7,178 research outputs found

    Discussion of the technology and research in fuel injectors common rail system

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    Common rail is one of the most important components in a diesel and gasoline direct injection system. It features a high-pressure (100 bar) fuel rail feeding solenoid valves, as opposed to a low-pressure fuel pump feeding unit injectors. Third-generation common rail diesels now feature piezoelectric injectors for increased precision, with fuel pressures up to 2,500 bar. The purpose of this review paper is to investigate the technology and research in fuel injectors common rail system. This review paper focuses on component of common rail injection system, pioneer of common rail injection, characteristics of common rail injection system, method to reduce smoke and NOx emission simultaneously and impact of common rail injection system. Based on our research, it can be concluded that common rail injection gives many benefit such as good for the engine performance, safe to use, and for to reduce the emission of the vehicle. Fuel injection common rail system is the modern technology that must be developed. Nowadays, our earth is polluting by vehicle output such as smoke. If the common rail system is developed, it can reduce the pollution and keep our atmosphere clean and safe

    Neural-Network Vector Controller for Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives: Simulated and Hardware-Validated Results

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    This paper focuses on current control in a permanentmagnet synchronous motor (PMSM). The paper has two main objectives: The first objective is to develop a neural-network (NN) vector controller to overcome the decoupling inaccuracy problem associated with conventional PI-based vector-control methods. The NN is developed using the full dynamic equation of a PMSM, and trained to implement optimal control based on approximate dynamic programming. The second objective is to evaluate the robust and adaptive performance of the NN controller against that of the conventional standard vector controller under motor parameter variation and dynamic control conditions by (a) simulating the behavior of a PMSM typically used in realistic electric vehicle applications and (b) building an experimental system for hardware validation as well as combined hardware and simulation evaluation. The results demonstrate that the NN controller outperforms conventional vector controllers in both simulation and hardware implementation

    Modeling and identification of power electronic converters

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    Nowadays, many industries are moving towards more electrical systems and components. This is done with the purpose of enhancing the efficiency of their systems while being environmentally friendlier and sustainable. Therefore, the development of power electronic systems is one of the most important points of this transition. Many manufacturers have improved their equipment and processes in order to satisfy the new necessities of the industries (aircraft, automotive, aerospace, telecommunication, etc.). For the particular case of the More Electric Aircraft (MEA), there are several power converters, inverters and filters that are usually acquired from different manufacturers. These are switched mode power converters that feed multiple loads, being a critical element in the transmission systems. In some cases, these manufacturers do not provide the sufficient information regarding the functionality of the devices such as DC/DC power converters, rectifiers, inverters or filters. Consequently, there is the need to model and identify the performance of these components to allow the aforementioned industries to develop models for the design stage, for predictive maintenance, for detecting possible failures modes, and to have a better control over the electrical system. Thus, the main objective of this thesis is to develop models that are able to describe the behavior of power electronic converters, whose parameters and/or topology are unknown. The algorithms must be replicable and they should work in other types of converters that are used in the power electronics field. The thesis is divided in two main cores, which are the parameter identification for white-box models and the black-box modeling of power electronics devices. The proposed approaches are based on optimization algorithms and deep learning techniques that use non-intrusive measurements to obtain a set of parameters or generate a model, respectively. In both cases, the algorithms are trained and tested using real data gathered from converters used in aircrafts and electric vehicles. This thesis also presents how the proposed methodologies can be applied to more complex power systems and for prognostics tasks. Concluding, this thesis aims to provide algorithms that allow industries to obtain realistic and accurate models of the components that they are using in their electrical systems.En la actualidad, el uso de sistemas y componentes eléctricos complejos se extiende a múltiples sectores industriales. Esto se hace con el propósito de mejorar su eficiencia y, en consecuencia, ser más sostenibles y amigables con el medio ambiente. Por tanto, el desarrollo de sistemas electrónicos de potencia es uno de los puntos más importantes de esta transición. Muchos fabricantes han mejorado sus equipos y procesos para satisfacer las nuevas necesidades de las industrias (aeronáutica, automotriz, aeroespacial, telecomunicaciones, etc.). Para el caso particular de los aviones más eléctricos (MEA, por sus siglas en inglés), existen varios convertidores de potencia, inversores y filtros que suelen adquirirse a diferentes fabricantes. Se trata de convertidores de potencia de modo conmutado que alimentan múltiples cargas, siendo un elemento crítico en los sistemas de transmisión. En algunos casos, estos fabricantes no proporcionan la información suficiente sobre la funcionalidad de los dispositivos como convertidores de potencia DC-DC, rectificadores, inversores o filtros. En consecuencia, existe la necesidad de modelar e identificar el desempeño de estos componentes para permitir que las industrias mencionadas desarrollan modelos para la etapa de diseño, para el mantenimiento predictivo, para la detección de posibles modos de fallas y para tener un mejor control del sistema eléctrico. Así, el principal objetivo de esta tesis es desarrollar modelos que sean capaces de describir el comportamiento de un convertidor de potencia, cuyos parámetros y/o topología se desconocen. Los algoritmos deben ser replicables y deben funcionar en otro tipo de convertidores que se utilizan en el campo de la electrónica de potencia. La tesis se divide en dos núcleos principales, que son la identificación de parámetros de los convertidores y el modelado de caja negra (black-box) de dispositivos electrónicos de potencia. Los enfoques propuestos se basan en algoritmos de optimización y técnicas de aprendizaje profundo que utilizan mediciones no intrusivas de las tensiones y corrientes de los convertidores para obtener un conjunto de parámetros o generar un modelo, respectivamente. En ambos casos, los algoritmos se entrenan y prueban utilizando datos reales recopilados de convertidores utilizados en aviones y vehículos eléctricos. Esta tesis también presenta cómo las metodologías propuestas se pueden aplicar a sistemas eléctricos más complejos y para tareas de diagnóstico. En conclusión, esta tesis tiene como objetivo proporcionar algoritmos que permitan a las industrias obtener modelos realistas y precisos de los componentes que están utilizando en sus sistemas eléctricos.Postprint (published version

