167 research outputs found

    Shear-promoted drug encapsulation into red blood cells: a CFD model and μ-PIV analysis

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    The present work focuses on the main parameters that influence shear-promoted encapsulation of drugs into erythrocytes. A CFD model was built to investigate the fluid dynamics of a suspension of particles flowing in a commercial micro channel. Micro Particle Image Velocimetry (μ-PIV) allowed to take into account for the real properties of the red blood cell (RBC), thus having a deeper understanding of the process. Coupling these results with an analytical diffusion model, suitable working conditions were defined for different values of haematocrit

    Optimal locations and computational frameworks of FSR and IMU sensors for measuring gait abnormalities

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    Neuromuscular diseases cause abnormal joint movements and drastically alter gait patterns in patients. The analysis of abnormal gait patterns can provide clinicians with an in-depth insight into implementing appropriate rehabilitation therapies. Wearable sensors are used to measure the gait patterns of neuromuscular patients due to their non-invasive and cost-efficient characteristics. FSR and IMU sensors are the most popular and efficient options. When assessing abnormal gait patterns, it is important to determine the optimal locations of FSRs and IMUs on the human body, along with their computational framework. The gait abnormalities of different types and the gait analysis systems based on IMUs and FSRs have therefore been investigated. After studying a variety of research articles, the optimal locations of the FSR and IMU sensors were determined by analysing the main pressure points under the feet and prime anatomical locations on the human body. A total of seven locations (the big toe, heel, first, third, and fifth metatarsals, as well as two close to the medial arch) can be used to measure gate cycles for normal and flat feet. It has been found that IMU sensors can be placed in four standard anatomical locations (the feet, shank, thigh, and pelvis). A section on computational analysis is included to illustrate how data from the FSR and IMU sensors are processed. Sensor data is typically sampled at 100 Hz, and wireless systems use a range of microcontrollers to capture and transmit the signals. The findings reported in this article are expected to help develop efficient and cost-effective gait analysis systems by using an optimal number of FSRs and IMUs

    Assist-as-needed EMG-based control strategy for wearable powered assistive devices

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Eletrónica Médica)Robotic-based gait rehabilitation and assistance using Wearable Powered Assistive Devices (WPADs), such as orthosis and exoskeletons, has been growing in the rehabilitation area to recover and augment the motor function of neurologically impaired subjects. These WPADs should provide a personalized assistance, since physical condition and muscular fatigue modify from patient to patient. In this field, electromyography (EMG) signals have been used to control WPADs given their ability to infer the user’s motion intention. However, in cases of motor disability conditions, EMG signals present lower magnitudes when compared to EMG signals under healthy conditions. Thus, the use of WPADs managed by EMG signals may not have potential to provide the assistance that the patient requires. The main goal of this dissertation aims the development of an Assisted-As-Needed (AAN) EMG-based control strategy for a future insertion in a Smart Active Orthotic System (SmartOs). To achieve this goal, the following elements were developed and validated: (i) an EMG system to acquire muscle activity signals from the most relevant muscles during the motion of the ankle joint; (ii) machine learning-based tool for ankle joint torque estimation to serve as reference in the AAN EMG-based control strategy; and (iii) a tool for real EMG-based torque estimation using Tibialis Anterior (TA) and Gastrocnemius Lateralis (GASL) muscles and real ankle joint angles. EMG system showed satisfactory pattern correlations with a commercial system. The reference ankle joint torque was generated based on predicted reference ankle joint kinematics, walking speed information (from 1 to 4 km/h) and anthropometric data (body height from 1.51 m to 1.83 m and body mass from 52.0 kg to 83.7 kg), using five machine learning algorithms: Support Vector Regression (SVR), Random Forest (RF), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). CNN provided the best performance, predicting the reference ankle joint torque with fitting curves ranging from 74.7 to 89.8 % and Normalized Root Mean Square Errors (NRMSEs) between 3.16 and 8.02 %. EMG-based torque estimation beneficiates of a higher number of muscles, since EMG data from TA and GASL are not enough to estimate the real ankle joint torque.A assistência e reabilitação robótica usando dispositivos de assistência ativos vestíveis (WPADs), como ortóteses e exosqueletos, tem crescido na área da reabilitação com o fim de recuperar e aumentar a função motora de sujeitos com alterações neurológicas. Estes dispositivos devem fornecer uma assistência personalizada, uma vez que a condição física e a fadiga muscular variam de paciente para paciente. Nesta área, sinais de eletromiografia (EMG) têm sido usados para controlar WPADs, dada a sua capacidade de inferir a intenção de movimento do utilizador. Contudo, em casos de deficiência motora, os sinais de EMG apresentam menor amplitude quando comparados com sinais de EMG em condições saudáveis e, portanto, o uso de WPADs geridos por sinais de EMG pode não oferecer a assistência que o paciente necessita. O principal objetivo desta dissertação visa o desenvolvimento de uma estratégia de controlo baseada em EMG capaz de fornecer assistência quando necessário, para futura integração num sistema ortótico ativo e inteligente (SmartOs). Para atingir este objetivo foram desenvolvidos e validados os seguintes elementos: (i) sistema de EMG para adquirir sinais de atividade muscular dos músculos mais relevantes no movimento da articulação do tornozelo; (ii) ferramenta de machine learning para estimação do binário da articulação do tornozelo para servir como referência na estratégia de controlo; e (iii) ferramenta de estimação do binário real do tornozelo considerando sinais de EMG dos músculos Tibialis Anterior (TA) e Gastrocnemius Lateralis (GASL) e ângulo real do tornozelo. O sistema de EMG apresentou correlações satisfatórias com um sistema comercial. O binário de referência para o tornozelo foi gerado com base no ângulo de referência da mesma articulação, velocidade de marcha (de 1 até 4 km/h) e dados antropométricos (alturas de 1.51 m até 1.83 e massas de 52.0 kg até 83.7 kg), usando cinco algoritmos de machine learning: Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, Multilayer Perceptron, Long-Short Term Memory e Convolutional Neural Network. CNN apresentou a melhor performance, prevendo binários de referência do tornozelo com um fit entre 74.7 e 89.8 % e Normalized Root Mean Square Errors (NRMSE) entre 3.16 e 8.02 %. A estimativa do torque com base em sinais de EMG requer a inclusão de um maior número de músculos, uma vez que sinais de EMG dos músculos TA e GASL não foram suficientes

