1,117 research outputs found

    An extended Kalman filtering approach to modeling nonlinear dynamic gene regulatory networks via short gene expression time series

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    Copyright [2009] IEEE. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of Brunel University's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.In this paper, the extended Kalman filter (EKF) algorithm is applied to model the gene regulatory network from gene time series data. The gene regulatory network is considered as a nonlinear dynamic stochastic model that consists of the gene measurement equation and the gene regulation equation. After specifying the model structure, we apply the EKF algorithm for identifying both the model parameters and the actual value of gene expression levels. It is shown that the EKF algorithm is an online estimation algorithm that can identify a large number of parameters (including parameters of nonlinear functions) through iterative procedure by using a small number of observations. Four real-world gene expression data sets are employed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the EKF algorithm, and the obtained models are evaluated from the viewpoint of bioinformatics

    Modeling Gene Regulatory Networks from Time Series Data using Particle Filtering

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    This thesis considers the problem of learning the structure of gene regulatory networks using gene expression time series data. A more realistic scenario where the state space model representing a gene network evolves nonlinearly is considered while a linear model is assumed for the microarray data. To capture the nonlinearity, a particle filter based state estimation algorithm is studied instead of the contemporary linear approximation based approaches. The parameters signifying the regulatory relations among various genes are estimated online using a Kalman filter. Since a particular gene interacts with a few other genes only, the parameter vector is expected to be sparse. The state estimates delivered by the particle filter and the observed microarray data are then fed to a LASSO based least squares regression operation, which yields a parsimonious and efficient description of the regulatory network by setting the irrelevant coefficients to zero. The performance of the aforementioned algorithm is compared with Extended Kalman filtering (EKF), employing Mean Square Error as fidelity criterion using synthetic data and real biological data. Extensive computer simulations illustrate that the particle filter based gene network inference algorithm outperforms EKF and therefore, it can serve as a natural framework for modeling gene regulatory networks

    A hybrid EKF and switching PSO algorithm for joint state and parameter estimation of lateral flow immunoassay models

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    This is the post-print version of the Article. The official published can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2012 IEEEIn this paper, a hybrid extended Kalman filter (EKF) and switching particle swarm optimization (SPSO) algorithm is proposed for jointly estimating both the parameters and states of the lateral flow immunoassay model through available short time-series measurement. Our proposed method generalizes the well-known EKF algorithm by imposing physical constraints on the system states. Note that the state constraints are encountered very often in practice that give rise to considerable difficulties in system analysis and design. The main purpose of this paper is to handle the dynamic modeling problem with state constraints by combining the extended Kalman filtering and constrained optimization algorithms via the maximization probability method. More specifically, a recently developed SPSO algorithm is used to cope with the constrained optimization problem by converting it into an unconstrained optimization one through adding a penalty term to the objective function. The proposed algorithm is then employed to simultaneously identify the parameters and states of a lateral flow immunoassay model. It is shown that the proposed algorithm gives much improved performance over the traditional EKF method.This work was supported in part by the International Science and Technology Cooperation Project of China under Grant 2009DFA32050, Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61104041, International Science and Technology Cooperation Project of Fujian Province of China under Grant 2009I0016

    Gene regulatory network inference by point-based Gaussian approximation filters incorporating the prior information

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    Examinar a ampliação do uso de TICs por organizações sociais e governamentais na gestão da cidade é o objetivo do presente estudo. Nossa intenção é entender de que forma as tecnologias da informação e comunicação podem ser uma via alternativa que redefine as relações entre Estado e sociedade, substituindo políticas urbanas tradicionais por formas colaborativas de interação dos atores sociais. Entre os resultados alcançados pela pesquisa, é possível destacar a elaboração de uma metodologia capaz de mapear os princípios de organização, articulação, conexão e interação que constituem a existência de redes tecnossociais. A aplicação da metodologia nas cidades do Rio de Janeiro e de São Paulo demonstrou indicadores, gráficos e práticas políticas. A análise desses dados revela como as redes se constituem por uma arquitetura móvel, fluída, flexível, organizadas em torno de políticas comuns de ação e formadas por uma identidade coletiva que aproxima os atores das redes tecnossociais. Os princípios que mediam esta coesão são de compartilhamento, confiança e solidariedade, que redefinem as formas da organização do poder em direção a alternativas de organização política e desenvolvimento social

    Towards a dynamic view of genetic networks: A Kalman filtering framework for recovering temporally-rewiring stable networks from undersampled data

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    It is widely accepted that cellular requirements and environmental conditions dictate the architecture of genetic regulatory networks. Nonetheless, the status quo in regulatory network modeling and analysis assumes an invariant network topology over time. We refocus on a dynamic perspective of genetic networks, one that can uncover substantial topological changes in network structure during biological processes such as developmental growth and cancer progression. We propose a novel outlook on the inference of time-varying genetic networks, from a limited number of noisy observations, by formulating the networks estimation as a target tracking problem. Assuming linear dynamics, we formulate a constrained Kalman ltering framework, which recursively computes the minimum mean-square, sparse and stable estimate of the network connectivity at each time point. The sparsity constraint is enforced using the weighted l1-norm; and the stability constraint is incorporated using the Lyapounov stability condition. The proposed constrained Kalman lter is formulated to preserve the convex nature of the problem. The algorithm is applied to estimate the time-varying networks during the life cycle of the Drosophila Melanogaster (fruit fly)

    Modeling Gene Regulatory Networks from Time Series Data using Particle Filtering

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    This thesis considers the problem of learning the structure of gene regulatory networks using gene expression time series data. A more realistic scenario where the state space model representing a gene network evolves nonlinearly is considered while a linear model is assumed for the microarray data. To capture the nonlinearity, a particle filter based state estimation algorithm is studied instead of the contemporary linear approximation based approaches. The parameters signifying the regulatory relations among various genes are estimated online using a Kalman filter. Since a particular gene interacts with a few other genes only, the parameter vector is expected to be sparse. The state estimates delivered by the particle filter and the observed microarray data are then fed to a LASSO based least squares regression operation, which yields a parsimonious and efficient description of the regulatory network by setting the irrelevant coefficients to zero. The performance of the aforementioned algorithm is compared with Extended Kalman filtering (EKF), employing Mean Square Error as fidelity criterion using synthetic data and real biological data. Extensive computer simulations illustrate that the particle filter based gene network inference algorithm outperforms EKF and therefore, it can serve as a natural framework for modeling gene regulatory networks

    A Kalman Filter Approach for Biomolecular Systems with Noise Covariance Updating

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    An important part of system modeling is determining parameter values, particularly for biomolecular systems, where direct measurements of individual parameters are typically hard. While Extended Kalman Filters have been used for this purpose, the choice of the process noise covariance is generally unclear. In this chapter, we address this issue for biomolecular systems using a combination of Monte Carlo simulations and experimental data, exploiting the dependence of the process noise covariance on the states and parameters, as given in the Langevin framework. We adapt a Hybrid Extended Kalman Filtering technique by updating the process noise covariance at each time step based on estimates. We compare the performance of this framework with different fixed values of process noise covariance in biomolecular system models, including an oscillator model, as well as in experimentally measured data for a negative transcriptional feedback circuit. We find that the Extended Kalman Filter with such process noise covariance update is closer to the optimality condition in the sense that the innovation sequence becomes white and in achieving a balance between the mean square estimation error and parameter convergence time. The results of this chapter may help in the use of Extended Kalman Filters for systems where process noise covariance depends on states and/or parameters.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure