487 research outputs found

    Tasks for Agent-Based Negotiation Teams:Analysis, Review, and Challenges

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    An agent-based negotiation team is a group of interdependent agents that join together as a single negotiation party due to their shared interests in the negotiation at hand. The reasons to employ an agent-based negotiation team may vary: (i) more computation and parallelization capabilities, (ii) unite agents with different expertise and skills whose joint work makes it possible to tackle complex negotiation domains, (iii) the necessity to represent different stakeholders or different preferences in the same party (e.g., organizations, countries, and married couple). The topic of agent-based negotiation teams has been recently introduced in multi-agent research. Therefore, it is necessary to identify good practices, challenges, and related research that may help in advancing the state-of-the-art in agent-based negotiation teams. For that reason, in this article we review the tasks to be carried out by agent-based negotiation teams. Each task is analyzed and related with current advances in different research areas. The analysis aims to identify special challenges that may arise due to the particularities of agent-based negotiation teams.Comment: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 201


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    La pérdida de privacidad se está convirtiendo en uno de los mayores problemas en el mundo de la informática. De hecho, la mayoría de los usuarios de Internet (que hoy en día alcanzan la cantidad de 2 billones de usuarios en todo el mundo) están preocupados por su privacidad. Estas preocupaciones también se trasladan a las nuevas ramas de la informática que están emergiendo en los ultimos años. En concreto, en esta tesis nos centramos en la privacidad en los Sistemas Multiagente. En estos sistemas, varios agentes (que pueden ser inteligentes y/o autónomos) interactúan para resolver problemas. Estos agentes suelen encapsular información personal de los usuarios a los que representan (nombres, preferencias, tarjetas de crédito, roles, etc.). Además, estos agentes suelen intercambiar dicha información cuando interactúan entre ellos. Todo esto puede resultar en pérdida de privacidad para los usuarios, y por tanto, provocar que los usuarios se muestren adversos a utilizar estas tecnologías. En esta tesis nos centramos en evitar la colección y el procesado de información personal en Sistemas Multiagente. Para evitar la colección de información, proponemos un modelo para que un agente sea capaz de decidir qué atributos (de la información personal que tiene sobre el usuario al que representa) revelar a otros agentes. Además, proporcionamos una infraestructura de agentes segura, para que una vez que un agente decide revelar un atributo a otro, sólo este último sea capaz de tener acceso a ese atributo, evitando que terceras partes puedan acceder a dicho atributo. Para evitar el procesado de información personal proponemos un modelo de gestión de las identidades de los agentes. Este modelo permite a los agentes la utilización de diferentes identidades para reducir el riesgo del procesado de información. Además, también describimos en esta tesis la implementación de dicho modelo en una plataforma de agentes.Such Aparicio, JM. (2011). ENHANCING PRIVACY IN MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/13023Palanci

    Multi-platform coordination and resource management in command and control

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    Depuis plusieurs années, nous constatons l'augmentation de l'utilisation des techniques d'agents et multiagent pour assister l'humain dans ses tâches. Ce travail de maîtrise se situe dans la même voie. Précisément, nous proposons d'utiliser les techniques multiagent de planification et de coordination pour la gestion de ressources dans les systèmes de commande et contrôle (C2) temps réel. Le problème particulier que nous avons étudié est la conception d'un système d'aide à la décision pour les opérations anti-aérienne sur les frégates canadiennes. Dans le cas où plusieurs frégates doivent se défendre contre des menaces, la coordination est un problème d'importance capitale. L'utilisation de mécanismes de coordination efficaces permet d'éviter les actions conflictuelles et la redondance dans les engagements. Dans ce mémoire, nous présentons quatre mécanismes de coordination basés sur le partage de tâche. Trois sont basés sur les communications : la coordination centrale, le Contract Net, la coordination similaire à celle proposée par Brown; tandis que la défense de zone est basée sur les lois sociales. Nous exposons enfin les résultats auxquels nous sommes arrivés en simulant ces différents mécanismes.The use of agent and multiagent techniques to assist humans in their daily routines has been increasing for many years, notably in Command and Control (C2) systems. This thesis is is situated in this domain. Precisely, we propose to use multiagent planning and coordination techniques for resource management in real-time \acs{C2} systems. The particular problem we studied is the design of a decision-support for anti-air warfare on Canadian frigates. In the case of several frigates defending against incoming threats, multiagent coordination is a complex problem of capital importance. Better coordination mechanisms are important to avoid redundancy in engagements and inefficient defence caused by conflicting actions. In this thesis, we present four different coordination mechanisms based on task sharing. Three of these mechanisms are based on communications: central coordination, Contract Net coordination and Brown coordination, while the zone defence coordination is based on social laws. Finally, we expose the results obtained while simulating these various mechanisms

