251 research outputs found

    Research and design of high-speed advanced analogue front-ends for fibre-optic transmission systems

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    In the last decade, we have witnessed the emergence of large, warehouse-scale data centres which have enabled new internet-based software applications such as cloud computing, search engines, social media, e-government etc. Such data centres consist of large collections of servers interconnected using short-reach (reach up to a few hundred meters) optical interconnect. Today, transceivers for these applications achieve up to 100Gb/s by multiplexing 10x 10Gb/s or 4x 25Gb/s channels. In the near future however, data centre operators have expressed a need for optical links which can support 400Gb/s up to 1Tb/s. The crucial challenge is to achieve this in the same footprint (same transceiver module) and with similar power consumption as today’s technology. Straightforward scaling of the currently used space or wavelength division multiplexing may be difficult to achieve: indeed a 1Tb/s transceiver would require integration of 40 VCSELs (vertical cavity surface emitting laser diode, widely used for short‐reach optical interconnect), 40 photodiodes and the electronics operating at 25Gb/s in the same module as today’s 100Gb/s transceiver. Pushing the bit rate on such links beyond today’s commercially available 100Gb/s/fibre will require new generations of VCSELs and their driver and receiver electronics. This work looks into a number of state‐of-the-art technologies and investigates their performance restraints and recommends different set of designs, specifically targeting multilevel modulation formats. Several methods to extend the bandwidth using deep submicron (65nm and 28nm) CMOS technology are explored in this work, while also maintaining a focus upon reducing power consumption and chip area. The techniques used were pre-emphasis in rising and falling edges of the signal and bandwidth extensions by inductive peaking and different local feedback techniques. These techniques have been applied to a transmitter and receiver developed for advanced modulation formats such as PAM-4 (4 level pulse amplitude modulation). Such modulation format can increase the throughput per individual channel, which helps to overcome the challenges mentioned above to realize 400Gb/s to 1Tb/s transceivers

    Design of energy efficient high speed I/O interfaces

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    Energy efficiency has become a key performance metric for wireline high speed I/O interfaces. Consequently, design of low power I/O interfaces has garnered large interest that has mostly been focused on active power reduction techniques at peak data rate. In practice, most systems exhibit a wide range of data transfer patterns. As a result, low energy per bit operation at peak data rate does not necessarily translate to overall low energy operation. Therefore, I/O interfaces that can scale their power consumption with data rate requirement are desirable. Rapid on-off I/O interfaces have a potential to scale power with data rate requirements without severely affecting either latency or the throughput of the I/O interface. In this work, we explore circuit techniques for designing rapid on-off high speed wireline I/O interfaces and digital fractional-N PLLs. A burst-mode transmitter suitable for rapid on-off I/O interfaces is presented that achieves 6 ns turn-on time by utilizing a fast frequency settling ring oscillator in digital multiplying delay-locked loop and a rapid on-off biasing scheme for current mode output driver. Fabricated in 90 nm CMOS process, the prototype achieves 2.29 mW/Gb/s energy efficiency at peak data rate of 8 Gb/s. A 125X (8 Gb/s to 64 Mb/s) change in effective data rate results in 67X (18.29 mW to 0.27 mW) change in transmitter power consumption corresponding to only 2X (2.29 mW/Gb/s to 4.24 mW/Gb/s) degradation in energy efficiency for 32-byte long data bursts. We also present an analytical bit error rate (BER) computation technique for this transmitter under rapid on-off operation, which uses MDLL settling measurement data in conjunction with always-on transmitter measurements. This technique indicates that the BER bathtub width for 10^(−12) BER is 0.65 UI and 0.72 UI during rapid on-off operation and always-on operation, respectively. Next, a pulse response estimation-based technique is proposed enabling burst-mode operation for baud-rate sampling receivers that operate over high loss channels. Such receivers typically employ discrete time equalization to combat inter-symbol interference. Implementation details are provided for a receiver chip, fabricated in 65nm CMOS technology, that demonstrates efficacy of the proposed technique. A low complexity pulse response estimation technique is also presented for low power receivers that do not employ discrete time equalizers. We also present techniques for implementation of highly digital fractional-N PLL employing a phase interpolator based fractional divider to improve the quantization noise shaping properties of a 1-bit ∆Σ frequency-to-digital converter. Fabricated in 65nm CMOS process, the prototype calibration-free fractional-N Type-II PLL employs the proposed frequency-to-digital converter in place of a high resolution time-to-digital converter and achieves 848 fs rms integrated jitter (1 kHz-30 MHz) and -101 dBc/Hz in-band phase noise while generating 5.054 GHz output from 31.25 MHz input

