246825/O70 (DynamITe), 263031/O70 (AXIOM).Corberån, Á.; Eglese, R.; Hasle, G.; Plana, I.; Sanchís Llopis, JM. (2021). Arc routing problems: A review of the past, present, and future. Networks. 77(1):88-115. https://doi.org/10.1002/net.21965S8811577

    An updated annotated bibliography on arc routing problems

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    The number of arc routing publications has increased significantly in the last decade. Such an increase justifies a second annotated bibliography, a sequel to Corberán and Prins (Networks 56 (2010), 50–69), discussing arc routing studies from 2010 onwards. These studies are grouped into three main sections: single vehicle problems, multiple vehicle problems and applications. Each main section catalogs problems according to their specifics. Section 2 is therefore composed of four subsections, namely: the Chinese Postman Problem, the Rural Postman Problem, the General Routing Problem (GRP) and Arc Routing Problems (ARPs) with profits. Section 3, devoted to the multiple vehicle case, begins with three subsections on the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (CARP) and then delves into several variants of multiple ARPs, ending with GRPs and problems with profits. Section 4 is devoted to applications, including distribution and collection routes, outdoor activities, post-disaster operations, road cleaning and marking. As new applications emerge and existing applications continue to be used and adapted, the future of arc routing research looks promising.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Arc Routing Problems for Road Network Maintenance