    CloudAnchor Smart Contracts

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    The CloudAnchor platform allows the negotiation of IaaS Cloud resources for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME), either as resource providers or consumers. This project entails the research, design, and implementation of a solution based on smart contracts, with the goal of permanently recording and managing the contracts on a blockchain network. The usage of smart contracts enables safe contract code execution and raises the level of trust, integrity, and traceability of the platform contracts by keeping the data stored in a decentralised manner. To do so, a method to coordinate and submit transactions to the blockchain network must be implemented. The tests carried out indicate that the solution has been successfully implemented, with contract registration saved in a decentralised and safe manner. As a result, there was an increase in the platform’s execution time, caused by the new transactions made to the blockchain.A plataforma CloudAnchor permite a negociação e contratualização de recursos Cloud do tipo IaaS a pequenas e médias empresas, sejam elas fornecedoras ou clientes. Este trabalho inclui o estudo, projeto e implementação de uma solução baseada em smart contracts, com o objetivo de administrar e registar de forma permanente os contratos celebrados numa rede blockchain. A utilização de smart contracts permite executar o respetivo código de forma segura e aumentar o nível de confiança, integridade e rastreabilidade dos contratos celebrados na plataforma, guardando-os de forma descentralizada. Para tal, é necessário implementar um mecanismo de coordenação e submissão de transações para a rede blockchain. Os testes realizados permitiram concluir que a implementação da solução foi bem sucedida, passando os contratos a ficar guardados de forma descentralizada e segura. Em consequência, verificou-se um aumento do tempo de execução da plataforma provocado pelas novas transações com a blockchain

    Multi Agent Systems in Logistics: A Literature and State-of-the-art Review

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    Based on a literature survey, we aim to answer our main question: “How should we plan and execute logistics in supply chains that aim to meet today’s requirements, and how can we support such planning and execution using IT?†Today’s requirements in supply chains include inter-organizational collaboration and more responsive and tailored supply to meet specific demand. Enterprise systems fall short in meeting these requirements The focus of planning and execution systems should move towards an inter-enterprise and event-driven mode. Inter-organizational systems may support planning going from supporting information exchange and henceforth enable synchronized planning within the organizations towards the capability to do network planning based on available information throughout the network. We provide a framework for planning systems, constituting a rich landscape of possible configurations, where the centralized and fully decentralized approaches are two extremes. We define and discuss agent based systems and in particular multi agent systems (MAS). We emphasize the issue of the role of MAS coordination architectures, and then explain that transportation is, next to production, an important domain in which MAS can and actually are applied. However, implementation is not widespread and some implementation issues are explored. In this manner, we conclude that planning problems in transportation have characteristics that comply with the specific capabilities of agent systems. In particular, these systems are capable to deal with inter-organizational and event-driven planning settings, hence meeting today’s requirements in supply chain planning and execution.supply chain;MAS;multi agent systems

    On Data Management in Pervasive Computing Environments

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    Abstract—This paper presents a framework to address new data management challenges introduced by data-intensive, pervasive computing environments. These challenges include a spatio-temporal variation of data and data source availability, lack of a global catalog and schema, and no guarantee of reconnection among peers due to the serendipitous nature of the environment. An important aspect of our solution is to treat devices as semiautonomous peers guided in their interactions by profiles and context. The profiles are grounded in a semantically rich language and represent information about users, devices, and data described in terms of “beliefs,” “desires, ” and “intentions. ” We present a prototype implementation of this framework over combined Bluetooth and Ad Hoc 802.11 networks and present experimental and simulation results that validate our approach and measure system performance. Index Terms—Mobile data management, pervasive computing environments, data and knowledge representation, profile-driven caching algorithm, profile driven data management, data-centric routing algorithm. æ