    Toward realizing power scalable and energy proportional high-speed wireline links

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    Growing computational demand and proliferation of cloud computing has placed high-speed serial links at the center stage. Due to saturating energy efficiency improvements over the last five years, increasing the data throughput comes at the cost of power consumption. Conventionally, serial link power can be reduced by optimizing individual building blocks such as output drivers, receiver, or clock generation and distribution. However, this approach yields very limited efficiency improvement. This dissertation takes an alternative approach toward reducing the serial link power. Instead of optimizing the power of individual building blocks, power of the entire serial link is reduced by exploiting serial link usage by the applications. It has been demonstrated that serial links in servers are underutilized. On average, they are used only 15% of the time, i.e. these links are idle for approximately 85% of the time. Conventional links consume power during idle periods to maintain synchronization between the transmitter and the receiver. However, by powering-off the link when idle and powering it back when needed, power consumption of the serial link can be scaled proportionally to its utilization. This approach of rapid power state transitioning is known as the rapid-on/off approach. For the rapid-on/off to be effective, ideally the power-on time, off-state power, and power state transition energy must all be close to zero. However, in practice, it is very difficult to achieve these ideal conditions. Work presented in this dissertation addresses these challenges. When this research work was started (2011-12), there were only a couple of research papers available in the area of rapid-on/off links. Systematic study or design of a rapid power state transitioning in serial links was not available in the literature. Since rapid-on/off with nanoseconds granularity is not a standard in any wireline communication, even the popular test equipment does not support testing any such feature, neither any formal measurement methodology was available. All these circumstances made the beginning difficult. However, these challenges provided a unique opportunity to explore new architectural techniques and identify trade-offs. The key contributions of this dissertation are as follows. The first and foremost contribution is understanding the underlying limitations of saturating energy efficiency improvements in serial links and why there is a compelling need to find alternative ways to reduce the serial link power. The second contribution is to identify potential power saving techniques and evaluate the challenges they pose and the opportunities they present. The third contribution is the design of a 5Gb/s transmitter with a rapid-on/off feature. The transmitter achieves rapid-on/off capability in voltage mode output driver by using a fast-digital regulator, and in the clock multiplier by accurate frequency pre-setting and periodic reference insertion. To ease timing requirements, an improved edge replacement logic circuit for the clock multiplier is proposed. Mathematical modeling of power-on time as a function of various circuit parameters is also discussed. The proposed transmitter demonstrates energy proportional operation over wide variations of link utilization, and is, therefore, suitable for energy efficient links. Fabricated in 90nm CMOS technology, the voltage mode driver, and the clock multiplier achieve power-on-time of only 2ns and 10ns, respectively. This dissertation highlights key trade-off in the clock multiplier architecture, to achieve fast power-on-lock capability at the cost of jitter performance. The fourth contribution is the design of a 7GHz rapid-on/off LC-PLL based clock multi- plier. The phase locked loop (PLL) based multiplier was developed to overcome the limita- tions of the MDLL based approach. Proposed temperature compensated LC-PLL achieves power-on-lock in 1ns. The fifth and biggest contribution of this dissertation is the design of a 7Gb/s embedded clock transceiver, which achieves rapid-on/off capability in LC-PLL, current-mode transmit- ter and receiver. It was the first reported design of a complete transceiver, with an embedded clock architecture, having rapid-on/off capability. Background phase calibration technique in PLL and CDR phase calibration logic in the receiver enable instantaneous lock on power-on. The proposed transceiver demonstrates power scalability with a wide range of link utiliza- tion and, therefore, helps in improving overall system efficiency. Fabricated in 65nm CMOS technology, the 7Gb/s transceiver achieves power-on-lock in less than 20ns. The transceiver achieves power scaling by 44x (63.7mW-to-1.43mW) and energy efficiency degradation by only 2.2x (9.1pJ/bit-to-20.5pJ/bit), when the effective data rate (link utilization) changes by 100x (7Gb/s-to-70Mb/s). The sixth and final contribution is the design of a temperature sensor to compensate the frequency drifts due to temperature variations, during long power-off periods, in the fast power-on-lock LC-PLL. The proposed self-referenced VCO-based temperature sensor is designed with all digital logic gates and achieves low supply sensitivity. This sensor is suitable for integration in processor and DRAM environments. The proposed sensor works on the principle of directly converting temperature information to frequency and finally to digital bits. A novel sensing technique is proposed in which temperature information is acquired by creating a threshold voltage difference between the transistors used in the oscillators. Reduced supply sensitivity is achieved by employing junction capacitance, and the overhead of voltage regulators and an external ideal reference frequency is avoided. The effect of VCO phase noise on the sensor resolution is mathematically evaluated. Fabricated in the 65nm CMOS process, the prototype can operate with a supply ranging from 0.85V to 1.1V, and it achieves a supply sensitivity of 0.034oC/mV and an inaccuracy of ±0.9oC and ±2.3oC from 0-100oC after 2-point calibration, with and without static nonlinearity correction, respectively. It achieves a resolution of 0.3oC, resolution FoM of 0.3(nJ/conv)res2 , and measurement (conversion) time of 6.5μs

