664 research outputs found

    Toward an Effective Automated Tracing Process

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    Traceability is defined as the ability to establish, record, and maintain dependency relations among various software artifacts in a software system, in both a forwards and backwards direction, throughout the multiple phases of the project’s life cycle. The availability of traceability information has been proven vital to several software engineering activities such as program comprehension, impact analysis, feature location, software reuse, and verification and validation (V&V). The research on automated software traceability has noticeably advanced in the past few years. Various methodologies and tools have been proposed in the literature to provide automatic support for establishing and maintaining traceability information in software systems. This movement is motivated by the increasing attention traceability has been receiving as a critical element of any rigorous software development process. However, despite these major advances, traceability implementation and use is still not pervasive in industry. In particular, traceability tools are still far from achieving performance levels that are adequate for practical applications. Such low levels of accuracy require software engineers working with traceability tools to spend a considerable amount of their time verifying the generated traceability information, a process that is often described as tedious, exhaustive, and error-prone. Motivated by these observations, and building upon a growing body of work in this area, in this dissertation we explore several research directions related to enhancing the performance of automated tracing tools and techniques. In particular, our work addresses several issues related to the various aspects of the IR-based automated tracing process, including trace link retrieval, performance enhancement, and the role of the human in the process. Our main objective is to achieve performance levels, in terms of accuracy, efficiency, and usability, that are adequate for practical applications, and ultimately to accomplish a successful technology transfer from research to industry

    Utilizing traceable software artifacts to improve bug localization

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    Die Entwicklung von Softwaresystemen ist eine komplexe Aufgabe. Qualitätssicherung versucht auftretenden Softwarefehler (bugs) in Systemen zu vermeiden, jedoch können Fehler nie ausgeschlossen werden. Sobald ein Softwarefehler entdeckt wird, wird typischerweise ein Fehlerbericht (bug report) erstellt. Dieser dient als Ausgangspunkt für den Entwickler den Fehler im Quellcode der Software zu finden und zu beheben (bug fixing). Fehlerberichte sowie weitere Softwareartefakte, z.B. Anforderungen und der Quellcode selbst, werden in Software Repositories abgelegt. Diese erlauben die Artefakte mit trace links zur Nachvollziehbarkeit (traceability) zu verknüpfen. Oftmals ist die Erstellung der trace links im Entwicklungsprozess vorgeschrieben. Dazu zählen u.a. die Luftfahrt- und Automobilindustrie, sowie die Entwicklung von medizinischen Geräten. Das Auffinden von Softwarefehlern in großen Systemen mit tausenden Artefakten ist eine anspruchsvolle, zeitintensive und fehleranfällige Aufgabe, welche eine umfangreiche Projektkenntnis erfordert. Deswegen wird seit Jahren aktiv an der Automatisierung dieses Prozesses geforscht. Weiterhin wird die manuelle Erstellung und Pflege von trace links als Belastung empfunden und sollte weitgehend automatisiert werden. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuartiger Algorithmus zum Auffinden von Softwarefehlern vorgestellt, der aktiv die erstellten trace links ausnutzt. Die Artefakte und deren Beziehungen dienen zur Erstellung eines Nachvollziehbarkeitsgraphen, welcher analysiert wird um fehlerhafte Quellcodedateien anhand eines Fehlerberichtes zu finden. Jedoch muss angenommen werden, dass nicht alle notwendigen trace links zwischen den Softwareartefakten eines Projektes erstellt wurden. Deswegen wird ein vollautomatisierter, projektunabhängiger Ansatz vorgestellt, der diese fehlenden trace links erstellt (augmentation). Die Grundlage zur Entwicklung dieses Algorithmus ist der typische Entwicklungsprozess eines Softwareprojektes. Die entwickelten Ansätze wurden mit mehr als 32.000 Fehlerberichten von 27 Open-Source Projekten evaluiert und die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Einbeziehung von traceability signifikant das Auffinden von Fehlern im Quellcode verbessert. Weiterhin kann der entwickelte Augmentation Algorithmus zuverlässig fehlende trace links erstellen.The development of software systems is a very complex task. Quality assurance tries to prevent defects – software bugs – in deployed systems, but it is impossible to avoid bugs all together, especially during development. Once a bug is observed, typically a bug report is written. It guides the responsible developer to locate the bug in the project's source code, and once found to fix it. The bug reports, along with other development artifacts such as requirements and the source code are stored in software repositories. The repositories also allow to create relationships – trace links – among contained artifacts. Establishing this traceability is demanded in many domains, such as safety related ones like the automotive and aviation industry, or in development of medical devices. However, in large software systems with thousands of artifacts, especially source code files, manually locating a bug is time consuming, error-prone, and requires extensive knowledge of the project. Thus, automating the bug localization process is actively researched since many years. Further, manually creating and maintaining trace links is often considered as a burden, and there is the need to automate this task as well. Multiple studies have shown, that traceability is beneficial for many software development tasks. This thesis presents a novel bug localization algorithm utilizing traceability. The project's artifacts and trace links are used to create a traceability graph. This graph is then analyzed to locate defective source code files for a given bug report. Since the existing trace link set of a project is possibly incomplete, another algorithm is prosed to augment missing links. The algorithm is fully automated, project independent, and derived from a project's development workflow. An evaluation on more than 32,000 bug reports from 27 open-source projects shows, that incorporating traceability information into bug localization significantly improves the bug localization performance compared to two state of the art algorithms. Further, the trace link augmentation approach reliably constructs missing links and therefore simplifies the required trace maintenance

