20 research outputs found

    A Wearable Platform for Patient Monitoring during Mass Casualty Incidents

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    Based on physiological data, intelligent algorithms can assist with the classification and recognition of the most severely impaired victims. This book presents a new sensorbased triage platform with the main proposal to join different sensor and communications technologies into a portable device. This new device must be able to assist the rescue units along with the tactical planning of the operation. This work discusses the implementation and the evaluation of the platform

    A Wearable Platform for Patient Monitoring during Mass Casualty Incidents

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    Based on physiological data, intelligent algorithms can assist with the classification and recognition of the most severely impaired victims. This dissertation presents a new sensorbased triage platform with the main proposal to join different sensor and communications technologies into a portable device. This new device must be able to assist the rescue units along with the tactical planning of the operation. This dissertation discusses the implementation and the evaluation of the platform


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    In recent years, COVID-19 highlighted the importance of virtual health solutions with regard to improving patient health and conserving valuable hospital resources. Currently, the Defense Health Agency (DHA) does not own a remote patient-monitoring solution and relies on external commercial entities to provide the application and services. This could potentially lead to the DHA not retaining complete data ownership when patient data would reside on or traverse through commercial remote patient-monitoring solutions. This thesis evaluates BioZen, a DHA-owned biomedical sensor concentrator designed to run on a mobile phone, as a remote patient-monitoring tool. From this analysis, several key measures of effectiveness and measures of performance for remote patient-monitoring tools are identified and operationalized to measure the overall value BioZen brings to the DHA. Based on this research, it was found that the current build of BioZen, 2.0.0, is unable to meet any of the measures outlined in the study as a remote patient-monitoring tool. A future build of BioZen, or any remote patient-monitoring tool, could then be assessed using the measures of effectiveness and measures of performance within this study to determine the overall value brought to the DHA.Defense Health Agency, 7700 Arlington Boulevard, Falls Church, VA 22042Captain, United States ArmyLieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    mHealth Engineering: A Technology Review

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    In this paper, we review the technological bases of mobile health (mHealth). First, we derive a component-based mHealth architecture prototype from an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)-based multistage research and filter process. Second, we analyze medical databases with regard to these prototypic mhealth system components.. We show the current state of research literature concerning portable devices with standard and additional equipment, data transmission technology, interface, operating systems and software embedment, internal and external memory, and power-supply issues. We also focus on synergy effects by combining different mHealth technologies (e.g., BT-LE combined with RFID link technology). Finally, we also make suggestions for future improvements in mHealth technology (e.g., data-protection issues, energy supply, data processing and storage)

