1,174 research outputs found

    Preface: Swarm Intelligence, Focus on Ant and Particle Swarm Optimization

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    In the era globalisation the emerging technologies are governing engineering industries to a multifaceted state. The escalating complexity has demanded researchers to find the possible ways of easing the solution of the problems. This has motivated the researchers to grasp ideas from the nature and implant it in the engineering sciences. This way of thinking led to emergence of many biologically inspired algorithms that have proven to be efficient in handling the computationally complex problems with competence such as Genetic Algorithm (GA), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), etc. Motivated by the capability of the biologically inspired algorithms the present book on ""Swarm Intelligence: Focus on Ant and Particle Swarm Optimization"" aims to present recent developments and applications concerning optimization with swarm intelligence techniques. The papers selected for this book comprise a cross-section of topics that reflect a variety of perspectives and disciplinary backgrounds. In addition to the introduction of new concepts of swarm intelligence, this book also presented some selected representative case studies covering power plant maintenance scheduling; geotechnical engineering; design and machining tolerances; layout problems; manufacturing process plan; job-shop scheduling; structural design; environmental dispatching problems; wireless communication; water distribution systems; multi-plant supply chain; fault diagnosis of airplane engines; and process scheduling. I believe these 27 chapters presented in this book adequately reflect these topics

    Towards a multilevel ant colony optimization

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    Masteroppgave i Informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi IKT590 Universitetet i Agder 2014Ant colony optimization is a metaheuristic approach for solving combinatorial optimization problems which belongs to swarm intelligence techniques. Ant colony optimization algorithms are one of the most successful strands of swarm intelligence which has already shown very good performance in many combinatorial problems and for some real applications. This thesis introduces a new multilevel approach for ant colony optimization to solve the NP-hard problems shortest path and traveling salesman. We have reviewed different elements of multilevel algorithm which helped us in construction of our proposed multilevel ant colony optimization solution. We for comparison purposes implemented our own multi-threaded variant Dijkstra for solving shortest path to compare it with single level and multilevel ant colony optimization and reviewed different techniques such as genetic algorithms and Dijkstra’s algorithm. Our proposed multilevel ant colony optimization was developed based on the single level ant colony optimization which we both implemented. We have applied the novel multilevel ant colony optimization to solve the shortest path and traveling salesman problem. We show that the multilevel variant of ant colony optimization outperforms single level. The experimental results conducted demonstrate the overall performance of multilevel in comparison to the single level ant colony optimization, displaying a vast improvement when employing a multilevel approach in contrast to the classical single level approach. These results gave us a better understanding of the problems and provide indications for further research

    Mapeo estático y dinámico de tareas en sistemas multiprocesador, basados en redes en circuito integrado

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    RESUMEN: Las redes en circuito integrado (NoC) representan un importante paradigma de uso creciente para los sistemas multiprocesador en circuito integrado (MPSoC), debido a su flexibilidad y escalabilidad. Las estrategias de tolerancia a fallos han venido adquiriendo importancia, a medida que los procesos de manufactura incursionan en dimensiones por debajo del micrómetro y la complejidad de los diseños aumenta. Este artículo describe un algoritmo de aprendizaje incremental basado en población (PBIL), orientado a optimizar el proceso de mapeo en tiempo de diseño, así como a encontrar soluciones de mapeo óptimas en tiempo de ejecución, para hacer frente a fallos de único nodo en la red. En ambos casos, los objetivos de optimización corresponden al tiempo de ejecución de las aplicaciones y al ancho de banda pico que aparece en la red. Las simulaciones se basaron en un algoritmo de ruteo XY determinístico, operando sobre una topología de malla 2D para la NoC. Los resultados obtenidos son prometedores. El algoritmo propuesto exhibe un desempeño superior a otras técnicas reportadas cuando el tamaño del problema aumenta.ABSTARCT: Due to its scalability and flexibility, Network-on-Chip (NoC) is a growing and promising communication paradigm for Multiprocessor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) design. As the manufacturing process scales down to the deep submicron domain and the complexity of the system increases, fault-tolerant design strategies are gaining increased relevance. This paper exhibits the use of a Population-Based Incremental Learning (PBIL) algorithm aimed at finding the best mapping solutions at design time, as well as to finding the optimal remapping solution, in presence of single-node failures on the NoC. The optimization objectives in both cases are the application completion time and the network's peak bandwidth. A deterministic XY routing algorithm was used in order to simulate the traffic conditions in the network which has a 2D mesh topology. Obtained results are promising. The proposed algorithm exhibits a better performance, when compared with other reported approaches, as the problem size increases

    Using Stigmergy to Solve Numerical Optimization Problems

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    The current methodology for designing highly efficient technological systems needs to choose the best combination of the parameters that affect the performance. In this paper we propose a promising optimization algorithm, referred to as the Multilevel Ant Stigmergy Algorithm (MASA), which exploits stigmergy in order to optimize multi-parameter functions. We evaluate the performance of the MASA and Differential Evolution -- one of the leading stochastic method for numerical optimization -- in terms of their applicability as numerical optimization techniques. The comparison is performed using several widely used benchmark functions with added noise

    Ant colony optimization on runtime reconfigurable architectures

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