614 research outputs found

    Energy Efficient Task Mapping and Resource Management on Multi-core Architectures

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    Reducing energy consumption of parallel applications executing on chip multi- processors (CMPs) is important for green computing. Hardware vendors have been developing a variety of system features to support energy efficient computing, for example, integrating asymmetric core types on a single chip referred to as static asymmetry and supporting dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) referred to as dynamic asymmetry.A common parallelization scheme to exploit CMPs is task parallelism, which can express a wide range of computations in the form of task directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). Existing studies that target energy efficient task scheduling have demonstrated the benefits of leveraging DVFS, particularly per-core DVFS. Their scheduling decisions are mainly based on heuristics, such as task criticality, task dependencies and workload sizes. To enable energy efficient task scheduling, we identify multiple crucial factors that influence energy consumption - varying task characteristics, exploitation of intra-task parallelism (task moldability), and task granularity - which we collectively refer to as task heterogeneity. Task heterogeneity and architecture asymmetry features together complicate the task scheduling problem, since the most energy efficient configuration of resource allocation and frequency setting varies with each task. Our analysis shows that leveraging task heterogeneity in conjunction with static and dynamic asymmetry provides significant opportunities for energy reduction.This thesis contributes two scheduling techniques - ERASE and STEER - that target different scenarios. ERASE focuses on fine-grained tasking and in environments where DVFS is not under user control. It leverages the insights of task characteristics, task moldability, and instantaneous task parallelism detection for guiding scheduling decisions. ERASE comprises four modules: online performance modeling, power profiling, core activity tracing and a task scheduler. Online performance modeling and power profiling provide runtime with execution time and power predictions. Core activity tracing offers the instantaneous task parallelism and the task scheduler combines these information to enable the energy predictions and dynamically determine the best resource allocation for each task during runtime. STEER focuses on environments where DVFS is under user control and where the platform comprises multiple asymmetric cores grouped into clusters. STEER explores how much energy could be potentially saved by leveraging static asymmetry, dynamic asymmetry and task heterogeneity in conjunction. STEER comprises two predictive models for performance and power predictions, and a task scheduler that utilizes models for energy predictions and then identifies the best resource allocation and frequency settings for tasks. Moreover, it applies adaptive scheduling techniques based on task granularity to manage DVFS overheads, and coordinates the cluster frequency settings to reduce interference from concurrent running tasks on cluster-based architectures.The evaluation on an NVIDIA Jetson TX2 shows that ERASE achieves 10% energy savings on average compared to the state-of-the-art DVFS-based schedulers and can adapt to external DVFS changes, and STEER consumes 38% less energy on average than both the state-of-the-art and ERASE

    ERASE: Energy Efficient Task Mapping and Resource Management for Work Stealing Runtimes

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    Parallel applications often rely on work stealing schedulers in combination with fine-grained tasking to achieve high performance and scalability. However, reducing the total energy consumption in the context of work stealing runtimes is still challenging, particularly when using asymmetric architectures with different types of CPU cores. A common approach for energy savings involves dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) wherein throttling is carried out based on factors like task parallelism, stealing relations, and task criticality. This article makes the following observations: (i) leveraging DVFS on a per-task basis is impractical when using fine-grained tasking and in environments with cluster/chip-level DVFS; (ii) task moldability, wherein a single task can execute on multiple threads/cores via work-sharing, can help to reduce energy consumption; and (iii) mismatch between tasks and assigned resources (i.e., core type and number of cores) can detrimentally impact energy consumption. In this article, we propose EneRgy Aware SchedulEr (ERASE), an intra-application task scheduler on top of work stealing runtimes that aims to reduce the total energy consumption of parallel applications. It achieves energy savings by guiding scheduling decisions based on per-task energy consumption predictions of different resource configurations. In addition, ERASE is capable of adapting to both given static frequency settings and externally controlled DVFS. Overall, ERASE achieves up to 31% energy savings and improves performance by 44% on average, compared to the state-of-the-art DVFS-based schedulers