    Cloud Market Maker: An automated dynamic pricing marketplace for cloud users

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    © 2015 Elsevier B.V. Abstract Cloud providers commonly incur heavy upfront set up costs which remain almost constant whether they serve a single or many customers. In order to generate a return on this investment, a suitable pricing strategy is required by providers. Established industries such as the airlines employ dynamic pricing to maximize their revenues. In order to increase their resource utilization rates, cloud providers could also use dynamic pricing for their services. At present however most providers use static schemes for pricing their resources. This work presents a new dynamic pricing mechanism for cloud providers. Furthermore, at present no platform exists that provides a dynamic unified view of the different cloud offerings in real-time. Due to a rapidly changing landscape and a limited knowledge of the cloud marketplace, consumers can often end up choosing a cloud provider that is more expensive or does not give them what they really need. This is because some providers spend significantly on advertising their services online. In order to assist cloud customers in the selection of a suitable resource and cloud providers in implementing dynamic pricing, this work describes an automated dynamic pricing marketplace and a decision support system for cloud users. We present a multi-agent multi-auction based system through which such services are delivered. An evaluation has been carried out to determine how effectively the Cloud Market Maker selects the resource, dynamically adjusts the price for the cloud users and the suitability of dynamic pricing for the cloud environment

    Interaction and communication among autonomous agents in multiagent systems

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    The main goal of this doctoral thesis is to investigate a fundamental topic of research within the Multiagent Systems paradigm: the problem of defining open, heterogeneous, and dynamic interaction frameworks. That is to realize interaction systems where multiple agents can enter and leave dynamically and where no assumptions are made on the internal structure of the interacting agents. Such topic of research has received much attention in the past few years. In particular the need to realize applications where artificial agents can interact negotiate, exchange information, resources, and services has become more and more important thanks to the advent of Internet. I started my studies by developing a trading agent that took part to an international trading on-line game: the First Trading Agent Competition (TAC). During the design and development phase of the trading agent some crucial and critical troubles emerged: the problem of accurately understanding the rules that govern the different auctions; and the problem of understanding the meaning of the numerous messages. Another general problem is that the internal structure of the developed trading agent have been strongly determined by the peculiar interface of the interaction system, consequently without any changes in its code, it would not be able to take part to any other competition on the Web. Furthermore the trading agent would not have been able to exploit opportunities, to handle unexpected situations, or to reason about the rules of the various auctions, since it is not able to understand the meaning o the exchanged messages. The presence of all those problems bears out the need to find a standard common accepted way to define open interaction systems. The most important component of every interaction framework, as is remarked also by philosophical studies on human communication is the institution of language. Therefore I start to investigate the problem of defining a standard and common accepted semantics for Agent Communication Languages (ACL). The solutions proposed so far are at best partial, and are considered as unsatisfactory by a large number of specialists. In particular, they are unable to support verifiable compliance to standards and to make agents responsible for their communicative actions. Furthermore such proposals make the strong assumption that every interacting agent may be modeled as a Belief-Desire-Intention agent. What is required is an approach focused on externally observable events as opposed to the unobservable internal states of agents. Following Speech Act Theory that views language use as a form of action, I propose an operational specification for the definition of a standard ACL based on the notion of social commitment. In such a proposal the meaning of basic communicative acts is defined as the effect that it has on the social relationship between the sender and the receiver described through operation on an unambiguous, objective, and public "object": the commitment. The adoption of the notion of commitment is crucial to stabilize the interaction among agents, to create an expectation on other agents behavior, to enable agents to reason about their and other agents actions. The proposed ACL is verifiable, that is, it is possible to determine if an agent is behaving in accordance to its communicative actions; the semantics is objective, independent of the agent's internal structure, flexible and extensible, simple, yet enough expressive. A complete operational specification of an interaction framework using the proposed commitment-based ACL is presented. In particular some sample applications of how to use the proposed framework to formalize interaction protocols are reported. A list of soundness conditions to test if a protocol is sound is proposed