19 research outputs found

    Advanced DSP Techniques for High-Capacity and Energy-Efficient Optical Fiber Communications

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    The rapid proliferation of the Internet has been driving communication networks closer and closer to their limits, while available bandwidth is disappearing due to an ever-increasing network load. Over the past decade, optical fiber communication technology has increased per fiber data rate from 10 Tb/s to exceeding 10 Pb/s. The major explosion came after the maturity of coherent detection and advanced digital signal processing (DSP). DSP has played a critical role in accommodating channel impairments mitigation, enabling advanced modulation formats for spectral efficiency transmission and realizing flexible bandwidth. This book aims to explore novel, advanced DSP techniques to enable multi-Tb/s/channel optical transmission to address pressing bandwidth and power-efficiency demands. It provides state-of-the-art advances and future perspectives of DSP as well

    A High-speed Reconfigurable Free Space Optical Communication System Utilizing Software Defined Radio Environment

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    Free space optical (FSO) communication allows for high-speed data transmissions while also being extremely cost-effective by using visible or infrared wavelengths to transmit and receive data wirelessly through the free space channel. However, FSO links are highly susceptible to the effects of the atmosphere, particularly turbulence, smoke, and fog. On the other hand, FSO itself does not provide enough flexibility to address the issue of such blockage and obstruction caused by objects and atmospheric conditions. This research investigates, proposes, and evaluates a software defined multiple input multiple output (MIMO) FSO system to ensure link availability and reliability under weather conditions as part of the last mile access in the 5th generation, 6th generation, and beyond. Software defined radio (SDR) technology is adopted in order to provide a certain degree of flexibility to the optical wireless communications system. The scope of this research focuses on the design, validation, implementation, and evaluation of a novel adaptive switching algorithm i.e., activating additional transmitters of a MIMO FSO system using a software defined ecosystem. The main issues are the compactness of the experimental design; the limitation of software-oriented signal generation; robustness; reliability; and the quality of service. As part of the system design, the thresholding method, a decision-making process via the feedback link, and a spatial diversity technique is adopted to carry out the adaptive switching. The adaptive switching is performed via a feedback link in which the atmospheric loss and scintillation index are calculated for fog and turbulence respectively. The initial design is implemented in SDR/ GNURadio for a real-time emulation of the proposed system to enhance the system flexibility of a traditional MIMO FSO system. A bit-by-bit comparison is performed with the GNURadio signal processing block and BERT for a real-time BER estimation. However, based on the initial results, the switching mechanism can only overcome the effect of turbulence at a certain level. A new design to mainly mitigate the varying fog conditions is proposed based on the SDR-based adaptive switching for a gigabit ethernet (GbE) MIMO FSO system and tested in a 5 m dedicated atmospheric chamber. The proposed system is implemented using off-the-shelf components such as a media converter, small form pluggable transceivers, optical switch, and power meter to estimate the channel state information. A new Schmitt trigger-based thresholding method is also introduced. The proposed software defined GbE MIMO FSO with an adaptive switching algorithm is fabricated, implemented, and investigated. The results are also compared with the real-time simulated data. Since the purpose of this Ph.D. is to explain and demonstrate the proof of concept for the proposed SDR-MIMO FSO system, the emphasis has been on the design, evaluation, and minimal performance requirements rather than maximizing the data rate. The outcome of the thesis will be a huge degree of flexibility and mitigation property MIMO FSO can offer with the help of SDR. It will be shown that the designed system has the capability to provide data transmission with 99.999% availability with a packet error rate and data rate of 7.2 ×10−2 and ~120 Mbps respectively, under extremely harsh fog conditions with visibility V of < 11 m

    Unified Framework for Multicarrier and Multiple Access based on Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing

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    The advancements in wireless communications are the key-enablers of new applications with stringent requirements in low-latency, ultra-reliability, high data rate, high mobility, and massive connectivity. Diverse types of devices, ranging from tiny sensors to vehicles, with different capabilities need to be connected under various channel conditions. Thus, modern connectivity and network techniques at all layers are essential to overcome these challenges. In particular, the physical layer (PHY) transmission is required to achieve certain link reliability, data rate, and latency. In modern digital communications systems, the transmission is performed by means of a digital signal processing module that derives analog hardware. The performance of the analog part is influenced by the quality of the hardware and the baseband signal denoted as waveform. In most of the modern systems such as fifth generation (5G) and WiFi, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is adopted as a favorite waveform due to its low-complexity advantages in terms of signal processing. However, OFDM requires strict requirements on hardware quality. Many devices are equipped with simplified analog hardware to reduce the cost. In this case, OFDM does not work properly as a result of its high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) and sensitivity to synchronization errors. To tackle these problems, many waveforms design have been recently proposed in the literature. Some of these designs are modified versions of OFDM or based on conventional single subcarrier. Moreover, multicarrier frameworks, such as generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM), have been proposed to realize varieties of conventional waveforms. Furthermore, recent studies show the potential of using non-conventional waveforms for increasing the link reliability with affordable complexity. Based on that, flexible waveforms and transmission techniques are necessary to adapt the system for different hardware and channel constraints in order to fulfill the applications requirements while optimizing the resources. The objective of this thesis is to provide a holistic view of waveforms and the related multiple access (MA) techniques to enable efficient study and evaluation of different approaches. First, the wireless communications system is reviewed with specific focus on the impact of hardware impairments and the wireless channel on the waveform design. Then, generalized model of waveforms and MA are presented highlighting various special cases. Finally, this work introduces low-complexity architectures for hardware implementation of flexible waveforms. Integrating such designs with software-defined radio (SDR) contributes to the development of practical real-time flexible PHY.:1 Introduction 1.1 Baseband transmission model 1.2 History of multicarrier systems 1.3 The state-of-the-art waveforms 1.4 Prior works related to GFDM 1.5 Objective and contributions 2 Fundamentals of Wireless Communications 2.1 Wireless communications system 2.2 RF transceiver 2.2.1 Digital-analogue conversion 2.2.2 QAM modulation 2.2.3 Effective channel 2.2.4 Hardware impairments 2.3 Waveform aspects 2.3.1 Single-carrier waveform 2.3.2 Multicarrier waveform 2.3.3 MIMO-Waveforms 2.3.4 Waveform performance metrics 2.4 Wireless Channel 2.4.1 Line-of-sight propagation 2.4.2 Multi path and fading process 2.4.3 General baseband statistical channel model 2.4.4 MIMO channel 2.5 Summary 3 Generic Block-based Waveforms 3.1 Block-based waveform formulation 3.1.1 Variable-rate multicarrier 3.1.2 General block-based multicarrier model 3.2 Waveform processing techniques 3.2.1 Linear and circular filtering 3.2.2 Windowing 3.3 Structured representation 3.3.1 Modulator 3.3.2 Demodulator 3.3.3 MIMO Waveform processing 3.4 Detection 3.4.1 Maximum-likelihood detection 3.4.2 Linear detection 3.4.3 Iterative Detection 3.4.4 Numerical example and insights 3.5 Summary 4 Generic Multiple Access Schemes 57 4.1 Basic multiple access and multiplexing schemes 4.1.1 Infrastructure network system model 4.1.2 Duplex schemes 4.1.3 Common multiplexing and multiple access schemes 4.2 General multicarrier-based multiple access 4.2.1 Design with fixed set of pulses 4.2.2 Computational model 4.2.3 Asynchronous multiple access 4.3 Summary 5 Time-Frequency Analyses of Multicarrier 5.1 General time-frequency representation 5.1.1 Block representation 5.1.2 Relation to Zak transform 5.2 Time-frequency spreading 5.3 Time-frequency block in LTV channel 5.3.1 Subcarrier and subsymbol numerology 5.3.2 Processing based on the time-domain signal 5.3.3 Processing based on the frequency-domain signal 5.3.4 Unified signal model 5.4 summary 6 Generalized waveforms based on time-frequency shifts 6.1 General time-frequency shift 6.1.1 Time-frequency shift design 6.1.2 Relation between the shifted pulses 6.2 Time-frequency shift in Gabor frame 6.2.1 Conventional GFDM 6.3 GFDM modulation 6.3.1 Filter bank representation 6.3.2 Block representation 6.3.3 GFDM matrix structure 6.3.4 GFDM demodulator 6.3.5 Alternative interpretation of GFDM 6.3.6 Orthogonal modulation and GFDM spreading 6.4 Summary 7 Modulation Framework: Architectures and Applications 7.1 Modem architectures 7.1.1 General modulation matrix structure 7.1.2 Run-time flexibility 7.1.3 Generic GFDM-based architecture 7.1.4 Flexible parallel multiplications architecture 7.1.5 MIMO waveform architecture 7.2 Extended GFDM framework 7.2.1 Architectures complexity and flexibility analysis 7.2.2 Number of multiplications 7.2.3 Hardware analysis 7.3 Applications of the extended GFDM framework 7.3.1 Generalized FDMA 7.3.2 Enchantment of OFDM system 7.4 Summary 7 Conclusions and Future work