    A Variable Bandwidth, Power-Scalable Optical Receiver Front-End

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    The tremendous growth in internet data traffic and computation power has increased demand for high-speed links in almost all communication systems. Normally, high-speed interconnects in a super computer are implemented using a short distance electrical medium such as a printed circuit board or coaxial cable. However, data transmission through an electrical medium suffers severe bandwidth limitation due to its distributed resistance, inductance and capacitance. To overcome this problem, several equalization techniques are adopted which can make the system more complex and power hungry. An efficient way to enhance the capacity of short-reach link is through the use of an optical channel rather than the band-limited electrical one. The analog front-end is the most important building block of the optical receiver as it converts the small current generated by the photodiode to a significant voltage level. In this work, we present an inductor-less, variable bandwidth, power-scalable optical receiver front-end in TSMC 65nm and 90nm CMOS with two different topologies. The front-end contains a transimpedance amplifier (TIA) and post amplifiers (PA) in 90 nm CMOS (Design 1) whereas in 65 nm CMOS (Design 2) an offset compensation block and a transconductor is incorporated to improve the robustness of the overall receiver front-end.The transimpedance amplifier in both designs is implemented with the shunt feedback topology and the post amplifiers in 90 nm and 65 nm design use the common source topology loaded with modified active inductors and the Cherry-Hooper inverter based topology, respectively. In order to make the receiver front-end power and bandwidth scalable, a current controlling PMOS array and a tuneable resistive bank is implemented in both designs. The Design 1 is able to vary the supported data rate from 1.25 Gb/s to 15 Gb/s. The gain at each data rate is ~ 84 dBΩ. The overall power dissipation varies from 0.94 mW to 7.46 mW as the data rate scales, maintaining an energy per bit lower than 800 fJ at all data rates using a 1.2 V power supply. The input referred noise density varies from 4.31 pA/√Hz to 14.27 pA/√Hz. In the Design 2, the receiver front-end can be tuned from 1.25 Gb/s to 20 Gb/s maintaining a fixed gain of ~75 dBΩ. The power dissipation in this case varies from 0.32 mW to 13.5 mW as the data rate scales up, maintaining energy per bit less than 700 fJ using a 1 V power supply. The input referred noise density varies from 8.46 pA/√Hz to 18 pA/√Hz. Simulation shows that Design 1 is not robust enough against the mismatch and global process variations whereas Design 2 is much more robust against these effects. This type of front-end has applications in links that vary data rate in response to system requirements. Additionally, the lowest data rate can be act as an idle mode which receives data used only to maintain transmitter and receiver synchronization