    Comparison between unipolar and bipolar single phase grid-connected inverters for PV applications

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    An inverter is essential for the interfacing of photovoltaic panels with the AC network. There are many possible inverter topologies and inverter switching schemes and each one will have its own relative advantages and disadvantages. Efficiency and output current distortion are two important factors governing the choice of inverter system. In this paper, it is argued that current controlled inverters offer significant advantages from the point of view of minimisation of current distortion. Two inverter switching strategies are explored in detail. These are the unipolar current controlled inverter and the bipolar current controlled inverter. With respect to low frequency distortion, previously published works provide theoretical arguments in favour of bipolar switching. On the other hand it has also been argued that the unipolar switched inverter offers reduced switching losses and generates less EMI. On efficiency grounds, it appears that the unipolar switched inverter has an advantage. However, experimental results presented in this paper show that the level of low frequency current distortion in the unipolar switched inverter is such that it can only comply with Australian Standard 4777.2 above a minimum output current. On the other hand it is shown that at the same current levels bipolar switching results in reduced low frequency harmonics

    Comparison between unipolar and bipolar single phase grid-connected inverters for PV applications

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    An inverter is essential for the interfacing of photovoltaic panels with the AC network. There are many possible inverter topologies and inverter switching schemes and each one will have its own relative advantages and disadvantages. Efficiency and output current distortion are two important factors governing the choice of inverter system. In this paper, it is argued that current controlled inverters offer significant advantages from the point of view of minimisation of current distortion. Two inverter switching strategies are explored in detail. These are the unipolar current controlled inverter and the bipolar current controlled inverter. With respect to low frequency distortion, previously published works provide theoretical arguments in favour of bipolar switching. On the other hand it has also been argued that the unipolar switched inverter offers reduced switching losses and generates less EMI. On efficiency grounds, it appears that the unipolar switched inverter has an advantage. However, experimental results presented in this paper show that the level of low frequency current distortion in the unipolar switched inverter is such that it can only comply with Australian Standard 4777.2 above a minimum output current. On the other hand it is shown that at the same current levels bipolar switching results in reduced low frequency harmonics

