147 research outputs found

    A Semantics-based User Interface Model for Content Annotation, Authoring and Exploration

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    The Semantic Web and Linked Data movements with the aim of creating, publishing and interconnecting machine readable information have gained traction in the last years. However, the majority of information still is contained in and exchanged using unstructured documents, such as Web pages, text documents, images and videos. This can also not be expected to change, since text, images and videos are the natural way in which humans interact with information. Semantic structuring of content on the other hand provides a wide range of advantages compared to unstructured information. Semantically-enriched documents facilitate information search and retrieval, presentation, integration, reusability, interoperability and personalization. Looking at the life-cycle of semantic content on the Web of Data, we see quite some progress on the backend side in storing structured content or for linking data and schemata. Nevertheless, the currently least developed aspect of the semantic content life-cycle is from our point of view the user-friendly manual and semi-automatic creation of rich semantic content. In this thesis, we propose a semantics-based user interface model, which aims to reduce the complexity of underlying technologies for semantic enrichment of content by Web users. By surveying existing tools and approaches for semantic content authoring, we extracted a set of guidelines for designing efficient and effective semantic authoring user interfaces. We applied these guidelines to devise a semantics-based user interface model called WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean) which enables integrated authoring, visualization and exploration of unstructured and (semi-)structured content. To assess the applicability of our proposed WYSIWYM model, we incorporated the model into four real-world use cases comprising two general and two domain-specific applications. These use cases address four aspects of the WYSIWYM implementation: 1) Its integration into existing user interfaces, 2) Utilizing it for lightweight text analytics to incentivize users, 3) Dealing with crowdsourcing of semi-structured e-learning content, 4) Incorporating it for authoring of semantic medical prescriptions

    Exploring semantic relationships in the web of data

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    User Interaction with Linked Data: An Exploratory Search Approach

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    NoIt is becoming increasingly popular to expose government and citywide sensor data as linked data. Linked data appears to offer a great potential for exploratory search in supporting smart city goals of helping users to learn and make sense of complex and heterogeneous data. However, there are no systematic user studies to provide an insight of how browsing through linked data can support exploratory search. This paper presents a user study that draws on methodological and empirical underpinning from relevant exploratory search studies. The authors have developed a linked data browser that provides an interface for user browsing through several datasets linked via domain ontologies. In a systematic study that is qualitative and exploratory in nature, they have been able to get an insight on central issues related to exploratory search and browsing through linked data. The study identifies obstacles and challenges related to exploratory search using linked data and draws heuristics for future improvements. The authors also report main problems experienced by users while conducting exploratory search tasks, based on which requirements for algorithmic support to address the observed issues are elicited. The approach and lessons learnt can facilitate future work in browsing of linked data, and points at further issues that have to be addressed

    Topic Analysis through Streamgraph via Shiny Application: A Social Collaborative Approach

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    With the increasing complexity and volume of data, the transformation from streaming information into actionable knowledge becomes more and more challenging and requires a synthesis of computational and substantive approaches. In this view, the collaboration between developers and substantive experts is essential for obtaining meaningful and strategic insights. Despite the large number of various platforms and software to develop a customized tool, the main challenge is developing social organizational forms for communication. In this paper, we explore a new method of organization workflow, namely a social collaboration via the rizzoma platform. In particular, we introduce our on-going project for developing a research-driven visualization portal that is responsive to the need of specific research in strategic studies

    Intelligent Support for Exploration of Data Graphs

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    This research investigates how to support a user’s exploration through data graphs generated from semantic databases in a way leading to expanding the user’s domain knowledge. To be effective, approaches to facilitate exploration of data graphs should take into account the utility from a user’s point of view. Our work focuses on knowledge utility – how useful exploration paths through a data graph are for expanding the user’s knowledge. The main goal of this research is to design an intelligent support mechanism to direct the user to ‘good’ exploration paths through big data graphs for knowledge expansion. We propose a new exploration support mechanism underpinned by the subsumption theory for meaningful learning, which postulates that new knowledge is grasped by starting from familiar concepts in the graph which serve as knowledge anchors from where links to new knowledge are made. A core algorithmic component for adapting the subsumption theory for generating exploration paths is the automatic identification of Knowledge Anchors in a Data Graph (KADG). Several metrics for identifying KADG and the corresponding algorithms for implementation have been developed and evaluated against human cognitive structures. A subsumption algorithm which utilises KADG for generating exploration paths for knowledge expansion is presented and evaluated in the context of a semantic data browser in a musical instrument domain. The resultant exploration paths are evaluated in a controlled user study to examine whether they increase the users’ knowledge as compared to free exploration. The findings show that exploration paths using knowledge anchors and subsumption lead to significantly higher increase in the users’ conceptual knowledge. The approach can be adopted in applications providing data graph exploration to facilitate learning and sensemaking of layman users who are not fully familiar with the domain presented in the data graph