    Survey of FPGA applications in the period 2000 – 2015 (Technical Report)

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    Romoth J, Porrmann M, Rückert U. Survey of FPGA applications in the period 2000 – 2015 (Technical Report).; 2017.Since their introduction, FPGAs can be seen in more and more different fields of applications. The key advantage is the combination of software-like flexibility with the performance otherwise common to hardware. Nevertheless, every application field introduces special requirements to the used computational architecture. This paper provides an overview of the different topics FPGAs have been used for in the last 15 years of research and why they have been chosen over other processing units like e.g. CPUs

    Architectures matérielles pour la technologie W-CDMA étendue aux systèmes multi-antennes

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    Depuis une dizaine d 'années, l'avènement des techniques multi-antennes (ou MIMO) pour les communications sans fil , mobiles ou fixes , a révolutionné les possibilités offertes pour de nombreux domaines d 'application des télécommunications. La disposition de plusieurs antennes de part et d 'autre du lien augmente considérablement la capacité des systèmes sans fil. Cependant, les algorithmes numériques à mettre en oeuvre pour réaliser ces systèmes sont autrement complexes et constituent un challenge quant à la définition d'architectures matérielles performantes. L'objectif du travail présent repose précisément sur la définition optimale de solutions architecturales, dans un contexte CDMA, pour contrer cette problématique. Le premier aspect de ce travail porte sur une étude approfondie des algorithmes spatio-temporels et des méthodes de conception en vue d'une implantation matérielle efficace. De nombreux schémas de détection sont proposés dans la littérature et sont applicables suivant trois critères qui sont: la qualité de service, le débit binaire et la complexité algorithmique. Cette dernière constitue une contrainte forte pour une mise en application à faible coût de terminaux mobiles intégrant ces applications. Aussi, il est nécessaire de disposer d'outils performants pour simuler, évaluer et affiner (prototypage rapide) ces nouveaux systèmes, candidats probables pour les télécommunications de quatrième génération. Le second aspect concerne la réalisation d'un transcepteur multi-antennes sans codage de canal, intégrant la technologie d'accès multiple par répartition de codes dans le cas d'un canal large bande. Un système mono-antenne WCDMA, généralisable à un nombre quelconque d'antennes, a été intégré et simulé au sein de la plate-forme de prototypage rapide Lyrtech. L'architecture développée intègre les principaux modules du traitement en bande de base, à savoir le filtrage de Nyquist, la détection des multiples trajets suivie de l'étape de détection. Le prototype MIMO-WCDMA développé est caractérisé par sa flexibilité suivant le nombre de voies e~trantes, le format d'entrée des échantillons, les caractéristiques du canal sans fil et la technologie ciblée (ASIC, FPGA). Le troisième aspect se veut plus prospectif en détaillant de nouveaux mécanismes pour réduire le coût matériel des systèmes multi-antennes. Le principe d'allocation adaptative de la virgule fixe est présenté dans le but d'adapter le codage des données suivant les caractéristiques du canal sans fil et de minimiser en conséquence la complexité du circuit. D'autre part, le concept d'architectures adaptatives est proposé afin de minimiser l'énergie consommée au sein d 'un système embarqué suivant le contexte d'application

    Évaluation des techniques de réception multi-antennes dans un système DS-CDMA

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    MIMO Systems

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    In recent years, it was realized that the MIMO communication systems seems to be inevitable in accelerated evolution of high data rates applications due to their potential to dramatically increase the spectral efficiency and simultaneously sending individual information to the corresponding users in wireless systems. This book, intends to provide highlights of the current research topics in the field of MIMO system, to offer a snapshot of the recent advances and major issues faced today by the researchers in the MIMO related areas. The book is written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world to cover the fundamental principles and main advanced topics on high data rates wireless communications systems over MIMO channels. Moreover, the book has the advantage of providing a collection of applications that are completely independent and self-contained; thus, the interested reader can choose any chapter and skip to another without losing continuity