21 research outputs found

    A Multi-resolution Model for Histopathology Image Classification and Localization with Multiple Instance Learning

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    Histopathological images provide rich information for disease diagnosis. Large numbers of histopathological images have been digitized into high resolution whole slide images, opening opportunities in developing computational image analysis tools to reduce pathologists' workload and potentially improve inter- and intra- observer agreement. Most previous work on whole slide image analysis has focused on classification or segmentation of small pre-selected regions-of-interest, which requires fine-grained annotation and is non-trivial to extend for large-scale whole slide analysis. In this paper, we proposed a multi-resolution multiple instance learning model that leverages saliency maps to detect suspicious regions for fine-grained grade prediction. Instead of relying on expensive region- or pixel-level annotations, our model can be trained end-to-end with only slide-level labels. The model is developed on a large-scale prostate biopsy dataset containing 20,229 slides from 830 patients. The model achieved 92.7% accuracy, 81.8% Cohen's Kappa for benign, low grade (i.e. Grade group 1) and high grade (i.e. Grade group >= 2) prediction, an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) of 98.2% and an average precision (AP) of 97.4% for differentiating malignant and benign slides. The model obtained an AUROC of 99.4% and an AP of 99.8% for cancer detection on an external dataset.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    A review of artificial intelligence in prostate cancer detection on imaging

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    A multitude of studies have explored the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in providing diagnostic support to radiologists, pathologists, and urologists in prostate cancer detection, risk-stratification, and management. This review provides a comprehensive overview of relevant literature regarding the use of AI models in (1) detecting prostate cancer on radiology images (magnetic resonance and ultrasound imaging), (2) detecting prostate cancer on histopathology images of prostate biopsy tissue, and (3) assisting in supporting tasks for prostate cancer detection (prostate gland segmentation, MRI-histopathology registration, MRI-ultrasound registration). We discuss both the potential of these AI models to assist in the clinical workflow of prostate cancer diagnosis, as well as the current limitations including variability in training data sets, algorithms, and evaluation criteria. We also discuss ongoing challenges and what is needed to bridge the gap between academic research on AI for prostate cancer and commercial solutions that improve routine clinical care

    Probabilistic Modeling of Inter- and Intra-observer Variability in Medical Image Segmentation

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    Medical image segmentation is a challenging task, particularly due to inter- and intra-observer variability, even between medical experts. In this paper, we propose a novel model, called Probabilistic Inter-Observer and iNtra-Observer variation NetwOrk (Pionono). It captures the labeling behavior of each rater with a multidimensional probability distribution and integrates this information with the feature maps of the image to produce probabilistic segmentation predictions. The model is optimized by variational inference and can be trained end-to-end. It outperforms state-of-the-art models such as STAPLE, Probabilistic U-Net, and models based on confusion matrices. Additionally, Pionono predicts multiple coherent segmentation maps that mimic the rater's expert opinion, which provides additional valuable information for the diagnostic process. Experiments on real-world cancer segmentation datasets demonstrate the high accuracy and efficiency of Pionono, making it a powerful tool for medical image analysis.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Utilisation de l'auto-apprentissage pour réduire le coût d'annotation pour la segmentation d'image en pathology digitale

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    peer reviewedData scarcity is a common issue when training deep learning models for digital pathology, as large exhaustively-annotated image datasets are difficult to obtain. In this paper, we propose a self-training based approach that can exploit both (few) exhaustively annotated images and (very) sparsely-annotated images to improve the training of deep learning models for image segmentation tasks. The approach is evaluated on three public and one in-house datasets, representing a diverse set of segmentation tasks in digital pathology. The experimental results show that self-training allows to bring significant model improvement by incorporating sparsely annotated images and proves to be a good strategy to relieve labeling effort in the digital pathology domain

    Densely Convolutional Spatial Attention Network for nuclei segmentation of histological images for computational pathology

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    IntroductionAutomatic nuclear segmentation in digital microscopic tissue images can aid pathologists to extract high-quality features for nuclear morphometrics and other analyses. However, image segmentation is a challenging task in medical image processing and analysis. This study aimed to develop a deep learning-based method for nuclei segmentation of histological images for computational pathology.MethodsThe original U-Net model sometime has a caveat in exploring significant features. Herein, we present the Densely Convolutional Spatial Attention Network (DCSA-Net) model based on U-Net to perform the segmentation task. Furthermore, the developed model was tested on external multi-tissue dataset – MoNuSeg. To develop deep learning algorithms for well-segmenting nuclei, a large quantity of data are mandatory, which is expensive and less feasible. We collected hematoxylin and eosin–stained image data sets from two hospitals to train the model with a variety of nuclear appearances. Because of the limited number of annotated pathology images, we introduced a small publicly accessible data set of prostate cancer (PCa) with more than 16,000 labeled nuclei. Nevertheless, to construct our proposed model, we developed the DCSA module, an attention mechanism for capturing useful information from raw images. We also used several other artificial intelligence-based segmentation methods and tools to compare their results to our proposed technique.ResultsTo prioritize the performance of nuclei segmentation, we evaluated the model’s outputs based on the Accuracy, Dice coefficient (DC), and Jaccard coefficient (JC) scores. The proposed technique outperformed the other methods and achieved superior nuclei segmentation with accuracy, DC, and JC of 96.4% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 96.2 – 96.6), 81.8 (95% CI: 80.8 – 83.0), and 69.3 (95% CI: 68.2 – 70.0), respectively, on the internal test data set.ConclusionOur proposed method demonstrates superior performance in segmenting cell nuclei of histological images from internal and external datasets, and outperforms many standard segmentation algorithms used for comparative analysis

