199 research outputs found

    Coverage and Time-optimal Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles

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    Autonomous vehicles are rapidly advancing with a variety of applications, such as area surveillance, environment mapping, and intelligent transportation. These applications require coverage and/or time-optimal motion planning, where the major challenges include uncertainties in the environment, motion constraints of vehicles, limited energy resources and potential failures. While dealing with these challenges in various capacities, this dissertation addresses three fundamental motion planning problems: (1) single-robot complete coverage in unknown environment, (2) multi-robot resilient and efficient coverage in unknown environment, and (3) time-optimal risk-aware motion planning for curvature-constrained vehicles. First, the ε* algorithm is developed for online coverage path planning in unknown environment using a single autonomous vehicle. It is computationally efficient, and can generate the desired back-and-forth path with less turns and overlappings. ε* prevents the local extrema problem, thus can guarantee complete coverage. Second, the CARE algorithm is developed which extends ε* for multi-robot resilient and efficient coverage in unknown environment. In case of failures, CARE guarantees complete coverage via dynamic task reallocations of other vehicles, hence provides resilience. Moreover, it reallocates idling vehicles to support others in their tasks, hence improves efficiency. Finally, the T* algorithm is developed to find the time-optimal risk-aware path for curvature-constrained vehicles. We present a novel risk function based on the concept of collision time, and integrate it with the time cost for optimization. The above-mentioned algorithms have been validated via simulations in complex scenarios and/or real experiments, and the results have shown clear advantages over existing popular approaches

    Map building, localization and exploration for multi-robot systems

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    The idea of having robots performing the task for which they have been designed completely autonomously and interacting with the environment has been the main objective since the beginning of mobile robotics. In order to achieve such a degree of autonomy, it is indispensable for the robot to have a map of the environment and to know its location in it, in addition to being able to solve other problems such as motion control and path planning towards its goal. During the fulfillment of certain missions without a prior knowledge of its environment, the robot must use the inaccurate information provided by its on-board sensors to build a map at the same time it is located in it, arising the problem of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) extensively studied in mobile robotics. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the use of robot teams due to their multiple benefits with respect to single-robot systems such as higher robustness, accuracy, efficiency and the possibility to cooperate to perform a task or to cover larger environments in less time. Robot formations also belongs to this field of cooperative robots, where they have to maintain a predefined structure while navigating in the environment. Despite their advantages, the complexity of autonomous multi-robot systems increases with the number of robots as a consequence of the larger amount of information available that must be handled, stored and transmitted through the communications network. Therefore, the development of these systems presents new difficulties when solving the aforementioned problems which, instead of being addressed individually for each robot, must be solved cooperatively to efficiently exploit all the information collected by the team. The design of algorithms in this multi-robot context should be directed to obtain greater scalability and performance to allow their online execution. This thesis is developed in the field of multi-robot systems and proposes solutions to the navigation, localization, mapping and path planning processes which form an autonomous system. The first part of contributions presented in this thesis is developed in the context of robot formations, which require greater team cooperation and synchronization, although they can be extended to systems without this navigation constraint. We propose localization, map refinement and exploration techniques under the assumption that the formation is provided with a map of the environment, possibly partial and inaccurate, wherein it has to carry out its commanded mission. In a second part, we propose a multi-robot SLAM approach without any assumption about the prior knowledge of a map nor the relationships between robots in which we make use of state of the art methodologies to efficiently manage the resources available in the system. The performance and efficiency of the proposed robot formation and multi-robot SLAM systems have been demonstrated through their implementation and testing both in simulations and with real robots

    Recent Advances in Multi Robot Systems

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    To design a team of robots which is able to perform given tasks is a great concern of many members of robotics community. There are many problems left to be solved in order to have the fully functional robot team. Robotics community is trying hard to solve such problems (navigation, task allocation, communication, adaptation, control, ...). This book represents the contributions of the top researchers in this field and will serve as a valuable tool for professionals in this interdisciplinary field. It is focused on the challenging issues of team architectures, vehicle learning and adaptation, heterogeneous group control and cooperation, task selection, dynamic autonomy, mixed initiative, and human and robot team interaction. The book consists of 16 chapters introducing both basic research and advanced developments. Topics covered include kinematics, dynamic analysis, accuracy, optimization design, modelling, simulation and control of multi robot systems

    Cooperative and Distributed Algorithms for Dynamic Fire Coverage using a Team of UAVs

