6 research outputs found

    An entrepreneurial career impacts on job and family satisfaction

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    Purpose This paper aims to identify if entrepreneurship as a career option is related to job satisfaction and family satisfaction by comparing entrepreneurs with non-entrepreneurs. To do so, a tool was used to measure job satisfaction, family satisfaction and the existence of interrole conflicts. Design/methodology/approach Cluster analysis and linear regression models were used to test the hypotheses. Findings Results indicate that there is a positive relationship and that entrepreneurs have higher rates of job satisfaction than non-entrepreneurs. Contrary to what the literature suggests, this study found that entrepreneurs have a higher rate of family satisfaction than non-entrepreneurs, and that there is no difference between men’s and women’s levels of satisfaction. Research limitations/implications Among the limitations of the research, the authors cite the fact that there was no randomness in the designation of the respondents and the fact that the answers were obtained by self-report. Also, the research was cross-sectional, making it impossible to compare answers between the same individuals at different points of time. Practical implications Results can help individuals decide whether to start a business and to assist development agencies in the creation of incentive policies. Originality/value As an academic implication, results contribute to the literature on this topic by relating entrepreneurship with the quality of life and not only with financial variables. Yet, it is one of the first studies on this topic in Brazil

    ¿Son felices los emprendedores españoles en el siglo XXI? Un estudio cuantitativo a través de la encuesta del centro de investigaciones sociológicas (CIS)

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    Los emprendedores españoles poseen unos niveles de felicidad que vienen determinados por variables sociodemográficas, sirvan de ejemplo la confesión religiosa o el estado civil. En esta investigación, se ha llevado a cabo un análisis estadístico cuantitativo basado en los resultados del barómetro del CIS (septiembre, 2018), con el objeto de examinar las relaciones bivariantes entre religión-felicidad y estado civil-felicidad en el colectivo objeto de nuestro estudio. Actualmente, la ciencia económica avanza incluyendo en sus explicaciones racionales teorizaciones sobre la importancia que poseen las variables espirituales, psicológicas y sociológicas de bienestar. Todo lo cual implica un funcionamiento más adecuado de la economía y la sociedad, más allá de planteamientos centrados exclusivamente en el desempeño y la productividad. Es necesario llevar a cabo más investigaciones en este sentido para desarrollar al máximo el conocimiento en torno al happiness management y la Economía de la Felicidad en el siglo XXI

    Are spanish entrepreneurs happy in the 21st century? A quantitative study through the survey of the Sociological Research Centre (CIS)

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    Los emprendedores españoles poseen unos niveles de felicidad que vienen determinados por variables sociodemográficas, sirvan de ejemplo la confesión religiosa o el estado civil. En esta investigación, se ha llevado a cabo un análisis estadístico cuantitativo basado en los resultados del barómetro del CIS (septiembre 2018), con el objeto de examinar las relaciones bivariantes entre religión-felicidad y estado civil-felicidad en el colectivo objeto de nuestro estudio. Actualmente, la ciencia económica avanza inclu-yendo en sus explicaciones racionales teorizaciones sobre la importancia que poseen las variables espirituales, psicológicas y sociológicas de bienestar. Todo lo cual implica un funcionamiento más adecuado de la economía y la sociedad, más allá de planteamientos centrados exclusivamente en el desempeño y la productividad. Es necesario llevar a cabo más investigaciones en este sentido para desarrollar al máximo el conocimiento en torno al happiness management y la Economía de la Felicidad en el siglo XXI.Spanish entrepreneurs have levels of happiness that are determined by sociodemographic variables, such as religious confession or marital status. In this research, a quantitative statistical analysis has been carried out based on the results of the CIS barometer (September 2018), in order to examine the bivariate relationships between religion-happiness and marital status-happiness in the collective object of our study. Currently, economic science is advancing including in its rational explanations theorizations about the importance of the spiritual, psychological and sociological variables of well-being. All of which implies a more adequate functioning of the economy and society, beyond approaches focused exclusively on performance and productivity. It is necessary to carry out more research in this sense to develop to the maximum the knowledge around happiness management and the Economy of Happiness in the 21st century.18 página