    Learning from limited labelled data: contributions to weak, few-shot, and unsupervised learning

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] En la última década, el aprendizaje profundo (DL) se ha convertido en la principal herramienta para las tareas de visión por ordenador (CV). Bajo el paradigma de aprendizaje supervisado, y gracias a la recopilación de grandes conjuntos de datos, el DL ha alcanzado resultados impresionantes utilizando redes neuronales convolucionales (CNNs). Sin embargo, el rendimiento de las CNNs disminuye cuando no se dispone de suficientes datos, lo cual dificulta su uso en aplicaciones de CV en las que sólo se dispone de unas pocas muestras de entrenamiento, o cuando el etiquetado de imágenes es una tarea costosa. Estos escenarios motivan la investigación de estrategias de aprendizaje menos supervisadas. En esta tesis, hemos explorado diferentes paradigmas de aprendizaje menos supervisados. Concretamente, proponemos novedosas estrategias de aprendizaje autosupervisado en la clasificación débilmente supervisada de imágenes histológicas gigapixel. Por otro lado, estudiamos el uso del aprendizaje por contraste en escenarios de aprendizaje de pocos disparos para la vigilancia automática de cruces de ferrocarril. Por último, se estudia la localización de lesiones cerebrales en el contexto de la segmentación no supervisada de anomalías. Asimismo, prestamos especial atención a la incorporación de conocimiento previo durante el entrenamiento que pueda mejorar los resultados en escenarios menos supervisados. En particular, introducimos proporciones de clase en el aprendizaje débilmente supervisado en forma de restricciones de desigualdad. Además, se incorpora la homogeneización de la atención para la localización de anomalías mediante términos de regularización de tamaño y entropía. A lo largo de esta tesis se presentan diferentes métodos menos supervisados de DL para CV, con aportaciones sustanciales que promueven el uso de DL en escenarios con datos limitados. Los resultados obtenidos son prometedores y proporcionan a los investigadores nuevas herramientas que podrían evitar la anotación de cantidades masivas de datos de forma totalmente supervisada.[CA] En l'última dècada, l'aprenentatge profund (DL) s'ha convertit en la principal eina per a les tasques de visió per ordinador (CV). Sota el paradigma d'aprenentatge supervisat, i gràcies a la recopilació de grans conjunts de dades, el DL ha aconseguit resultats impressionants utilitzant xarxes neuronals convolucionals (CNNs). No obstant això, el rendiment de les CNNs disminueix quan no es disposa de suficients dades, la qual cosa dificulta el seu ús en aplicacions de CV en les quals només es disposa d'unes poques mostres d'entrenament, o quan l'etiquetatge d'imatges és una tasca costosa. Aquests escenaris motiven la investigació d'estratègies d'aprenentatge menys supervisades. En aquesta tesi, hem explorat diferents paradigmes d'aprenentatge menys supervisats. Concretament, proposem noves estratègies d'aprenentatge autosupervisat en la classificació feblement supervisada d'imatges histològiques gigapixel. D'altra banda, estudiem l'ús de l'aprenentatge per contrast en escenaris d'aprenentatge de pocs trets per a la vigilància automàtica d'encreuaments de ferrocarril. Finalment, s'estudia la localització de lesions cerebrals en el context de la segmentació no supervisada d'anomalies. Així mateix, prestem especial atenció a la incorporació de coneixement previ durant l'entrenament que puga millorar els resultats en escenaris menys supervisats. En particular, introduïm proporcions de classe en l'aprenentatge feblement supervisat en forma de restriccions de desigualtat. A més, s'incorpora l'homogeneïtzació de l'atenció per a la localització d'anomalies mitjançant termes de regularització de grandària i entropia. Al llarg d'aquesta tesi es presenten diferents mètodes menys supervisats de DL per a CV, amb aportacions substancials que promouen l'ús de DL en escenaris amb dades limitades. Els resultats obtinguts són prometedors i proporcionen als investigadors noves eines que podrien evitar l'anotació de quantitats massives de dades de forma totalment supervisada.[EN] In the last decade, deep learning (DL) has become the main tool for computer vision (CV) tasks. Under the standard supervised learnng paradigm, and thanks to the progressive collection of large datasets, DL has reached impressive results on different CV applications using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Nevertheless, CNNs performance drops when sufficient data is unavailable, which creates challenging scenarios in CV applications where only few training samples are available, or when labeling images is a costly task, that require expert knowledge. Those scenarios motivate the research of not-so-supervised learning strategies to develop DL solutions on CV. In this thesis, we have explored different less-supervised learning paradigms on different applications. Concretely, we first propose novel self-supervised learning strategies on weakly supervised classification of gigapixel histology images. Then, we study the use of contrastive learning on few-shot learning scenarios for automatic railway crossing surveying. Finally, brain lesion segmentation is studied in the context of unsupervised anomaly segmentation, using only healthy samples during training. Along this thesis, we pay special attention to the incorporation of tasks-specific prior knowledge during model training, which may be easily obtained, but which can substantially improve the results in less-supervised scenarios. In particular, we introduce relative class proportions in weakly supervised learning in the form of inequality constraints. Also, attention homogenization in VAEs for anomaly localization is incorporated using size and entropy regularization terms, to make the CNN to focus on all patterns for normal samples. The different methods are compared, when possible, with their supervised counterparts. In short, different not-so-supervised DL methods for CV are presented along this thesis, with substantial contributions that promote the use of DL in data-limited scenarios. The obtained results are promising, and provide researchers with new tools that could avoid annotating massive amounts of data in a fully supervised manner.The work of Julio Silva Rodríguez to carry out this research and to elaborate this dissertation has been supported by the Spanish Government under the FPI Grant PRE2018-083443.Silva Rodríguez, JJ. (2022). Learning from limited labelled data: contributions to weak, few-shot, and unsupervised learning [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/190633Compendi

