10,949 research outputs found

    Real-time and distributed applications for dictionary-based data compression

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    The greedy approach to dictionary-based static text compression can be executed by a finite state machine. When it is applied in parallel to different blocks of data independently, there is no lack of robustness even on standard large scale distributed systems with input files of arbitrary size. Beyond standard large scale, a negative effect on the compression effectiveness is caused by the very small size of the data blocks. A robust approach for extreme distributed systems is presented in this paper, where this problem is fixed by overlapping adjacent blocks and preprocessing the neighborhoods of the boundaries. Moreover, we introduce the notion of pseudo-prefix dictionary, which allows optimal compression by means of a real-time semi-greedy procedure and a slight improvement on the compression ratio obtained by the distributed implementations

    Data compression for the microgravity experiments

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    Researchers present the environment and conditions under which data compression is to be performed for the microgravity experiment. Also presented are some coding techniques that would be useful for coding in this environment. It should be emphasized that researchers are currently at the beginning of this program and the toolkit mentioned is far from complete

    Data compression for full motion video transmission

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    Clearly transmission of visual information will be a major, if not dominant, factor in determining the requirements for, and assessing the performance of the Space Exploration Initiative (SEI) communications systems. Projected image/video requirements which are currently anticipated for SEI mission scenarios are presented. Based on this information and projected link performance figures, the image/video data compression requirements which would allow link closure are identified. Finally several approaches which could satisfy some of the compression requirements are presented and possible future approaches which show promise for more substantial compression performance improvement are discussed

    New Algorithms and Lower Bounds for Sequential-Access Data Compression

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    This thesis concerns sequential-access data compression, i.e., by algorithms that read the input one or more times from beginning to end. In one chapter we consider adaptive prefix coding, for which we must read the input character by character, outputting each character's self-delimiting codeword before reading the next one. We show how to encode and decode each character in constant worst-case time while producing an encoding whose length is worst-case optimal. In another chapter we consider one-pass compression with memory bounded in terms of the alphabet size and context length, and prove a nearly tight tradeoff between the amount of memory we can use and the quality of the compression we can achieve. In a third chapter we consider compression in the read/write streams model, which allows us passes and memory both polylogarithmic in the size of the input. We first show how to achieve universal compression using only one pass over one stream. We then show that one stream is not sufficient for achieving good grammar-based compression. Finally, we show that two streams are necessary and sufficient for achieving entropy-only bounds.Comment: draft of PhD thesi

    RLZAP: Relative Lempel-Ziv with Adaptive Pointers

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    Relative Lempel-Ziv (RLZ) is a popular algorithm for compressing databases of genomes from individuals of the same species when fast random access is desired. With Kuruppu et al.'s (SPIRE 2010) original implementation, a reference genome is selected and then the other genomes are greedily parsed into phrases exactly matching substrings of the reference. Deorowicz and Grabowski (Bioinformatics, 2011) pointed out that letting each phrase end with a mismatch character usually gives better compression because many of the differences between individuals' genomes are single-nucleotide substitutions. Ferrada et al. (SPIRE 2014) then pointed out that also using relative pointers and run-length compressing them usually gives even better compression. In this paper we generalize Ferrada et al.'s idea to handle well also short insertions, deletions and multi-character substitutions. We show experimentally that our generalization achieves better compression than Ferrada et al.'s implementation with comparable random-access times

    Decoding billions of integers per second through vectorization

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    In many important applications -- such as search engines and relational database systems -- data is stored in the form of arrays of integers. Encoding and, most importantly, decoding of these arrays consumes considerable CPU time. Therefore, substantial effort has been made to reduce costs associated with compression and decompression. In particular, researchers have exploited the superscalar nature of modern processors and SIMD instructions. Nevertheless, we introduce a novel vectorized scheme called SIMD-BP128 that improves over previously proposed vectorized approaches. It is nearly twice as fast as the previously fastest schemes on desktop processors (varint-G8IU and PFOR). At the same time, SIMD-BP128 saves up to 2 bits per integer. For even better compression, we propose another new vectorized scheme (SIMD-FastPFOR) that has a compression ratio within 10% of a state-of-the-art scheme (Simple-8b) while being two times faster during decoding.Comment: For software, see https://github.com/lemire/FastPFor, For data, see http://boytsov.info/datasets/clueweb09gap

    Semantic media decision taking using N3Logic

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