645 research outputs found

    Network virtualization as an integrated solution for emergency communication

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    In this paper the Virtual Private Ad Hoc Networking (VPAN) platform is introduced as an integrated networking solution for many applications that require secure transparent continuous connectivity using heterogeneous devices and network technologies. This is done by creating a virtual logical self-organizing network on top of existing network technologies reducing complexity and maintaining session continuity right from the start. One of the most interesting applications relies in the field of emergency communication with its specific needs which will be discussed in this paper and matched in detail against the architecture and features of the VPAN platform. The concept and dynamics are demonstrated and evaluated with measurements done on real hardware

    D1.3 - SUPERCLOUD Architecture Implementation

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    In this document we describe the implementation of the SUPERCLOUD architecture. The architecture provides an abstraction layer on top of which SUPERCLOUD users can realize SUPERCLOUD services encompassing secure computation workloads, secure and privacy-preserving resilient data storage and secure networking resources spanning across different cloud service providers' computation, data storage and network resources. The components of the SUPERCLOUD architecture implementation are described. Integration between the different layers of the architecture (computing security, data protection, network security) and with the facilities for security self-management is also highlighted. Finally, we provide download and installation instructions for the released software components that can be downloaded from our common SUPERCLOUD code repository

    Contemporary analysis and architecture for a generic cloud-based sensor data management platform.

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    An increasing volume of data is being generated by sensors and smart devices deployed in different areas, often far from computing facilities such as data centres. These data can be difficult to gather and process using local computing infrastructure. This is due to cost and limited resources. Cloud computing provides scalable resources that are capable of addressing such problems. However, platform-independent methods of gathering and transmitting sensor data to Clouds are not widely available. This paper presents a state-of-the-art analysis of Cloud-based sensor monitoring and data gathering platforms. It discusses their strengths and weaknesses and reviews the current trends in this area. Informed by the analysis, the paper further proposes a generic conceptual architecture for achieving a platform-neutral Cloud-based sensor monitoring and data gathering platform. We also discuss the objectives, design decisions and the implementation considerations for the conceptual architecture.IC

    Security and Privacy for Green IoT-based Agriculture: Review, Blockchain solutions, and Challenges

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    open access articleThis paper presents research challenges on security and privacy issues in the field of green IoT-based agriculture. We start by describing a four-tier green IoT-based agriculture architecture and summarizing the existing surveys that deal with smart agriculture. Then, we provide a classification of threat models against green IoT-based agriculture into five categories, including, attacks against privacy, authentication, confidentiality, availability, and integrity properties. Moreover, we provide a taxonomy and a side-by-side comparison of the state-of-the-art methods toward secure and privacy-preserving technologies for IoT applications and how they will be adapted for green IoT-based agriculture. In addition, we analyze the privacy-oriented blockchain-based solutions as well as consensus algorithms for IoT applications and how they will be adapted for green IoT-based agriculture. Based on the current survey, we highlight open research challenges and discuss possible future research directions in the security and privacy of green IoT-based agriculture

    Distributed Computing in a Pandemic

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    The current COVID-19 global pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 betacoronavirus has resulted in over a million deaths and is having a grave socio-economic impact, hence there is an urgency to find solutions to key research challenges. Much of this COVID-19 research depends on distributed computing. In this article, I review distributed architectures -- various types of clusters, grids and clouds -- that can be leveraged to perform these tasks at scale, at high-throughput, with a high degree of parallelism, and which can also be used to work collaboratively. High-performance computing (HPC) clusters will be used to carry out much of this work. Several bigdata processing tasks used in reducing the spread of SARS-CoV-2 require high-throughput approaches, and a variety of tools, which Hadoop and Spark offer, even using commodity hardware. Extremely large-scale COVID-19 research has also utilised some of the world's fastest supercomputers, such as IBM's SUMMIT -- for ensemble docking high-throughput screening against SARS-CoV-2 targets for drug-repurposing, and high-throughput gene analysis -- and Sentinel, an XPE-Cray based system used to explore natural products. Grid computing has facilitated the formation of the world's first Exascale grid computer. This has accelerated COVID-19 research in molecular dynamics simulations of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein interactions through massively-parallel computation and was performed with over 1 million volunteer computing devices using the Folding@home platform. Grids and clouds both can also be used for international collaboration by enabling access to important datasets and providing services that allow researchers to focus on research rather than on time-consuming data-management tasks

