3 research outputs found

    An integrated approach for remanufacturing job shop scheduling with routing alternatives.

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    Remanufacturing is a practice of growing importance due to increasing environmental awareness and regulations. However, the stochastic natures inherent in the remanufacturing processes complicate its scheduling. This paper undertakes the challenge and presents a remanufacturing job shop scheduling approach by integrating alternative routing assignment and machine resource dispatching. A colored timed Petri net is introduced to model the dynamics of remanufacturing process, such as various process routings, uncertain operation times for cores, and machine resource conflicts. With the color attributes in Petri nets, two types of decision points, recovery routing selection and resource dispatching, are introduced and linked with places in CTPN model. With time attributes in Petri nets, the temporal aspect of recovery operations for cores as well as the evolution dynamics in cores\u27 operational stages is mathematically analyzed. A hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm embedded scheduling strategy over CTPN is proposed to search for the optimal recovery routings for worn cores and their recovery operation sequences on workstations, in minimizing the total production cost. The approach is demonstrated through the remanufacturing of used machine tool and its effectiveness is compared against another two cases: baseline case with fixed recovery process routings and case 2 using standard SA/MST

    Electric vehicle routing problem with flexible deliveries

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    Growing concerns about the climate change have forced governments to initiate tighter environmental regulations and tougher emission reduction targets, increasing the interest on electromobility. Logistics operators started employing electric vehicles (EVs) and must face new operational planning challenges. Moreover, with an ever-growing interest in e-commerce, parcel delivery is taking new shapes by offering flexible delivery options to the customers. To mitigate these issues, we introduce the Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Flexible Deliveries (EVRP-FD), where the customers are served using a fleet of EVs that can recharge their batteries along their routes. In this problem, a customer may specify different delivery locations for different time windows. Our objective is to serve the customers while minimising the total travelled distance using minimum number of vehicles. We first give the mathematical model and then develop a hybrid Variable Neighbourhood Search coupled with Tabu Search by proposing new mechanisms to solve the problem effectively. Then, we verify the performance of our algorithm on instances from the literature. We also introduce new instances for the EVRP-FD and perform an extensive computational study to investigate the trade-offs associated with different operational factors. Finally, we present a case study in Nottingham, UK to provide further insights