407 research outputs found

    Multiplierless Algorithm for Multivariate Gaussian Random Number Generation in FPGAs

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    Sampling from the Multivariate Gaussian Distribution using Reconfigurable Hardware

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    Learning and identification of wireless network internode dynamics using software defined radio

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    The recently developed paradigm of cognitive radio wireless devices has been developed with the goal of achieving more customizable and efficient spectrum utilization of commonly used wireless frequency bands. The primary focus of such spectrum utilization approaches has been to discern occupancies and vacancies over portions of the wireless spectrum without necessarily identifying how specific radio frequency (RF) devices contribute to the temporal dynamics of these occupancy patterns within the spectrum. The aim of this thesis is to utilize a hidden semi-Markov model (HSMM) statistical analysis to infer the individual occupancy patterns of specific users from wireless RF observation traces. It is proposed that the HSMM approach for RF device characterization over time may act as a first step towards performing a more complete characterization of the RF spectrum in which the inferred traffic patterns may demonstrate the coexistence of multiple networks, the specific devices comprising each distinct network, and the level of mutual interference between the component networks resultant from such coexistence. The first main portion of this thesis is the development of a Bayesian learning framework for HSMM characterization of the wireless RF observations, with occupancy periods and each individual RF device being classified as distinct states in the HSMM. The traditional HSMM approach is supplemented with the concept of the hierarchical Dirichlet random process to achieve a minimal number of states needed to effectively capture each distinct device, without the need for strong a priori assumptions regarding the number of devices seen in the RF trace prior to computational analysis. The second portion of the thesis utilizes user-programmed cognitive radios to construct a real-time software-defined RF network environment emulation testbed to assess the accuracy of the HSMM characterization. Finally, the HSMM algorithm is tested on wireless devices operating under an actual implementation of the ubiquitous IEEE 802.11 wireless standard

    FPGA-implementation of PID-controller by differential evolution optimization

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    We will describe an FPGA implementation of PID-controller that uses differential evolution to optimize the coefficients of the PID controller, which has been implemented in VHDL. The original differential evolution algorithm was improved by ranking based mutation operation and self-adaptation of mutation and crossover parameters. Ranking-based mutation operation improves the quality of solution, convergence rate and success of optimization. Due to the self adaptive control parameters, the user does not have to estimate the mutation and crossover rates. Optimization have been performed by calculating for each generation fitness value by means of trial parameters. The final optimal parameters are selected based on the minimum fitness.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    MIMO Systems

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    In recent years, it was realized that the MIMO communication systems seems to be inevitable in accelerated evolution of high data rates applications due to their potential to dramatically increase the spectral efficiency and simultaneously sending individual information to the corresponding users in wireless systems. This book, intends to provide highlights of the current research topics in the field of MIMO system, to offer a snapshot of the recent advances and major issues faced today by the researchers in the MIMO related areas. The book is written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world to cover the fundamental principles and main advanced topics on high data rates wireless communications systems over MIMO channels. Moreover, the book has the advantage of providing a collection of applications that are completely independent and self-contained; thus, the interested reader can choose any chapter and skip to another without losing continuity

    HaMAYO: A Reconfigurable Hardware Implementation of the Post-Quantum Signature Scheme MAYO

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    MAYO is a topical modification of the established multivariate signature scheme Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar (UOV), with a significantly reduced public key size while maintaining the appealing properties of UOV, like short signatures and fast verification. Therefore, MAYO is considered an attractive candidate in the NIST standardization process for additional post-quantum signatures and an adequate solution for real-world deployment in resource-constrained devices. This paper presents the first hardware implementation of the signature scheme MAYO. Our implementation can be easily integrated with different FPGA architectures. Additionally, it includes an agile instantiation with respect to the NIST-defined security levels for long-term security and encompasses modules\u27 optimizations such as the vector-matrix multiplication and the Gaussian elimination method employed during the signing process. Our implementation is tested on the Zynq ZedBoard with the Zynq-7020 SoC and its performance is evaluated and compared to its counterpart multivariate scheme UOV

    Emulation of Narrowband Powerline Data Transmission Channels and Evaluation of PLC Systems

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    This work proposes advanced emulation of the physical layer behavior of NB-PLC channels and the application of a channel emulator for the evaluation of NB-PLC systems. In addition, test procedures and reference channels are proposed to improve efficiency and accuracy in the system evaluation and classification. This work shows that the channel emulator-based solution opens new ways toward flexible, reliable and technology-independent performance assessment of PLC modems
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