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    Recent large wildfires in the United States and subsequent damage that they have caused have increased the importance of wildfire monitoring and tracking. However, human monitoring on the ground or in the air may be too dangerous and therefore, there needs to be alternatives to monitoring wildfires. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are currently being considered and used for applications such as reconnaissance, surveying, and monitoring in the spatial-time domain because they can be deployed in teams remotely to gather information and minimize the harm and risk to human operators. UAVs have been previously used in this problem domain to track and monitor wildfires with approaches such as potential fields and reinforcement learning. In this thesis, we aim to look at a team of UAVs, in a distributed approach, over an area to maximize the sensor coverage in dynamic wildfire environments and minimize the energy consumption of deployed UAVs in a network. The work implements and compares an implementation of Deb's NSGA-II to optimize potential fields, Experience Replay with Q-learning, a Deep Q-Network (DQN), and a Deep Q-Network with a state estimator (autoencoder) to track and cover wildfires. The application of this work is a not a final suggestion or an absolute solution for wildfire monitoring and tracking but instead compares the methods to declare the most promising method for future work and research

    Modeling And Control For Robotic Assistants: Single And Multi-Robot Manipulation

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    As advances are made in robotic hardware, the complexity of tasks they are capable of performing also increases. One goal of modern robotics is to introduce robotic platforms that require very little augmentation of their environments to be effective and robust. Therefore the challenge for a roboticist is to develop algorithms and control strategies that leverage knowledge of the task while retaining the ability to be adaptive, adjusting to perturbations in the environment and task assumptions. This work considers approaches to these challenges in the context of a wet-lab robotic assistant. The tasks considered are cooperative transport with limited communication between team members, and robot-assisted rapid experiment preparation requiring pouring reagents from open containers useful for research and development scientists. For cooperative transport, robots must be able to plan collision-free trajectories and agree on a final destination to minimize internal forces on the carried load. Robot teammates are considered, where robots must reach consensus to minimize internal forces. The case of a human leader, and robot follower is then considered, where robots must use non-verbal information to estimate the human leader\u27s intended pose for the carried load. For experiment preparation, the robot must pour precisely from open containers with known fluid in a single attempt. Two scenarios examined are when the geometries of the pouring and receiving containers and behaviors are known, and when the pourer must be approximated. An analytical solution is presented for a given geometry in the first instance. In the second instance, a combination of online system identification and leveraging of model priors is used to achieve the precision-pour in a single attempt with considerations for long-term robot deployment. The main contributions of this work are considerations and implementations for making robots capable of performing complex tasks with an emphasis on combining model-based and data-driven approaches for best performance

    Robotic Grasping of Large Objects for Collaborative Manipulation

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    In near future, robots are envisioned to work alongside humans in professional and domestic environments without significant restructuring of workspace. Robotic systems in such setups must be adept at observation, analysis and rational decision making. To coexist in an environment, humans and robots will need to interact and cooperate for multiple tasks. A fundamental such task is the manipulation of large objects in work environments which requires cooperation between multiple manipulating agents for load sharing. Collaborative manipulation has been studied in the literature with the focus on multi-agent planning and control strategies. However, for a collaborative manipulation task, grasp planning also plays a pivotal role in cooperation and task completion. In this work, a novel approach is proposed for collaborative grasping and manipulation of large unknown objects. The manipulation task was defined as a sequence of poses and expected external wrench acting on the target object. In a two-agent manipulation task, the proposed approach selects a grasp for the second agent after observing the grasp location of the first agent. The solution is computed in a way that it minimizes the grasp wrenches by load sharing between both agents. To verify the proposed methodology, an online system for human-robot manipulation of unknown objects was developed. The system utilized depth information from a fixed Kinect sensor for perception and decision making for a human-robot collaborative lift-up. Experiments with multiple objects substantiated that the proposed method results in an optimal load sharing despite limited information and partial observability

