2,329 research outputs found

    Quaternary pulse position modulation electronics for free-space laser communications

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    The development of a high data-rate communications electronic subsystem for future application in free-space, direct-detection laser communications is described. The dual channel subsystem uses quaternary pulse position modulation (QPPM) and operates at a throughput of 650 megabits per second. Transmitting functions described include source data multiplexing, channel data multiplexing, and QPPM symbol encoding. Implementation of a prototype version in discrete gallium arsenide logic, radiofrequency components, and microstrip circuitry is presented

    Optical links in the angle-data assembly of the 70-meter antennas

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    In the precision-pointing mode the 70 meter antennas utilize an optical link provided by an autocollimator. In an effort to improve reliability and performance, commercial instruments were evaluated as replacement candidates, and upgraded versions of the existing instruments were designed and tested. The latter were selected for the Neptune encounter, but commercial instruments with digital output show promise of significant performance improvement for the post-encounter period

    Stiffer Optical Tweezers through Real-Time Feedback Control

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    This thesis integrates real-time feedback control into an optical tweezers instrument. The goal is to reduce the variance in the trapped bead s position, -effectively increasing the trap stiffness of the optical tweezers. Trap steering is done with acousto-optic deflectors and control algorithms are implemented with a field-programmable gate array card. When position clamp feedback control is on, the effective trap stiffness increases 12.1-times compared to the stiffness without control. This allows improved spatial control over trapped particles without increasing the trapping laser power.Tässä tutkielmassa optisiin pinsetteihin yhdistetään takaisinkytkentä. Tavoitteena on pienentää varianssia, joka on optisilla pinseteillä kiinnipidetyn pallon paikassa. Pienempi varianssi tarkoittaa suurempaa pinsettien jäykkyyttä. Optisia pinsettejä ohjataan akusto-optisilla deflektoreilla ja ohjaus algoritmi on ohjelmoitu field-programmable gate array kortille. Kun paikan stabiloiva takaisinkytkentä on päällä, pinsettien efektiivinen jäykkyys kasvaa 12.1 -kertaiseksi verrattuna jäykkyyteen ilman takaisinkytkentää. Suurempi jäykkyys mahdollistaa paremman kontrollin kiinnipidetystä pallosta kuin ilman takaisinkytkentää eikä optisten pinsettien laserin tehoa tarvitse nostaa

    Attitude transfer assembly design for MAGSAT

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    A description is given of a design for an instrument system that will monitor the orientation of a boom-mounted vector magnetometer relative to the main spacecraft body. The attitude of the magnetometer is measured with respect to X and Z axes lateral to the boom length and also a twist axis around the boom center line. These measurements are made in a noncontact optical approach employing a three-axis autocollimator system mounted on the main body of the spacecraft with only passive elements (reflectors) located at the end of the 20-foot boom

    The SUMER Data in the SOHO Archive

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    We have released an archive of all observational data of the VUV spectrometer Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emitted Radiation (SUMER) on SOHO that has been acquired until now. The operational phase started with 'first light' observations on 27 January 1996 and will end in 2014. Future data will be added to the archive when they become available. The archive consists of a set of raw data (Level 0) and a set of data that are processed and calibrated to the best knowledge we have today (Level 1). This communication describes step by step the data acquisition and processing that has been applied in an automated manner to build the archive. It summarizes the expertise and insights into the scientific use of SUMER spectra that has accumulated over the years. It also indicates possibilities for further enhancement of the data quality. With this article we intend to convey our own understanding of the instrument performance to the scientific community and to introduce the new, standard-FITS-format database.Comment: 38 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication by Solar Physic

    The design and analysis of single flank transmission error tester for loaded gears

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    To strengthen the understanding of gear transmission error and to verify mathematical models which predict them, a test stand that will measure the transmission error of gear pairs under design loads has been investigated. While most transmission error testers have been used to test gear pairs under unloaded conditions, the goal of this report was to design and perform dynamic analysis of a unique tester with the capability of measuring the transmission error of gears under load. This test stand will have the capability to continuously load a gear pair at torques up to 16,000 in-lb at shaft speeds from 0 to 5 rpm. Error measurement will be accomplished with high resolution optical encoders and the accompanying signal processing unit from an existing unloaded transmission error tester. Input power to the test gear box will be supplied by a dc torque motor while the load will be applied with a similar torque motor. A dual input, dual output control system will regulate the speed and torque of the system. This control system's accuracy and dynamic response were analyzed and it was determined that proportional plus derivative speed control is needed in order to provide the precisely constant torque necessary for error-free measurement

    NASA airborne satellite instrumentation calibrator (NASIC) technical reference

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    The NASA Satellite Instrumentation Calibrator (NASIC) is a visible and near-infrared spectrometer used to calibrate various satellite instruments by underflying those instruments in a NASA ER-2 aircraft. The calibration instrument's hardware and software are documented. The design, operation, and function of an Ebert-Fastie monochronomator, which by means of a moveable diffraction grating, becomes a visible and near-infrared spectrometer used to calibrate satellite-borne instruments by high altitude underflights in the NASA ER-2

    A Low-Cost Modular Platform for Heterogeneous Data Acquisition with Accurate Interchannel Synchronization

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    Most experimental fields of science and engineering require the use of data acquisition systems (DAQ), devices in charge of sampling and converting electrical signals into digital data and, typically, performing all of the required signal preconditioning. Since commercial DAQ systems are normally focused on specific types of sensors and actuators, systems engineers may need to employ mutually-incompatible hardware from different manufacturers in applications demanding heterogeneous inputs and outputs, such as small-signal analog inputs, differential quadrature rotatory encoders or variable current outputs. A common undesirable side effect of heterogeneous DAQ hardware is the lack of an accurate synchronization between samples captured by each device. To solve such a problem with low-cost hardware, we present a novel modular DAQ architecture comprising a base board and a set of interchangeable modules. Our main design goal is the ability to sample all sources at predictable, fixed sampling frequencies, with a reduced synchronization mismatch (<1 s) between heterogeneous signal sources. We present experiments in the field of mechanical engineering, illustrating vibration spectrum analyses from piezoelectric accelerometers and, as a novelty in these kinds of experiments, the spectrum of quadrature encoder signals. Part of the design and software will be publicly released online

    A mobile data acquisition system

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    A mobile data aquisition (MobiDAQ) was developed for the ATLAS central hadronic calorimeter (TileCal). MobiDAQ has been designed in order to test the functionalities of the TileCal front-end electronics and to acquire calibration data before the final back-end electronics were built and tested. MobiDAQ was also used to record the first cosmic ray events acquired by an ATLAS subdetector in the underground experimental area