17 research outputs found

    Incremental loading in the persistent C++ language E

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    "February 1994." "To appear in Journal of object-oriented programming."Includes bibliographical references (p. 18).Supported by the Productivity From Information Technology (PROFIT) Research Initiative at MIT.Murali Vemulapati, D. Sriram, Amar Gupta

    A Loader for Executing Multi-Binary Applications on the Thinking Machines CM-5: It's Not Just for SPMD Anymore

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    The Thinking Machines CM-5 platform was designed to run single program, multiple data (SPMD) applications, i.e., to run a single binary across all nodes of a partition, with each node possibly operating on different data. Certain classes of applications, such as multi-disciplinary computational fluid dynamics codes, are facilitated by the ability to have subsets of the partition nodes running different binaries. In order to extend the CM-5 system software to permit such applications, a multi-program loader was developed. This system is based on the dld loader which was originally developed for workstations. This paper provides a high level description of dld, and describes how it was ported to the CM-5 to provide support for multi-binary applications. Finally, it elaborates how the loader has been used to implement the CM-5 version of MPIRUN, a portable facility for running multi-disciplinary/multi-zonal MPI (Message-Passing Interface Standard) codes

    Layered, server-based support for Object-Oriented application development

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    Journal ArticleThis paper advocates the idea that the physical modularity (file structure) of application components supported by conventional OS environments can be elevated to the level of logical modularity, which in turn can directly support application development in an object-oriented manner. We demonstrate this idea through a system-wide server process that manages a separate logical layer of components. The server is designed to be a central operating system service responsible for mapping component instances into client address spaces. We show how this model solves some longstanding problems with the management and binding of application components in existing operating system environments. We illustrate with examples that this model's effectiveness derives from its support for the cornerstones of 0-0 programming: classes and their instances, encapsulation, and several forms of inheritance

    Ein neues Konzept zur Realisierung von Software-Kopierschutz

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    Zur sicheren Realisierung von Software Kopierschutz ist unserer Meinung nach eine zusätzliche Hardwarekomponente notwendig. Bei reinen Softwarelösungen, wie zB. einer Passwortabfrage oder dem Ausgeben einer Lizenz meldung auf dem Bildschirm, reduziert sich das Problem, einen effektiven Kopierschutz zu realisieren, auf die Aufgabe, Codemanipulationen zu verhindern. Dazu muß auf den Code wie auf Daten zugegriffen werden, zB. um Vergleichsoperationen durchführen zu können. Da aber Code und Datensegmente leicht zu trennen sind, können solche Zugriffe auf das Codesegment relativ einfach isoliert und gepatcht werden

    TEMPOS: QoS Management Middleware for Edge Cloud Computing FaaS in the Internet of Things

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    Several classes of advanced Internet of Things (IoT) applications, e.g., in the industrial manufacturing domain, call for Quality of Service (QoS) management to guarantee/control performance indicators, even in presence of many sources of "stochastic noise" in real deployment environments, from scarcely available bandwidth in a time window to concurrent usage of virtualized processing resources. This paper proposes a novel IoT-oriented middleware that i) considers and coordinates together different aspects of QoS monitoring, control, and management for different kinds of virtualized resources (from networking to processing) in a holistic way, and ii) specifically targets deployment environments where edge cloud resources are employed to enable the Serverless paradigm in the cloud continuum. The reported experimental results show how it is possible to achieve the desired QoS differentiation by coordinating heterogeneous mechanisms and technologies already available in the market. This demonstrates the feasibility of effective QoS-aware management of virtualized resources in the cloud-to-things continuum when considering a Serverless provisioning scenario, which is completely original in the related literature to the best of our knowledge

    Ein neues Konzept zur Realisierung von Software-Kopierschutz

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    Zur sicheren Realisierung von Software Kopierschutz ist unserer Meinung nach eine zusätzliche Hardwarekomponente notwendig. Bei reinen Softwarelösungen, wie zB. einer Passwortabfrage oder dem Ausgeben einer Lizenz meldung auf dem Bildschirm, reduziert sich das Problem, einen effektiven Kopierschutz zu realisieren, auf die Aufgabe, Codemanipulationen zu verhindern. Dazu muß auf den Code wie auf Daten zugegriffen werden, zB. um Vergleichsoperationen durchführen zu können. Da aber Code und Datensegmente leicht zu trennen sind, können solche Zugriffe auf das Codesegment relativ einfach isoliert und gepatcht werden