    Better prognostic markers for nonmuscle invasive papillary urothelial carcinomas

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    Bladder cancer is a common type of cancer, especially among men in developed countries. Most cancers in the urinary bladder are papillary urothelial carcinomas. They are characterized by a high recurrence frequency (up to 70 %) after local resection. It is crucial for prognosis to discover these recurrent tumours at an early stage, especially before they become muscle-invasive. Reliable prognostic biomarkers for tumour recurrence and stage progression are lacking. This is why patients diagnosed with a non-muscle invasive bladder cancer follow extensive follow-up regimens with possible serious side effects and with high costs for the healthcare systems. WHO grade and tumour stage are two central biomarkers currently having great impact on both treatment decisions and follow-up regimens. However, there are concerns regarding the reproducibility of WHO grading, and stage classification is challenging in small and fragmented tumour material. In Paper I, we examined the reproducibility and the prognostic value of all the individual microscopic features making up the WHO grading system. Among thirteen extracted features there was considerable variation in both reproducibility and prognostic value. The only feature being both reasonably reproducible and statistically significant prognostic was cell polarity. We concluded that further validation studies are needed on these features, and that future grading systems should be based on well-defined features with true prognostic value. With the implementation of immunotherapy, there is increasing interest in tumour immune response and the tumour microenvironment. In a search for better prognostic biomarkers for tumour recurrence and stage progression, in Paper II, we investigated the prognostic value of tumour infiltrating immune cells (CD4, CD8, CD25 and CD138) and previously investigated cell proliferation markers (Ki-67, PPH3 and MAI). Low Ki 67 and tumour multifocality were associated with increased recurrence risk. Recurrence risk was not affected by the composition of immune cells. For stage progression, the only prognostic immune cell marker was CD25. High values for MAI was also strongly associated with stage progression. However, in a multivariate analysis, the most prognostic feature was a combination of MAI and CD25. BCG-instillations in the bladder are indicated in intermediate and high-risk non-muscle invasive bladder cancer patients. This old-fashion immunotherapy has proved to reduce both recurrence- and progression-risk, although it is frequently followed by unpleasant side-effects. As many as 30-50% of high-risk patients receiving BCG instillations, fail by develop high-grade recurrences. They do not only suffer from unnecessary side-effects, but will also have a delay in further treatment. Together with colleagues at three different Dutch hospitals, in Paper III, we looked at the prognostic and predictive value of T1-substaging. A T1-tumour invades the lamina propria, and we wanted to separate those with micro- from those with extensive invasion. We found that BCG-failure was more common among patients with extensive invasion. Furthermore, T1-substaging was associated with both high-grade recurrence-free and progression-free survival. Finally, in Paper IV, we wanted to investigate the prognostic value of two classical immunohistochemical markers, p53 and CK20, and compare them with previously investigated proliferation markers. p53 is a surrogate marker for mutations in the gene TP53, considered to be a main characteristic for muscle-invasive tumours. CK20 is a surrogate marker for luminal tumours in the molecular classification of bladder cancer, and is frequently used to distinguish reactive urothelial changes from urothelial carcinoma in situ. We found both positivity for p53 and CK20 to be significantly associated with stage progression, although not performing better than WHO grade and stage. The proliferation marker MAI, had the highest prognostic value in our study. Any combination of variables did not perform better in a multivariate analysis than MAI alone