    Information Retrieval-Based Optimization Approaches for Requirement Traceability Recovery

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    Requirements traceability provides support for important software engineering activities. Requirements traceability recovery (RTR) is becoming increasingly important due to the numerous benefits to the overall quality of software. Improving the RTR problem has become an active topic of research for software engineers; researchers have proposed a number of approaches for improving and automating RTR across the requirements and the source code of the system. Textual analysis and Information Retrieval (IR) techniques have been applied to the RTR problem for many years; however, most of the existing IR-based methodologies applied to the RTR problem are semiautomatic or time-consuming, even though many links are correctly recovered using IR. Thus, there is a need for effective and innovative approaches for automatization in the RTR problem. In this research, we study IR techniques applied to the RTR problem to determine the optimal alternative to RTR across the textual content of requirements and system source code, and propose innovative methodologies based on computational intelligence combine with IR to achieve automatization. We approach the study of the RTR problem as an optimization problem; the problem is formulated as a multi or mono objective search in which we assign one-to-many relationships between each requirement and source code classes by considering similarity in their textual content. The Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) and Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), when combined with IR techniques, appear to provide promising alternatives for finding a complete and accurate list of traceability links. We adapt the NGSA-II and ABC algorithms to solve the RTR problem, generate programing tools for experimentation, and report the results on three open source projects. Results show values of precision and recall above 70%. NSGA-II and ABC are also analyzed based on time complexity using the big-O notation; results indicate NSGA-II is more time efficient and less precise than ABC

    Towards an Intelligent System for Software Traceability Datasets Generation

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    Software datasets and artifacts play a crucial role in advancing automated software traceability research. They can be used by researchers in different ways to develop or validate new automated approaches. Software artifacts, other than source code and issue tracking entities, can also provide a great deal of insight into a software system and facilitate knowledge sharing and information reuse. The diversity and quality of the datasets and artifacts within a research community have a significant impact on the accuracy, generalizability, and reproducibility of the results and consequently on the usefulness and practicality of the techniques under study. Collecting and assessing the quality of such datasets are not trivial tasks and have been reported as an obstacle by many researchers in the domain of software engineering. In this dissertation, we report our empirical work that aims to automatically generate and assess the quality of such datasets. Our goal is to introduce an intelligent system that can help researchers in the domain of software traceability in obtaining high-quality “training sets”, “testing sets” or appropriate “case studies” from open source repositories based on their needs. In the first project, we present a first-of-its-kind study to review and assess the datasets that have been used in software traceability research over the last fifteen years. It presents and articulates the current status of these datasets, their characteristics, and their threats to validity. Second, this dissertation introduces a Traceability-Dataset Quality Assessment (T-DQA) framework to categorize software traceability datasets and assist researchers to select appropriate datasets for their research based on different characteristics of the datasets and the context in which those datasets will be used. Third, we present the results of an empirical study with limited scope to generate datasets using three baseline approaches for the creation of training data. These approaches are (i) Expert-Based, (ii) Automated Web-Mining, which generates training sets by automatically mining tactic\u27s APIs from technical programming websites, and lastly, (iii) Automated Big-Data Analysis, which mines ultra-large-scale code repositories to generate training sets. We compare the trace-link creation accuracy achieved using each of these three baseline approaches and discuss the costs and benefits associated with them. Additionally, in a separate study, we investigate the impact of training set size on the accuracy of recovering trace links. Finally, we conduct a large-scale study to identify which types of software artifacts are produced by a wide variety of open-source projects at different levels of granularity. Then we propose an automated approach based on Machine Learning techniques to identify various types of software artifacts. Through a set of experiments, we report and compare the performance of these algorithms when applied to software artifacts. Finally, we conducted a study to understand how software traceability experts and practitioners evaluate the quality of their datasets. In addition, we aim at gathering experts’ opinions on all quality attributes and metrics proposed by T-DQA


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    Today, software has become deeply woven into the fabric of our lives. The quality of the software we depend on needs to be ensured at every phase of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). An analyst uses the requirements engineering process to gather and analyze system requirements in the early stages of the SDLC. An undetected problem at the beginning of the project can carry all the way through to the deployed product. The Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) serves as a tool to demonstrate how requirements are addressed by the design and implementation elements throughout the entire software development lifecycle. Creating an RTM matrix by hand is an arduous task. Manual generation of an RTM can be an error prone process as well. As the size of the requirements and design document collection grows, it becomes more challenging to ensure proper coverage of the requirements by the design elements, i.e., assure that every requirement is addressed by at least one design element. The techniques used by the existing requirements tracing tools take into account only the content of the documents to establish possible links. We expect that if we take into account the relative order of the text around the common terms within the inspected documents, we may discover candidate links with a higher accuracy. The aim of this research is to demonstrate how we can apply machine learning algorithms to software requirements engineering problems. This work addresses the problem of requirements tracing by viewing it in light of the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm and a reinforcement learning algorithm. By treating the documents as the starting (nest) and ending points (sugar piles) of a path and the terms used in the documents as connecting nodes, a possible link can be established and strengthened by attracting more agents (ants) onto a path between the two documents by using pheromone deposits. The results of the work show that ACO and RL can successfully establish links between two sets of documents