    Dynamic energy-aware scheduling for parallel task-based application in cloud computing

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    Green Computing is a recent trend in computer science, which tries to reduce the energy consumption and carbon footprint produced by computers on distributed platforms such as clusters, grids, and clouds. Traditional scheduling solutions attempt to minimize processing times without taking into account the energetic cost. One of the methods for reducing energy consumption is providing scheduling policies in order to allocate tasks on specific resources that impact over the processing times and energy consumption. In this paper, we propose a real-time dynamic scheduling system to execute efficiently task-based applications on distributed computing platforms in order to minimize the energy consumption. Scheduling tasks on multiprocessors is a well known NP-hard problem and optimal solution of these problems is not feasible, we present a polynomial-time algorithm that combines a set of heuristic rules and a resource allocation technique in order to get good solutions on an affordable time scale. The proposed algorithm minimizes a multi-objective function which combines the energy-consumption and execution time according to the energy-performance importance factor provided by the resource provider or user, also taking into account sequence-dependent setup times between tasks, setup times and down times for virtual machines (VM) and energy profiles for different architectures. A prototype implementation of the scheduler has been tested with different kinds of DAG generated at random as well as on real task-based COMPSs applications. We have tested the system with different size instances and importance factors, and we have evaluated which combination provides a better solution and energy savings. Moreover, we have also evaluated the introduced overhead by measuring the time for getting the scheduling solutions for a different number of tasks, kinds of DAG, and resources, concluding that our method is suitable for run-time scheduling.This work has been supported by the Spanish Government (contracts TIN2015-65316-P, TIN2012-34557, CSD2007-00050, CAC2007-00052 and SEV-2011-00067), by Generalitat de Catalunya (contract 2014-SGR-1051), by the European Commission (Euroserver project, contract 610456) and by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a of Mexico (special program for postdoctoral position BSC-CNS-CONACYT contract 290790, grant number 265937).Peer ReviewedAward-winningPostprint (published version