    Droid Jacket: sistema de monitorização móvel de uma equipa

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    Mestrado em Engenharia dos Computadores e TelemáticaOs profissionais de emergência lidam no seu quotidiano com situações de perigo, agindo muitas vezes sob pressão, expondo-se a níveis de stress e fadiga por períodos extensos, causando um impacto negativo nas suas vidas e saúde. Neste contexto, a utilização de novas soluções a partir de tecnologias vestíveis, redes de sensores e dispositivos móveis cria a oportunidade de oferecer um acompanhamento mais próximo, com o objectivo de detectar situações de perigo e dar suporte a equipas de profissionais de emergência médica em campo. No entanto, existem muito poucas soluções voltadas para a utilização sinérgica destas tecnologias emergentes que dêem suporte integrado a monitorização de uma equipa. Nesta dissertação propomos uma arquitectura conceptual de software (TeamMonitor) para agregação, análise e disseminação de informação direccionada para a monitorização de equipas na acção. Team Monitor e sustentada na noção de nós de coordenação centrais, que são responsáveis pela recolha de dados de diferentes fontes (ex.: vários profissionais de emergência) e subsequente fluxos de trabalho para análise, incluindo processamento básico de dados (ex.: execução de detectores de alarmes de sinal biológico) e troca eficiente de dados com clientes externos. O nó central dissocia a rede de tecnologias de informação da rede de fornecimento de dados. O suporte é dado pela camada de aquisição de sinal biológico e de análise que nós desenvolvemos, o módulo BIOSal. De modo a ilustrar a viabilidade do TeamMonitor, nós implementámos um sistema como prova do conceito, o Droid Jacket, onde o nó central da TeamMonitor e instanciado num dispositivo móvel com Android. Droid Jacket permite monitorizar até quatro Vital Jacket (uma tecnologia vestível para a monitorização de uma pessoa), fornecendo tanto o suporte para a troca e ficiente dos sinais agregados para clientes externos, como a detec ção precoce de potenciais alarmes a partir do processamento em tempo real dos dados adquiridos. Ao contr ario de outras abordagens comuns, nós consideramos as capacidades de processamento do dispositivo móvel para estação base. Nós implementámos um algoritmo simples de detecção do complexo QRS da onda cardíaca e de arritmias no Droid Jacket, a partir do electrocardiograma adquirido pelas unidades com o Vital Jacket vestido. Droid Jacket demonstra que a incorporação de dispositivos móveis num cenáario de monitorização de uma equipa é uma opção razoável, e o conceito pode ser estendido e adaptado a cenários mais realistas como a monitorização de bombeiros.First responders deal in their daily lives with danger, working under pressure, exposing themselves to stress and fatigue for extended periods, which has a negative impact on their lives and health. In this context, using new solutions based on wearable technologies, sensor networks and mobile devices raises the opportunity to provide closer monitoring, aiming at detecting hazard conditions and supporting rst responder teams in the eld. However, very few solutions exist addressing such synergistic use of these emergent technologies to support integrated team monitoring. In this dissertation we propose a conceptual software architecture (TeamMonitor) for information aggregation, analysis and dissemination towards eld-action teams monitoring. TeamMonitor is supported in the notion of central coordination nodes that are responsible for data aggregation from multiple sources (e.g.: several rst responders professionals) and subsequent analysis work ows, including basic data processing (e.g.: running biosignal alarms detectors) and data stream relay to external clients. The central node decouples the IT network from the data providers network. This support is provided by a biosignal acquisition and analysis framework we developed, the BIOSal module. To illustrate TeamMonitor feasibility, we implemented a proof-ofconcept application, the DroidJacket, in which the TeamMonitor central node is instantiated in an Android mobile device. DroidJacket is able to monitor up to four VitalJacket R devices (a wearable garment for individual monitoring) providing both the support to relay the aggregated signals data to remote clients and an early detection of potential alarms based on real-time processing of the acquired data. Unlike other common approaches, we rely on the mobile device processing capabilities for the base-station. We implemented a basic algorithm for heart wave QRS complex and arrhythmia detection in DroidJacket, using the electrocardiogram acquired from the VitalJacket units. DroidJacket demonstrates that incorporating mobile devices in the team monitoring scenario is a reasonable option nowadays and the concept can be extended and adapted to more realistic scenarios like re ghter monitoring

    Security Issues in Healthcare Applications Using Wireless Medical Sensor Networks: A Survey

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    Healthcare applications are considered as promising fields for wireless sensor networks, where patients can be monitored using wireless medical sensor networks (WMSNs). Current WMSN healthcare research trends focus on patient reliable communication, patient mobility, and energy-efficient routing, as a few examples. However, deploying new technologies in healthcare applications without considering security makes patient privacy vulnerable. Moreover, the physiological data of an individual are highly sensitive. Therefore, security is a paramount requirement of healthcare applications, especially in the case of patient privacy, if the patient has an embarrassing disease. This paper discusses the security and privacy issues in healthcare application using WMSNs. We highlight some popular healthcare projects using wireless medical sensor networks, and discuss their security. Our aim is to instigate discussion on these critical issues since the success of healthcare application depends directly on patient security and privacy, for ethic as well as legal reasons. In addition, we discuss the issues with existing security mechanisms, and sketch out the important security requirements for such applications. In addition, the paper reviews existing schemes that have been recently proposed to provide security solutions in wireless healthcare scenarios. Finally, the paper ends up with a summary of open security research issues that need to be explored for future healthcare applications using WMSNs

    Low-Power Wireless for the Internet of Things: Standards and Applications: Internet of Things, IEEE 802.15.4, Bluetooth, Physical layer, Medium Access Control,coexistence, mesh networking, cyber-physical systems, WSN, M2M

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    International audienceThe proliferation of embedded systems, wireless technologies, and Internet protocols have enabled the Internet of Things (IoT) to bridge the gap between the virtual and physical world through enabling the monitoring and actuation of the physical world controlled by data processing systems. Wireless technologies, despite their offered convenience, flexibility, low cost, and mobility pose unique challenges such as fading, interference, energy, and security, which must be carefully addressed when using resource-constrained IoT devices. To this end, the efforts of the research community have led to the standardization of several wireless technologies for various types of application domains depending on factors such as reliability, latency, scalability, and energy efficiency. In this paper, we first overview these standard wireless technologies, and we specifically study the MAC and physical layer technologies proposed to address the requirements and challenges of wireless communications. Furthermore, we explain the use of these standards in various application domains, such as smart homes, smart healthcare, industrial automation, and smart cities, and discuss their suitability in satisfying the requirements of these applications. In addition to proposing guidelines to weigh the pros and cons of each standard for an application at hand, we also examine what new strategies can be exploited to overcome existing challenges and support emerging IoT applications

    Med-e-Tel 2013

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