1,478 research outputs found

    Development an accurate and stable range-free localization scheme for anisotropic wireless sensor networks

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    With the high-speed development of wireless radio technology, numerous sensor nodes are integrated into wireless sensor networks, which has promoted plentiful location-based applications that are successfully applied in various fields, such as monitoring natural disasters and post-disaster rescue. Location information is an integral part of wireless sensor networks, without location information, all received data will lose meaning. However, the current localization scheme is based on equipped GPS on every node, which is not cost-efficient and not suitable for large-scale wireless sensor networks and outdoor environments. To address this problem, research scholars have proposed a rangefree localization scheme which only depends on network connectivity. Nevertheless, as the representative range-free localization scheme, Distance Vector-Hop (DV-Hop) localization algorithm demonstrates extremely poor localization accuracy under anisotropic wireless sensor networks. The previous works assumed that the network environment is evenly and uniformly distributed, ignored anisotropic factors in a real setting. Besides, most research academics improved the localization accuracy to a certain degree, but at expense of high communication overhead and computational complexity, which cannot meet the requirements of high-precision applications for anisotropic wireless sensor networks. Hence, finding a fast, accurate, and strong solution to solve the range-free localization problem is still a big challenge. Accordingly, this study aspires to bridge the research gap by exploring a new DV-Hop algorithm to build a fast, costefficient, strong range-free localization scheme. This study developed an optimized variation of the DV-Hop localization algorithm for anisotropic wireless sensor networks. To address the poor localization accuracy problem in irregular C-shaped network topology, it adopts an efficient Grew Wolf Optimizer instead of the least-squares method. The dynamic communication range is introduced to refine hop between anchor nodes, and new parameters are recommended to optimize network protocol to balance energy cost in the initial step. Besides, the weighted coefficient and centroid algorithm is employed to reduce cumulative error by hop count and cut down computational complexity. The developed localization framework is separately validated and evaluated each optimized step under various evaluation criteria, in terms of accuracy, stability, and cost, etc. The results of EGWO-DV-Hop demonstrated superior localization accuracy under both topologies, the average localization error dropped up to 87.79% comparing with basic DV-Hop under C-shaped topology. The developed enhanced DWGWO-DVHop localization algorithm illustrated a favorable result with high accuracy and strong stability. The overall localization error is around 1.5m under C-shaped topology, while the traditional DV-Hop algorithm is large than 20m. Generally, the average localization error went down up to 93.35%, compared with DV-Hop. The localization accuracy and robustness of comparison indicated that the developed DWGWO-DV-Hop algorithm super outperforms the other classical range-free methods. It has the potential significance to be guided and applied in practical location-based applications for anisotropic wireless sensor networks

    An Improved Localization Algorithm in WSN Based on Nodes Distribution Law and Revised Hop-Size of DV-Hop

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    In this paper, a new law is found in DV-Hop which is a classic algorithm based on range-free localization algorithm in WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks).There are stable distribution rules in both the locations of the unknown nodes with similar localization error and the locations of the beacon nodes with similar hop-size. Based on this law, the analytical reason is given and an improved localization algorithm is proposed to enhance the localization accuracy. The main idea is revising the hop-size according to the law and applying appropriate algorithm according to the location of the monitor area. The simulation experiments show that the new algorithm can improve the localization accuracy efficiently

    Analysis on DV-Hop Algorithm and its variants by considering threshold

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    Wireless Sensor networks is a network of lowpriced, small sized and energy constraint sensor nodes where each sensor node is programmed to sense the events and send it to the Base station using multi-hop communication. In almost all applications of Wireless Sensor Networks, event detection information is required along with the location of the event. Thus, to find the location of event, node localization plays an important role. Many researchers have put tremendous efforts in designing localization algorithms. In the literature, it is confirmed that DV-Hop algorithm and its variants are the most suitable range-free based algorithms for node localization, due to its cost effectiveness, simplicity and feasibility for medium to large scale networks, but these algorithms consume very high energy. The DV-Hop algorithm works in three phases. The first phase allows all the nodes to get their distance from few localized nodes called anchors in terms of hop. The hop is the count of neighboring nodes between two nodes. Then in second phase, the anchor nodes find out their approximate distances from every node. The third phase computes the location of node using the information obtained from first two phases and by applying trilateration method. The high energy is consumed due to transmission of large number of packets in the first two phases by anchor nodes. In order to reduce communication overhead of the first two phase of DV-Hop, an improved DV-Hop is proposed that considers only k-hop transmission of the anchor packet which reduces the communication overheads to the large extent. Simulation experiments and results prove that the proposed method reduces the energy consumption by approximately 50% compare to the traditional DV-Hop algorithm

    Sensor Node Easy Moving Monitoring Region Location Algorithm in Internet of Things

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    Because of the influence from geographical location, weather and other kinds of circumstances in monitored areas, the shift of the node location and non-uniform distribution, this paper proposed an improved DV-Hop location algorithm. First of all, the package structure by changing the anchor nodes to reduce the number of hops data acquisition phase node data storage; introducing weights to the average hop distance calculation phase the original average hop distance calculation method was improved, and between the node and anchor node distance calculated on the basis of reference anchor nodes are different; then, iterative refinement of node localization stage through the use of multilateral measurement method and Taylor series. Finally, simulation experiment of this method, and compared with the existing methods, the results prove that the method in this paper can greatly reduce positioning errors without adding hardware equipment and network traffic, improve the positioning accuracy, a better solution to the problem of node localization networking monitoring area

