35 research outputs found

    CAD Tools for Synthesis of Sleep Convention Logic

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    This dissertation proposes an automated flow for the Sleep Convention Logic (SCL) asynchronous design style. The proposed flow synthesizes synchronous RTL into an SCL netlist. The flow utilizes commercial design tools, while supplementing missing functionality using custom tools. A method for determining the performance bottleneck in an SCL design is proposed. A constraint-driven method to increase the performance of linear SCL pipelines is proposed. Several enhancements to SCL are proposed, including techniques to reduce the number of registers and total sleep capacitance in an SCL design

    Design And Synthesis Of Clockless Pipelines Based On Self-resetting Stage Logic

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    For decades, digital design has been primarily dominated by clocked circuits. With larger scales of integration made possible by improved semiconductor manufacturing techniques, relying on a clock signal to orchestrate logic operations across an entire chip became increasingly difficult. Motivated by this problem, designers are currently considering circuits which can operate without a clock. However, the wide acceptance of these circuits by the digital design community requires two ingredients: (i) a unified design methodology supported by widely available CAD tools, and (ii) a granularity of design techniques suitable for synthesizing large designs. Currently, there is no unified established design methodology to support the design and verification of these circuits. Moreover, the majority of clockless design techniques is conceived at circuit level, and is subsequently so fine-grain, that their application to large designs can have unacceptable area costs. Given these considerations, this dissertation presents a new clockless technique, called self-resetting stage logic (SRSL), in which the computation of a block is reset periodically from within the block itself. SRSL is used as a building block for three coarse-grain pipelining techniques: (i) Stage-controlled self-resetting stage logic (S-SRSL) Pipelines: In these pipelines, the control of the communication between stages is performed locally between each pair of stages. This communication is performed in a uni-directional manner in order to simplify its implementation. (ii) Pipeline-controlled self-resetting stage logic (P-SRSL) Pipelines: In these pipelines, the communication between each pair of stages in the pipeline is driven by the oscillation of the last pipeline stage. Their communication scheme is identical to the one used in S-SRSL pipelines. (iii) Delay-tolerant self-resetting stage logic (D-SRSL) Pipelines: While communication in these pipelines is local in nature in a manner similar to the one used in S-SRL pipelines, this communication is nevertheless extended in both directions. The result of this bi-directional approach is an increase in the capability of the pipeline to handle stages with random delay. Based on these pipelining techniques, a new design methodology is proposed to synthesize clockless designs. The synthesis problem consists of synthesizing an SRSL pipeline from a gate netlist with a minimum area overhead given a specified data rate. A two-phase heuristic algorithm is proposed to solve this problem. The goal of the algorithm is to pipeline a given datapath by minimizing the area occupied by inter-stage latches without violating any timing constraints. Experiments with this synthesis algorithm show that while P-SRSL pipelines can reach high throughputs in shallow pipelines, D-SRSL pipelines can achieve comparable throughputs in deeper pipelines

    Design of application-specific instruction set processors with asynchronous methodology for embedded digital signal processing applications.