    ¿Son felices los emprendedores españoles en el siglo XXI? Un estudio cuantitativo a través de la encuesta del centro de investigaciones sociológicas (CIS)

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    Los emprendedores españoles poseen unos niveles de felicidad que vienen determinados por variables sociodemográficas, sirvan de ejemplo la confesión religiosa o el estado civil. En esta investigación, se ha llevado a cabo un análisis estadístico cuantitativo basado en los resultados del barómetro del CIS (septiembre, 2018), con el objeto de examinar las relaciones bivariantes entre religión-felicidad y estado civil-felicidad en el colectivo objeto de nuestro estudio. Actualmente, la ciencia económica avanza incluyendo en sus explicaciones racionales teorizaciones sobre la importancia que poseen las variables espirituales, psicológicas y sociológicas de bienestar. Todo lo cual implica un funcionamiento más adecuado de la economía y la sociedad, más allá de planteamientos centrados exclusivamente en el desempeño y la productividad. Es necesario llevar a cabo más investigaciones en este sentido para desarrollar al máximo el conocimiento en torno al happiness management y la Economía de la Felicidad en el siglo XXI

    O empreendedorismo como determinante empírico da felicidade

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    Mestrado em EconomiaO empreendedorismo é um conceito que tem verificado uma preponderância crescente no contexto económico, e que se afigura muito relevante na definição de políticas económicas, particularmente para as economias que privilegiam o papel da inovação para o seu desenvolvimento. Ao longo deste trabalho de investigação, o empreendedorismo é abordado na sua relação e contribuição para o bem-estar, com especial enfoque na tese defendida no relatório realizado pelo Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (2013) que refere que os empreendedores demonstram, em média, níveis de bem-estar mais elevados do que os dos agentes que funcionam na qualidade de trabalhadores por conta de outrem. Com este propósito subjacente como objetivo de investigação do presente trabalho, elegeu-se como tópicos a desenvolver o empreendedorismo e o bem-estar/felicidade, procurando sempre ponderar e avaliar o tipo de relação que se estabelece entre estes dois conceitos e a contribuição das variáveis do empreendedorismo como determinantes explicativas da felicidade. Face a este desafio, recorreu-se aos modelos econométricos logístico ordenado probit e o logístico ordenado generalizado para estudar e analisar esta relação. Os resultados gerais obtidos pelo estudo empírico desenvolvido, permitiram concluir que os empreendedores são aqueles que detêm maior probabilidade de serem felizes em comparação com os trabalhadores por conta de outremEntrepreneurship is a concept that has experienced a growing preponderance in the economic context and it is therefore very relevant in the definition of economic policies, particularly for the economies that emphasize the role of innovation for their development. Throughout this research work, entrepreneurship is addressed in its relationship and contribution with the wellbeing with special focus on the view taken in the report by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (2013) which states that entrepreneurs show, on average, higher levels of well-being than the agents who work as laborers for others. Underlying this conclusion as the goal of this research, we elected to study the topics of entrepreneurship and well-being/happiness and always trying to weigh and measure the type of relationship established between those two concepts and the contribution of the entrepreneurship variables as explanatory determinants of happiness. Faced with this challenge, we used the logistic econometric models ordered probit and the generalized ordered logistic to study and analyze this relationship. The results generated by the empirical study, showed that entrepreneurs are those who hold more likelihood to be happy when compared with those individuals that work for others

    An Entrepreneurial Well-being Model based on GEM Data for Spain

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    The Economics of Happiness is one of the research areas of greatest growth in recent years. Throughout this work, a venture based model in which satisfaction of Spanish entrepreneurs with their professional life is performed. We analyze the responses of 9,989 entrepreneurs using data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), and six hypothesis are discussed. The results show that, for the Spanish case, there is a strong consistency in the results the opportunity entrepreneurs present greater satisfaction than necessity entrepreneurs