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    RÉSUMÉ : Cette thĂšse prĂ©sente deux problĂšmes rencontrĂ©s dans l’entretien des rĂ©seaux routiers, soit la surveillance des rĂ©seaux routiers pour la dĂ©tection de verglas sur la chaussĂ©e et la reprogrammation des itinĂ©raires pour les activitĂ©s de dĂ©neigement et d’épandage de sel. Nous reprĂ©sentons ces problĂšmes par des modĂšles de tournĂ©es sur les arcs. La dĂ©pendance aux moments et la nature dynamique sont des caractĂ©ristiques propres de ces problĂšmes, par consĂ©quence le cas de surveillance des rĂ©seaux routiers est modĂ©lisĂ© comme un problĂšme de postier rural avec fenĂȘtres-horaires (RPPTW), tandis que le cas de la reprogrammation utilise des modĂšles obtenus Ă  partir des formulations de problĂšmes de tournĂ©es sur les arcs avec capacitĂ©. Dans le cas du problĂšme de surveillance, une patrouille vĂ©rifie l’état des chemins et des autoroutes, elle doit principalement dĂ©tecter le verglas sur la chaussĂ©e dans le but d’assurer de bonnes conditions aux chauffeurs et aux piĂ©tons. Étant donnĂ© un rĂ©seau routier et des prĂ©visions mĂ©tĂ©o, le problĂšme consiste Ă  crĂ©er une tournĂ©e qui permette de dĂ©tecter opportunĂ©ment le verglas sur les rues et les routes. L’objectif poursuivi consiste Ă  minimiser le coĂ»t de cette opĂ©ration. En premier, on prĂ©sente trois formulations basĂ©es sur la programmation linĂ©aire en nombres entiers pour le problĂšme de surveillance des rĂ©seaux qui dĂ©pend du moment et deux mĂ©thodes de rĂ©solution: un algorithme de coupes et un algorithme heuristique appelĂ© adaptive large neighborhood search (ALNS). La mĂ©thode exacte inclut des inĂ©quations valides tirĂ©es du problĂšme du voyageur de commerce avec fenĂȘtres-horaires et aussi du problĂšme de voyageur du commerce avec contraintes de prĂ©cĂ©dence. La mĂ©thode heuristique considĂšre deux phases: en premier, on trouve une solution initiale et aprĂšs dans la deuxiĂšme phase, l’algorithme essaie d’amĂ©liorer la solution initiale en utilisant sept heuristiques de destruction et deux heuristiques de rĂ©paration choisies au hasard. La performance des heuristiques est Ă©valuĂ©e pendant les itĂ©rations. Une meilleure performance correspond Ă  une plus grande probabilitĂ© de choisir une heuristique. Plusieurs tests ont Ă©tĂ© faits sur deux ensembles d’exemplaires de problĂšmes. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus montrent que l’algorithme de coupes est capable de rĂ©soudre des rĂ©seaux avec 104 arĂȘtes requises et des fenĂȘtres-horaires structurĂ©es par tranches horaires ; l’algorithme peut aussi rĂ©soudre des rĂ©seaux avec 45 arĂȘtes requises et des fenĂȘtres-horaires structurĂ©es pour chaque arĂȘte requise. Pour l’algorithme ALNS, diffĂ©rentes versions de l’algorithme sont comparĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que cette mĂ©thode est efficace parce qu’elle est capable de rĂ©soudre Ă  l’optimalitĂ© 224 des 232 exemplaires et de rĂ©duire le temps de calcul significativement pour les exemplaires les plus difficiles. La derniĂšre partie de la thĂšse introduit le problĂšme de la reprogrammation de tournĂ©es sur les arcs avec capacitĂ© (RCARP), lequel permet de modĂ©liser la reprogrammation des itinĂ©raires aprĂšs une panne d’un vĂ©hicule lors de la phase d’exĂ©cution d’un plan initial des activitĂ©s de dĂ©neigement ou d’épandage de sel. Le planificateur doit alors modifier le plan initial rapidement et reprogrammer les vĂ©hicules qui restent pour finir les activitĂ©s. Dans ce cas, l’objectif poursuivi consiste Ă  minimiser le coĂ»t d’opĂ©ration et le coĂ»t de perturbation. La distance couverte par les vĂ©hicules correspond au coĂ»t d’opĂ©ration, cependant une nouvelle mĂ©trique est dĂ©veloppĂ©e pour mesurer le coĂ»t de perturbation. Les coĂ»ts considĂ©rĂ©s sont des objectifs en conflit. On analyse quatre politiques Ă  la phase de re-routage en utilisant des formulations de programmation linĂ©aire en nombres entiers. On propose une solution heuristique comme mĂ©thode pour rĂ©soudre le RCARP quand les coĂ»ts d’opĂ©ration et de perturbation sont minimisĂ©s en mĂȘme temps et quand une rĂ©ponse rapide est nĂ©cessaire. La mĂ©thode consiste Ă  fixer une partie de l’itinĂ©raire initial et aprĂšs Ă  modifier seulement les itinĂ©raires des vĂ©hicules les plus proches de la zone de l’interruption de la tournĂ©e du vĂ©hicule dĂ©faillant. La mĂ©thode a Ă©tĂ© testĂ©e sur des exemplaires obtenus d’un rĂ©seau rĂ©el. Nos tests indiquent que la mĂ©thode peut rĂ©soudre rapidement des exemplaires avec 88 arĂȘtes requises et 10 vĂ©hicules actifs aprĂšs la panne d’un vĂ©hicule. En conclusion, la principale contribution de cette thĂšse est de prĂ©senter des modĂšles de tournĂ©es sur les arcs et de proposer des mĂ©thodes de rĂ©solution d’optimisation qui incluent la dĂ©pendance aux temps et l’aspect dynamique. On propose des modĂšles et des mĂ©thodes pour rĂ©soudre le RPPTW, et on prĂ©sente des rĂ©sultats pour ce problĂšme. On introduit pour la premiĂšre fois le RCARP. Trois articles correspondant aux trois principaux chapitres ont Ă©tĂ© acceptĂ©s ou soumis Ă  des revues avec comitĂ© de Lecture: “The rural postman problem with time windows” acceptĂ© dans Networks, “ALNS for the rural postman problem with time windows” soumis Ă  Networks, and “The rescheduling capacitated arc routing problem” soumis Ă  International Transactions in Operational Research.----------ABSTRACT : This dissertation addresses two problems related to road network maintenance: the road network monitoring of black-ice and the rescheduling of itineraries for snow plowing and salt spreading operations. These problems can naturally be represented using arc routing models. Timing-sensitive and dynamic nature are inherent characteristics of these problems, therefore the road network monitoring is modeled as a rural postman problem with time windows (RPPTW) and in the rescheduling case, models based on capacitated arc routing formulations are suggested for the rerouting phase. The detection of black-ice on the roads is carried out by a patrol to ensure safety conditions for drivers and pedestrians. Specific meteorological conditions cause black-ice on the roads; therefore the patrol must design a route covering part of the network in order to timely detect the black-ice according to weather forecasts. We look for minimum-cost solutions that satisfy the timing constraints. At first, three formulations based on mixed integer linear programming are presented for the timing-sensitive road network monitoring and two solution approaches are proposed: a cutting plane algorithm and an adaptive large neighborhood search (ALNS) algorithm. The exact method includes valid inequalities from the traveling salesman problem (TSP) with time windows and from the precedence constrained TSP. The heuristic method consists of two phases: an initial solution is obtained, and then in the second phase the ALNS method tries to improve the initial solution using seven removal and two insertion heuristics. The performance of the heuristics is evaluated during the iterations, and therefore the heuristics are selected depending on their performance (with higher probability for the better ones). Several tests are done on two sets of instances. The computational experiments performed show that the cutting plane algorithm is able to solve instances with up to 104 required edges and with time windows structured by time slots, and problems with up to 45 required edges and time windows structured by each required edge. For the ALNS algorithm, several versions of the algorithm are compared. The results show that this approach is efficient, solving to optimality 224 of 232 instances and significantly reducing the computational time on the hardest instances. The last part of the dissertation introduces the rescheduling capacitated arc routing problem (RCARP), which models the rescheduling of itineraries after a vehicle failure happens in the execution of an initial plan of snow plowing or salt spreading operations. A dispatcher must quickly adjust the remaining vehicles and modify the initial plan in order to complete the operations. In this case we look for solutions that minimize operational and disruption costs. The traveled distance represents the operational cost, and a new metric is discussed as disruption cost. The concerned objectives are in conflict. Four policies are analyzed in the rerouting phase using mixed integer linear programming formulations. A heuristic solution is developed to solve the RCARP when operational and disruption costs are minimized simultaneously and a quick response is needed. The idea is to fix part of the initial itinerary and only modify the itinerary of vehicles closer to the failure zone. The method is tested on a set of instances generated from a real network. Our tests indicate that the method can solve instances with up to 88 required edges and 10 active vehicles after the vehicle breakdown. In short the main contribution of this dissertation is to present arc routing models and optimization solution techniques that consider timing-sensitive and dynamic aspects. Formulations and solution methods with computational results are given for the RPPTW, and the RCARP is studied for the first time here. Three articles corresponding to the main three chapters have been accepted or submitted to peer review journals: “The rural postman problem with time windows” accepted in Networks, “ALNS for the rural postman problem with time windows” submitted to Networks, and “The rescheduling capacitated arc routing problem” submitted to International Transactions in Operational Research

