64 research outputs found

    Development of a practical and mobile brain-computer communication device for profoundly paralyzed individuals

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityBrain-computer interface (BCI) technology has seen tremendous growth over the past several decades, with numerous groundbreaking research studies demonstrating technical viability (Sellers et al., 2010; Silvoni et al., 2011). Despite this progress, BCIs have remained primarily in controlled laboratory settings. This dissertation proffers a blueprint for translating research-grade BCI systems into real-world applications that are noninvasive and fully portable, and that employ intelligent user interfaces for communication. The proposed architecture is designed to be used by severely motor-impaired individuals, such as those with locked-in syndrome, while reducing the effort and cognitive load needed to communicate. Such a system requires the merging of two primary research fields: 1) electroencephalography (EEG)-based BCIs and 2) intelligent user interface design. The EEG-based BCI portion of this dissertation provides a history of the field, details of our software and hardware implementation, and results from an experimental study aimed at verifying the utility of a BCI based on the steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP), a robust brain response to visual stimulation at controlled frequencies. The visual stimulation, feature extraction, and classification algorithms for the BCI were specially designed to achieve successful real-time performance on a laptop computer. Also, the BCI was developed in Python, an open-source programming language that combines programming ease with effective handling of hardware and software requirements. The result of this work was The Unlock Project app software for BCI development. Using it, a four-choice SSVEP BCI setup was implemented and tested with five severely motor-impaired and fourteen control participants. The system showed a wide range of usability across participants, with classification rates ranging from 25-95%. The second portion of the dissertation discusses the viability of intelligent user interface design as a method for obtaining a more user-focused vocal output communication aid tailored to motor-impaired individuals. A proposed blueprint of this communication "app" was developed in this dissertation. It would make use of readily available laptop sensors to perform facial recognition, speech-to-text decoding, and geo-location. The ultimate goal is to couple sensor information with natural language processing to construct an intelligent user interface that shapes communication in a practical SSVEP-based BCI


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    Today, computer algorithms use traditional human-computer interfaces (e.g., keyboard, mouse, gestures, etc.), to interact with and extend human capabilities across all knowledge domains, allowing them to make complex decisions underpinned by massive datasets and machine learning. Machine learning has seen remarkable success in the past decade in obtaining deep insights and recognizing unknown patterns in complex data sets, in part by emulating how the brain performs certain computations. As we increase our understanding of the human brain, brain-computer interfaces can benefit from the power of machine learning, both as an underlying model of how the brain performs computations and as a tool for processing high-dimensional brain recordings. The technology (machine learning) has come full circle and is being applied back to understanding the brain and any electric residues of the brain activity over the scalp (EEG). Similarly, domains such as natural language processing, machine translation, and scene understanding remain beyond the scope of true machine learning algorithms and require human participation to be solved. In this work, we investigate the interplay between brain-computer interfaces and machine learning through the lens of end-user usability. Specifically, we propose the systems and algorithms to enable synergistic and user-friendly integration between computers (machine learning) and the human brain (brain-computer interfaces). In this context, we provide our research contributions in two interrelated aspects by, (i) applying machine learning to solve challenges with EEG-based BCIs, and (ii) enabling human-assisted machine learning with EEG-based human input and implicit feedback.Ph.D

    Decoding Neural Signals with Computational Models: A Systematic Review of Invasive BMI

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    There are significant milestones in modern human's civilization in which mankind stepped into a different level of life with a new spectrum of possibilities and comfort. From fire-lighting technology and wheeled wagons to writing, electricity and the Internet, each one changed our lives dramatically. In this paper, we take a deep look into the invasive Brain Machine Interface (BMI), an ambitious and cutting-edge technology which has the potential to be another important milestone in human civilization. Not only beneficial for patients with severe medical conditions, the invasive BMI technology can significantly impact different technologies and almost every aspect of human's life. We review the biological and engineering concepts that underpin the implementation of BMI applications. There are various essential techniques that are necessary for making invasive BMI applications a reality. We review these through providing an analysis of (i) possible applications of invasive BMI technology, (ii) the methods and devices for detecting and decoding brain signals, as well as (iii) possible options for stimulating signals into human's brain. Finally, we discuss the challenges and opportunities of invasive BMI for further development in the area.Comment: 51 pages, 14 figures, review articl

    DeReFrame: a design-research framework to study game mechanics and game aesthetics in an engineering design process

