109 research outputs found

    Texture analysis and Its applications in biomedical imaging: a survey

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    Texture analysis describes a variety of image analysis techniques that quantify the variation in intensity and pattern. This paper provides an overview of several texture analysis approaches addressing the rationale supporting them, their advantages, drawbacks, and applications. This survey’s emphasis is in collecting and categorising over five decades of active research on texture analysis.Brief descriptions of different approaches are presented along with application examples. From a broad range of texture analysis applications, this survey’s final focus is on biomedical image analysis. An up-to-date list of biological tissues and organs in which disorders produce texture changes that may be used to spot disease onset and progression is provided. Finally, the role of texture analysis methods as biomarkers of disease is summarised.Manuscript received February 3, 2021; revised June 23, 2021; accepted September 21, 2021. Date of publication September 27, 2021; date of current version January 24, 2022. This work was supported in part by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under Grants PTDC/EMD-EMD/28039/2017, UIDB/04950/2020, PestUID/NEU/04539/2019, and CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-000016 and by FEDER-COMPETE under Grant POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028039. (Corresponding author: Rui Bernardes.)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Polyharmonic Smoothing Splines and the Multidimensional Wiener Filtering of Fractal-Like Signals

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    Motivated by the fractal-like behavior of natural images, we develop a smoothing technique that uses a regularization functional which is a fractional iterate of the Laplacian. This type of functional was initially introduced by Duchon for the approximation of nonuniformily sampled, multidimensional data. He proved that the general solution is a smoothing spline that is represented by a linear combination of radial basis functions (RBFs). Unfortunately, this is tedious to implement for images because of the poor conditioning of RBFs and their lack of decay. Here, we present a much more efficient method for the special case of a uniform grid. The key idea is to express Duchon's solution in a fractional polyharmonic B-spline basis that spans the same space as the RBFs. This allows us to derive an algorithm where the smoothing is performed by filtering in the Fourier domain. Next we prove that the above smoothing spline can be optimally tuned to provide the MMSE estimation of a fractional Brownian field corrupted by white noise. This is a strong result that not only yields the best linear filter (Wiener solution), but also the optimal interpolation space, which is not bandlimited. It also suggests a way of using the noisy data to identify the optimal parameters (order of the spline and smoothing strength), which yields a fully automatic smoothing procedure. We evaluate the performance of our algorithm by comparing it against an oracle Wiener filter, which requires the knowledge of the true noiseless power spectrum of the signal. We find that our approach performs almost as well as the oracle solution over a wide range of conditions

    On Adaptive Image Segmentation of Remotely Sensed Imagery

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    A critical step in object-oriented geospatial analysis (OBIA) is image segmentation. A single set of parameters is often not effective segmenting an image. To solve this problem, an adaptive approach to image segmentation has been proposed, which utilizes segments determined from a lower-spatial resolution image as the context to analyse a corresponding image at a higher-spatial resolution to create multiple sets of segmentation parameters to address the needs of different parts of the image. However, due to inherent differences in perceptions of a scene at different spatial resolutions and co-registration, segment boundaries from the low spatial resolution image need to be adjusted before they are applied to the high-spatial resolution image. This is a non-trivial task due to considerations such as noise, image complexity, and determining appropriate boundaries. Accordingly, an innovative method was developed. Adjustments were executed for each boundary pixel based on the minimization of an energy function characterizing local homogeneity. Adjustments are based on a structure which rewarded movement towards edges, and superior changes towards homogeneity. The adjusted segments act as the basis for the determination of segmentation parameters through a variogram based method. The developed method was tested on a set of Quickbird, and ASTER images, from a study area in Ontario, Canada. Results showed that the adjusted segmentation boundaries obtained from the lower resolution imagery were aligned well with the features in the Quickbird imagery, and segmentation maps determined using the adaptive segmentation method were superior to those created by a non-adaptive approach. This work will allow users to more easily and quickly segment large high resolution images

    Use of texture feature maps for the refinement of Information derived from digital Intraoral radiographs of lytic and sclerotic lesions