    Energy Aware Runtime Systems for Elastic Stream Processing Platforms

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    Following an invariant growth in the required computational performance of processors, the multicore revolution started around 20 years ago. This revolution was mainly an answer to power dissipation constraints restricting the increase of clock frequency in single-core processors. The multicore revolution not only brought in the challenge of parallel programming, i.e. being able to develop software exploiting the entire capabilities of manycore architectures, but also the challenge of programming heterogeneous platforms. The question of “on which processing element to map a specific computational unit?”, is well known in the embedded community. With the introduction of general-purpose graphics processing units (GPGPUs), digital signal processors (DSPs) along with many-core processors on different system-on-chip platforms, heterogeneous parallel platforms are nowadays widespread over several domains, from consumer devices to media processing platforms for telecom operators. Finding mapping together with a suitable hardware architecture is a process called design-space exploration. This process is very challenging in heterogeneous many-core architectures, which promise to offer benefits in terms of energy efficiency. The main problem is the exponential explosion of space exploration. With the recent trend of increasing levels of heterogeneity in the chip, selecting the parameters to take into account when mapping software to hardware is still an open research topic in the embedded area. For example, the current Linux scheduler has poor performance when mapping tasks to computing elements available in hardware. The only metric considered is CPU workload, which as was shown in recent work does not match true performance demands from the applications. Doing so may produce an incorrect allocation of resources, resulting in a waste of energy. The origin of this research work comes from the observation that these approaches do not provide full support for the dynamic behavior of stream processing applications, especially if these behaviors are established only at runtime. This research will contribute to the general goal of developing energy-efficient solutions to design streaming applications on heterogeneous and parallel hardware platforms. Streaming applications are nowadays widely spread in the software domain. Their distinctive characiteristic is the retrieving of multiple streams of data and the need to process them in real time. The proposed work will develop new approaches to address the challenging problem of efficient runtime coordination of dynamic applications, focusing on energy and performance management.Efter en oföränderlig tillväxt i prestandakrav hos processorer, började den flerkärniga processor-revolutionen för ungefär 20 år sedan. Denna revolution skedde till största del som en lösning till begränsningar i energieffekten allt eftersom klockfrekvensen kontinuerligt höjdes i en-kärniga processorer. Den flerkärniga processor-revolutionen medförde inte enbart utmaningen gällande parallellprogrammering, m.a.o. förmågan att utveckla mjukvara som använder sig av alla delelement i de flerkärniga processorerna, men också utmaningen med programmering av heterogena plattformar. Frågeställningen ”på vilken processorelement skall en viss beräkning utföras?” är väl känt inom ramen för inbyggda datorsystem. Efter introduktionen av grafikprocessorer för allmänna beräkningar (GPGPU), signalprocesserings-processorer (DSP) samt flerkärniga processorer på olika system-on-chip plattformar, är heterogena parallella plattformar idag omfattande inom många domäner, från konsumtionsartiklar till mediaprocesseringsplattformar för telekommunikationsoperatörer. Processen att placera beräkningarna på en passande hårdvaruplattform kallas för utforskning av en designrymd (design-space exploration). Denna process är mycket utmanande för heterogena flerkärniga arkitekturer, och kan medföra fördelar när det gäller energieffektivitet. Det största problemet är att de olika valmöjligheterna i designrymden kan växa exponentiellt. Enligt den nuvarande trenden som förespår ökad heterogeniska aspekter i processorerna är utmaningen att hitta den mest passande placeringen av beräkningarna på hårdvaran ännu en forskningsfråga inom ramen för inbyggda datorsystem. Till exempel, den nuvarande schemaläggaren i Linux operativsystemet är inkapabel att hitta en effektiv placering av beräkningarna på den underliggande hårdvaran. Det enda mätsättet som används är processorns belastning vilket, som visats i tidigare forskning, inte motsvarar den verkliga prestandan i applikationen. Användning av detta mätsätt vid resursallokering resulterar i slöseri med energi. Denna forskning härstammar från observationerna att dessa tillvägagångssätt inte stöder det dynamiska beteendet hos ström-processeringsapplikationer (stream processing applications), speciellt om beteendena bara etableras vid körtid. Denna forskning kontribuerar till det allmänna målet att utveckla energieffektiva lösningar för ström-applikationer (streaming applications) på heterogena flerkärniga hårdvaruplattformar. Ström-applikationer är numera mycket vanliga i mjukvarudomän. Deras distinkta karaktär är inläsning av flertalet dataströmmar, och behov av att processera dem i realtid. Arbetet i denna forskning understöder utvecklingen av nya sätt för att lösa det utmanade problemet att effektivt koordinera dynamiska applikationer i realtid och fokus på energi- och prestandahantering

    Resource-aware scheduling for 2D/3D multi-/many-core processor-memory systems

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    This dissertation addresses the complexities of 2D/3D multi-/many-core processor-memory systems, focusing on two key areas: enhancing timing predictability in real-time multi-core processors and optimizing performance within thermal constraints. The integration of an increasing number of transistors into compact chip designs, while boosting computational capacity, presents challenges in resource contention and thermal management. The first part of the thesis improves timing predictability. We enhance shared cache interference analysis for set-associative caches, advancing the calculation of Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET). This development enables accurate assessment of cache interference and the effectiveness of partitioned schedulers in real-world scenarios. We introduce TCPS, a novel task and cache-aware partitioned scheduler that optimizes cache partitioning based on task-specific WCET sensitivity, leading to improved schedulability and predictability. Our research explores various cache and scheduling configurations, providing insights into their performance trade-offs. The second part focuses on thermal management in 2D/3D many-core systems. Recognizing the limitations of Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) in S-NUCA many-core processors, we propose synchronous thread migrations as a thermal management strategy. This approach culminates in the HotPotato scheduler, which balances performance and thermal safety. We also introduce 3D-TTP, a transient temperature-aware power budgeting strategy for 3D-stacked systems, reducing the need for Dynamic Thermal Management (DTM) activation. Finally, we present 3QUTM, a novel method for 3D-stacked systems that combines core DVFS and memory bank Low Power Modes with a learning algorithm, optimizing response times within thermal limits. This research contributes significantly to enhancing performance and thermal management in advanced processor-memory systems