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    Kwok Yan-lun Andy.Thesis submitted in: November 2004.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 133-137).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Abstract --- p.i摘芁 --- p.iiAcknowledgements --- p.iiiList of Figures --- p.viiList of Tables and Examples --- p.xChapter 1. --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 1.1. --- Motivation --- p.1Chapter 1.2. --- Objective and Approach --- p.4Chapter 1.3. --- Thesis Organization --- p.5Chapter 2. --- Related Work --- p.7Chapter 2.1. --- Coverage --- p.7Chapter 2.2. --- ASIP Design Methodologies --- p.8Chapter 2.3. --- Asynchronous Technology on Processors --- p.12Chapter 2.4. --- Summary --- p.14Chapter 3. --- Asynchronous Design Methodology --- p.15Chapter 3.1. --- Overview --- p.15Chapter 3.2. --- Asynchronous Design Style --- p.17Chapter 3.2.1. --- Micropipelines --- p.17Chapter 3.2.2. --- Fine-grain Pipelining --- p.20Chapter 3.2.3. --- Globally-Asynchronous Locally-Synchronous (GALS) Design --- p.22Chapter 3.3. --- Advantages of GALS in ASIP Design --- p.27Chapter 3.3.1. --- Reuse of Synchronous and Asynchronous IP --- p.27Chapter 3.3.2. --- Fine Tuning of Performance and Power Consumption --- p.27Chapter 3.3.3. --- Synthesis-based Design Flow --- p.28Chapter 3.4. --- Design of GALS Asynchronous Wrapper --- p.28Chapter 3.4.1. --- Handshake Protocol --- p.28Chapter 3.4.2. --- Pausible Clock Generator --- p.29Chapter 3.4.3. --- Port Controllers --- p.30Chapter 3.4.4. --- Performance of the Asynchronous Wrapper --- p.33Chapter 3.5. --- Summary --- p.35Chapter 4. --- Platform Based ASIP Design Methodology --- p.36Chapter 4.1. --- Platform Based Approach --- p.36Chapter 4.1.1. --- The Definition of Our Platform --- p.37Chapter 4.1.2. --- The Definition of the Platform Based Design --- p.37Chapter 4.2. --- Platform Architecture --- p.38Chapter 4.2.1. --- The Nature of DSP Algorithms --- p.38Chapter 4.2.2. --- Design Space of Datapath Optimization --- p.46Chapter 4.2.3. --- Proposed Architecture --- p.49Chapter 4.2.4. --- The Strategy of Realizing an Optimized Datapath --- p.51Chapter 4.2.5. --- Pipeline Organization --- p.59Chapter 4.2.6. --- GALS Partitioning --- p.61Chapter 4.2.7. --- Operation Mechanism --- p.63Chapter 4.3. --- Overall Design Flow --- p.67Chapter 4.4. --- Summary --- p.70Chapter 5. --- Design of the ASIP Platform --- p.72Chapter 5.1. --- Design Goal --- p.72Chapter 5.2. --- Instruction Fetch --- p.74Chapter 5.2.1. --- Instruction fetch unit --- p.74Chapter 5.2.2. --- Zero-overhead loops and Subroutines --- p.75Chapter 5.3. --- Instruction Decode --- p.77Chapter 5.3.1. --- Instruction decoder --- p.77Chapter 5.3.2. --- The Encoding of Parallel and Complex Instructions --- p.80Chapter 5.4. --- Datapath --- p.81Chapter 5.4.1. --- Base Functional Units --- p.81Chapter 5.4.2. --- Functional Unit Wrapper Interface --- p.83Chapter 5.5. --- Register File Systems --- p.84Chapter 5.5.1. --- Memory Hierarchy --- p.84Chapter 5.5.2. --- Register File Organization --- p.85Chapter 5.5.3. --- Address Generation --- p.93Chapter 5.5.4. --- Load and Store --- p.98Chapter 5.6. --- Design Verification --- p.100Chapter 5.7. --- Summary --- p.104Chapter 6. --- Case Studies --- p.105Chapter 6.1. --- Objective --- p.105Chapter 6.2. --- Approach --- p.105Chapter 6.3. --- Based versus Optimized --- p.106Chapter 6.3.1. --- Matrix Manipulation --- p.106Chapter 6.3.2. --- Autocorrelation --- p.109Chapter 6.3.3. --- CORDIC --- p.110Chapter 6.4. --- Optimized versus Advanced Commercial DSPs --- p.113Chapter 6.4.1. --- Introduction to TMS320C62x and SC140 --- p.113Chapter 6.4.2. --- Results --- p.115Chapter 6.5. --- Summary --- p.116Chapter 7. --- Conclusion --- p.118Chapter 7.1. --- When ASIPs encounter asynchronous --- p.118Chapter 7.2. --- Contributions --- p.120Chapter 7.3. --- Future Directions --- p.121Chapter A --- Synthesis of Extended Burst-Mode Asynchronous Finite State Machine --- p.122Chapter B --- Base Instruction Set --- p.124Chapter C --- Special Registers --- p.127Chapter D --- Synthesizable Model of GALS Wrapper --- p.130Reference --- p.13