    Heterogeneous Metric Learning with Content-Based Regularization for Software Artifact Retrieval

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    The problem of software artifact retrieval has the goal to effectively locate software artifacts, such as a piece of source code, in a large code repository. This problem has been traditionally addressed through the textual query. In other words, information retrieval techniques will be exploited based on the textual similarity between queries and textual representation of software artifacts, which is generated by collecting words from comments, identifiers, and descriptions of programs. However, in addition to these semantic information, there are rich information embedded in source codes themselves. These source codes, if analyzed properly, can be a rich source for enhancing the efforts of software artifact retrieval. To this end, in this paper, we develop a feature extraction method on source codes. Specifically, this method can capture both the inherent information in the source codes and the semantic information hidden in the comments, descriptions, and identifiers of the source codes. Moreover, we design a heterogeneous metric learning approach, which allows to integrate code features and text features into the same latent semantic space. This, in turn, can help to measure the artifact similarity by exploiting the joint power of both code and text features. Finally, extensive experiments on real-world data show that the proposed method can help to improve the performances of software artifact retrieval with a significant margin

    Can Clustering Improve Requirements Traceability? A Tracelab-enabled Study

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    Software permeates every aspect of our modern lives. In many applications, such in the software for airplane flight controls, or nuclear power control systems software failures can have catastrophic consequences. As we place so much trust in software, how can we know if it is trustworthy? Through software assurance, we can attempt to quantify just that. Building complex, high assurance software is no simple task. The difficult information landscape of a software engineering project can make verification and validation, the process by which the assurance of a software is assessed, very difficult. In order to manage the inevitable information overload of complex software projects, we need software traceability, the ability to describe and follow the life of a requirement, in both forwards and backwards direction. The Center of Excellence for Software Traceability (CoEST) has created a compelling research agenda with the goal of ubiquitous traceability by 2035. As part of this goal, they have developed TraceLab, a visual experimental workbench built to support design, implementation, and execution of traceability experiments. Through our collaboration with CoEST, we have made several contributions to TraceLab and its community. This work contributes to the goals of the traceability research community. The three key contributions are (a) a machine learning component package for TraceLab featuring six (6) classifier algorithms, five (5) clustering algorithms, and a total of over 40 components for creating TraceLab experiments, built upon the WEKA machine learning package, as well as implementing methods outside of WEKA; (b) the design for an automated tracing system that uses clustering to decompose the task of tracing into many smaller tracing subproblems; and (c) an implementation of several key components of this tracing system using TraceLab and its experimental evaluation

    Locating bugs without looking back

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    Bug localisation is a core program comprehension task in software maintenance: given the observation of a bug, e.g. via a bug report, where is it located in the source code? Information retrieval (IR) approaches see the bug report as the query, and the source code files as the documents to be retrieved, ranked by relevance. Such approaches have the advantage of not requiring expensive static or dynamic analysis of the code. However, current state-of-the-art IR approaches rely on project history, in particular previously fixed bugs or previous versions of the source code. We present a novel approach that directly scores each current file against the given report, thus not requiring past code and reports. The scoring method is based on heuristics identified through manual inspection of a small sample of bug reports. We compare our approach to eight others, using their own five metrics on their own six open source projects. Out of 30 performance indicators, we improve 27 and equal 2. Over the projects analysed, on average we find one or more affected files in the top 10 ranked files for 76% of the bug reports. These results show the applicability of our approach to software projects without history

    Clustering and its Application in Requirements Engineering

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    Large scale software systems challenge almost every activity in the software development life-cycle, including tasks related to eliciting, analyzing, and specifying requirements. Fortunately many of these complexities can be addressed through clustering the requirements in order to create abstractions that are meaningful to human stakeholders. For example, the requirements elicitation process can be supported through dynamically clustering incoming stakeholders’ requests into themes. Cross-cutting concerns, which have a significant impact on the architectural design, can be identified through the use of fuzzy clustering techniques and metrics designed to detect when a theme cross-cuts the dominant decomposition of the system. Finally, traceability techniques, required in critical software projects by many regulatory bodies, can be automated and enhanced by the use of cluster-based information retrieval methods. Unfortunately, despite a significant body of work describing document clustering techniques, there is almost no prior work which directly addresses the challenges, constraints, and nuances of requirements clustering. As a result, the effectiveness of software engineering tools and processes that depend on requirements clustering is severely limited. This report directly addresses the problem of clustering requirements through surveying standard clustering techniques and discussing their application to the requirements clustering process
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