72 research outputs found

    On the origin and evolution of RNA editing in metazoans

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    Extensive adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) editing of nuclear-transcribed mRNAs is the hallmark of metazoan transcriptional regulation. Here, by profiling the RNA editomes of 22 species that cover major groups of Holozoa, we provide substantial evidence supporting A-to-I mRNA editing as a regulatory innovation originating in the last common ancestor of extant metazoans. This ancient biochemistry process is preserved in most extant metazoan phyla and primarily targets endogenous double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) formed by evolutionarily young repeats. We also find intermolecular pairing of sense-antisense transcripts as an important mechanism for forming dsRNA substrates for A-to-I editing in some but not all lineages. Likewise, recoding editing is rarely shared across lineages but preferentially targets genes involved in neural and cytoskeleton systems in bilaterians. We conclude that metazoan A-to-I editing might first emerge as a safeguard mechanism against repeat-derived dsRNA and was later co-opted into diverse biological processes due to its mutagenic nature

    Apoptosis in hydra and an ancient function of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family

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    RNA-Seq of the Caribbean reef-building coral Orbicella faveolata (Scleractinia-Merulinidae) under bleaching and disease stress expands models of coral innate immunity

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    Climate change-driven coral disease outbreaks have led to widespread declines in coral populations. Early work on coral genomics established that corals have a complex innate immune system, and whole-transcriptome gene expression studies have revealed mechanisms by which the coral immune system responds to stress and disease. The present investigation expands bioinformatic data available to study coral molecular physiology through the assembly and annotation of a reference transcriptome of the Caribbean reef-building coral, Orbicella faveolata. Samples were collected during a warm water thermal anomaly, coral bleaching event and Caribbean yellow band disease outbreak in 2010 in Puerto Rico. Multiplex sequencing of RNA on the Illumina GAIIx platform and de novo transcriptome assembly by Trinity produced 70,745,177 raw short-sequence reads and 32,463 O. faveolata transcripts, respectively. The reference transcriptome was annotated with gene ontologies, mapped to KEGG pathways, and a predicted proteome of 20,488 sequences was generated. Protein families and signaling pathways that are essential in the regulation of innate immunity across Phyla were investigated in-depth. Results were used to develop models of evolutionarily conserved Wnt, Notch, Rig-like receptor, Nod-like receptor, and Dicer signaling. O. faveolata is a coral species that has been studied widely under climate-driven stress and disease, and the present investigation provides new data on the genes that putatively regulate its immune system

    Omics‐based molecular analyses of adhesion by aquatic invertebrates

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    Many aquatic invertebrates are associated with surfaces, using adhesives to attach to the substratum for locomotion, prey capture, reproduction, building or defence. Their intriguing and sophisticated biological glues have been the focus of study for decades. In all but a couple of specific taxa, however, the precise mechanisms by which the bioadhesives stick to surfaces underwater and (in many cases) harden have proved to be elusive. Since the bulk components are known to be based on proteins in most organisms, the opportunities provided by advancing ‘omics technologies have revolutionised bioadhesion research. Time‐consuming isolation and analysis of single molecules has been either replaced or augmented by the generation of massive data sets that describe the organism's translated genes and proteins. While these new approaches have provided resources and opportunities that have enabled physiological insights and taxonomic comparisons that were not previously possible, they do not provide the complete picture and continued multi‐disciplinarity is essential. This review covers the various ways in which ‘omics have contributed to our understanding of adhesion by aquatic invertebrates, with new data to illustrate key points. The associated challenges are highlighted and priorities are suggested for future research

    AmpuBase: a transcriptome database for eight species of apple snails (Gastropoda: Ampullariidae)

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    Gastropoda, with approximately 80,000 living species, is the largest class of Mollusca. Among gastropods, apple snails (family Ampullariidae) are globally distributed in tropical and subtropical freshwater ecosystems and many species are ecologically and economically important. Ampullariids exhibit various morphological and physiological adaptations to their respective habitats, which make them ideal candidates for studying adaptation, population divergence, speciation, and larger-scale patterns of diversity, including the biogeography of native and invasive populations. The limited availability of genomic data, however, hinders in-depth ecological and evolutionary studies of these non-model organisms.Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plat

    AmpuBase: a transcriptome database for eight species of apple snails (Gastropoda: Ampullariidae)

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    Gastropoda, with approximately 80,000 living species, is the largest class of Mollusca. Among gastropods, apple snails (family Ampullariidae) are globally distributed in tropical and subtropical freshwater ecosystems and many species are ecologically and economically important. Ampullariids exhibit various morphological and physiological adaptations to their respective habitats, which make them ideal candidates for studying adaptation, population divergence, speciation, and larger-scale patterns of diversity, including the biogeography of native and invasive populations. The limited availability of genomic data, however, hinders in-depth ecological and evolutionary studies of these non-model organisms.Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plat

    Genomic analyses reveal FoxG as an upstream regulator of wnt1 required for posterior identity specification in planarians

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    Embryonic specification of the first body axis requires the formation of an Organizer, a group of cells with the ability to instruct fates in the surrounding tissue. The existence of organizing regions in adults, i.e. during regeneration, which also requires patterning of new tissues, remains unstudied. To that aim, we study regeneration in planarians, flatworms that can regenerate any missing structure, even the head, in a few days. In planarians, as described in embryonic models, the cWNT pathway specifies the anterior-posterior axis. During the first 12-24h after amputation both wnt1 and notum (a Wnt inhibitor) are expressed in any wound, but 48 hours later they become restricted to posterior or anterior facing wounds, forming the anterior and the posterior organizers, respectively. In this study we undertook a genomic approach to further understand the mechanism that triggers the early expression of wnt1 and the specification of the posterior identity. Through ATAC-sequencing and CHIPmentation techniques we uncovered Cis-Regulatory Elements of Schmidtea mediterranea genome and analyzed them in notum and wnt1 (RNAi) animals. The result shows that already at 12 hours after amputation the chromatin structure of the wounds has changed its conformation according to the polarity of the pre-existing tissue. Analysing the DNA binding motives present in the proximal regulatory regions of genes down-regulated after wnt1 (RNAi) we found a few genes containing a TCF binding site, which include posterior Homeobox genes and chromatin remodelling proteins, suggesting that those are direct targets of the cWNT pathway and the responsible to trigger the expression of the posterior effectors. Furthermore, we have identified FoxG as an up-stream regulator of wnt1 transcription, probably though binding to an enhancer found in its first intron. Silencing of foxG inhibits the early phase of wnt1 expression and phenocopies the wnt1 (RNAi) phenotype, indicating its early role in specifying posterior versus anterior identity. Moreover, we have created a new open platform to interpret all transcriptomic and genomic results obtained (https://compgen.bio.ub.edu/PlanNET/planexp)