106 research outputs found

    Improving Network Performance, Security and Robustness in Hybrid Wireless Networks Using a Satellite Overlay

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    In this thesis we propose that the addition of a satellite overlay to large or dense wireless networks will result in improvement in application performance and network reliability, and also enable efficient security solutions that are well-suited for wireless nodes with limited resources. We term the combined network as a hybrid wireless network. Through analysis, network modeling and simulation, we quantify the improvement in end-to-end performance in such networks, compared to flat wireless networks. We also propose a new analytical method for modeling and estimating the performance of hybrid wireless networks. We create a loss network model for hybrid networks using the hierarchical reduced loss network model, adapted for packet-switched networks. Applying a fixed point approximation method on the set of relations modeling the hierarchical loss network, we derive a solution that converges to a fixed point for the parameter set. We analyze the sensitivity of the performance metric to variations in the network parameters by applying Automatic Differentiation to the performance model. We thus develop a method for parameter optimization and sensitivity analysis of protocols for designing hybrid networks. We investigate how the satellite overlay can help to implement better solutions for secure group communications in hybrid wireless networks. We propose a source authentication protocol for multicast communications that makes intelligent use of the satellite overlay, by modifying and extending TESLA certificates. We also propose a probabilistic non-repudiation technique that uses the satellite as a proxy node. We describe how the authentication protocol can be integrated with a topology-aware hierarchical multicast routing protocol to design a secure multicast routing protocol that is robust to active attacks. Lastly, we examine how the end-to-end delay is adversely affected when IP Security protocol (IPSEC) and Secure Socket Layer protocol (SSL) are applied to unicast communications in hybrid networks. For network-layer security with low delay, we propose the use of the Layered IPSEC protocol, with a modified Internet Key Exchange protocol. For secure web browsing with low delay, we propose the Dual-mode SSL protocol. We present simulation results to quantify the performance improvement with our proposed protocols, compared to the traditional solutions

    On the Security of the Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast Protocol

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    Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) is the communications protocol currently being rolled out as part of next generation air transportation systems. As the heart of modern air traffic control, it will play an essential role in the protection of two billion passengers per year, besides being crucial to many other interest groups in aviation. The inherent lack of security measures in the ADS-B protocol has long been a topic in both the aviation circles and in the academic community. Due to recently published proof-of-concept attacks, the topic is becoming ever more pressing, especially with the deadline for mandatory implementation in most airspaces fast approaching. This survey first summarizes the attacks and problems that have been reported in relation to ADS-B security. Thereafter, it surveys both the theoretical and practical efforts which have been previously conducted concerning these issues, including possible countermeasures. In addition, the survey seeks to go beyond the current state of the art and gives a detailed assessment of security measures which have been developed more generally for related wireless networks such as sensor networks and vehicular ad hoc networks, including a taxonomy of all considered approaches.Comment: Survey, 22 Pages, 21 Figure

    A Hybrid Multi-user Cloud Access Control based Block Chain Framework for Privacy Preserving Distributed Databases

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    Most of the traditional medical applications are insecure and difficult to compute the data integrity with variable hash size. Traditional medical data security systems are insecure and it depend on static parameters for data security. Also, distributed based cloud storage systems are independent of integrity computational and data security due to unstructured data and computational memory. As the size of the data and its dimensions are increasing in the public and private cloud servers, it is difficult to provide the machine learning based privacy preserving in cloud computing environment. Block-chain technology plays a vital role for large cloud databases. Most of the conventional block-chain frameworks are based on the existing integrity and confidentiality models. Also, these models are based on the data size and file format. In this model, a novel integrity verification and encryption framework is designed and implemented in cloud environment.  In order to overcome these problems in the cloud computing environment, a hybrid integrity and security-based block-chain framework is designed and implemented on the large distributed databases. In this framework,a novel decision tree classifier is used along with non-linear mathematical hash algorithm and advanced attribute-based encryption models are used to improve the privacy of multiple users on the large cloud datasets. Experimental results proved that the proposed advanced privacy preserving based block-chain technology has better efficiency than the traditional block-chain based privacy preserving systems on large distributed databases

    Formal Validation of Security Properties of AMT's Three-Way Handshake

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    Multicasting is a technique for transmitting the same information to multiple receivers over IP networks. It is often deployed on streaming media applications over the Internet and private networks. The biggest problem multicast introduces today is that it is an all or nothing solution. Every element on the path between the source and the receivers (links, routers, firewalls) requires multicast protocols to be enabled. Furthermore, multicast has a conceptual business model, and therefore is not an easy case to make. These factors, embedded deep in technology, but ultimately shaped by economics, led to a lack of multicast deployment. To address this problem, the AMT (Automatic IP Multicast without explicit Tunnels) specification has been developed by the Network Working Group at the IETF. This specification is designed to provide a mechanism for a migration path to a fully multicast-enabled backbone. It allows multicast to reach unicast-only receivers without the need for any explicit tunnels between the receiver and the source. We have formally validated the three-way handshake in the AMT specification using AVISPA against two main security goals: secrecy and authentication. We have demonstrated that the authentication goal is not met: an attacker can masquerade as an AMT relay, and the AMT gateway (at the end user) cannot distinguish a valid relay from an invalid one. Another attack was also found where an intruder can disconnect or shutdown a valid session for a valid end-user using a replay attack