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    The main aim of this research is to study gaming techniques and elements that may potentially be beneficial to the future development of CAD systems for engineering design, in particular to maintain cognitive engagement. A design-research framework, called DeReFrame, was employed to construct an experimental game-based CAD framework exploring this. This research is based on reviews from the literature and experimental studies and include quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods measuring engineers’ performance and emotional responses. The thesis presents the construction process of the framework (DeReframe) to study a set of game mechanics and game aesthetics in an engineering design process and compare this with the traditional CAD. The framework was used to design and implement a game-based CAD system, called ICAD which was embedded with the following game mechanics of Directional Goals, Progression, Performance-Feedback and Rewards-Achievement. The DeReFrame and ICAD evolved through the experimental studies. In each case, selected game mechanics were at the core of each interaction and iteration which gave rise to feelings of progress, competence and mastery. The final results from the DeReFrame framework and ICAD indicated that gamified approaches should be included in engineering design with CAD: in particular the game mechanics of performance feedback and rewards-achievements influence engineers’ behaviour by supporting them within the problem-solving process creating an engaging-challenging interaction. In conclusion, this research has shown that a framework, that includes both engineering requirements and gamified aspects into consideration, cam serve as a basis for implementing game-based CAD to facilitate performance by providing engaging experiences for engineers

    Three event-related potential studies on phonological, morpho-syntactic, and semantic aspects

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    Sign languages have often been the subject of imaging studies investigating the underlying neural correlates of sign language processing. To the contrary, much less research has been conducted on the time-course of sign language processing. There are only a small number of event-related potential (ERP) studies that investigate semantic or morpho-syntactic anomalies in signed sentences. Due to specific properties of the manual-visual modality, sign languages differ from spoken languages in two respects: On the one hand, they are produced in a three-dimensional signing space, on the other hand, sign languages can use several (manual and nonmanual) articulators simul¬taneously. Thus, sign languages have modality-specific characteristics that have an impact on the way they are processed. This thesis presents three ERP studies on different linguistic aspects processed in German Sign Language (DGS) sentences. Chapter 1 investigates the hypothesis of a forward model perspec¬tive on prediction. In a semantic expectation mismatch design, deaf native signers saw videos with DGS sentences that ended in semantically expected or unexpected signs. Since sign languages entail relatively long transition phases between one sign and the next, we tested whether a prediction error of the upcoming sign is already detectable prior to the actual sign onset. Unexpected signs engendered an N400 previous to the critical sign onset that was thus elicited by properties of the transition phase. Chapter 2 presents a priming study on cross-modal cross-language co-activation. Deaf bimodal bilingual participants saw DGS sentences that contained prime-target pairs in one of two priming conditions. In overt phonological priming, prime and target signs were phonologically minimal pairs, while in covert orthographic priming, German translations of prime and target were orthographic minimal pairs, but there was no overlap between the signs. Target signs with overt phonological or with covert orthographic overlap engendered a reduced negativity in the electrophysiological signal. Thus, deaf bimodal bilinguals co-activate their second language (written) German unconsciously during processing sentences in their native sign language. Chapter 3 presents two ERP studies investigating the morpho-syntactic aspects of agreement in DGS. One study tested DGS sentences with incorrect, i.e. unspecified, agreement verbs, the other study tested DGS sentences with plain verbs that incorrectly inflected for 3rd person agreement. Agreement verbs that ended in an unspecified location engen¬dered two independent ERP effects: a positive deflection on posterior electrodes (220-570 ms relative to trigger nonmanual cues) and an anterior effect on left frontal electrodes (300-600 ms relative to the sign onset). In contrast, incorrect plain verbs resulted in a broadly distributed positive deflection (420-730 ms relative to the mismatch onset). These results contradict previous findings of agreement violation in sign languages and are discussed to reflect a violation of well-formedness or processes of context-updating. The stimulus materials of all four studies were consistently presented in continuously signed sentences presented in non-manipulated videos. This methodological innovation enabled a distinctive perspective on the time-course of sign language processing

    Discovering the units in language cognition: From empirical evidence to a computational model

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    The influence of graphical user interface on motion onset brain-computer interface performance and the effect of data augmentation on motor imagery brain-computer interface