    Multi Robot Intruder Search

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    The aim of this work is the development and analysis of methods and algorithms to allow a multi robot system to cooperatively search a closed, 2-dimensional environment for a human intruder. The underlying problem corresponds to the game-theoretic concept of a classical pursuit evasion game, whereas the focus is set to the generation of plans for the group of pursuers. While the main aspect of of this work lies in the field of probabilistic robotics, concepts and ideas are incorporated from differential game theory, algorithmic geometry and graph theory. The probabilistic basis allows the integration of sensor error as well as nondeterministic robot motion. The main contributions of this work can be divided into three major parts: The first part deals with the development and implementation of probabilistic human models. Depending on the specific behavior of an intruder, ranging from uncooperative to unaware, different classes of intruders are identified. Models are proposed for two of these classes. For the case of a clever and uncooperative intruder who actively evades detection, we propose a model based on the concept of contamination. The second class corresponds to a person who is unaware of the pursuit. We show that simple Markov models, which are often proposed in literature, are not suited for modeling realistic human motion and develop advanced Markov models, which conform to random waypoint motion models. The second part, which is also the most extensive part of this work, deals with the problem of finding an uncooperative and clever intruder. A solution is presented, which projects the problem on a graph structure, which is then searched by a highly optimized A* planner. The solution for the corresponding graph problem is afterwards projected back to the original search space and can be executed by the robotic pursuers. By means of the models proposed in the first part, the performance and correctness of the method is shown. We present experiments in simulation as on real robots to show the practicability and efficiency of the method. The third part deals with the problem of finding an intruder who is unaware of the search. Based on the advanced Markov model previously discussed, a greedy algorithm is proposed, which aims at maximizing the probability to find the intruder in the near future. Experimental results for this method are shown and comparisons to simpler methods are given.Mehrroboter-Eindringlings-Suche Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung und Analyse von Methoden und Algorithmen, die einem kooperativen Mehrrobotersystem erlauben nach einem Eindringling in einer zweidimensionalen, geschlossenen Umgebung zu suchen. Das dem zugrunde liegende Problem entspricht dem spieltheoretischen Konzept eines Suche und Ausweichen Spieles (pursuit evasion game), wobei der Fokus auf der Generierung von Plänen für die Verfolger liegt. Der Hauptaspekt dieser Arbeit liegt dabei im Feld der probabilistischen Robotik, wobei Konzepte und Ideen aus dem Gebiet der differentiellen Spieltheorie, der algorithmischen Geometrie und der Graph Theorie verwendet werden. Die probabilistische Modellierung erlaubt dabei die Integration von Sensorfehlern wie auch nichtdeterministische Roboter-Bewegung. Die Arbeit gliedert sich in drei Hauptteile: Der erste Teil beschäftigt sich mit dem Entwurf und der Implementierung von probabilistischen Modellen für menschliche Bewegung. Abhängig vom angenommenen Verhalten eines Eindringlings, von aktiv ausweichend bis zu ignorant, werden verschiedene Klassen von menschlichem Verhalten unterschieden. Für zwei dieser Klassen stellen wir Modelle auf: Für den Fall einer intelligenten und aktiv ausweichenden Person, generieren wir ein Modell basierend auf dem Konzept von Kontamination. Das zweite Modell entspricht einem Eindringling, der sich der Suche nach ihm nicht bewusst ist. Wir zeigen, dass einfache Markov-Modelle, wie sie in der Vergangenheit oft vorgeschlagen worden sind, ungeeignet sind, um realistische Bewegung zu abzubilden und entwickeln entsprechend erweiterte Markov-Modelle für eine realistischere Modellierung. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie man einen intelligente und aktiv ausweichenden Eindringling aufspüren kann. Die vorgestellte Lösung basiert auf der Projektion des Problems auf einen Graphen, der anschließend von einem hoch optimierten A*-Planungsalgorithmus durchsucht werden kann. Diese Lösung kann anschließend auf den ursprünglichen Raum rückprojeziert werden und kann als direkter Plan von den verfolgenden Robotern ausgeführt werden. Mittels der Modelle aus dem ersten Teil wird die Korrektheit und Effizienz der Lösung gezeigt. Der letzte Teil befasst sich mit der Frage, wie ein Eindringling gefunden werden kann, der sich neutral zur Suche verhält. Basierend auf den erweiterten Markov-Modellen aus dem ersten Teil, wird eine Lösung durch gierige Suche präsentiert, die die Wahrscheinlichkeit eine Person im nächsten Zeitschritt aufzuspüren, maximiert. Wie im zweiten Teil werden Experimente diskutiert und diese mit der Proformanz simplerer Methoden verglichen

    Design and implementation of a relative localization system for ground and aerial robotic teams