    Energy-efficient wireline transceivers

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    Power-efficient wireline transceivers are highly demanded by many applications in high performance computation and communication systems. Apart from transferring a wide range of data rates to satisfy the interconnect bandwidth requirement, the transceivers have very tight power budget and are expected to be fully integrated. This thesis explores enabling techniques to implement such transceivers in both circuit and system levels. Specifically, three prototypes will be presented: (1) a 5Gb/s reference-less clock and data recovery circuit (CDR) using phase-rotating phase-locked loop (PRPLL) to conduct phase control so as to break several fundamental trade-offs in conventional receivers; (2) a 4-10.5Gb/s continuous-rate CDR with novel frequency acquisition scheme based on bang-bang phase detector (BBPD) and a ring oscillator-based fractional-N PLL as the low noise wide range DCO in the CDR loop; (3) a source-synchronous energy-proportional link with dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) and rapid on/off (ROO) techniques to cut the link power wastage at system level. The receiver/transceiver architectures are highly digital and address the requirements of new receiver architecture development, wide operating range, and low power/area consumption while being fully integrated. Experimental results obtained from the prototypes attest the effectiveness of the proposed techniques

    High-speed low-power modulator driver arrays for medium-reach optical networks

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    The internet is becoming the ubiquitous tool that is changing the lives of so many citizens across the world. Commerce, government, industry, healthcare and social interactions are all increasingly using internet applications to improve and facilitate communications. This is especially true for videoenabled applications, which currently demand much higher data rates and quality from data networks. High definition TV streaming services are emerging and these again will significantly push the demand for widely deployed, high-bandwidth services. The current access passive optical networks (PONs) use a single wavelength for downstream transmission and a separate one for upstream transmission. Incorporating wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) in a PON allows for much higher bandwidths in both directions. While WDM technologies have been successfully deployed for many years in metro and core networks, in access networks they are not commonly used yet. This is mainly due to the high costs associated with deploying entire WDM access networks. However, the present optical networks cannot be simply and cost-effectively scaled to provide the capacity for tomorrow’s users. As an effect there is a strong need for new WDM access components which are compact, cost-competitive and mass-manufacturable. Increasing the number of wavelengths for WDM-PON automatically leads to an increase in the number of single pluggable transceivers, which brings substantial design challenges and additional costs. The multitude of TXs and RXs for different wavelength channels increases the total footprint considerably. Photonic integration of transceivers into arrays will significantly reduce the footprint and cost. However, the total power consumption of an array device is an issue. To avoid the use of a thermoelectric cooler, the integration density of components is severely limited by the heat dissipating capabilities offered by their package. As a result the WDM-PON philosophy necessitates the reduction of the transceiver’s power dissipation. From this plea it is apparent that the main technology challenges for realizing future-proof optical (access) networks are reducing active component power consumption, shrinking form factors and lowering assembly costs. In this perspective an over 100 Gb/s throughput component, composed of 10 channels at 11.3 Gb/s per wavelength channel would be a great contribution to the expansion of customer bandwidth. It can provide increased line rates to the end users at speeds of 10 Gb/s per wavelength. As RXs typically consume much less power than externally modulated TXs, they can relatively easily be integrated into an array. Mainly high speed optical transmitters have significant power consumptions and the heat generation caused by power dissipation forms a critical obstacle in the development of a 10-channel transmitter, which again underlines the importance of power reduction. Alongside the introduction of WDM in access networks, also inter-office point-to-point connections in data center environments could benefit from the WDM philosophy. As data center operators often suffer from fiber scarcity or do not own their fiber infrastructure, WDM technologies are essential to deliver reach and capacity extension for these scenarios. Interdata center communication also benefits from cost-, footprint- and energyefficient components operating at high speed to maximize the throughput. As an effect integrated over 100 Gb/s transceivers, such as 4 channels at 28 Gb/s, are highly desirable. The research described in this dissertation was partly funded by the European FP7 ICT project C3PO (Colourless and Coolerless Components for low Power Optical Networks) and the UGent special research fund. The C3PO project aimed to develop a new generation of green Si-photonic compatible components with record low power consumption, that can enable bandwidth growth and constrain the total cost. C3PO envisioned building high-capacity access networks employing reflective photonic components. To achieve this, cost-competitive reflective transmitters based on electroabsorption modulators (EAM) needed to be closely integrated into arrays. A multi-wavelength optical source provides the required wavelength channels for both downstream and upstream signals in the WDM-PON. Chapter 1 gives a short overview of a PON and describes the main implementations of a WDM-PON access network. It introduces integrated low power transmitter arrays for a cost-effective architecture of WDM-PONs and inter-data center communication. Chapter 2 compares different optical transmitters and gives a short overview of their most important characteristics. External modulation through both Mach-Zehnder modulators (MZMs) and EAMs is described. It shows that EAMs are the best choice for low power transmitter array integration, thanks to their lower drive voltage and smaller form factor, compared to MZMs. To achieve a reduced consumption, the electronic modulator driver topology is studied in chapter 3. The challenge in designing modulator drivers is the need to deliver very large currents in combination with high voltage swings. Four distinct output configurations are compared and techniques to reduce the power consumption of the drivers are described. Chapter 5 presents duobinary (DB), a modulation scheme that is gaining interest in today’s optical transmission. As the required bandwidth is about half that of NRZ, it softens the constraints on the transmitter bandwidth. Thanks to its narrow optical spectrum, it has an improved tolerance to dispersion in long haul single mode links and it can improve the spectral efficiency in WDM architectures. For optical DB a precoder is necessary to assure the received signal is equal to the original binary signal. The conducted research that resulted in this dissertation produced 2 low power EAM driver arrays: A 10-channel 113 Gb/s modulator driver array with state-of-the art ultra-low power consumption. A 2-channel 56 Gb/s duobinary driver array with a differential output with low power consumption. Both designs are elaborately analyzed in chapter 4 and 6 respectively. To the best of our knowledge the 10-channel EAM driver array is the first in its kind, while achieving the lowest power consumption for an EAM driver so far reported, 50% below the state of the art in power consumption. The 2-channel EAM driver array is the fastest modulator driver including on-chip duobinary encoding and precoding reported so far. The final chapter provides an overview of the foremost conclusions from the presented research. It is concluded with suggestions for further research

