27 research outputs found

    An Efficient Tool for Automatic Delimitation of Moroccan Coastal Upwelling Using SST Images

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    International audienceAn unsupervised classification method is developed for the coarse segmentation of Moroccan coastal upwelling using the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) satellite images. The algorithm is started with the generation of c-partitioned labeled image using Otsu's method for the purpose of finding regions of homogenous temperatures. Then two well-known validity indices are used to select the c-partition which best reproduce the shape of upwelling area. A region-growing algorithm is developed that is used to remove the noisy structures in the offshore waters not belonging to the upwelling area. The algorithm is used to provide a seasonal variability of upwelling activity in the southern Moroccan Atlantic coast using 70 SST images of the years 2007 and 2008. The performance of the proposed methodology has been validated by an oceanographer, showing its effectiveness for automatic delimitation of Moroccan upwelling region

    Piece‐wise constant cluster modelling of dynamics of upwelling patterns

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    A comprehensive approach is presented to analyse season's coastal upwelling represented by weekly sea surface temperature (SST) image grids. Our three-stage data recovery clustering method assumes that the season's upwelling can be divided into shorter periods of stability, ranges, each to be represented by a constant core and variable shell parts. Corresponding clustering algorithms parameters are automatically derived by using the least-squares clustering criterion. The approach has been successfully applied to real-world SST data covering two distinct regions: Portuguese coast and Morocco coast, for 16 years each.LA/P/0101/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Automatic Detection of Moroccan Coastal Upwelling Zones using Sea Surface Temperature Images

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    International audienceAn efficient unsupervised method is developed for automatic segmentation of the area covered by upwelling waters in the coastal ocean of Morocco using the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) satellite images. The proposed approach first uses the two popular unsupervised clustering techniques, k-means and fuzzy c-means (FCM), to provide different possible classifications to each SST image. Then several cluster validity indices are combined in order to determine the optimal number of clusters, followed by a cluster fusion scheme, which merges consecutive clusters to produce a first segmentation of upwelling area. The region-growing algorithm is then used to filter noisy residuals and to extract the final upwelling region. The performance of our algorithm is compared to a popular algorithm used to detect upwelling regions and is validated by an oceanographer over a database of 92 SST images covering each week of the years 2006 and 2007. The results show that our proposed method outperforms the latter algorithm, in terms of segmentation accuracy and computational efficiency

    A Simple Tool for Automatic Extraction of Moroccan Coastal Upwelling from Sea Surface Temperature Images

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    International audienceThis work aims at automatically identify and ex- tract the region covered by the upwelling waters in the costal ocean of Morocco using the well known region-growing segmen- tation algorithm. The later consists in coarse segmentation of upwelling area which characterized by cold and usually nutrient- rich water near the coast. The complete system has been validated by an oceanographer over a database of 30 Sea Surface Tem- perature (SST) satellite images of the year 2007 obtained from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) sensor onboard NOAA-18 satellite serie, demonstrating its capability and effectiveness to reproduce the shape of upwelling area

    Detection of Moroccan coastal upwelling using sea surface chlorophyll concentration

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    International audienceThe aim of this work is to automatically identify and extract the upwelling area in the coastal ocean of Morocco using the satellite observation of chlorophyll concentration. The algorithm starts by the application of FCM algorithm for the purpose of finding regions of homogeneous concentration of the chlorophyll, resulting in c-partitioned labeled images. A region­ growing algorithm is then used to filter out the noisy structures in the offshore waters not belonging to the upwelling regions. The proposed methodology has been validated by an oceanographer and tested over a database of 166 weekly Sea Surface chlorophyll data. The region of interst cover the southern part of Moroccan atlantic coast spanning from the years 2007 to 2012

    Robust Detection of the North-West African Upwelling From SST Images

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    International audienceAnalysis and study of coastal upwelling using sea surface temperature (SST) satellite images is a common procedure because of its coast effectiveness (economic, time, frequency, and manpower). Developing on the Ekman theory, we propose a robust method to identify the upwelling regions along the northwest African margin. The proposed method comes to overcome the issues encountered in a recent method devoted for the same purpose and for the same upwelling system. Afterward, we show how our method can serve as a framework to study and monitor the spatio-temporal variability of the upwelling phenomenon in the studied region

    Detection of Moroccan Coastal Upwelling Fronts in SST Images using the Microcanonical Multiscale Formalism

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    International audienceNonlinear signal processing using the Microcanonical Multiscale Formalism (MMF) is used to the problem of detecting and extracting the upwelling fronts in coastal region of Morocco using Sea Sur- face Temperature (SST) satellite images. The algorithm makes use of the Singularity Exponents (SE), computed in a microcanonical framework, to detect and analyze the critical transitions in oceano- graphic satellite data. The objective of the proposed study is to develop a helpful preprocessor that transforms SST images into clean and simple line drawing of upwelling fronts as an input to a subse- quent step in the analysis of SST images of the ocean. The method is validated by an oceanographer and it is shown to be superior to that of an automatic algorithm commonly used to locate edges in satellite oceanographic images. The proposed approach is applied over a collection of 92 SST images, covering the southern Moroccan Atlantic coast of the years 2006 and 2007. The results indicate that the approach is promising and reliable for a wide variety of oceanographic conditions