    Optimization of PV Model using Fuzzy- Neural Network for DC-DC converter systems

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    Abstract: Due to the large demand on energy, energy sources, as well as the problems of the environment such as the dynamic weather conditions. Hence the world researchers nowadays are moving toward using solar energy because it gives different advantages over the traditional energy sources such as low maintenance costs, eternal sun energy, and the lack of revival of the gases of green houses. As a result, the photo- voltaic (PV) systems' power will be reduced. Under different weather conditions, maximizing the power point tracking (MPPT) is an important part to improve the solar systems power. In this paper, we introduce the neural network approaches for the PV systems. This paper also presents a novel application of Fuzzy Neural Network (FNN) in modeling a PV. The photovoltaic system model is designed with the use of MATLAB/SIMULINK software program with the connection of a DC-DC boost converter, a Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) controller, a one-phase Voltage Source Converter (VSC) and a three-level bridge. The MPPT controller is used to cover the need for advanced controller that can detect the maximum power point in solar cell systems that have unstable current and voltage and keep the resultant power per cost low

    Performance Analysis Of Hybrid Ai-Based Technique For Maximum Power Point Tracking In Solar Energy System Applications

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    Demand is increasing for a system based on renewable energy sources that can be employed to both fulfill rising electricity needs and mitigate climate change. Solar energy is the most prominent renewable energy option. However, only 30%-40% of the solar irradiance or sunlight intensity is converted into electrical energy by the solar panel system, which is low compared to other sources. This is because the solar power system\u27s output curve for power versus voltage has just one Global Maximum Power Point (GMPP) and several local Maximum Power Points (MPPs). For a long time, substantial research in Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been undertaken to build algorithms that can track the MPP more efficiently to acquire the most output from a Photovoltaic (PV) panel system because traditional Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) techniques such as Incremental Conductance (INC) and Perturb and Observe (P&Q) are unable to track the GMPP under varying weather conditions. Literature (K. Y. Yap et al., 2020) has shown that most AIbased MPPT algorithms have a faster convergence time, reduced steady-state oscillation, and higher efficiency but need a lot of processing and are expensive to implement. However, hybrid MPPT has been shown to have a good performance-to-complexity ratio. It incorporates the benefits of traditional and AI-based MPPT methodologies but choosing the appropriate hybrid MPPT techniques is still a challenge since each has advantages and disadvantages. In this research work, we proposed a suitable hybrid AI-based MPPT technique that exhibited the right balance between performance and complexity when utilizing AI in MPPT for solar power system optimization. To achieve this, we looked at the basic concept of maximum power point tracking and compared some AI-based MPPT algorithms for GMPP estimation. After evaluating and comparing these approaches, the most practical and effective ones were chosen, modeled, and simulated in MATLAB Simulink to demonstrate the method\u27s correctness and dependability in estimating GMPP under various solar irradiation and PV cell temperature values. The AI-based MPPT techniques evaluated include Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) trained Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and PSO trained Neural Network (NN) MPPT. We compared these methods with Genetic Algorithm (GA)-trained ANFIS method. Simulation results demonstrated that the investigated technique could track the GMPP of the PV system and has a faster convergence time and more excellent stability. Lastly, we investigated the suitability of Buck, Boost, and Buck-Boost converter topologies for hybrid AI-based MPPT in solar energy systems under varying solar irradiance and temperature conditions. The simulation results provided valuable insights into the efficiency and performance of the different converter topologies in solar energy systems employing hybrid AI-based MPPT techniques. The Boost converter was identified as the optimal topology based on the results, surpassing the Buck and Buck-Boost converters in terms of efficiency and performance. Keywords—Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT), Genetic Algorithm, Adaptive Neural-Fuzzy Interference System (ANFIS), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO

    Power Electronics and Energy Management for Battery Storage Systems

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    The deployment of distributed renewable generation and e-mobility systems is creating a demand for improved dynamic performance, flexibility, and resilience in electrical grids. Various energy storages, such as stationary and electric vehicle batteries, together with power electronic interfaces, will play a key role in addressing these requests thanks to their enhanced functionality, fast response times, and configuration flexibility. For the large-scale implementation of this technology, the associated enabling developments are becoming of paramount importance. These include energy management algorithms; optimal sizing and coordinated control strategies of different storage technologies, including e-mobility storage; power electronic converters for interfacing renewables and battery systems, which allow for advanced interactions with the grid; and increase in round-trip efficiencies by means of advanced materials, components, and algorithms. This Special Issue contains the developments that have been published b researchers in the areas of power electronics, energy management and battery storage. A range of potential solutions to the existing barriers is presented, aiming to make the most out of these emerging technologies