50,964 research outputs found

    Joint Dynamic Radio Resource Allocation and Mobility Load Balancing in 3GPP LTE Multi-Cell Network

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    Load imbalance, together with inefficient utilization of system resource, constitute major factors responsible for poor overall performance in Long Term Evolution (LTE) network. In this paper, a novel scheme of joint dynamic resource allocation and load balancing is proposed to achieve a balanced performance improvement in 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) LTE Self-Organizing Networks (SON). The new method which aims at maximizing network resource efficiency subject to inter-cell interference and intra-cell resource constraints is implemented in two steps. In the first step, an efficient resource allocation, including user scheduling and power assignment, is conducted in a distributed manner to serve as many users in the whole network as possible. In the second step, based on the resource allocation scheme, the optimization objective namely network resource efficiency can be calculated and load balancing is implemented by switching the user that can maximize the objective function. Lagrange Multipliers method and heuristic algorithm are used to resolve the formulated optimization problem. Simulation results show that our algorithm achieves better performance in terms of user throughput, fairness, load balancing index and unsatisfied user number compared with the traditional approach which takes resource allocation and load balancing into account, respectively

    Designing a scalable dynamic load -balancing algorithm for pipelined single program multiple data applications on a non-dedicated heterogeneous network of workstations

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    Dynamic load balancing strategies have been shown to be the most critical part of an efficient implementation of various applications on large distributed computing systems. The need for dynamic load balancing strategies increases when the underlying hardware is a non-dedicated heterogeneous network of workstations (HNOW). This research focuses on the single program multiple data (SPMD) programming model as it has been extensively used in parallel programming for its simplicity and scalability in terms of computational power and memory size.;This dissertation formally defines and addresses the problem of designing a scalable dynamic load-balancing algorithm for pipelined SPMD applications on non-dedicated HNOW. During this process, the HNOW parameters, SPMD application characteristics, and load-balancing performance parameters are identified.;The dissertation presents a taxonomy that categorizes general load balancing algorithms and a methodology that facilitates creating new algorithms that can harness the HNOW computing power and still preserve the scalability of the SPMD application.;The dissertation devises a new algorithm, DLAH (Dynamic Load-balancing Algorithm for HNOW). DLAH is based on a modified diffusion technique, which incorporates the HNOW parameters. Analytical performance bound for the worst-case scenario of the diffusion technique has been derived.;The dissertation develops and utilizes an HNOW simulation model to conduct extensive simulations. These simulations were used to validate DLAH and compare its performance to related dynamic algorithms. The simulations results show that DLAH algorithm is scalable and performs well for both homogeneous and heterogeneous networks. Detailed sensitivity analysis was conducted to study the effects of key parameters on performance

    A statistical mechanics approach for an effective, scalable, and reliable distributed load balancing scheme for grid networks

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    The advances in computer and networking technologies over the past decades produced new type of collaborative computing environment called Grid Networks. Grid network is a parallel and distributed computing network system that possesses the ability to achieve a higher computing throughput by taking advantage of many computing resources available in the network. To achieve a scalable and reliable Grid network system, the workload needs to be efficiently distributed among the resources accessible on the network. A novel distributed algorithm based on statistical mechanics that provides an efficient load-balancing paradigm without any centralised monitoring is proposed here. The resulting load-balancer would be integrated into Grid network to increase its efficiency and resources utilisation. This distributed and scalable load-balancing framework is conducted using the biased random sampling (BRS) algorithm. In this thesis, a novel statistical mechanics approach that gives a distributed loadbalancing scheme by generating almost regular networks is proposed. The generated network system is self-organised and depends only on local information for load distribution and resource discovery. The in-degree of each node refers to its free resources, and job assignment and resource updating processes required for load balancing are accomplished by using random sampling (RS). An analytical solution for the stationary degree distributions has been derived that confirms that the edge distribution of the proposed network system is compatible with ER random networks. Therefore, the generated network system can provide an effective loadbalancing paradigm for the distributed resources accessible on large-scale network 1 systems. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that introducing a geographic awareness factor in the random walk sampling can reduce the effects of communication latency in the Grid network environment. Theoretical and simulation results prove that the proposed BRS load-balancing scheme provides an effective, scalable, and reliable distributed load-balancing scheme for the distributed resources available on Grid networks