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    Motor Imagery Brain Computer Interface (MI BCI) is one of the most frequently used BCI modalities, due to the versatility of its applications. However, it still has unresolved issues like time-consuming calibration, low information transfer rate, and inconsistent performance across individuals. Combining MI BCI with Motion Onset Visual Evoked Potential (mVEP) BCI in a hybrid structure may solve some of these problems. Combining MI BCI with more robust mVEP BCI, would increase the degrees of freedom thereby increasing the information transfer rate, and would also indirectly improve intrasubject consistency in performance by replacing some MI-based tasks with mVEP. Unfortunately, due to Covid -19 pandemic experimental research on hybrid BCI was not possible, therefore this thesis focuses on two BCI separately. Chapter 1 provides an overview of different BCIs modalities and the underlying neurophysiological principles, followed by the objectives of the thesis. The research contributions are also highlighted. Finally, the thesis outlines are presented at the end of this chapter. Chapter 2 presents a comprehensive state of the art to the thesis, drawing on a wide range of literature in relevant fields. Specifically, it delves into MI BCI, mVEP BCI, Deep Learning, Transfer Learning (TL), Data Augmentation (DA) and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). Chapter 3 investigates the effect of graphical elements, in online and offline experiments. In the offline experiment, graphical elements such as the color, size, position, and layout were explored. Replacing a default red moving bar with a green and blue bar, changing the background color from white to gray, and using smaller visual angles did not lead to statistically significant improvement in accuracy. However, the effect size of η2 (0.085) indicated a moderate effect for these changes of graphical factors. Similarly, no statistically significant difference was found for the two different layouts in online experiments. Overall, the mVEP BCI has achieved a classification accuracy of approximately 80%, and it is relatively impervious to changes in graphical interface parameters. This suggests that mVEP is a promising candidate for a hybrid BCI system combined with MI, that requires dynamic, versatile graphical design features. In Chapter 4, various DA methods are explored, including Segmentation and Recombination in Time Domain, Segmentation and Recombination in Time-Frequency Domain, and Spatial Analogy. These methods are evaluated based on three feature extraction approaches: Common Spatial Patterns, Time Domain Parameters (TDP), and Band Power. The evaluation was conducted using a validated BCI set, namely the BCI Competition IV dataset 2a, as well as a dataset obtained from our research group. The methods are effective when a small dataset of single subject are available. All three DA methods significantly affect the performance of the TDP feature extraction method. Chapter 5 explored the use of GANs for DA in combination with TL and cropped training strategies using ShallowFBCSP classifier. It also used the same validated dataset (BCI competition IV dataset 2a) as in Chapter 4. In contrast to DA method explored in Chapter 4, this DA is suitable for larger datasets and for generalizing training based on other people’s data. Applying GAN-based DA to the dataset resulted on average in a 2% improvement in average accuracy (from 68.2% to 70.7%). This study provides a novel method to enable MI GAN training with only 40 trials per participant with the rest 8 people’s data for TL, addressing the data insufficiency issue for GANs. The evaluation of generated artificial trials revealed the importance of inter-class differences in MI patterns, which can be easily identified by GANs. Overall the thesis addressed the main practical issues of both mVEP and MI BCI paving the way for their successful combination in future experiments

    Exploiting physiological changes during the flow experience for assessing virtual-reality game design.

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    Immersive experiences are considered the principal attraction of video games. Achieving a healthy balance between the game's demands and the user's skills is a particularly challenging goal. However, it is a coveted outcome, as it gives rise to the flow experience – a mental state of deep concentration and game engagement. When this balance fractures, the player may experience considerable disinclination to continue playing, which may be a product of anxiety or boredom. Thus, being able to predict manifestations of these psychological states in video game players is essential for understanding player motivation and designing better games. To this end, we build on earlier work to evaluate flow dynamics from a physiological perspective using a custom video game. Although advancements in this area are growing, there has been little consideration given to the interpersonal characteristics that may influence the expression of the flow experience. In this thesis, two angles are introduced that remain poorly understood. First, the investigation is contextualized in the virtual reality domain, a technology that putatively amplifies affective experiences, yet is still insufficiently addressed in the flow literature. Second, a novel analysis setup is proposed, whereby the recorded physiological responses and psychometric self-ratings are combined to assess the effectiveness of our game's design in a series of experiments. The analysis workflow employed heart rate and eye blink variability, and electroencephalography (EEG) as objective assessment measures of the game's impact, and self-reports as subjective assessment measures. These inputs were submitted to a clustering method, cross-referencing the membership of the observations with self-report ratings of the players they originated from. Next, this information was used to effectively inform specialized decoders of the flow state from the physiological responses. This approach successfully enabled classifiers to operate at high accuracy rates in all our studies. Furthermore, we addressed the compression of medium-resolution EEG sensors to a minimal set required to decode flow. Overall, our findings suggest that the approaches employed in this thesis have wide applicability and potential for improving game designing practices