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    International audienceIn this work, we aim to develop a simple and fast algorithm using conventional methods in images segmentation for the automatic detection and extraction of upwelling areas, in the coastal region of Morocco, from the sea surface temperature (SST) satellite images. Our approach is based on the evalua- tion and comparison between two unsupervised classification methods, Otsu and Fuzzy C-means, and explores the appli- cability of these methods to our classification problem. The latter consists in coarse detection of the main thermal front that separates coastal cold upwelling waters from the remain- ing ocean waters. The algorithm has been applied and val- idated by an oceanographer over a database of 66 SST im- ages corresponding to southern Moroccan coastal upwelling of the years 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2009. The results indicate that the proposed algorithm revealed is promising and reli- able on different upwelling scenarios and for a wide variety of oceanographic conditions

    Segmentation et classification des images satellitaires : application Ă  la dĂ©tection des zones d’upwelling cĂŽtier marocain et mise en place d’un logiciel de suivi spatiotemporel

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    The knowledge of the upwelling systems is very important for many applications in geophysical and oceanographic.The remotely sensed images acquired in real time allow to conduct continuous space maritime monitoring, especially in thermal and visible range, which provide information about the temperature distribution in the sea surface and the ocean colour. In this work, we are interested on the study of the upwelling phenomenon using the sea surface temperature images which is considered to be the origin of the formation of many ocean structures, such as thermal fronts, ïŹlaments, meanders and eddies. The main aim is to improve the visual interpretations of the satellite images made by the oceanographers. The proposed approach is based on the segmentation and detection of the thermal mesoscale structures in coastal upwelling waters using several methods in image processing and computer vision. In addition, the images processing methods based on the statistical physics and thermodynamics concepts were also used for the purpose of highlighting the turbulent and complex character of the marine phenomena. In this sense, the singularities points detected in infrared images, using the Microcanonical Multifractal Formalism, contain key information to understandingintermittencyandoceanicturbulence. A computational software system for the calculation of the upwelling index is made available for users in orders to extract and monitor the intensity and extension of upwelling along the Moroccan Atlantic coast. This application allows providing users continually by space synthetic products informing about environmental parameters and permitting to evaluate and to survey the coastal upwelling dynamic in space and time. Finally, a statistical study has been conducted in order to monitor the seasonal variability of the upwelling intensity along the Moroccan Atlantic coast by using well-established upwelling indices and consequently highlight the areas of highupwelling activity.La connaissance des systĂšmes d’upwelling est d’un grand intĂ©rĂȘt pour nombre d’applications gĂ©ophysiques et ocĂ©anographiques. Les images satellites acquises en temps rĂ©el permettent d’avoir une surveillance continue de l’espace maritime, notamment dans le domaine thermique et visible dĂ©livrant des informations respectivement sur la distribution des tempĂ©ratures Ă  la surface de la mer et sur la couleur de l’eau. Dans ce travail, nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  la caractĂ©risation et l’étude du phĂ©nomĂšne d’upwelling, Ă  partir des images de tempĂ©rature de surface de la mer, qui est Ă  l’origine de la formation de nombreuses structures ocĂ©aniques, telles que les fronts thermiques, les ïŹlaments, les mĂ©andres, et les tourbillons. Le but est d’amĂ©liorer les interprĂ©tations visuelles des images par des ocĂ©anographes qui restent souvent subjectives. La dĂ©marche proposĂ©e consiste Ă  relier les problĂšmes de dĂ©tection des structures thermiques dans les eaux cĂŽtiĂšres d’upwelling Ă  des concepts thĂ©oriques de traitement d’images et de vision par ordinateur. Il s’agit notamment d’utiliser des mĂ©thodes de segmentation. Par ailleurs, des mĂ©thodes de traitement d’images non linĂ©aires, basĂ©es sur des concepts de physique statistique et de thermodynamique, ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es pour la mise en Ă©vidence de la turbulence ocĂ©anographique caractĂ©risant le rĂ©gime chaotique des phĂ©nomĂšnes complexes marins. Ainsi, les points de singularitĂ©s dĂ©tectĂ©s dans les images infrarouges, en utilisant le formalisme multifractal microcanonique, contiennent des informations clĂ©s Ă  la comprĂ©hension de ces notions de turbulence et d’intermittence ocĂ©anique. Ensuite, un applicatif de calcul d’indices d’upwelling est mise Ă  la disposition des utilisateurs aïŹn d’extraire et de suivre l’évolution de l’intensitĂ© et de l’extension d’upwelling sur la cĂŽte marocaine. Cet applicatif permet de suivre Ă  la fois en temps rĂ©el et d’analyser les sĂ©ries temporelles des variations de ce phĂ©nomĂšne. EnïŹn, une Ă©tude statistique a permis de faire un suivi de la variabilitĂ© saisonniĂšre de l’intensitĂ© de l’upwelling sur la cĂŽte atlantique marocaine tout en mettant en Ă©vidence les caractĂ©ristiques spatio-temporelles de ce phĂ©nomĂšne via des indices Ă©tablis Ă  cet effet. Cette analysea permis de mettre en Ă©vidence les zones de forte activitĂ© d’upwelling et les poids des processus Ă  l’origine du phĂ©nomĂšne d’upwelling