1,168 research outputs found

    A Low-Power, Reconfigurable, Pipelined ADC with Automatic Adaptation for Implantable Bioimpedance Applications

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    Biomedical monitoring systems that observe various physiological parameters or electrochemical reactions typically cannot expect signals with fixed amplitude or frequency as signal properties can vary greatly even among similar biosignals. Furthermore, advancements in biomedical research have resulted in more elaborate biosignal monitoring schemes which allow the continuous acquisition of important patient information. Conventional ADCs with a fixed resolution and sampling rate are not able to adapt to signals with a wide range of variation. As a result, reconfigurable analog-to-digital converters (ADC) have become increasingly more attractive for implantable biosensor systems. These converters are able to change their operable resolution, sampling rate, or both in order convert changing signals with increased power efficiency. Traditionally, biomedical sensing applications were limited to low frequencies. Therefore, much of the research on ADCs for biomedical applications focused on minimizing power consumption with smaller bias currents resulting in low sampling rates. However, recently bioimpedance monitoring has become more popular because of its healthcare possibilities. Bioimpedance monitoring involves injecting an AC current into a biosample and measuring the corresponding voltage drop. The frequency of the injected current greatly affects the amplitude and phase of the voltage drop as biological tissue is comprised of resistive and capacitive elements. For this reason, a full spectrum of measurements from 100 Hz to 10-100 MHz is required to gain a full understanding of the impedance. For this type of implantable biomedical application, the typical low power, low sampling rate analog-to-digital converter is insufficient. A different optimization of power and performance must be achieved. Since SAR ADC power consumption scales heavily with sampling rate, the converters that sample fast enough to be attractive for bioimpedance monitoring do not have a figure-of-merit that is comparable to the slower converters. Therefore, an auto-adapting, reconfigurable pipelined analog-to-digital converter is proposed. The converter can operate with either 8 or 10 bits of resolution and with a sampling rate of 0.1 or 20 MS/s. Additionally, the resolution and sampling rate are automatically determined by the converter itself based on the input signal. This way, power efficiency is increased for input signals of varying frequency and amplitude

    An 8-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter for Battery Operated Wireless Sensor Nodes

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    Wireless sensing networks (WSNs) collect analog information transduced into the form of a voltage or current. This data is typically converted into a digital representation of the value and transmitted wirelessly using various modulation techniques. As the available power and size is limited for wireless sensor nodes in many applications, a medium resolution Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) is proposed to convert a sensed voltage with moderate speeds to lower power consumption. Specifications also include a rail-to-rail input range and minimized errors associated with offset, gain, differential nonlinearity, and integral nonlinearity. To achieve these specifications, an 8-bit successive approximation register ADC is developed which has a conversion time of nine clock cycles. This ADC features a charge scaling array included to achieve minimized power consumption and area by reducing unit capacitance in the digital-to-analog converter. Furthermore, a latched comparator provides fast decisions utilizing positive feedback. The ADC was designed and simulated using Cadence Virtuoso with parasitic extraction over expected operating temperature range of 0 – 85°C. The design was fabricated using TSMC’s 65 nanometer RF GP process and tested on a printed circuit board to verify design specifications. The measured results for the device show an offset and gain error of +7 LSB and 31.1 LSB, respectively, and a DNL range of -0.9 LSB to +0.8 LSB and an INL range of approximately -4.6 LSB to +12 LSB. The INL is much improved in regard to the application of the temperature sensor. The INL for this region of interest is from -3.5 LSB to +2.8 LSB

    Design of Analog-to-Digital Converters with Embedded Mixing for Ultra-Low-Power Radio Receivers

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    In the field of radio receivers, down-conversion methods usually rely on one (or more) explicit mixing stage(s) before the analog-to-digital converter (ADC). These stages not only contribute to the overall power consumption but also have an impact on area and can compromise the receiver’s performance in terms of noise and linearity. On the other hand, most ADCs require some sort of reference signal in order to properly digitize an analog input signal. The implementation of this reference signal usually relies on bandgap circuits and reference buffers to generate a constant, stable, dc signal. Disregarding this conventional approach, the work developed in this thesis aims to explore the viability behind the usage of a variable reference signal. Moreover, it demonstrates that not only can an input signal be properly digitized, but also shifted up and down in frequency, effectively embedding the mixing operation in an ADC. As a result, ADCs in receiver chains can perform double-duty as both a quantizer and a mixing stage. The lesser known charge-sharing (CS) topology, within the successive approximation register (SAR) ADCs, is used for a practical implementation, due to its feature of “pre-charging” the reference signal prior to the conversion. Simulation results from an 8-bit CS-SAR ADC designed in a 0.13 μm CMOS technology validate the proposed technique

