202 research outputs found

    Service-oriented architecture for device lifecycle support in industrial automation

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores Especialidade: Robótica e Manufactura IntegradaThis thesis addresses the device lifecycle support thematic in the scope of service oriented industrial automation domain. This domain is known for its plethora of heterogeneous equipment encompassing distinct functions, form factors, network interfaces, or I/O specifications supported by dissimilar software and hardware platforms. There is then an evident and crescent need to take every device into account and improve the agility performance during setup, control, management, monitoring and diagnosis phases. Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) paradigm is currently a widely endorsed approach for both business and enterprise systems integration. SOA concepts and technology are continuously spreading along the layers of the enterprise organization envisioning a unified interoperability solution. SOA promotes discoverability, loose coupling, abstraction, autonomy and composition of services relying on open web standards – features that can provide an important contribution to the industrial automation domain. The present work seized industrial automation device level requirements, constraints and needs to determine how and where can SOA be employed to solve some of the existent difficulties. Supported by these outcomes, a reference architecture shaped by distributed, adaptive and composable modules is proposed. This architecture will assist and ease the role of systems integrators during reengineering-related interventions throughout system lifecycle. In a converging direction, the present work also proposes a serviceoriented device model to support previous architecture vision and goals by including embedded added-value in terms of service-oriented peer-to-peer discovery and identification, configuration, management, as well as agile customization of device resources. In this context, the implementation and validation work proved not simply the feasibility and fitness of the proposed solution to two distinct test-benches but also its relevance to the expanding domain of SOA applications to support device lifecycle in the industrial automation domain

    Vers une description évolutive et une exploration efficace des concepts et des artefacts d'architecture microservices