    Wearable Movement Sensors for Rehabilitation: From Technology to Clinical Practice

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    This Special Issue shows a range of potential opportunities for the application of wearable movement sensors in motor rehabilitation. However, the papers surely do not cover the whole field of physical behavior monitoring in motor rehabilitation. Most studies in this Special Issue focused on the technical validation of wearable sensors and the development of algorithms. Clinical validation studies, studies applying wearable sensors for the monitoring of physical behavior in daily life conditions, and papers about the implementation of wearable sensors in motor rehabilitation are under-represented in this Special Issue. Studies investigating the usability and feasibility of wearable movement sensors in clinical populations were lacking. We encourage researchers to investigate the usability, acceptance, feasibility, reliability, and clinical validity of wearable sensors in clinical populations to facilitate the application of wearable movement sensors in motor rehabilitation

    Human Activity Recognition and Control of Wearable Robots

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    abstract: Wearable robotics has gained huge popularity in recent years due to its wide applications in rehabilitation, military, and industrial fields. The weakness of the skeletal muscles in the aging population and neurological injuries such as stroke and spinal cord injuries seriously limit the abilities of these individuals to perform daily activities. Therefore, there is an increasing attention in the development of wearable robots to assist the elderly and patients with disabilities for motion assistance and rehabilitation. In military and industrial sectors, wearable robots can increase the productivity of workers and soldiers. It is important for the wearable robots to maintain smooth interaction with the user while evolving in complex environments with minimum effort from the user. Therefore, the recognition of the user's activities such as walking or jogging in real time becomes essential to provide appropriate assistance based on the activity. This dissertation proposes two real-time human activity recognition algorithms intelligent fuzzy inference (IFI) algorithm and Amplitude omega (AωA \omega) algorithm to identify the human activities, i.e., stationary and locomotion activities. The IFI algorithm uses knee angle and ground contact forces (GCFs) measurements from four inertial measurement units (IMUs) and a pair of smart shoes. Whereas, the AωA \omega algorithm is based on thigh angle measurements from a single IMU. This dissertation also attempts to address the problem of online tuning of virtual impedance for an assistive robot based on real-time gait and activity measurement data to personalize the assistance for different users. An automatic impedance tuning (AIT) approach is presented for a knee assistive device (KAD) in which the IFI algorithm is used for real-time activity measurements. This dissertation also proposes an adaptive oscillator method known as amplitude omega adaptive oscillator (AωAOA\omega AO) method for HeSA (hip exoskeleton for superior augmentation) to provide bilateral hip assistance during human locomotion activities. The AωA \omega algorithm is integrated into the adaptive oscillator method to make the approach robust for different locomotion activities. Experiments are performed on healthy subjects to validate the efficacy of the human activities recognition algorithms and control strategies proposed in this dissertation. Both the activity recognition algorithms exhibited higher classification accuracy with less update time. The results of AIT demonstrated that the KAD assistive torque was smoother and EMG signal of Vastus Medialis is reduced, compared to constant impedance and finite state machine approaches. The AωAOA\omega AO method showed real-time learning of the locomotion activities signals for three healthy subjects while wearing HeSA. To understand the influence of the assistive devices on the inherent dynamic gait stability of the human, stability analysis is performed. For this, the stability metrics derived from dynamical systems theory are used to evaluate unilateral knee assistance applied to the healthy participants.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Aerospace Engineering 201

    Application of wearable sensors in actuation and control of powered ankle exoskeletons: a Comprehensive Review

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    Powered ankle exoskeletons (PAEs) are robotic devices developed for gait assistance, rehabilitation, and augmentation. To fulfil their purposes, PAEs vastly rely heavily on their sensor systems. Human–machine interface sensors collect the biomechanical signals from the human user to inform the higher level of the control hierarchy about the user’s locomotion intention and requirement, whereas machine–machine interface sensors monitor the output of the actuation unit to ensure precise tracking of the high-level control commands via the low-level control scheme. The current article aims to provide a comprehensive review of how wearable sensor technology has contributed to the actuation and control of the PAEs developed over the past two decades. The control schemes and actuation principles employed in the reviewed PAEs, as well as their interaction with the integrated sensor systems, are investigated in this review. Further, the role of wearable sensors in overcoming the main challenges in developing fully autonomous portable PAEs is discussed. Finally, a brief discussion on how the recent technology advancements in wearable sensors, including environment—machine interface sensors, could promote the future generation of fully autonomous portable PAEs is provided
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