    Design of an asynchronous processor

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    Analysis and Optimization for Pipelined Asynchronous Systems

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    Most microelectronic chips used today--in systems ranging from cell phones to desktop computers to supercomputers--operate in basically the same way: they synchronize the operation of their millions of internal components using a clock that is distributed globally. This global clocking is becoming a critical design challenge in the quest for building chips that offer increasingly greater functionality, higher speed, and better energy efficiency. As an alternative, asynchronous or clockless design obviates the need for global synchronization; instead, components operate concurrently and synchronize locally only when necessary. This dissertation focuses on one class of asynchronous circuits: application specific stream processing systems (i.e. those that take in a stream of data items and produce a stream of processed results.) High-speed stream processors are a natural match for many high-end applications, including 3D graphics rendering, image and video processing, digital filters and DSPs, cryptography, and networking processors. This dissertation aims to make the design, analysis, optimization, and testing of circuits in the chosen domain both fast and efficient. Although much of the groundwork has already been laid by years of past work, my work identifies and addresses four critical missing pieces: i) fast performance analysis for estimating the throughput of a fine-grained pipelined system; ii) automated and versatile design space exploration; iii) a full suite of circuit level modules that connect together to implement a wide variety of system behaviors; and iv) testing and design for testability techniques that identify and target the types of errors found only in high-speed pipelined asynchronous systems. I demonstrate these techniques on a number of examples, ranging from simple applications that allow for easy comparison to hand-designed alternatives to more complex systems, such as a JPEG encoder. I also demonstrate these techniques through the design and test of a fully asynchronous GCD demonstration chip

    Asynchronous Circuit Synthesis Using Multi-Threshold NULL Convention Logic

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    As the demand for an energy-efficient alternative to traditional synchronous circuit design grows, hardware designers must reconsider the traditional clock tree. By doing away with the constrains of a clock, asynchronous sequential circuit designs can achieve a much greater level of efficiency. The utilization of asynchronous logic synthesis flows has enabled researchers to better implement asynchronous circuit designs which have been optimized using the same industry standard tools that are already used in sequential synchronous designs. This thesis offers a new flow for such tools which implements the MTNCL asynchronous circuit architecture

    On the Distribution of Control in Asynchronous Processor Architectures

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    Institute for Computing Systems ArchitectureThe effective performance of computer systems is to a large measure determined by the synergy between the processor architecture, the instruction set and the compiler. In the past, the sequencing of information within processor architectures has normally been synchronous: controlled centrally by a clock. However, this global signal could possibly limit the future gains in performance that can potentially be achieved through improvements in implementation technology. This thesis investigates the effects of relaxing this strict synchrony by distributing control within processor architectures through the use of a novel asynchronous design model known as a micronet. The impact of asynchronous control on the performance of a RISC-style processor is explored at different levels. Firstly, improvements in the performance of individual instructions by exploiting actual run-time behaviours are demonstrated. Secondly, it is shown that micronets are able to exploit further (both spatial and temporal) instructionlevel parallelism (ILP) efficiently through the distribution of control to datapath resources. Finally, exposing fine-grain concurrency within a datapath can only be of benefit to a computer system if it can easily be exploited by the compiler. Although compilers for micronet-based asynchronous processors may be considered to be more complex than their synchronous counterparts, it is shown that the variable execution time of an instruction does not adversely affect the compiler's ability to schedule code efficiently. In conclusion, the modelling of a processor's datapath as a micronet permits the exploitation of both finegrain ILP and actual run-time delays, thus leading to the efficient utilisation of functional units and in turn resulting in an improvement in overall system performance

    Driving the Network-on-Chip Revolution to Remove the Interconnect Bottleneck in Nanoscale Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip

