3,200 research outputs found

    An incremental method for meaning elicitation of a domain ontology

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    Internet has opened the access to an overwhelming amount of data, requiring the development of new applications to automatically recognize, process and manage informationavailable in web sites or web-based applications. The standardSemantic Web architecture exploits ontologies to give a shared(and known) meaning to each web source elements.In this context, we developed MELIS (Meaning Elicitation and Lexical Integration System). MELIS couples the lexical annotation module of the MOMIS system with some components from CTXMATCH2.0, a tool for eliciting meaning from severaltypes of schemas and match them. MELIS uses the MOMIS WNEditor and CTXMATCH2.0 to support two main tasks in theMOMIS ontology generation methodology: the source annotationprocess, i.e. the operation of associating an element of a lexicaldatabase to each source element, and the extraction of lexicalrelationships among elements of different data sources

    Melis: an incremental method for the lexical annotation of domain ontologies

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    In this paper, we present MELIS (Meaning Elicitation and Lexical Integration System), a method and a software tool for enabling an incremental process of automatic annotation of local schemas (e.g. relational database schemas, directory trees) with lexical information. The distinguishing and original feature of MELIS is the incremental process: the higher the number of schemas which are processed, the more background/domain knowledge is cumulated in the system (a portion of domain ontology is learned at every step), the better the performance of the systems on annotating new schemas.MELIS has been tested as component of MOMIS-Ontology Builder, a framework able to create a domain ontology representing a set of selected data sources, described with a standard W3C language wherein concepts and attributes are annotated according to the lexical reference database.We describe the MELIS component within the MOMIS-Ontology Builder framework and provide some experimental results of ME LIS as a standalone tool and as a component integrated in MOMIS

    Developing Ontologies withing Decentralized Settings

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    This chapter addresses two research questions: “How should a well-engineered methodology facilitate the development of ontologies within communities of practice?” and “What methodology should be used?” If ontologies are to be developed by communities then the ontology development life cycle should be better understood within this context. This chapter presents the Melting Point (MP), a proposed new methodology for developing ontologies within decentralised settings. It describes how MP was developed by taking best practices from other methodologies, provides details on recommended steps and recommended processes, and compares MP with alternatives. The methodology presented here is the product of direct first-hand experience and observation of biological communities of practice in which some of the authors have been involved. The Melting Point is a methodology engineered for decentralised communities of practice for which the designers of technology and the users may be the same group. As such, MP provides a potential foundation for the establishment of standard practices for ontology engineering

    Preference elicitation techniques for group recommender systems

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    A key issue in group recommendation is how to combine the individual preferences of different users that form a group and elicit a profile that accurately reflects the tastes of all members in the group. Most Group Recommender Systems (GRSs) make use of some sort of method for aggregating the preference models of individual users to elicit a recommendation that is satisfactory for the whole group. In general, most GRSs offer good results, but each of them have only been tested in one application domain. This paper describes a domain-independent GRS that has been used in two different application domains. In order to create the group preference model, we select two techniques that are widely used in other GRSs and we compare them with two novel techniques. Our aim is to come up with a model that weighs the preferences of all the individuals to the same extent in such a way that no member in the group is particularly satisfied or dissatisfied with the final recommendations. © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Partial support provided by Consolider Ingenio 2010 CSD2007-00022, Spanish Government Project MICINN TIN2008-6701-C03-01 and Valencian Government Project Prometeo 2008/051. FPU grant reference AP2009-1896 awarded to Sergio Pajares-Ferrando.García García, I.; Pajares Ferrando, S.; Sebastiá Tarín, L.; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, E. (2012). Preference elicitation techniques for group recommender systems. Information Sciences. 189:155-175. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2011.11.037S15517518

    Eliciting Expertise

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    Since the last edition of this book there have been rapid developments in the use and exploitation of formally elicited knowledge. Previously, (Shadbolt and Burton, 1995) the emphasis was on eliciting knowledge for the purpose of building expert or knowledge-based systems. These systems are computer programs intended to solve real-world problems, achieving the same level of accuracy as human experts. Knowledge engineering is the discipline that has evolved to support the whole process of specifying, developing and deploying knowledge-based systems (Schreiber et al., 2000) This chapter will discuss the problem of knowledge elicitation for knowledge intensive systems in general