    Distributed Load Balancing Algorithm in Wireless Networks

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    As communication networks scale up in size, complexity and demand, effective distribution of the traffic load throughout the network is a matter of great importance. Load balancing will enhance the network throughput and enables us to utilize both communication and energy resources more evenly through an efficient redistribution of traffic load across the network. This thesis provides an algorithm for balancing the traffic load in a general network setting. Unlike most of state-of-the-art algorithms in load balancing context, the proposed method is fully distributed, eliminating the need to collect information at a central node and thereby improving network reliability. The effective distribution of load is realized through solving a convex optimization problem where the p-norm of network load is minimized subject to network physical constraints. The optimization solution relies on the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM), which is a powerful tool for solving distributed convex optimization problems. A three-step ADMM-based iterative scheme is derived from suitably reformulated form of p-norm problem. The distributed implementation of the proposed algorithm is further elaborated by introducing a projection step and an initialization setup. The projection step involves an inner-loop iterative scheme to solve linear subproblems. In a distributed setting, each iteration step requires communication among all neighboring nodes. Due to high energy consumption of node-to-node communication, it is most appealing to devise a fast and computationally efficient iterative scheme which can converge to optimal solution within a desired accuracy by using as few iteration steps as possible. A fast convergence iterative scheme is presented which shows superior convergence performance compared to conventional methods. Inspired by fast propagation of waves in physical media, this iterative scheme is derived from partial differential equations for propagation of electrical voltages and currents in a transmission line. To perform these iterations, all nodes should have access to an acceleration parameter which relies on the network topology. The initialization stage is developed in order to overcome the last challenging obstacle toward achieving a fully distributed algorithm

    Communication Patterns for Randomized Algorithms

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    Examples of large scale networks include the Internet, peer-to-peer networks, parallel computing systems, cloud computing systems, sensor networks, and social networks. Efficient dissemination of information in large networks such as these is a funda- mental problem. In many scenarios the gathering of information by a centralised controller can be impractical. When designing and analysing distributed algorithms we must consider the limitations imposed by the heterogeneity of devices in the networks. Devices may have limited computational ability or space. This makes randomised algorithms attractive solutions. Randomised algorithms can often be simpler and easier to implement than their deterministic counterparts. This thesis analyses the effect of communication patterns on the performance of distributed randomised algorithms. We study randomized algorithms with application to three different areas. Firstly, we study a generalization of the balls-into-bins game. Balls into bins games have been used to analyse randomised load balancing. Under the Greedy[d] allocation scheme each ball queries the load of d random bins and is then allocated to the least loaded of them. We consider an infinite, parallel setting where expectedly λn balls are allocated in parallel according to the Greedy[d] allocation scheme in to n bins and subsequently each non-empty bin removes a ball. Our results show that for d = 1,2, the Greedy[d] allocation scheme is self-stabilizing and that in any round the maximum system load for high arrival rates is exponentially smaller for d = 2 compared to d = 1 (w.h.p). Secondly, we introduce protocols that solve the plurality consensus problem on arbitrary graphs for arbitrarily small bias. Typically, protocols depend heavily on the employed communication mechanism. Our protocols are based on an interest- ing relationship between plurality consensus and distributed load balancing. This relationship allows us to design protocols that are both time and space efficient and generalize the state of the art for a large range of problem parameters. Finally, we investigate the effect of restricting the communication of the classical PULL algorithm for randomised rumour spreading. Rumour spreading (broadcast) is a fundamental task in distributed computing. Under the classical PULL algo- rithm, a node with the rumour that receives multiple requests is able to respond to all of them in a given round. Our model restricts nodes such that they can re- spond to at most one request per round. Our results show that the restricted PULL algorithm is optimal for several graph classes such as complete graphs, expanders, random graphs and several Cayley graphs

    Towards Optimal Distributed Node Scheduling in a Multihop Wireless Network through Local Voting

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    In a multihop wireless network, it is crucial but challenging to schedule transmissions in an efficient and fair manner. In this paper, a novel distributed node scheduling algorithm, called Local Voting, is proposed. This algorithm tries to semi-equalize the load (defined as the ratio of the queue length over the number of allocated slots) through slot reallocation based on local information exchange. The algorithm stems from the finding that the shortest delivery time or delay is obtained when the load is semi-equalized throughout the network. In addition, we prove that, with Local Voting, the network system converges asymptotically towards the optimal scheduling. Moreover, through extensive simulations, the performance of Local Voting is further investigated in comparison with several representative scheduling algorithms from the literature. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm achieves better performance than the other distributed algorithms in terms of average delay, maximum delay, and fairness. Despite being distributed, the performance of Local Voting is also found to be very close to a centralized algorithm that is deemed to have the optimal performance

    Window-based Streaming Graph Partitioning Algorithm

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    In the recent years, the scale of graph datasets has increased to such a degree that a single machine is not capable of efficiently processing large graphs. Thereby, efficient graph partitioning is necessary for those large graph applications. Traditional graph partitioning generally loads the whole graph data into the memory before performing partitioning; this is not only a time consuming task but it also creates memory bottlenecks. These issues of memory limitation and enormous time complexity can be resolved using stream-based graph partitioning. A streaming graph partitioning algorithm reads vertices once and assigns that vertex to a partition accordingly. This is also called an one-pass algorithm. This paper proposes an efficient window-based streaming graph partitioning algorithm called WStream. The WStream algorithm is an edge-cut partitioning algorithm, which distributes a vertex among the partitions. Our results suggest that the WStream algorithm is able to partition large graph data efficiently while keeping the load balanced across different partitions, and communication to a minimum. Evaluation results with real workloads also prove the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm, and it achieves a significant reduction in load imbalance and edge-cut with different ranges of dataset
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