    Building the Hyperconnected Society- Internet of Things Research and Innovation Value Chains, Ecosystems and Markets

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    This book aims to provide a broad overview of various topics of Internet of Things (IoT), ranging from research, innovation and development priorities to enabling technologies, nanoelectronics, cyber-physical systems, architecture, interoperability and industrial applications. All this is happening in a global context, building towards intelligent, interconnected decision making as an essential driver for new growth and co-competition across a wider set of markets. It is intended to be a standalone book in a series that covers the Internet of Things activities of the IERC – Internet of Things European Research Cluster from research to technological innovation, validation and deployment.The book builds on the ideas put forward by the European Research Cluster on the Internet of Things Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, and presents global views and state of the art results on the challenges facing the research, innovation, development and deployment of IoT in future years. The concept of IoT could disrupt consumer and industrial product markets generating new revenues and serving as a growth driver for semiconductor, networking equipment, and service provider end-markets globally. This will create new application and product end-markets, change the value chain of companies that creates the IoT technology and deploy it in various end sectors, while impacting the business models of semiconductor, software, device, communication and service provider stakeholders. The proliferation of intelligent devices at the edge of the network with the introduction of embedded software and app-driven hardware into manufactured devices, and the ability, through embedded software/hardware developments, to monetize those device functions and features by offering novel solutions, could generate completely new types of revenue streams. Intelligent and IoT devices leverage software, software licensing, entitlement management, and Internet connectivity in ways that address many of the societal challenges that we will face in the next decade

    IntegraDos: facilitating the adoption of the Internet of Things through the integration of technologies

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    También, han sido analizados los componentes para una integración del IoT y cloud computing, concluyendo en la arquitectura Lambda-CoAP. Y por último, los desafíos para una integración del IoT y Blockchain han sido analizados junto con una evaluación de las posibilidades de los dispositivos del IoT para incorporar nodos de Blockchain. Las contribuciones de esta tesis doctoral contribuyen a acercar la adopción del IoT en la sociedad, y por tanto, a la expansión de esta prominente tecnología. Fecha de lectura de Tesis: 17 de diciembre 2018.El Internet de las Cosas (IoT) fue un nuevo concepto introducido por K. Asthon en 1999 para referirse a un conjunto identificable de objetos conectados a través de RFID. Actualmente, el IoT se caracteriza por ser una tecnología ubicua que está presente en un gran número de áreas, como puede ser la monitorización de infraestructuras críticas, sistemas de trazabilidad o sistemas asistidos para el cuidado de la salud. El IoT está cada vez más presente en nuestro día a día, cubriendo un gran abanico de posibilidades con el fin de optimizar los procesos y problemas a los que se enfrenta la sociedad. Es por ello por lo que el IoT es una tecnología prometedora que está continuamente evolucionando gracias a la continua investigación y el gran número de dispositivos, sistemas y componentes emergidos cada día. Sin embargo, los dispositivos involucrados en el IoT se corresponden normalmente con dispositivos embebidos con limitaciones de almacenamiento y procesamiento, así como restricciones de memoria y potencia. Además, el número de objetos o dispositivos conectados a Internet contiene grandes previsiones de crecimiento para los próximos años, con unas expectativas de 500 miles de millones de objetos conectados para 2030. Por lo tanto, para dar cabida a despliegues globales del IoT, además de suplir las limitaciones que existen, es necesario involucrar nuevos sistemas y paradigmas que faciliten la adopción de este campo. El principal objetivo de esta tesis doctoral, conocida como IntegraDos, es facilitar la adopción del IoT a través de la integración con una serie de tecnologías. Por un lado, ha sido abordado cómo puede ser facilitada la gestión de sensores y actuadores en dispositivos físicos sin tener que acceder y programar las placas de desarrollo. Por otro lado, un sistema para programar aplicaciones del IoT portables, adaptables, personalizadas y desacopladas de los dispositivos ha sido definido
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