    Shared libraries in an exokernel operating system

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1997.Includes bibliographical references (p. 47).by Douglas Karl Wyatt.M.Eng

    Filtragem em dados de fluxo contínuo: uma abordagem voltada às prestadoras de serviço telefônico fixo comutado

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação.O serviço de telecomunicações que, por meio de transmissão de voz e de outros sinais, destina-se à comunicação entre pontos fixos determinados, utilizando processos de telefonia denomina-se Serviço Telefônico Fixo Comutado (STFC). As Prestadoras do STFC cobram dos seus assinantes tarifas relativas aos serviços por eles utilizados. Desta forma, todos os serviços utilizados pelos assinantes devem ser registrados e processados, resultando um fluxo contínuo de dados com volume expressivo. Esses dados precisam ser filtrados antes de serem enviados para as diversas áreas dentro de uma Prestadora de STFC. Por exemplo, a área de faturamento deve receber apenas os registros faturáveis. Neste contexto, este trabalho apresenta uma proposta para a criação de funções de filtragem de dados e sua execução de forma eficiente. Na primeira etapa é apresentada a definição de uma nova linguagem de programação chamada ICLang, voltada para a criação de filtros e transformações sobre dados. A segunda etapa define o interpretador da linguagem. Em seguida é apresentada uma forma de melhoria na eficiência e introduzidas novas funcionalidades na ICLang. Extendendo o contexto de filtragem de dados, são apresentados mecanismos para sua distribuição e introdução de processos envolvendo segurança. The service of telecommunications that, through voice transmission and other signals, is designed for communication between certain fixed points, using telephony processes is called Commuted Fixed Telephone Service (STFC). The companys of STFC charge from your subscribers relative tariffs to the services for them used. In this way, all the services used by the subscribers must be registered, resulting a continuous flow of data with expressive volume. Those data need to be filtered before being sent for the several areas inside of a company of STFC. For example the area of revenue should just receive billable registers. In this context, this work presents a proposal for the creating functions of filtering of data and its implementation efficiently. First stage shows the informal definition of a new programming language call ICLang, focused on the creation of filters and transformations on data. The second stage down the interpreter of the language. The third stage is presented a form of improvement in efficiency and introduced new features in ICLang. Extending the context, is presented in the fourth stage security and distribution

    An extensible dynamic linker for C++

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 1995.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 54-55).by Murali Krishna Vemulapati.M.S

    Diffusion de modules compilés pour le langage distribué Termite Scheme

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    Ce mémoire décrit et évalue un système de module qui améliore la migration de code dans le langage de programmation distribuée Termite Scheme. Ce système de module a la possibilité d’être utilisé dans les applications qu’elles soient distribuées ou pas. Il a pour but de faciliter la conception des programmes dans une structure modulaire et faciliter la migration de code entre les nœuds d’un système distribué. Le système de module est conçu pour le système Gambit Scheme, un compilateur et interprète du langage Scheme utilisé pour implanter Termite. Le système Termite Scheme est utilisé pour implémenter les systèmes distribués. Le problème qui est résolu est la diffusion de code compilé entre les nœuds d’un système distribué quand le nœud destination n’a aucune connaissance préalable du code qu’il reçoit. Ce problème est difficile car les nœuds sont hétérogènes, ils ont différentes architectures (x86, ARM). Notre approche permet d’identifier les modules de façon unique dans un contexte dis- tribué. La facilité d’utilisation et la portabilité ont été des facteurs importants dans la conception du système de module. Le mémoire décrit la structure des modules, leur implémentation dans Gambit et leur application. Les qualités du système de module sont démontrées par des exemples et la performance est évaluée expérimentallement.This thesis presents a module system for Termite Scheme that supports distributed computing. This module system facilitates application modularity and eases code migration between the nodes of a distributed system. This module system also works for developing non-distributed applications. The Gambit Scheme system is used to implement the distributed Termite and the Module system. The problem that is solved is the migration of compiled code between nodes of a distributed system when the receiving node has no prior knowledge of the code. This is a challenging problem because the nodes are not homogenous, they have different architectures (ARM, x86). Our approach uses a naming model for the modules that uniquely identifies them in a distributed context. Both ease of use and portability were important factors in the design of the module system. The thesis describes a module system and how it was integrated into Gambit. The system allows developing distributed modular systems. The features of this system are shown through application examples and the performance is evaluated experimentally