    A dynamic execution time estimation model to save energy in heterogeneous multicores running periodic tasks

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    this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Future Generation Computer Systems. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 56 (2016). DOI 10.1016/j.future.2015.06.011.Nowadays, real-time embedded applications have to cope with an increasing demand of functionalities, which require increasing processing capabilities. With this aim real-time systems are being implemented on top of high-performance multicore processors that run multithreaded periodic workloads by allocating threads to individual cores. In addition, to improve both performance and energy savings, the industry is introducing new multicore designs such as ARM’s big.LITTLE that include heterogeneous cores in the same package. A key issue to improve energy savings in multicore embedded real-time systems and reduce the number of deadline misses is to accurately estimate the execution time of the tasks considering the supported processor frequencies. Two main aspects make this estimation difficult. First, the running threads compete among them for shared resources. Second, almost all current microprocessors implement Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) regulators to dynamically adjust the voltage/frequency at run-time according to the workload behavior. Existing execution time estimation models rely on off-line analysis or on the assumption that the task execution time scales linearly with the processor frequency, which can bring important deviations since the memory system uses a different power supply. In contrast, this paper proposes the Processor–Memory (Proc–Mem) model, which dynamically predicts the distinct task execution times depending on the implemented processor frequencies. A power-aware EDF (Earliest Deadline First)-based scheduler using the Proc–Mem approach has been evaluated and compared against the same scheduler using a typical Constant Memory Access Time model, namely CMAT. Results on a heterogeneous multicore processor show that the average deviation of Proc–Mem is only by 5.55% with respect to the actual measured execution time, while the average deviation of the CMAT model is 36.42%. These results turn in important energy savings, by 18% on average and up to 31% in some mixes, in comparison to CMAT for a similar number of deadline misses. © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) and by FEDER funds under Grant TIN2012-38341-004-01, and by the Intel Early Career Faculty Honor Program Award.Sahuquillo Borrás, J.; Hassan Mohamed, H.; Petit Martí, SV.; March Cabrelles, JL.; Duato Marín, JF. (2016). A dynamic execution time estimation model to save energy in heterogeneous multicores running periodic tasks. Future Generation Computer Systems. 56:211-219. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2015.06.011S2112195

    Measurement, Modeling, and Characterization for Power-Aware Computing

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    Society’s increasing dependence on information technology has resulted in the deployment of vast compute resources. The energy costs of operating these resources coupled with environmental concerns have made power-aware computingone of the primary challenges for the IT sector. Making energy-efficient computing a rule rather than an exception requires that researchers and system designers use the right set of techniques and tools. These involve measuring,modeling, and characterizing the energy consumption of computers at varying degrees of granularity.In this thesis, we present techniques to measure power consumption of computer systems at various levels. We compare them for accuracy and sensitivityand discuss their effectiveness. We test Intel’s hardware power model for estimation accuracy and show that it is fairly accurate for estimating energy consumption when sampled at the temporal granularity of more than tens ofmilliseconds.We present a methodology to estimate per-core processor power consumption using performance counter and temperature-based power modeling and validate it across multiple platforms. We show our model exhibits negligible computationoverhead, and the median estimation errors ranges from 0.3% to 10.1% for applications from SPEC2006, SPEC-OMP and NAS benchmarks. We test the usefulness of the model in a meta-scheduler to enforce power constraint on a system.Finally, we perform a detailed performance and energy characterization of Intel’s Restricted Transactional Memory (RTM). We use TinySTM software transactional memory (STM) system to benchmark RTM’s performance against competing STM alternatives. We use microbenchmarks and STAMP benchmarksuite to compare RTM versus STM performance and energy behavior. We quantify the RTM hardware limitations that affect its success rate. We show that RTM performs better than TinySTM when working-set fits inside the cache and that RTM is better at handling high contention workloads
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