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    RÉSUMÉ : L'adoption de l'architecture Microservices (MSA) pour la conception de systèmes logiciels est une tendance en industrie et en recherche. De nature compositionnelle et distribuée, les systèmes basés sur l'architecture Microservices sont composés de services ayant une responsabilité restreinte et bien définie, visant un isolement complet dans une perspective de non-partage de ressources. Les systèmes basés sur des microservices sont souvent classés comme de systèmes « Cloud-Native ». L'adoption de l'architecture Microservices représente un changement de paradigme technologique et managérial comportant des défis, notamment : la taille, la portée et le nombre de services, et leurs interopérabilité et réutilisation. Outre ces défis, la compréhension, l'adoption et l'implémentation des principes fondamentaux de ce style architectural sont des challenges qui impactent la conception d'architectures microservices efficaces et cohérentes. En effet, l'absence d'un large consensus sur certains principes et termes clés de cette architecture mènent à sa mauvaise compréhension et par conséquent à des implémentations incorrectes. Cette absence de consensus est une manifestation concrète de l'immaturité de cette architecture qui mène à des défis lors de la formalisation des connaissances. Également, il manque une méthode uniforme capable de supporter les concepteurs lors de la modélisation des microservices, notamment dans l'agencement des différentes composantes. À cela s'ajoute l'absence de modèles conceptuels pouvant guider les ingénieurs dans les premières phases de conception de ces systèmes. Plusieurs approches ont été utilisées pour la modélisation d'architectures microservices, tels que : formelle et informelle, manuelle et automatique et toutes les combinaisons de ces quatre, mais ces approches ne répondent pas à tous les défis rencontrés par les concepteurs. Pour faciliter la modélisation des microservices et rendre le processus plus efficace, il est nécessaire de développer des approches de conception et de représentation alternatives. Dans cette perspective, nous proposons une approche ontologique capable de répondre autant aux défis de conception que de représentation des architectures microservices. Dans ce mémoire, nous vous présentons nos résultats de recherche dont la principale contribution est une ontologie du domaine des architectures Microservices définie en suivant les principes de logique de description et formalisée en utilisant le langage « Web Ontology Language » (OWL), une technologie clé du Web sémantique. À cette ontologie nous avons donné le nom d'« Ontology of Microservices Architecture Concepts » (OMSAC). OMSAC contient suffisamment de vocabulaire pour décrire les concepts qui définissent l'architecture Microservices et pour représenter les différents artefacts composant ces architectures. Sa structure permet une évolution rapide et est capable de prendre en charge les enjeux liés à l'immaturité actuelle de ces architectures. En tant que technologie d'intelligence artificielle (IA), les ontologies possèdent des capacités de raisonnement avancées auxquelles il est possible d'ajouter d'autres technologies pour les étendre et ainsi répondre à différents besoins. Avec cet objectif, nous avons utilisé OMSAC conjointement avec des techniques d'apprentissage machine pour modéliser et analyser des architectures microservices afin de calculer le degré de similitude entre différents microservices appartenant à différents systèmes. Ce cas d'utilisation d'OMSAC constitue une contribution supplémentaire de notre recherche et renforce les perspectives de recherche dans l'assistance, l'outillage et l'automatisation de la modélisation des architectures microservices. Cette contribution montre également la pertinence de la recherche de mécanismes permettant de faire de l'analytique avancée sur les modèles d'architectures. Dans des travaux de recherche futurs, nous nous intéresserons au développent de ces mécanismes, et planifions la conception d'un assistant intelligent capable de projeter des architectures microservices basées sur les meilleures pratiques et favorisant la réutilisation de microservices existants. Également, nous souhaitons développer un langage dédié afin d'abstraire les syntaxes d'OWL et du langage de requête SPARQL pour faciliter l'utilisation d'OMSAC par les concepteurs, ingénieurs et programmeurs qui ne sont pas familiers avec ces technologies du Web sémantique. -- Mot(s) clé(s) en français : Architectures microservices, ontologies, modélisation de systèmes logiciels, apprentissage automatique. -- ABSTRACT : The use of Microservices Architecture (MSA) for designing software systems has become a trend in industry and research. Adopting MSA represents a technological and managerial shift with challenges including the size, scope, number, interoperability and reuse of microservices, modelling using multi-viewpoints, as well as the adequate understanding, adoption, and implementation of fundamental principles of the Microservices Architecture. Adequately undertaking these challenges is mandatory for designing effective MSA-based systems. In this thesis, we explored an ontological representation of the knowledge concerning the Microservices Architecture domain. This representation is capable of addressing MSA understanding and modelling challenges. As a result of this research, we propose the Ontology of Microservices Architecture Concepts (OMSAC), which is a domain ontology containing enough vocabulary to describe MSA concepts and artifacts and in a form to allow fast evolution and advanced analytical capabilities. -- Mot(s) clé(s) en anglais : Microservices Architecture, Ontologies, Conceptual modelling, machine learning

    E-MDAV: A Framework for Developing Data-Intensive Web Applications

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    The ever-increasing adoption of innovative technologies, such as big data and cloud computing, provides significant opportunities for organizations operating in the IT domain, but also introduces considerable challenges. Such innovations call for development processes that better align with stakeholders needs and expectations. In this respect, this paper introduces a development framework based on the OMG's Model Driven Architecture (MDA) that aims to support the development lifecycle of data-intensive web applications. The proposed framework, named E-MDAV (Extended MDA-VIEW), defines a methodology that exploits a chain of model transformations to effectively cope with both forward- and reverse-engineering aspects. In addition, E-MDAV includes the specification of a reference architecture for driving the implementation of a tool that supports the various professional roles involved in the development and maintenance of data-intensive web applications. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed E-MDAV framework, a tool prototype has been developed. E-MDAV has then been applied to two different application scenarios and the obtained results have been compared with historical data related to the implementation of similar development projects, in order to measure and discuss the benefits of the proposed approach

    Adaptive object-modeling : patterns, tools and applications

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    Tese de Programa Doutoral. Informática. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    Managing Requirement Volatility in an Ontology-Driven Clinical LIMS Using Category Theory. International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications

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    Requirement volatility is an issue in software engineering in general, and in Web-based clinical applications in particular, which often originates from an incomplete knowledge of the domain of interest. With advances in the health science, many features and functionalities need to be added to, or removed from, existing software applications in the biomedical domain. At the same time, the increasing complexity of biomedical systems makes them more difficult to understand, and consequently it is more difficult to define their requirements, which contributes considerably to their volatility. In this paper, we present a novel agent-based approach for analyzing and managing volatile and dynamic requirements in an ontology-driven laboratory information management system (LIMS) designed for Web-based case reporting in medical mycology. The proposed framework is empowered with ontologies and formalized using category theory to provide a deep and common understanding of the functional and nonfunctional requirement hierarchies and their interrelations, and to trace the effects of a change on the conceptual framework.Comment: 36 Pages, 16 Figure

    Developing a business intelligence initiative in higher education

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    ACM Classification: H.4.2 Types of Systems – Decision SupportIn nowadays, Business Intelligence (BI) is one of the most important areas for managers and their organizations, whose investments on this type of projects are increasing. The decision-making process has become crucial to be more competitive, and higher education institutions (HEIs) are not an exception. For the last years, HEIs from all over the world have started to apply BI to their educational and decision-making challenges. In 2013, the BI Task Force from EUNIS (European University Information Systems) surveyed several HEIs to understand the maturity of their BI systems. The results revealed inconsistencies, raising the doubt about the comprehension of BI concepts. Considering this survey and its basis on maturity models, this dissertation analyses the existing models regarding higher education. Understanding the difficulties in answering the EUNIS survey from a perspective of two Portuguese universities is also a goal. It was created a feedback survey, whose results revealed it was a positive experience, although the lack of clarification of BI concepts was underlined. Thinking about other universities starting their BI journey, it was developed a kit proposal that clarifies concepts and best practices for this sector. It was validated by the two universities mentioned above, which will be starting their initiative in January 2015. This validation was made through an interview, and the feedback was encouraging. Having a guidance to be methodical in this phase was highlighted, as well as the presentation of real success cases that allow to understand what other institutions do on their daily basis.Atualmente, Business Intelligence (BI) é uma das mais importantes áreas para gestores e empresas, cujo investimento tem vindo a aumentar substancialmente. A tomada de decisão tem-se tornado fundamental para o aumento da competitividade e as instituições do ensino superior não são exceção. Nos últimos anos, instituições de todo o mundo têm começado a aplicar BI nos seus desafios. Em 2013, a BI Task Force da EUNIS (European University Information Systems) decidiu realizar um inquérito a instituições de ensino superior para conhecer a maturidade dos seus sistemas de BI. Os resultados revelaram incoerências, criando a dúvida sobre a correta compreensão dos conceitos. Tendo em conta este inquérito e a sua base em modelos de maturidade de BI, é realizada uma revisão bibliográfica dos modelos existentes direcionados para o ensino superior. Compreender as dificuldades em responder ao inquérito da EUNIS, na perspetiva de duas universidades, também é um objetivo deste estudo. Foi criado um questionário de feedback, cujos resultados revelaram ter sido uma experiência positiva, embora a falta de clarificação dos conceitos fosse sublinhada. Considerando instituições a iniciar a sua aventura em BI, foi criado um guião que clarifica conceitos e boas práticas para o sector. Foi validado pelas universidades mencionadas, que vão começar as suas iniciativas no próximo ano. Essa validação, feita com entrevistas, revelou que um guião que ajude as universidades a serem metódicas nesta fase é essencial, bem como a apresentação de casos reais de sucesso que permitem dar a conhecer o que é feito no dia-a-dia do sector

    Model-Driven Development of Aspect-Oriented Software Architectures

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    The work presented in this thesis of master is an approach that takes advantage of the Model-Driven Development approach for developing aspect-oriented software architectures. A complete MDD support for the PRISMA approach is defined by providing code generation, verification and reusability properties.Pérez Benedí, J. (2007). Model-Driven Development of Aspect-Oriented Software Architectures. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/12451Archivo delegad