    Security-centric analysis and performance investigation of IEEE 802.16 WiMAX

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    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Being infrastructure-less and without central administration control, wireless ad-hoc networking is playing a more and more important role in extending the coverage of traditional wireless infrastructure (cellular networks, wireless LAN, etc). This book includes state-of-the-art techniques and solutions for wireless ad-hoc networks. It focuses on the following topics in ad-hoc networks: quality-of-service and video communication, routing protocol and cross-layer design. A few interesting problems about security and delay-tolerant networks are also discussed. This book is targeted to provide network engineers and researchers with design guidelines for large scale wireless ad hoc networks

    Secure Schemes for Semi-Trusted Environment

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    In recent years, two distributed system technologies have emerged: Peer-to-Peer (P2P) and cloud computing. For the former, the computers at the edge of networks share their resources, i.e., computing power, data, and network bandwidth, and obtain resources from other peers in the same community. Although this technology enables efficiency, scalability, and availability at low cost of ownership and maintenance, peers defined as ``like each other'' are not wholly controlled by one another or by the same authority. In addition, resources and functionality in P2P systems depend on peer contribution, i.e., storing, computing, routing, etc. These specific aspects raise security concerns and attacks that many researchers try to address. Most solutions proposed by researchers rely on public-key certificates from an external Certificate Authority (CA) or a centralized Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). However, both CA and PKI are contradictory to fully decentralized P2P systems that are self-organizing and infrastructureless. To avoid this contradiction, this thesis concerns the provisioning of public-key certificates in P2P communities, which is a crucial foundation for securing P2P functionalities and applications. We create a framework, named the Self-Organizing and Self-Healing CA group (SOHCG), that can provide certificates without a centralized Trusted Third Party (TTP). In our framework, a CA group is initialized in a Content Addressable Network (CAN) by trusted bootstrap nodes and then grows to a mature state by itself. Based on our group management policies and predefined parameters, the membership in a CA group is dynamic and has a uniform distribution over the P2P community; the size of a CA group is kept to a level that balances performance and acceptable security. The muticast group over an underlying CA group is constructed to reduce communication and computation overhead from collaboration among CA members. To maintain the quality of the CA group, the honest majority of members is maintained by a Byzantine agreement algorithm, and all shares are refreshed gradually and continuously. Our CA framework has been designed to meet all design goals, being self-organizing, self-healing, scalable, resilient, and efficient. A security analysis shows that the framework enables key registration and certificate issue with resistance to external attacks, i.e., node impersonation, man-in-the-middle (MITM), Sybil, and a specific form of DoS, as well as internal attacks, i.e., CA functionality interference and CA group subversion. Cloud computing is the most recent evolution of distributed systems that enable shared resources like P2P systems. Unlike P2P systems, cloud entities are asymmetric in roles like client-server models, i.e., end-users collaborate with Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) through Web interfaces or Web portals. Cloud computing is a combination of technologies, e.g., SOA services, virtualization, grid computing, clustering, P2P overlay networks, management automation, and the Internet, etc. With these technologies, cloud computing can deliver services with specific properties: on-demand self-service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity, measured services. However, theses core technologies have their own intrinsic vulnerabilities, so they induce specific attacks to cloud computing. Furthermore, since public clouds are a form of outsourcing, the security of users' resources must rely on CSPs' administration. This situation raises two crucial security concerns for users: locking data into a single CSP and losing control of resources. Providing inter-operations between Application Service Providers (ASPs) and untrusted cloud storage is a countermeasure that can protect users from lock-in with a vendor and losing control of their data. To meet the above challenge, this thesis proposed a new authorization scheme, named OAuth and ABE based authorization (AAuth), that is built on the OAuth standard and leverages Ciphertext-Policy Attribute Based Encryption (CP-ABE) and ElGamal-like masks to construct ABE-based tokens. The ABE-tokens can facilitate a user-centric approach, end-to-end encryption and end-to-end authorization in semi-trusted clouds. With these facilities, owners can take control of their data resting in semi-untrusted clouds and safely use services from unknown ASPs. To this end, our scheme divides the attribute universe into two disjointed sets: confined attributes defined by owners to limit the lifetime and scope of tokens and descriptive attributes defined by authority(s) to certify the characteristic of ASPs. Security analysis shows that AAuth maintains the same security level as the original CP-ABE scheme and protects users from exposing their credentials to ASP, as OAuth does. Moreover, AAuth can resist both external and internal attacks, including untrusted cloud storage. Since most cryptographic functions are delegated from owners to CSPs, AAuth gains computing power from clouds. In our extensive simulation, AAuth's greater overhead was balanced by greater security than OAuth's. Furthermore, our scheme works seamlessly with storage providers by retaining the providers' APIs in the usual way

