18 research outputs found

    Does Self Efficacy Moderate the Relationship between Knowledge Sharing and Organizational Citizenship Behavior? (A quantitative Research in Civil Secretariat Quetta)

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    The aim of this investigation is to look at the relationship between Knowledge sharing and Organizational citizenship behavior in Civil Secretariat Quetta. Study also aims to determine the influence of Self-efficacy as a moderator in between the Knowledge sharing and Organizational citizenship behavior relationship. First from random sampling 4 sections (Information technology, youth affair, planning and development and culture, archive and tourism) were nominated out of 39 and then convenience sampling was used to collect data from the respondents. Method for the collection of data was well established questionnaire. Collected data was analyzed by using SPSS version 21.0. To check the reliability Cronbach alpha test was applied. Correlation, Multiple regression test was also applied. Results indicate that the relations among the variables are significantly positive. Knowledge sharing significantly influences Organizational citizenship behavior. Multiple regression test reveals that Self-efficacy has significant impact on and boosts the relation of Knowledge sharing and Organizational citizenship behavior

    Full and Partial Knowledge Sharing on Intra-Organizational Broadcast Media

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    Knowledge sharing, along with its potential predictors, has been a popular research topic. This research extends prior research by examining potential predictors of knowledge sharing together within a more comprehensive model with two additional contexts: the type of recipient of the knowledge is the recipients of intraorganizational broadcast media, and the type of knowledge sharing behavior (full knowledge sharing and partial knowledge sharing). The results of this study suggest that what predicts knowledge sharing behaviors depends on the type of knowledge sharing behavior when considering why people share their knowledge through intra-organizational broadcast media. We explore theoretical implications and future research avenues

    Knowledge Contribution Motivators – An Expectation-Confirmation Approach

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    Individual knowledge needs to be shared across IS developing organizations to provide information for all types of decisions. Considering knowledge management (KM) as a two-part process of knowledge contribution and knowledge seeking, we focus on the former one as it is (1) the required condition for knowledge sharing and (2) the greater challenge to accomplish by organizations compared to implementing successful knowledge seeking. Distinguishing different types of individual and organizational extrinsic motivators based on self-determination theory, we use expectation-confirmation theory (ECT) to analyze the extent to which software developers’ expectations towards knowledge contributions are fulfilled by organizations. Additionally, showing extrinsic motivators’ importance for software developers to contribute to KM systems, we provide organizations a roadmap for setting favorable conditions. Whereas our consolidation of previous research on knowledge contribution provides guidelines for future research on extrinsic motivators, we contribute to existing theory by applying ECT to the context of KM contribution

    Determinants of Academics’ Knowledge Sharing Behavior in United Arab Emirates Universities

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    This research aims to determine the factors affecting knowledge sharing behavior among academics in United Arab Emirates universities and identify the effect of university type on academics’ behavior. The research adopted Ajzen’s amended Theory of Planned Behavior. Employing an online survey, data were collected from academics in public and private universities using a questionnaire. The model was tested using Partial Least Squares structural equation modeling. The results found a significant difference in academics’ knowledge sharing behavior between public and private universities. Results also revealed that intention is the main determinant of knowledge sharing behavior, and that attitude, subjective norms, and self-efficacy have significant influence on intention while controllability has no influence on it. The significance of this research lies in that it is one of the first to use the amended theory and the only research to address knowledge sharing behavior in higher education in the Arab World. This research provides useful basis for higher education institutions to create a knowledge sharing culture and helps academics to enhance their performance

    Determinants of academics’ knowledge sharing behavior in United Arab Emirates Universities

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    This research aims to determine the factors affecting knowledge sharing behavior among academics in United Arab Emirates universities and identify the effect of university type on academics’ behavior. The research adopted Ajzen’s amended Theory of Planned Behavior. Employing an online survey, data were collected from academics in public and private universities using a questionnaire. The model was tested using Partial Least Squares structural equation modeling. The results found a significant difference in academics’ knowledge sharing behavior between public and private universities. Results also revealed that intention is the main determinant of knowledge sharing behavior, and that attitude, subjective norms, and self-efficacy have significant influence on intention while controllability has no influence on it. The significance of this research lies in that it is one of the first to use the amended theory and the only research to address knowledge sharing behavior in higher education in the Arab World. This research provides useful basis for higher education institutions to create a knowledge sharing culture and helps academics to enhance their performance