    Using Ontologies for the Design of Data Warehouses

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    Obtaining an implementation of a data warehouse is a complex task that forces designers to acquire wide knowledge of the domain, thus requiring a high level of expertise and becoming it a prone-to-fail task. Based on our experience, we have detected a set of situations we have faced up with in real-world projects in which we believe that the use of ontologies will improve several aspects of the design of data warehouses. The aim of this article is to describe several shortcomings of current data warehouse design approaches and discuss the benefit of using ontologies to overcome them. This work is a starting point for discussing the convenience of using ontologies in data warehouse design.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Knowledge management support for enterprise distributed systems

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    Explosion of information and increasing demands on semantic processing web applications have software systems to their limits. To address the problem we propose a semantic based formal framework (ADP) that makes use of promising technologies to enable knowledge generation and retrieval. We argue that this approach is cost effective, as it reuses and builds on existing knowledge and structure. It is also a good starting point for creating an organisational memory and providing knowledge management functions

    Using LEL and scenarios to derive mathematical programming models. Application in a fresh tomato packing problem

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    [EN] Mathematical programming models are invaluable tools at decision making, assisting managers to uncover otherwise unattainable means to optimize their processes. However, the value they provide is only as good as their capacity to capture the process domain. This information can only be obtained from stakeholders, i.e., clients or users, who can hardly communicate the requirements clearly and completely. Besides, existing conceptual models of mathematical programming models are not standardized, nor is the process of deriving the mathematical programming model from the concept model, which remains ad hoc. In this paper, we propose an agile methodology to construct mathematical programming models based on two techniques from requirements engineering that have been proven effective at requirements elicitation: the language extended lexicon (LEL) and scenarios. Using the pair of LEL + scenarios allows to create a conceptual model that is clear and complete enough to derive a mathematical programming model that effectively captures the business domain. We also define an ontology to describe the pair LEL + scenarios, which has been implemented with a semantic mediawiki and allows the collaborative construction of the conceptual model and the semi-automatic derivation of mathematical programming model elements. The process is applied and validated in a known fresh tomato packing optimization problem. This proposal can be of high relevance for the development and implementation of mathematical programming models for optimizing agriculture and supply chain management related processes in order to fill the current gap between mathematical programming models in the theory and the practice.This work was supported by the European Commission, project RUC-APS, grant number 691249, funded by the European Union's research and innovation programme under the H2020 Marie SklodowskaCurie Actions; and the Argentinian National Agency for Scientific and Technical Promotion (ANPCyT), grant number PICT-2015-3000.Garrido, A.; Antonelli, L.; Martin, J.; Alemany Díaz, MDM.; Mula, J. (2020). Using LEL and scenarios to derive mathematical programming models. Application in a fresh tomato packing problem. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 170:1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2020.105242S114170Alemany, M., Ortiz, A., & Fuertes-Miquel, V. S. (2018). A decision support tool for the order promising process with product homogeneity requirements in hybrid Make-To-Stock and Make-To-Order environments. Application to a ceramic tile company. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 122, 219-234. doi:10.1016/j.cie.2018.05.040Alemany, M. M. E., Alarcón, F., Lario, F.-C., & Boj, J. J. (2011). An application to support the temporal and spatial distributed decision-making process in supply chain collaborative planning. Computers in Industry, 62(5), 519-540. doi:10.1016/j.compind.2011.02.002Alemany, M. M. E., Lario, F.-C., Ortiz, A., & Gómez, F. (2013). Available-To-Promise modeling for multi-plant manufacturing characterized by lack of homogeneity in the product: An illustration of a ceramic case. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37(5), 3380-3398. doi:10.1016/j.apm.2012.07.022Alexander, I., & Maiden, N. (2004). Scenarios, stories, and use cases: the modern basis for system development. 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