163 research outputs found

    A flawed portrait. The image of Zofia Kossak in the accounts of former Birkenau female internees

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    The article indicates how the figure of Zofia Kossak has been recorded in the unpublished accounts by former KL Auschwitz-Birkenau female internees who during their internment came into contact with the famous writer and activist of the Polish Underground State. Their testimonies diverge from the hagiographic tone which has dominated the known stories of Kossak’s camp experiences, rather resembling Tadeusz Borowski’s infamous post-WWII article entitled Alicja w krainie czarów

    Wordplay in selected Polish translations of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

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    This article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the translations of wordplay in selected Polish renderings of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. So far, there have been 10 attempts to translate this book into Polish. The present paper looks at the techniques employed by three translators: Antoni Marianowicz (1955), Maciej Słomczyński (1965), and Bogumiła Kaniewska (2010), though occasionally reference is also made to other renditions of the book. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is particularly rich in wordplay, which is why rendering it into a foreign language is a real challenge. Słomczyński and Marianowicz tried to preserve most of the puns used by Carroll or replace them with new ones, while Kaniewska’s translation is much more literal and, in consequence, it fails to convey the ambiguity and comic effect of the [email protected] Smoleńska is a graduate of the University of Bialystok, currently an MA student at the University of Rzeszow. Her interests include translation.The University of Rzeszow2587

    Intermediality of Alice in Wonderland. An Example of Tim Burton’s Adaptation

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    This article attempts to answer the question of co-existence of words and images in a cultural text, in the context of reflections on the ‘intermedial turn’. The example used in the paper is the film adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland by Tim Burton (2010). (R)evolution in this aspect primarily involves a change in the form of communication and information acquisition. The aim is to point out the educational value of this type of synergy, which opens up the possibility of reaching new generations of recipients.Prezentowany artykuł stanowi próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie o współistnienie słów i obrazów w tekście kultury, w kontekście rozważań o „intermedialnym zwrocie”. Za przykład posłużyła filmowa adaptacja powieści Alicja w Krainie Czarów Lewisa Carrolla dokonana przez Tima Burtona (2010). (R)ewolucja w tym aspekcie to przede wszystkim zmiana formy komunikowania i pozyskiwania informacji. Celem jest wskazanie waloru edukacyjnego tego typu synergii, dzięki której otwierają się możliwości dotarcia do nowych pokoleń odbiorców

    „Zakrzyczą nas poeci, adwokaci, filozofowie, księża”. Najnowsza odsłona „sporu o Borowskiego”

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    In this article, I review the history of the “Borowski case” and place special emphasis on the latest dispute over the author of “Pożegnanie z Marią” which broke out between Andrzej Werner and archbishop Tadeusz Życiński. A recapitulation of the most significant features of the contradictory mental traditions of martyrdom literature and Borowski’s prose is followed by a discussion of the discourses from the 1940s. In the subsequent part of the article, I present the dispute over Borowski from the 1970s which accompanied the publication of Ucieczka z kamiennego świata by Tadeusz Drewnowski. Reference has also been made to the reviews from the 1980s by Jan Walec, Anna Łukowska and Małgorzata Dziewulska. A major part of the article has been devoted to the dispute over Tadeusz Borowski’s life choices and works published in 2007 in “Gazeta Wyborcza”. It was a dispute between Tadeusz Życiński who accused Borowski of “hatred of the differently minded” and Andrzej Werner who defended the writer. A moderate statement by Sławomir Buryła shed more light on the dispute; in his text entitled Katoliczka, patriotka, antysemitka (2008) he emphasized Borowski’s radical moralism. In this article, I provide the reason for Życiński’s ostentatious repetition of the seemingly out-of-date arguments against Borowski, I indicate the culture-related context of the archbishop’s opinion (the conservative Polish Catholic hierarchy). It was expressed at a time when a new list of required reading books was being created in 2007: Borowski’s stories from the Auschwitz concentration camp were to be replaced with a novel by Zofia Kossak-Szczucka

    Przekład, adaptacja i granice wyobraźni

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    Translation, Adaptation and the Limits of Imagination The article focuses on three different versions of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland created by the very same Polish translator, Antoni Marianowicz (1924–2003), in the second half of the twentieth century. The paper initially describes his unabridged and frequently reprinted 1955 Polish translation of Alice, then discusses the musical adaptation from 1975, to fi nally concentrate on the third version, i.e. his 1996 translation of a picture book originally published by Disney corporation. The subsequent Polish versions of Alice were published at an interval of almost exactly twenty years, most probably making Marianowicz the only translator who retold Alice’s adventures in Polish at three different points in the twentieth century. The article highlights the distinguishing features of the three Polish Alices, explains what other texts, apart from Carroll’s original, these versions are indebted to, as well as examines the possibilities they offered to the translator and the ways in which they limited the translator’s imagination

    Adaptacje w dobie globalizacji

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    Adaptations in the Globalization Era The article investigates the concept of adaptation in the context of globalization and points to considerable potential of the research on contemporary adaptations, not yet fully realized within translation studies. It provides an overview of several theoretical approaches to the adaptation of children’s literature and presents adaptation from a historical perspective. It then focuses on selected Disney adaptations of Peter Pan published in Poland at the turn of the 20th century. Of special interest in these Disney adaptations are pictures, which are identical in different editions, whereas the accompanying texts differ widely. The visual is thus ‘recycled,’ whereas the texts change in style, the depiction of characters, the use of tenses and culture specifi c items. The article also introduces the category of glocal adaptations, that is, Disney adaptations retold by Polish verbal masters, such as Jeremi Przybora or Jacek Kaczmarski. Though examples of cultural homogenization, these adaptations are partly indigenized by wellknown local fi gures and therefore may be viewed as glocal texts in which the global and the local overla

    Cognitive development and humor processing in children - how knowledge on children’s capacity to detect and interpret humor can suport the translator in the translation process

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    In my article, based on the research carried out by Jean Piaget and Paul McGhee (and others), I would like to focus on how children understand humor at different stages of their psychological development. Such knowledge on developmental psychology can turn out indispensable while translating humor in the literature devoted to children. Younger children will appreciate linguistic humor based on phonological ambiguity as they like playing with sounds. Early school children will recognize ambiguous word meanings and therefore will be able to enjoy semantic dimensions of the humorous texts. The theoretical part of the article will be supported by some examples of translations of wordplays from English into Polish and Portuguese in European and Brazilian versions taken from Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

    Translation in film. Film ‘in translation’ Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland, 2010.

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    The article describes fundamental issues relating to translation problems in the art of moving images (base perspective): subtitles, voiceover in the film, dubbing. It also presents the method of translation of the spoken (dialogues, monologues) and written word (poetry, prose) in selected audiovisual material, Alice in Wonderland by Tim Burton (2010)