    Citizen's Adoption Of Mobile Land Record Information Systems (mLRMIS): A Case of Pakistan

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    By implementing a prolonged social cognitive theory (SCT) this article investigates factors including outcome expectation, affect, anxiety, self-efficacy, social influence, trust, facilitating conditions, e-satisfaction, information quality and e-service quality impacting citizen’s intention to adopt a mobile based e-government system called mobile Land Record Information Systems (mLRMIS) with respect to Pakistan. The prolonged social cognitive theory (SCT) was actually affirmed by analyzing gathered data periodically accumulated over time from 10 different cities in Pakistan. Verifiable results of the proposed model represented mutual significance of relationships of 12 hypothesized relations between 10 different types of constructs. Only a few studies have previously used SCT model to investigate the adoption of an e-government system globally while in case of Pakistan it is the first ever study using SCT model to figure out the adoption of an e-government system. Outcome significance and digital policy substance exhibited in this article can assist e-government planners and practitioners to reform up quality and effectivity of mLRMIS system. This research also contributes to elevate relevant awareness and utilization of mLRMIS system

    Business Innovation through knowledge sharing: An applied study on the Jordanian Mobile Telecommunications Sector

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    The study aimed to identify and examine the influence of the individual and organizational knowledge sharing enablers on knowledge sharing behavior that leads to develop firm innovation capability. A descriptive analytical methodology approach was adopted in this research. For the purpose of data collection; a questionnaire was developed and administered for collecting data from the sample. 150 questionnaires were distributed randomly to employees in the managerial and development levels of the companies, (98) retrieved and (95) were accepted for analysis. After that, data analysis took place to examine the study variables. After conducting the analysis, the study found that while there is a positive effect of the individual factor “enjoyment in helping others” and the organizational factor “top management support” on the employee knowledge sharing behavior. There is no influence of the individual factor “knowledge self efficacy” and the organizational factor “organizational rewards” on the employee knowledge sharing behavior. Keywords: knowledge sharing, innovation, telecommunications, Jorda

    Motivating Tacit Knowledge Sharing: The Role of Perceived Value of Knowledge and Organizational Citizenship Behavior

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    Purpose: This study investigates the challenge of retaining and sharing tacit knowledge during employee transitions in organizations, with a specific focus on software developers' motivations. We examine two key motivational beliefs: the perceived value of knowledge and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), and their influence on sharing intentions. Additionally, we explore how these beliefs shape attitudes, subsequently affecting intentions regarding tacit knowledge sharing.   Theoretical Framework: Grounded in the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), our research underscores the pivotal role of beliefs in shaping attitudes and intentions related to tacit knowledge sharing. Beliefs, encompassing the Perceived Value of Knowledge and OCB, play a significant role in molding attitudes. Using structural equation modeling, we analyze data collected from 197 software developers, employing confirmatory factor analysis to validate our measurement model and structural model analysis to explore relationships.   Findings: Our findings indicate that software developers are indeed willing to share their tacit knowledge, with their willingness positively influenced by the perceived value of tacit knowledge and engagement in OCB. Attitudes towards sharing tacit knowledge act as mediators in the relationship between these beliefs and sharing intentions.   Implications: In practical terms, organizations can foster tacit knowledge sharing by promoting positive attitudes, recognizing knowledge's perceived value, and cultivating a culture that encourages OCB. This facilitates a conducive environment for sharing, further enhanced by acknowledging and rewarding employees who exhibit OCB. Theoretical implications align with the Theory of Reasoned Action, emphasizing the role of attitude in shaping intentions. Our research contributes uniquely by exploring the underrepresented relationship between perceived knowledge value and tacit knowledge sharing, introducing a novel approach by examining the combined impact of OCB and perceived value. These insights are valuable for organizations looking to cultivate a culture of tacit knowledge sharing, driving innovation and enhancing performance