    Optimization of vehicle routing and scheduling with travel time variability - application in winter road maintenance

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    This study developed a mathematical model for optimizing vehicle routing and scheduling, which can be used to collect travel time information, and also to perform winter road maintenance operations (e.g., salting, plowing). The objective of this research was to minimize the total vehicle travel time to complete a given set of service tasks, subject to resource constraints (e.g., truck capacity, fleet size) and operational constraints (e.g., service time windows, service time limit). The nature of the problem is to design vehicle routes and schedules to perform the required service on predetermined road segments, which can be interpreted as an arc routing problem (ARP). By using a network transformation technique, an ARP can be transformed into a well-studied node routing problem (NRP). A set-partitioning (SP) approach was introduced to formulate the problem into an integer programming problem (I PP). To solve this problem, firstly, a number of feasible routes were generated, subject to resources and operational constraints. A genetic algorithm based heuristic was developed to improve the efficiency of generating feasible routes. Secondly, the corresponding travel time of each route was computed. Finally, the feasible routes were entered into the linear programming solver (CPL EX) to obtain final optimized results. The impact of travel time variability on vehicle routing and scheduling for transportation planning was also considered in this study. Usually in the concern of vehicle and pedestrian\u27s safety, federal, state governments and local agencies are more leaning towards using a conservative approach with constant travel time for the planning of winter roadway maintenance than an aggressive approach, which means that they would rather have a redundancy of plow trucks than a shortage. The proposed model and solution algorithm were validated with an empirical case study of 41 snow sections in the northwest area of New Jersey. Comprehensive analysis based on a deterministic travel time setting and a time-dependent travel time setting were both performed. The results show that a model that includes time dependent travel time produces better results than travel time being underestimated and being overestimated in transportation planning. In addition, a scenario-based analysis suggests that the current NJDOT operation based on given snow sector design, service routes and fleet size can be improved by the proposed model that considers time dependent travel time and the geometry of the road network to optimize vehicle routing and scheduling. In general, the benefit of better routing and scheduling design for snow plowing could be reflected in smaller minimum required fleet size and shorter total vehicle travel time. The depot location and number of service routes also have an impact on the final optimized results. This suggests that managers should consider the depot location, vehicle fleet sizing and the routing design problem simultaneously at the planning stage to minimize the total cost for snow plowing operations