    A survey of localization in wireless sensor network

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    Localization is one of the key techniques in wireless sensor network. The location estimation methods can be classified into target/source localization and node self-localization. In target localization, we mainly introduce the energy-based method. Then we investigate the node self-localization methods. Since the widespread adoption of the wireless sensor network, the localization methods are different in various applications. And there are several challenges in some special scenarios. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of these challenges: localization in non-line-of-sight, node selection criteria for localization in energy-constrained network, scheduling the sensor node to optimize the tradeoff between localization performance and energy consumption, cooperative node localization, and localization algorithm in heterogeneous network. Finally, we introduce the evaluation criteria for localization in wireless sensor network

    Research on Localization for Distribution Communication Wireless Sensor Networks Based on DV-Hop

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    In order to solve the DV-Hop algorithm in 3D environment localization problem, the essay proposed an improved particle swarm optimization algorithm to the three-dimensional environment of unknown node and anchor nodes between the estimated distance and the actual distance of the mean square error is set to the optimal objective function, and then an improved DV-Hop algorithm combining is applied to three-dimensional environment location. Taking the data of distribution network in Huangshan province and topography, geomorphology, communications environment and information management of distribution network in distribution network area of communication engineering as examples, this paper designed an optimized topological structure of smart distribution power grid communication wireless sensor networks and developed routing/terminal/coordinator of wireless sensor networks. Embedded QoS - MAC protocol and QoS guarantee control routing protocol software in the network nodes, the gateway management software with the connection of automatic distribution management system is developed in this paper, which realizing the engineering application of smart distribution power gird communication wireless sensor networks. The experiment results showed that the research on basic theory and the design methods put forward in this paper were suitable for distribution network data specification, which achieves the expected goal of smart distribution power grid communication with high-performed data

    Sparse Localization with a Mobile Beacon Based on LU Decomposition in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Node localization is the core in wireless sensor network. It can be solved by powerful beacons, which are equipped with global positioning system devices to know their location information. In this article, we present a novel sparse localization approach with a mobile beacon based on LU decomposition. Our scheme firstly translates node localization problem into a 1-sparse vector recovery problem by establishing sparse localization model. Then, LU decomposition pre-processing is adopted to solve the problem that measurement matrix does not meet the re¬stricted isometry property. Later, the 1-sparse vector can be exactly recovered by compressive sensing. Finally, as the 1-sparse vector is approximate sparse, weighted Cen¬troid scheme is introduced to accurately locate the node. Simulation and analysis show that our scheme has better localization performance and lower requirement for the mobile beacon than MAP+GC, MAP-M, and MAP-M&N schemes. In addition, the obstacles and DOI have little effect on the novel scheme, and it has great localization performance under low SNR, thus, the scheme proposed is robust

    Reference Nodes Selection for Anchor-Free Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Dizertační práce se zabývá návrhem nového bezkotevního lokalizačního algoritmu sloužícího pro výpočet pozice uzlů v bezdrátových senzorových sítích. Provedené studie ukázaly, že dosavadní bezkotevní lokalizační algoritmy, pracující v paralelním režimu, dosahují malých lokalizačních chyb. Jejich nevýhodou ovšem je, že při sestavení množiny referenčních uzlu spotřebovávají daleko větší množství energie než algoritmy pracující v inkrementálním režimu. Paralelní lokalizační algoritmy využívají pro určení pozice referenční uzly nacházející se na protilehlých hranách bezdrátové sítě. Nový lokalizační algoritmus označený jako BRL (Boundary Recognition aided Localization) je založen na myšlence decentralizovaně detekovat uzly ležící na hranici síti a pouze z této množiny vybrat potřebný počet referenčních uzlu. Pomocí navrženého přístupu lze znažně snížit množství energie spotřebované v průběhu procesu výběru referenčních uzlů v senzorovém poli. Dalším přínosem ke snížení energetických nároku a zároveň zachování nízké lokalizační chyby je využití procesu multilaterace se třemi, eventuálně čtyřmi referenčními body. V rámci práce byly provedeny simulace několika dílčích algoritmu a jejich funkčnost byla ověřena experimentálně v reálné senzorové síti. Navržený algoritmus BRL byl porovnán z hlediska lokalizační chyby a počtu zpracovaných paketů s několika známými lokalizačními algoritmy. Výsledky simulací dokázaly, že navržený algoritmus představuje efektivní řešení pro přesnou a zároveň nízkoenergetickou lokalizaci uzlů v bezdrátových senzorových sítích.The doctoral thesis is focused on a design of a novel anchor free localization algorithm for wireless sensor networks. As introduction, the incremental and concurrent anchor free localization algorithms are presented and their performance is compared. It was found that contemporary anchor free localization algorithms working in the concurrent manner achieve a low localization error, but dissipate signicant energy reserves. A new Boundary Recognition Aided Localization algorithm presented in this thesis is based on an idea to recognize the nodes placed on the boundary of network and thus reduce the number of transmission realized during the reference nodes selection phase of the algorithm. For the position estimation, the algorithm employs the multilateration technique that work eectively with the low number of the reference nodes. Proposed algorithms are tested through the simulations and validated by the real experiment with the wireless sensor network. The novel Boundary Recognition Aided Localization algorithm is compared with the known algorithms in terms of localization error and the communication cost. The results show that the novel algorithm presents powerful solution for the anchor free localization.