    The relationship between individual organizational and interpersonal factors and tacit knowledge sharing with usage the mediator

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    The main focus of this study is twofold. Firstly, the thesis attempts to examine the direct relationship between individual (individual attitude, organizational commitment, and knowledge self-efficacy), organizational (organizational climate, management support, reward system and organizational structure), and interpersonal (interpersonal trust and social network) factors, and tacit knowledge sharing. Secondly, it is to examine the mediating effect of information and communication technology (ICT) usage on the relationship between individual, organizational and interpersonal factors, and tacit knowledge sharing. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed to the technical staff of ICT sector in Jordan. Out of 400, only 375 questionnaires were returned. However, only 365 were usable for further analysis, representing a response rate of 92.75%. Hypotheses for direct relationships were tested using multiple regression, while the mediating effect were tested using the Preacher and Hayes analyses. Results indicated that individual attitude, knowledge self-efficacy, organizational climate, organizational structure, management support and interpersonal trust were significantly related to tacit knowledge sharing. However, the mediating analysis showed that ICT usage only partially mediated the relationship between knowledge self-efficacy, organizational climate, organizational structure and interpersonal trust, and tacit knowledge sharing. The current research have several implications. Knowledge wise, it provides understanding on the factors that affects tacit knowledge sharing. Practise wise, it suggests to managers that they should focus on providing the right management support, organizational structure and climate for sharing tacit knowledge. In addition, any practices that could promote organizational commitment, knowledge self-efficacy and interpersonal trust should also be implemented. The use of ICT should also be enforced so as to facilitate tacit knowledge sharing. Besides that, suggestions were also made for further research to be conducted the exploration of the variables tested in this study on other settings, and with different sample frames, in order to achieve a more robust finding towards a better understanding of the role of individual, interpersonal and organizational factors on tacit knowledge sharin

    Barreras y motivaciones para la participación en una comunidad de práctica virtual de docentes de Educación Física: el caso de «(Re)Produce»

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    The general purpose of this work is to identify the motivations and barriers that the participants of (Re)Produce, a virtual practice community of Physical Education teachers, pointed out to initiate their participation and to maintain it over time. The perspective is qualitative, using data collection instruments specific to the case study, such as interviewing participants at different levels of professional socialization, analyzing the texts produced on the platform and the personal diaries of several participants. Data refer to a great diversity of motivations for participation; among them, the possibility of transferring knowledge to the classroom, in the case of Physical Education teachers; or, for those participants in initial training, the enrichment derived from the contact with the experiences and knowledges of the experienced teachers. The most frequent barriers are the shortage of time to dedicate to (Re)Produce, the complexity and density of the texts produced in the platform and the fear and the feeling of inferiority in the case of the participants in initial formation or in the first years of teaching experience.El propósito general de este trabajo es identificar las motivaciones y las barreras que señalan los participantes de (Re)Produce, una comunidad de práctica virtual de docentes de Educación Física, para iniciar su participación y mantenerla en el tiempo. El enfoque de esta investigación es cualitativo, utilizando instrumentos de recogida de datos propios del estudio de casos, tales como la entrevista a los participantes en diferentes niveles de socialización profesional, el análisis de los textos producidos en la plataforma y los diarios personales de varios participantes. Los datos refieren a una gran diversidad de motivaciones para la participación, entre las que destacan la posibilidad de transferencia de los conocimientos al aula en el caso de los profesores de Educación Física o el enriquecimiento a partir de las experiencias y saberes de los profesores experimentados, en el caso de los participantes que se encuentran en su formación inicial. Las barreras más frecuentes son la escasez de tiempo para dedicar a (Re)Produce, la complejidad y la densidad de los textos producidos en la plataforma y el miedo y el sentimiento de inferioridad en el caso de los participantes en formación inicial o en los primeros años de experiencia docente