    Efficient routing of snow removal vehicles

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    This research addresses the problem of finding a minimum cost set of routes for vehicles in a road network subject to some constraints. Extensions, such as multiple service requirements, and mixed networks have been considered. Variations of this problem exist in many practical applications such as snow removal, refuse collection, mail delivery, etc. An exact algorithm was developed using integer programming to solve small size problems. Since the problem is NP-hard, a heuristic algorithm needs to be developed. An algorithm was developed based on the Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) heuristic, in which each replication consists of applying a construction heuristic to find feasible and good quality solutions, followed by a local search heuristic. A simulated annealing heuristic was developed to improve the solutions obtained from the construction heuristic. The best overall solution was selected from the results of several replications. The heuristic was tested on four sets of problem instances (total of 115 instances) obtained from the literature. The simulated annealing heuristic was able to achieve average improvements of up to 26.36% over the construction results on these problem instances. The results obtained with the developed heuristic were compared to the results obtained with recent heuristics developed by other authors. The developed heuristic improved the best-known solution found by other authors on 18 of the 115 instances and matched the results on 89 of those instances. It worked specially better with larger problems. The average deviations to known lower bounds for all four datasets were found to range between 0.21 and 2.61%

    Optimization problems in the postal sector

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    Supply chain optimization is a widely studied field of operations research. Nevertheless, adapting the existing solutions to the specifications of each company is an interesting and stimulating challenge. With this in mind, the project described herein, developed in partnership with CTT, looks to provide the company with precious tools to more efficiently manage the labour allocated to mail delivery and increase the productivity of the workforce as a whole. To achieve these objectives, it follows up on a previous work by Pereira[26], where an extension of the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) was proposed to optimize the last-mile delivery step of the mail distribution procedure, but this time giving particular relevance to the adequacy of the model developed to the intricacies imposed by the company and exploring suitable adaptations. One of the requirements, for standardization purposes, is the creation of segments, composed of sets of postal codes that serve as input to the optimization model. Finally, it was necessary to merge this work with the company’s workflow by integrating the model with SISMA, a productivity assessment tool already used by CTT.A otimização de uma cadeia de abastecimento Ă© um campo vastamente estudado no Ăąm- bito da investigação operacional. Contudo, adaptar as soluçÔes existentes aos critĂ©rios de cada empresa Ă© um desafio bastante interessante e estimulante. Tendo isto em consi- deração, este projeto, desenvolvido em parceria com os CTT – Correios de Portugal, S.A. (CTT), procura fornecer Ă  empresa ferramentas que permitam uma gestĂŁo eficiente da força de trabalho afeta Ă  distribuição de correio. Para atingir este propĂłsito, este trabalho teve como ponto de partida uma proposta de- senvolvida por Pereira[26], onde uma adaptação do Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) foi desenvolvida para otimizar a etapa last-mile do processo de distribuição. No presente trabalho, dĂĄ-se uma atenção redobrada Ă  compatibilidade do modelo desenvolvido com as complexidades impostas pela empresa e explora-se algumas melhorias consideradas apropriadas. Um dos requisitos, para manter alguma estibilidade nos resultados, Ă© a introdução de segmentos, compostos por conjuntos contĂ­guos de cĂłdigos postais, que ali- mentam o modelo. Finalmente, para combinar este trabalho com o fluxo de trabalho da empresa, fez-se a integração do modelo de otimização com o SISMA, uma ferramenta de avalição de produtividade jĂĄ utilizada pelos CTT