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    The main focus of this thesis is to address the relative localization problem of a heterogenous team which comprises of both ground and micro aerial vehicle robots. This team configuration allows to combine the advantages of increased accessibility and better perspective provided by aerial robots with the higher computational and sensory resources provided by the ground agents, to realize a cooperative multi robotic system suitable for hostile autonomous missions. However, in such a scenario, the strict constraints in flight time, sensor pay load, and computational capability of micro aerial vehicles limits the practical applicability of popular map-based localization schemes for GPS denied navigation. Therefore, the resource limited aerial platforms of this team demand simpler localization means for autonomous navigation. Relative localization is the process of estimating the formation of a robot team using the acquired inter-robot relative measurements. This allows the team members to know their relative formation even without a global localization reference, such as GPS or a map. Thus a typical robot team would benefit from a relative localization service since it would allow the team to implement formation control, collision avoidance, and supervisory control tasks, independent of a global localization service. More importantly, a heterogenous team such as ground robots and computationally constrained aerial vehicles would benefit from a relative localization service since it provides the crucial localization information required for autonomous operation of the weaker agents. This enables less capable robots to assume supportive roles and contribute to the more powerful robots executing the mission. Hence this study proposes a relative localization-based approach for ground and micro aerial vehicle cooperation, and develops inter-robot measurement, filtering, and distributed computing modules, necessary to realize the system. The research study results in three significant contributions. First, the work designs and validates a novel inter-robot relative measurement hardware solution which has accuracy, range, and scalability characteristics, necessary for relative localization. Second, the research work performs an analysis and design of a novel nonlinear filtering method, which allows the implementation of relative localization modules and attitude reference filters on low cost devices with optimal tuning parameters. Third, this work designs and validates a novel distributed relative localization approach, which harnesses the distributed computing capability of the team to minimize communication requirements, achieve consistent estimation, and enable efficient data correspondence within the network. The work validates the complete relative localization-based system through multiple indoor experiments and numerical simulations. The relative localization based navigation concept with its sensing, filtering, and distributed computing methods introduced in this thesis complements system limitations of a ground and micro aerial vehicle team, and also targets hostile environmental conditions. Thus the work constitutes an essential step towards realizing autonomous navigation of heterogenous teams in real world applications

    Decentralized algorithm of dynamic task allocation for a swarm of homogeneous robots

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    The current trends in the robotics field have led to the development of large-scale swarm robot systems, which are deployed for complex missions. The robots in these systems must communicate and interact with each other and with their environment for complex task processing. A major problem for this trend is the poor task planning mechanism, which includes both task decomposition and task allocation. Task allocation means to distribute and schedule a set of tasks to be accomplished by a group of robots to minimize the cost while satisfying operational constraints. Task allocation mechanism must be run by each robot, which integrates the swarm whenever it senses a change in the environment to make sure the robot is assigned to the most appropriate task, if not, the robot should reassign itself to its nearest task. The main contribution in this thesis is to maximize the overall efficiency of the system by minimizing the total time needed to accomplish the dynamic task allocation problem. The near-optimal allocation schemes are found using a novel hybrid decentralized algorithm for a dynamic task allocation in a swarm of homogeneous robots, where the number of the tasks is more than the robots present in the system. This hybrid approach is based on both the Simulated Annealing (SA) optimization technique combined with the Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO) technique. Also, another major contribution in this thesis is the formulation of the dynamic task allocation equations for the homogeneous swarm robotics using integer linear programming and the cost function and constraints are introduced for the given problem. Then, the DPSO and SA algorithms are developed to accomplish the task in a minimal time. Simulation is implemented using only two test cases via MATLAB. Simulation results show that PSO exhibits a smaller and more stable convergence characteristics and SA technique owns a better quality solution. Then, after developing the hybrid algorithm, which combines SA with PSO, simulation instances are extended to include fifteen more test cases with different swarm dimensions to ensure the robustness and scalability of the proposed algorithm over the traditional PSO and SA optimization techniques. Based on the simulation results, the hybrid DPSO/SA approach proves to have a higher efficiency in both small and large swarm sizes than the other traditional algorithms such as Particle Swarm Optimization technique and Simulated Annealing technique. The simulation results also demonstrate that the proposed approach can dislodge a state from a local minimum and guide it to the global minimum. Thus, the contributions of the proposed hybrid DPSO/SA algorithm involve possessing both the pros of high quality solution in SA and the fast convergence time capability in PSO. Also, a parameters\u27 selection process for the hybrid algorithm is proposed as a further contribution in an attempt to enhance the algorithm efficiency because the heuristic optimization techniques are very sensitive to any parameter changes. In addition, Verification is performed to ensure the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm by comparing it with results of an exact solver in terms of computational time, number of iterations and quality of solution. The exact solver that is used in this research is the Hungarian algorithm. This comparison shows that the proposed algorithm gives a superior performance in almost all swarm sizes with both stable and small execution time. However, it also shows that the proposed hybrid algorithm\u27s cost values which is the distance traveled by the robots to perform the tasks are larger than the cost values of the Hungarian algorithm but the execution time of the hybrid algorithm is much better. Finally, one last contribution in this thesis is that the proposed algorithm is implemented and extensively tested in a real experiment using a swarm of 4 robots. The robots that are used in the real experiment called Elisa-III robots