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    The sustained demand for faster, more powerful chips has been met by the availability of chip manufacturing processes allowing for the integration of increasing numbers of computation units onto a single die. The resulting outcome, especially in the embedded domain, has often been called SYSTEM-ON-CHIP (SoC) or MULTI-PROCESSOR SYSTEM-ON-CHIP (MP-SoC). MPSoC design brings to the foreground a large number of challenges, one of the most prominent of which is the design of the chip interconnection. With a number of on-chip blocks presently ranging in the tens, and quickly approaching the hundreds, the novel issue of how to best provide on-chip communication resources is clearly felt. NETWORKS-ON-CHIPS (NoCs) are the most comprehensive and scalable answer to this design concern. By bringing large-scale networking concepts to the on-chip domain, they guarantee a structured answer to present and future communication requirements. The point-to-point connection and packet switching paradigms they involve are also of great help in minimizing wiring overhead and physical routing issues. However, as with any technology of recent inception, NoC design is still an evolving discipline. Several main areas of interest require deep investigation for NoCs to become viable solutions: ‱ The design of the NoC architecture needs to strike the best tradeoff among performance, features and the tight area and power constraints of the onchip domain. ‱ Simulation and verification infrastructure must be put in place to explore, validate and optimize the NoC performance. ‱ NoCs offer a huge design space, thanks to their extreme customizability in terms of topology and architectural parameters. Design tools are needed to prune this space and pick the best solutions. ‱ Even more so given their global, distributed nature, it is essential to evaluate the physical implementation of NoCs to evaluate their suitability for next-generation designs and their area and power costs. This dissertation performs a design space exploration of network-on-chip architectures, in order to point-out the trade-offs associated with the design of each individual network building blocks and with the design of network topology overall. The design space exploration is preceded by a comparative analysis of state-of-the-art interconnect fabrics with themselves and with early networkon- chip prototypes. The ultimate objective is to point out the key advantages that NoC realizations provide with respect to state-of-the-art communication infrastructures and to point out the challenges that lie ahead in order to make this new interconnect technology come true. Among these latter, technologyrelated challenges are emerging that call for dedicated design techniques at all levels of the design hierarchy. In particular, leakage power dissipation, containment of process variations and of their effects. The achievement of the above objectives was enabled by means of a NoC simulation environment for cycleaccurate modelling and simulation and by means of a back-end facility for the study of NoC physical implementation effects. Overall, all the results provided by this work have been validated on actual silicon layout