    Strategies and Approaches for Exploiting the Value of Open Data

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    Data is increasingly permeating into all dimensions of our society and has become an indispensable commodity that serves as a basis for many products and services. Traditional sectors, such as health, transport, retail, are all benefiting from digital developments. In recent years, governments have also started to participate in the open data venture, usually with the motivation of increasing transparency. In fact, governments are one of the largest producers and collectors of data in many different domains. As the increasing amount of open data and open government data initiatives show, it is becoming more and more vital to identify the means and methods how to exploit the value of this data that ultimately affects various dimensions. In this thesis we therefore focus on researching how open data can be exploited to its highest value potential, and how we can enable stakeholders to create value upon data accordingly. Albeit the radical advances in technology enabling data and knowledge sharing, and the lowering of barriers to information access, raw data was given only recently the attention and relevance it merits. Moreover, even though the publishing of data is increasing at an enormously fast rate, there are many challenges that hinder its exploitation and consumption. Technical issues hinder the re-use of data, whilst policy, economic, organisational and cultural issues hinder entities from participating or collaborating in open data initiatives. Our focus is thus to contribute to the topic by researching current approaches towards the use of open data. We explore methods for creating value upon open (government) data, and identify the strengths and weaknesses that subsequently influence the success of an open data initiative. This research then acts as a baseline for the value creation guidelines, methodologies, and approaches that we propose. Our contribution is based on the premise that if stakeholders are provided with adequate means and models to follow, then they will be encouraged to create value and exploit data products. Our subsequent contribution in this thesis therefore enables stakeholders to easily access and consume open data, as the first step towards creating value. Thereafter we proceed to identify and model the various value creation processes through the definition of a Data Value Network, and also provide a concrete implementation that allows stakeholders to create value. Ultimately, by creating value on data products, stakeholders participate in the global data economy and impact not only the economic dimension, but also other dimensions including technical, societal and political

    Visual Text Analysis in Digital Humanities

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    In 2005, Franco Moretti introduced Distant Reading to analyse entire literary text collections. This was a rather revolutionary idea compared to the traditional Close Reading, which focuses on the thorough interpretation of an individual work. Both reading techniques are the prior means of Visual Text Analysis. We present an overview of the research conducted since 2005 on supporting text analysis tasks with close and distant reading visualizations in the digital humanities. Therefore, we classify the observed papers according to a taxonomy of text analysis tasks, categorize applied close and distant reading techniques to support the investigation of these tasks and illustrate approaches that combine both reading techniques in order to provide a multi-faceted view of the textual data. In addition, we take a look at the used text sources and at the typical data transformation steps required for the proposed visualizations. Finally, we summarize collaboration experiences when developing visualizations for close and distant reading, and we give an outlook on future challenges in that research area

    Building and exploiting context on the web

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    Personalised video retrieval: application of implicit feedback and semantic user profiles

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    A challenging problem in the user profiling domain is to create profiles of users of retrieval systems. This problem even exacerbates in the multimedia domain. Due to the Semantic Gap, the difference between low-level data representation of videos and the higher concepts users associate with videos, it is not trivial to understand the content of multimedia documents and to find other documents that the users might be interested in. A promising approach to ease this problem is to set multimedia documents into their semantic contexts. The semantic context can lead to a better understanding of the personal interests. Knowing the context of a video is useful for recommending users videos that match their information need. By exploiting these contexts, videos can also be linked to other, contextually related videos. From a user profiling point of view, these links can be of high value to recommend semantically related videos, hence creating a semantic-based user profile. This thesis introduces a semantic user profiling approach for news video retrieval, which exploits a generic ontology to put news stories into its context. Major challenges which inhibit the creation of such semantic user profiles are the identification of user's long-term interests and the adaptation of retrieval results based on these personal interests. Most personalisation services rely on users explicitly specifying preferences, a common approach in the text retrieval domain. By giving explicit feedback, users are forced to update their need, which can be problematic when their information need is vague. Furthermore, users tend not to provide enough feedback on which to base an adaptive retrieval algorithm. Deviating from the method of explicitly asking the user to rate the relevance of retrieval results, the use of implicit feedback techniques helps by learning user interests unobtrusively. The main advantage is that users are relieved from providing feedback. A disadvantage is that information gathered using implicit techniques is less accurate than information based on explicit feedback. In this thesis, we focus on three main research questions. First of all, we study whether implicit relevance feedback, which is provided while interacting with a video retrieval system, can be employed to bridge the Semantic Gap. We therefore first identify implicit indicators of relevance by analysing representative video retrieval interfaces. Studying whether these indicators can be exploited as implicit feedback within short retrieval sessions, we recommend video documents based on implicit actions performed by a community of users. Secondly, implicit relevance feedback is studied as potential source to build user profiles and hence to identify users' long-term interests in specific topics. This includes studying the identification of different aspects of interests and storing these interests in dynamic user profiles. Finally, we study how this feedback can be exploited to adapt retrieval results or to recommend related videos that match the users' interests. We analyse our research questions by performing both simulation-based and user-centred evaluation studies. The results suggest that implicit relevance feedback can be employed in the video domain and that semantic-based user profiles have the potential to improve video exploration
