8 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Merge Conflicts and Resolutions in Git-based Open Source Projects

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    International audienceVersion control systems such as Git support parallel collaborative work and became very widespread in the open-source community. While Git offers some very interesting features, resolving conflicts that arise during synchronization of parallel changes is a time-consuming task. In this paper we present an analysis of concurrency and conflicts in official Git repository of four projects: Rails, IkiWiki, Samba and Linux Kernel. We analyse the collaboration process of these projects at specific periods revealing how change integration and conflict rates vary during project development life-cycle. We also analyse how often users decide to rollback to previous document version when the integration process generates conflicts. Finally, we discuss the mechanism adopted by Git to consider changes made on two continuous lines as conflicting

    Особенности Управления Экологическими Затратами

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    The article shows the essence of environmental protection costs, related to the environmental protection of a number of construction companies, as well as the need to form and implement an effective environmental strategy. The article examines the approaches of management accounting to the value and quantitative assessment of environmental protection costs. A cost management mechanism has been developed in the framework of the “business – process – function” categories, based on the acquisition of certain functions by costs at the intersection of functions and business processes, including the conditions necessary for accounting: accuracy, efficiency and quality of accounting data. The developed methodology for the functional and process accounting of environmental protection costs makes it possible to identify the costs by processes and functional blocks and ensure the creation of high-quality accounting information on the formation of environmental protection costs and their results.El artículo muestra la esencia de los costos de protección ambiental, relacionados con la protección ambiental de varias compañías de construcción, así como la necesidad de formar e implementar una estrategia ambiental efectiva. El artículo examina los enfoques de la contabilidad de gestión para el valor y la evaluación cuantitativa de los costos de protección ambiental. Se ha desarrollado un mecanismo de gestión de costos en el marco de las categorías de "función de proceso de negocio", basado en la adquisición de ciertas funciones por costos en la intersección de funciones y procesos de negocio, incluidas las condiciones necesarias para la contabilidad: precisión, eficiencia y Calidad de los datos contables. La metodología desarrollada para la contabilidad funcional y de procesos de los costos de protección ambiental permite identificar los costos por procesos y bloques funcionales y garantizar la creación de información contable de alta calidad sobre la formación de los costos de protección ambiental y sus resultados.В статье раскрывается сущность затрат на охрану окружающей среды, связанных с охраной окружающей среды ряда строительных компаний, а также необходимость формирования и реализации эффективной природоохранной стратегии. В статье изучены подходы управленческого учета к стоимостной и количественной оценке природоохранных затрат. Разработан механизм управления затратами в рамках категорий «бизнес-процесс-функция», основанный на приобретении определенных функций затратами, при пересечении функций и бизнес-процессов, включающий в себя условия, необходимые для учета: достоверность, оперативность и качество учетных данных. Разработанная методология функционального и технологического учета затрат на охрану окружающей среды позволяет идентифицировать затраты по процессам и функциональным блокам и обеспечить создание качественной учетной информации о формировании затрат на охрану окружающей среды и их результатах

    Keynote: From groupware to large-scale trustworthy distributed collaborative systems

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    International audienceDistributed collaborative systems allow users to collaborate on a set of shared documents from any place, at any time and from any device. Examples of collaborative systems are wikis, version control systems or GoogleDrive. While 30 years ago when these collaborative systems were firstly developed they were used in scenarios involving only a small set of users such as for the writing of a research article, nowadays we notice a change in the scale from several users to a community of users. The large-scale collaboration is now possible due to advances in mobile and ubiquitous communication that enable users to be continuously connected and to the appropriation of existing tools by the users. However, existing collaborative systems face several challenges including privacy issues as personal user information is placed in the hands of large corporations and users have little control over the usage of their data, performance and coordination issues in the large-scale context. In this talk we will illustrate the evolution of collaborative systems in the past years and describe our vision of trustworthy distributed collaborative systems where communities of users can safely and confidently collaborate without the use of a central authority. We will focus on envisaged solutions for replicated data consistency, security, trust and awareness in this context. As human factor is a key issue in the design of trustworthy distributed collaborative systems, we call for the need of evaluation of these systems with user studies

    Time-position characterization of conflicts: a case study of collaborative editing

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    International audienceCollaborative editing (CE) became increasingly common, often compulsory in academia and industry where people work in teams and are distributed across space and time. We aim to study collabora-tive editing behavior in terms of collaboration patterns users adopt and in terms of a characterisation of conflicts, i.e. edits from different users that occur close in time and position in the document. The process of a CE can be split into several editing 'sessions' which are performed by a single author ('single-authored session') or several authors ('co-authored session'). This fragmentation process requires a pre-defined 'maximum time gap' between sessions which is not yet well defined in previous studies. In this study, we analysed CE logs of 108 collaboratively edited documents. We show how to establish a suitable 'maximum time gap' to split CE activities into sessions by evaluating the distribution of the time distance between two adjacent sessions. We studied editing activities inside each 'co-author session' in order to define potential conflicts in terms of time and position dimensions before they occur in the document. We also analysed how many of these potential conflicts become real conflicts. Findings show that potential conflicting cases are few. However, they are more likely to become real conflicts