    Architectural Exploration of KeyRing Self-Timed Processors

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    RÉSUMÉ Les derniĂšres dĂ©cennies ont vu l’augmentation des performances des processeurs contraintes par les limites imposĂ©es par la consommation d’énergie des systĂšmes Ă©lectroniques : des trĂšs basses consommations requises pour les objets connectĂ©s, aux budgets de dĂ©penses Ă©lectriques des serveurs, en passant par les limitations thermiques et la durĂ©e de vie des batteries des appareils mobiles. Cette forte demande en processeurs efficients en Ă©nergie, couplĂ©e avec les limitations de la rĂ©duction d’échelle des transistors—qui ne permet plus d’amĂ©liorer les performances Ă  densitĂ© de puissance constante—, conduit les concepteurs de circuits intĂ©grĂ©s Ă  explorer de nouvelles microarchitectures permettant d’obtenir de meilleures performances pour un budget Ă©nergĂ©tique donnĂ©. Cette thĂšse s’inscrit dans cette tendance en proposant une nouvelle microarchitecture de processeur, appelĂ©e KeyRing, conçue avec l’intention de rĂ©duire la consommation d’énergie des processeurs. La frĂ©quence d’opĂ©ration des transistors dans les circuits intĂ©grĂ©s est proportionnelle Ă  leur consommation dynamique d’énergie. Par consĂ©quent, les techniques de conception permettant de rĂ©duire dynamiquement le nombre de transistors en opĂ©ration sont trĂšs largement adoptĂ©es pour amĂ©liorer l’efficience Ă©nergĂ©tique des processeurs. La technique de clock-gating est particuliĂšrement usitĂ©e dans les circuits synchrones, car elle rĂ©duit l’impact de l’horloge globale, qui est la principale source d’activitĂ©. La microarchitecture KeyRing prĂ©sentĂ©e dans cette thĂšse utilise une mĂ©thode de synchronisation dĂ©centralisĂ©e et asynchrone pour rĂ©duire l’activitĂ© des circuits. Elle est dĂ©rivĂ©e du processeur AnARM, un processeur dĂ©veloppĂ© par Octasic sur la base d’une microarchitecture asynchrone ad hoc. Bien qu’il soit plus efficient en Ă©nergie que des alternatives synchrones, le AnARM est essentiellement incompatible avec les mĂ©thodes de synthĂšse et d’analyse temporelle statique standards. De plus, sa technique de conception ad hoc ne s’inscrit que partiellement dans les paradigmes de conceptions asynchrones. Cette thĂšse propose une approche rigoureuse pour dĂ©finir les principes gĂ©nĂ©raux de cette technique de conception ad hoc, en faisant levier sur la littĂ©rature asynchrone. La microarchitecture KeyRing qui en rĂ©sulte est dĂ©veloppĂ©e en association avec une mĂ©thode de conception automatisĂ©e, qui permet de s’affranchir des incompatibilitĂ©s natives existant entre les outils de conception et les systĂšmes asynchrones. La mĂ©thode proposĂ©e permet de pleinement mettre Ă  profit les flots de conception standards de l’industrie microĂ©lectronique pour rĂ©aliser la synthĂšse et la vĂ©rification des circuits KeyRing. Cette thĂšse propose Ă©galement des protocoles expĂ©rimentaux, dont le but est de renforcer la relation de causalitĂ© entre la microarchitecture KeyRing et une rĂ©duction de la consommation Ă©nergĂ©tique des processeurs, comparativement Ă  des alternatives synchrones Ă©quivalentes.----------ABSTRACT Over the last years, microprocessors have had to increase their performances while keeping their power envelope within tight bounds, as dictated by the needs of various markets: from the ultra-low power requirements of the IoT, to the electrical power consumption budget in enterprise servers, by way of passive cooling and day-long battery life in mobile devices. This high demand for power-efficient processors, coupled with the limitations of technology scaling—which no longer provides improved performances at constant power densities—, is leading designers to explore new microarchitectures with the goal of pulling more performances out of a fixed power budget. This work enters into this trend by proposing a new processor microarchitecture, called KeyRing, having a low-power design intent. The switching activity of integrated circuits—i.e. transistors switching on and off—directly affects their dynamic power consumption. Circuit-level design techniques such as clock-gating are widely adopted as they dramatically reduce the impact of the global clock in synchronous circuits, which constitutes the main source of switching activity. The KeyRing microarchitecture presented in this work uses an asynchronous clocking scheme that relies on decentralized synchronization mechanisms to reduce the switching activity of circuits. It is derived from the AnARM, a power-efficient ARM processor developed by Octasic using an ad hoc asynchronous microarchitecture. Although it delivers better power-efficiency than synchronous alternatives, it is for the most part incompatible with standard timing-driven synthesis and Static Timing Analysis (STA). In addition, its design style does not fit well within the existing asynchronous design paradigms. This work lays the foundations for a more rigorous definition of this rather unorthodox design style, using circuits and methods coming from the asynchronous literature. The resulting KeyRing microarchitecture is developed in combination with Electronic Design Automation (EDA) methods that alleviate incompatibility issues related to ad hoc clocking, enabling timing-driven optimizations and verifications of KeyRing circuits using industry-standard design flows. In addition to bridging the gap with standard design practices, this work also proposes comprehensive experimental protocols that aims to strengthen the causal relation between the reported asynchronous microarchitecture and a reduced power consumption compared with synchronous alternatives. The main achievement of this work is a framework that enables the architectural exploration of circuits using the KeyRing microarchitecture