    Integrated Circuits and Systems for Smart Sensory Applications

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    Connected intelligent sensing reshapes our society by empowering people with increasing new ways of mutual interactions. As integration technologies keep their scaling roadmap, the horizon of sensory applications is rapidly widening, thanks to myriad light-weight low-power or, in same cases even self-powered, smart devices with high-connectivity capabilities. CMOS integrated circuits technology is the best candidate to supply the required smartness and to pioneer these emerging sensory systems. As a result, new challenges are arising around the design of these integrated circuits and systems for sensory applications in terms of low-power edge computing, power management strategies, low-range wireless communications, integration with sensing devices. In this Special Issue recent advances in application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC) and systems for smart sensory applications in the following five emerging topics: (I) dedicated short-range communications transceivers; (II) digital smart sensors, (III) implantable neural interfaces, (IV) Power Management Strategies in wireless sensor nodes and (V) neuromorphic hardware

    Aika-digitaalimuunnin laajakaistaisiin aikapohjaisiin analogia-digitaalimuuntimiin

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    Modern deeply scaled semiconductor processes make the design of voltage-domain circuits increasingly challenging. On the contrary, the area and power consumption of digital circuits are improving with every new process node. Consequently, digital solutions are designed in place of their purely analog counterparts in applications such as analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion. Time-based analog-to-digital converters (ADC) employ digital-intensive architectures by processing analog quantities in time-domain. The quantization step of the time-based A/D-conversion is carried out by a time-to-digital converter (TDC). A free-running ring oscillator -based TDC design is presented for use in wideband time-based ADCs. The proposed architecture aims to maximize time resolution and full-scale range, and to achieve error resilient conversion performance with minimized power and area consumptions. The time resolution is maximized by employing a high-frequency multipath ring oscillator, and the full-scale range is extended using a high-speed gray counter. The error resilience is achieved by custom sense-amplifier -based sampling flip-flops, gray coded counter and a digital error correction algorithm for counter sampling error correction. The implemented design achieves up to 9-bit effective resolution at 250 MS/s with 4.3 milliwatt power consumption.Modernien puolijohdeteknologioiden skaalautumisen seurauksena jännitetason piirien suunnittelu tulee entistä haasteellisemmaksi. Toisaalta digitaalisten piirirakenteiden pinta-ala sekä tehonkulutus pienenevät prosessikehityksen myötä. Tästä syystä digitaalisia ratkaisuja suunnitellaan vastaavien puhtaasti analogisien rakenteiden tilalle. Analogia-digitaalimuunnos (A/D-muunnos) voidaan toteuttaa jännitetason sijaan aikatasossa käyttämällä aikapohjaisia A/D-muuntimia, jotka ovat rakenteeltaan pääosin digitaalisia. Kvantisointivaihe aikapohjaisessa A/D-muuntimessa toteutetaan aika-digitaalimuuntimella. Työ esittelee vapaasti oskilloivaan silmukkaoskillaattoriin perustuvan aika-digitaalimuuntimen, joka on suunniteltu käytettäväksi laajakaistaisessa aikapohjaisessa A/D-muuntimessa. Esitelty rakenne pyrkii maksimoimaan muuntimen aikaresoluution sekä muunnosalueen, sekä saavuttamaan virhesietoisen muunnostoiminnan minimoidulla tehon sekä pinta-alan kulutuksella. Aikaresoluutio on maksimoitu hyödyntämällä suuritaajuista monipolkuista silmukkaoskillaattoria, ja muunnosalue on maksimoitu nopealla Gray-koodi -laskuripiirillä. Muunnosprosessin virhesietoisuus on saavutettu toteuttamalla näytteistys herkillä kiikkuelementeillä, hyödyntämällä Gray-koodattua laskuria, sekä jälkiprosessoimalla laskurin näytteistetyt arvot virheenkorjausalgoritmilla. Esitelty muunnintoteutus saavuttaa 9 bitin efektiivisen resoluution 250 MS/s näytetaajuudella ja 4.3 milliwatin tehonkulutuksella