    Clocking and Skew-Optimization For Source-Synchronous Simultaneous Bidirectional Links

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    There is continuous expansion of computing capabilities in mobile devices which demands higher I/O bandwidth and dense parallel links supporting higher data rates. Highspeed signaling leverages technology advancements to achieve higher data rates but is limited by the bandwidth of the electrical copper channel which have not scaled accordingly. To meet the continuous data-rate demand, Simultaneous Bi-directional (SBD) signaling technique is an attractive alternative relative to uni-directional signaling as it can work at lower clock speeds, exhibits better spectral efficiency and provides higher throughput in pad limited PCBs. For low-power and more robust system, the SBD transceiver should utilize forwarded clock system and per-pin de-skew circuits to correct the phase difference developed between the data and clock. The system can be configured in two roles, master and slave. To save more power, the system should have only one clock generator. The master has its own clock source and shares its clock to the slave through the clock channel, and the slave uses this forwarded clock to deserialize the inbound data and serialize the outbound data. A clock-to-data skew exists which can be corrected with a phase tracking CDR. This thesis presents a low-power implementation of forwarded clocking and clock-to-data skew optimization for a 40 Gbps SBD transceiver. The design is implemented in 28nm CMOS technology and consumes 8.8mW of power for 20 Gbps NRZ data at 0.9 V supply. The area occupied by the clocking 0.018 mm^2 area