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    The aim of this study was to examine whether additional digital intraoral radiography (DIR) image preprocessing based on textural description methods improves the recognition and differentiation of periapical lesions. (1) DIR image analysis protocols incorporating clustering with the k-means approach (CLU), texture features derived from co-occurrence matrices, first-order features (FOF), gray-tone difference matrices, run-length matrices (RLM), and local binary patterns, were used to transform DIR images derived from 161 input images into textural feature maps. These maps were used to determine the capacity of the DIR representation technique to yield information about the shape of a structure, its pattern, and adequate tissue contrast. The effectiveness of the textural feature maps with regard to detection of lesions was revealed by two radiologists independently with consecutive interrater agreement. (2) High sensitivity and specificity in the recognition of radiological features of lytic lesions, i.e., radiodensity, border definition, and tissue contrast, was accomplished by CLU, FOF energy, and RLM. Detection of sclerotic lesions was refined with the use of RLM. FOF texture contributed substantially to the high sensitivity of diagnosis of sclerotic lesions. (3) Specific DIR texture-based methods markedly increased the sensitivity of the DIR technique. Therefore, application of textural feature mapping constitutes a promising diagnostic tool for improving recognition of dimension and possibly internal structure of the periapical lesions

    Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications

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    This book of Proceedings collects the papers presented at the 4th International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications, MAVEBA 2005, held 29-31 October 2005, Firenze, Italy. The workshop is organised every two years, and aims to stimulate contacts between specialists active in research and industrial developments, in the area of voice analysis for biomedical applications. The scope of the Workshop includes all aspects of voice modelling and analysis, ranging from fundamental research to all kinds of biomedical applications and related established and advanced technologies

    Analysis of Some Textured Images by Transputer

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    Texture, as a visual perception, can be easily seen by eye and often described without much difficulty. However, textural recognition and measurement by machine is a very different issue and has only recently been developed. In this thesis, a whole set of new algorithms have been developed to analyse textured images with particular reference to the requirements of soil microstructural applications. The new technology of parallel processing is used to implement and improve the complicated computations

    Mapping three-dimensional geological features from remotely-sensed images and digital elevation models.

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    Accurate mapping of geological structures is important in numerous applications, ranging from mineral exploration through to hydrogeological modelling. Remotely sensed data can provide synoptic views of study areas enabling mapping of geological units within the area. Structural information may be derived from such data using standard manual photo-geologic interpretation techniques, although these are often inaccurate and incomplete. The aim of this thesis is, therefore, to compile a suite of automated and interactive computer-based analysis routines, designed to help a the user map geological structure. These are examined and integrated in the context of an expert system. The data used in this study include Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and Airborne Thematic Mapper images, both with a spatial resolution of 5m, for a 5 x 5 km area surrounding Llyn Cow lyd, Snowdonia, North Wales. The geology of this area comprises folded and faulted Ordo vician sediments intruded throughout by dolerite sills, providing a stringent test for the automated and semi-automated procedures. The DEM is used to highlight geomorphological features which may represent surface expressions of the sub-surface geology. The DEM is created from digitized contours, for which kriging is found to provide the best interpolation routine, based on a number of quantitative measures. Lambertian shading and the creation of slope and change of slope datasets are shown to provide the most successful enhancement of DEMs, in terms of highlighting a range of key geomorphological features. The digital image data are used to identify rock outcrops as well as lithologically controlled features in the land cover. To this end, a series of standard spectral enhancements of the images is examined. In this respect, the least correlated 3 band composite and a principal component composite are shown to give the best visual discrimination of geological and vegetation cover types. Automatic edge detection (followed by line thinning and extraction) and manual interpretation techniques are used to identify a set of 'geological primitives' (linear or arc features representing lithological boundaries) within these data. Inclusion of the DEM data provides the three-dimensional co-ordinates of these primitives enabling a least-squares fit to be employed to calculate dip and strike values, based, initially, on the assumption of a simple, linearly dipping structural model. A very large number of scene 'primitives' is identified using these procedures, only some of which have geological significance. Knowledge-based rules are therefore used to identify the relevant. For example, rules are developed to identify lake edges, forest boundaries, forest tracks, rock-vegetation boundaries, and areas of geomorphological interest. Confidence in the geological significance of some of the geological primitives is increased where they are found independently in both the DEM and remotely sensed data. The dip and strike values derived in this way are compared to information taken from the published geological map for this area, as well as measurements taken in the field. Many results are shown to correspond closely to those taken from the map and in the field, with an error of < 1°. These data and rules are incorporated into an expert system which, initially, produces a simple model of the geological structure. The system also provides a graphical user interface for manual control and interpretation, where necessary. Although the system currently only allows a relatively simple structural model (linearly dipping with faulting), in the future it will be possible to extend the system to model more complex features, such as anticlines, synclines, thrusts, nappes, and igneous intrusions