    Application framework for wireless sensor networks [thesis]

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are based on innovative technologies that had revolutionized the methods in which we interact with the environment; i.e., through sensing the physical (e.g., fire motion, contact) and chemical (e.g., molecular concentration) properties of the natural surroundings. The hardware in which utilized by WSNs is rapidly evolving into sophisticated platforms that seamlessly integrate with different vendors and protocols (plug-n-play). In this thesis, we propose a WSN framework which provides assistance with monitoring environmental conditions; we focus on three main applications which include: a. Air-quality monitoring, b. Gas-leak detection, and c. Fire sensing. The framework involves four specifications: 1. Over the air programming (OTAP), 2. Network interconnections, 3. Sensors manageability, and 4. Alarm signaling. Their aim is to enhance the internetwork relations between the WSNs and the outside-world (i.e., main users, clients, or audience); by creating a medium in which devices efficiently communicate, independent of location or infrastructure (e.g., Internet), in order to exchange data among networked-objects and their users. Therefore, we propose a WSN-over-IP architecture which provides several renowned services of the Internet; the major functionalities include: live-data streaming (real-time), e-mailing, cloud storage (external servers), and network technologies (e.g., LAN or WLAN). WSNs themselves operate independently of the Internet; i.e., their operation involve unique protocols and specific hardware requirements which are incompatible with common network platforms (e.g., within home network infrastructure). Hybrid technologies are those which support multiple data-communication protocols within a single device; their main capabilities involve seamless integration and interoperability of different hardware vendors. We propose an overall architecture based on hybrid communication technology in which data is transmitted using three types of protocols: 802.11 (Wi-Fi), 802.15.4 and Digimesh (WSN)

    Security protocols suite for machine-to-machine systems

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    Nowadays, the great diffusion of advanced devices, such as smart-phones, has shown that there is a growing trend to rely on new technologies to generate and/or support progress; the society is clearly ready to trust on next-generation communication systems to face today’s concerns on economic and social fields. The reason for this sociological change is represented by the fact that the technologies have been open to all users, even if the latter do not necessarily have a specific knowledge in this field, and therefore the introduction of new user-friendly applications has now appeared as a business opportunity and a key factor to increase the general cohesion among all citizens. Within the actors of this technological evolution, wireless machine-to-machine (M2M) networks are becoming of great importance. These wireless networks are made up of interconnected low-power devices that are able to provide a great variety of services with little or even no user intervention. Examples of these services can be fleet management, fire detection, utilities consumption (water and energy distribution, etc.) or patients monitoring. However, since any arising technology goes together with its security threats, which have to be faced, further studies are necessary to secure wireless M2M technology. In this context, main threats are those related to attacks to the services availability and to the privacy of both the subscribers’ and the services providers’ data. Taking into account the often limited resources of the M2M devices at the hardware level, ensuring the availability and privacy requirements in the range of M2M applications while minimizing the waste of valuable resources is even more challenging. Based on the above facts, this Ph. D. thesis is aimed at providing efficient security solutions for wireless M2M networks that effectively reduce energy consumption of the network while not affecting the overall security services of the system. With this goal, we first propose a coherent taxonomy of M2M network that allows us to identify which security topics deserve special attention and which entities or specific services are particularly threatened. Second, we define an efficient, secure-data aggregation scheme that is able to increase the network lifetime by optimizing the energy consumption of the devices. Third, we propose a novel physical authenticator or frame checker that minimizes the communication costs in wireless channels and that successfully faces exhaustion attacks. Fourth, we study specific aspects of typical key management schemes to provide a novel protocol which ensures the distribution of secret keys for all the cryptographic methods used in this system. Fifth, we describe the collaboration with the WAVE2M community in order to define a proper frame format actually able to support the necessary security services, including the ones that we have already proposed; WAVE2M was funded to promote the global use of an emerging wireless communication technology for ultra-low and long-range services. And finally sixth, we provide with an accurate analysis of privacy solutions that actually fit M2M-networks services’ requirements. All the analyses along this thesis are corroborated by simulations that confirm significant improvements in terms of efficiency while supporting the necessary security requirements for M2M networks
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