    Design of 10 Gb/s burst-mode receivers for high-split extended reach PONs

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    The continuous stream of new applications for the internet, increases the need for higher access speed in the currently deployed communication networks. Most networks in use today still consist of twisted copper wires, inherited from the telephone network. The disadvantages of reusing the existing telephone network are twofold. Firstly, the bandwidth of twisted copper wires is limited and secondly, a large number of switches and routers are needed throughout the network leading to an excessive power consumption. The hybrid fiber coax network that reuses the television distribution network is not free from these drawbacks. The bandwidth is also limited and power hungry amplifiers are needed to bridge the distance to and from the user. The future of broadband access lies in optical fiber networks. The optical fiber has a virtually unlimited bandwidth and the lower attenuation leads to less switches and amplifiers in the network, reducing the power consumption of the complete infrastructure. This dissertation describes the design of a 10 Gb/s burst-mode receiver for high-split extended reach passive optical networks (PONs). The designed receiver incorporates two very advanced features. Firstly, the burst-mode receiver locks its gain setting within 6 ns avoiding packet loss due to gain switching during data payload reception. Secondly, the burst-mode receiver detects both burst start and burst end, making it the first burst-mode receiver of its kind to operate without any time critical signal requirements from outside the burst-mode receiver. The presented work covers the chip-level architecture study and design of a 10 Gb/s burst-mode transimpedance amplifier and a 10 Gb/s post-amplifier, which are the two most critical components of a burst-mode receiver

    Wireless wire - ultra-low-power and high-data-rate wireless communication systems

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    With the rapid development of communication technologies, wireless personal-area communication systems gain momentum and become increasingly important. When the market gets gradually saturated and the technology becomes much more mature, new demands on higher throughput push the wireless communication further into the high-frequency and high-data-rate direction. For example, in the IEEE 802.15.3c standard, a 60-GHz physical layer is specified, which occupies the unlicensed 57 to 64 GHz band and supports gigabit links for applications such as wireless downloading and data streaming. Along with the progress, however, both wireless protocols and physical systems and devices start to become very complex. Due to the limited cut-off frequency of the technology and high parasitic and noise levels at high frequency bands, the power consumption of these systems, especially of the RF front-ends, increases significantly. The reason behind this is that RF performance does not scale with technology at the same rate as digital baseband circuits. Based on the challenges encountered, the wireless-wire system is proposed for the millimeter wave high-data-rate communication. In this system, beamsteering directional communication front-ends are used, which confine the RF power within a narrow beam and increase the level of the equivalent isotropic radiation power by a factor equal to the number of antenna elements. Since extra gain is obtained from the antenna beamsteering, less front-end gain is required, which will reduce the power consumption accordingly. Besides, the narrow beam also reduces the interference level to other nodes. In order to minimize the system average power consumption, an ultra-low power asynchronous duty-cycled wake-up receiver is added to listen to the channel and control the communication modes. The main receiver is switched on by the wake-up receiver only when the communication is identified while in other cases it will always be in sleep mode with virtually no power consumed. Before transmitting the payload, the event-triggered transmitter will send a wake-up beacon to the wake-up receiver. As long as the wake-up beacon is longer than one cycle of the wake-up receiver, it can be captured and identified. Furthermore, by adopting a frequency-sweeping injection locking oscillator, the wake-up receiver is able to achieve good sensitivity, low latency and wide bandwidth simultaneously. In this way, high-data-rate communication can be achieved with ultra-low average power consumption. System power optimization is achieved by optimizing the antenna number, data rate, modulation scheme, transceiver architecture, and transceiver circuitries with regards to particular application scenarios. Cross-layer power optimization is performed as well. In order to verify the most critical elements of this new approach, a W-band injection-locked oscillator and the wake-up receiver have been designed and implemented in standard TSMC 65-nm CMOS technology. It can be seen from the measurement results that the wake-up receiver is able to achieve about -60 dBm sensitivity, 10 mW peak power consumption and 8.5 µs worst-case latency simultaneously. When applying a duty-cycling scheme, the average power of the wake-up receiver becomes lower than 10 µW if the event frequency is 1000 times/day, which matches battery-based or energy harvesting-based wireless applications. A 4-path phased-array main receiver is simulated working with 1 Gbps data rate and on-off-keying modulation. The average power consumption is 10 µW with 10 Gb communication data per day